#and the scenes between him and steve in vol2 just prove he's attracted to men
Honestly I had no hope for any queer ship especially not byler but I didn't expect them to fuck up every straight ship except Jopper like holy shit.
Not to mention I hate how they went about every character, again the only ones who actually got a happy handing without shitting on their characters development are the Russia gang.
You could argue El/Jane is happy except for Max but her character feels written so wrong to me especially her dynamic with Mike (again idc about Byler this is not why I'm saying this) but it feels almost misogynistic (and amatonomartive) that the only way she can defeat the Great Big Bad is thanks to the influence of the men (who mostly treat her like shit might I add) in her life.
Don't get me started on Nancy and how they butchered her character just bcs of a love triangle that's been dead for ages, like I hate the way they went with Steve's side of the plot but I could still kinda get it bcs they've always put much emphasis on his feelings for Nancy. But her and Jonathan? The way they had her almost throw herself at Steve or at least string him along while Jonathan was in Cali (with her brother btw). You can write complex and interesting female characters without them playing the part of the almost cheater or the heartbreaker yk? Without shoving them into random romantic plot just for what? Steve Harrington eye candy scenes? We could've had that without them making moon eyes at eachother. It feels like a disservice to the whole initial monster Hunters trio's character developments tbh, Steve most of all. Bcs you can't tell me he's grown out of being an highschool asshole and then have him try to get with a girl already in a relationship buddy at least be coherent.
Anyway I won't touch the whole queerbaiting and almost burying your gays stuff bcs I don't have time rn
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