#and the second one saying padme would be better with rush clovis
ladykatakuri · 3 years
Our Dance
Tech x F Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2175
Lyrics used from the song All about us performed by He is We
Summary:“I believe you might have to come to her aid soon. The senator currently trying to keep her attention on him is well known for his more….illustrious desires when it comes to women.” The concern in her eyes immediately urges him to spring to action and before she can even finish her full sentence he is off to the rescue.
Here it is, the Tech fic i was working on. Somehow i had several songs that inspired story idea`s and ofcourse it is with the guys from the Batch and yes i also have something in mind for Omega. Hope you like it and comments / tips are always more then welcome here <3
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It was one of those evenings, once more. A senator had decided that it was time for an early celebration of, well something important on his home world and of course that meant guests, a lot of food and drinks, caterers and guards. Normally not a big problem, any time that you were invited to a party by a good friend you would happily accept and you did, but this evening turned out to be a huge annoyance to you and a strain on your self restraint.
During your time serving food and having nice conversations with people from all layers of society you came to be very fond of the clones you met. The Coruscant Guard became steady customers of the shop where you served caf and breakfast most times and all the others were a steady stream of visitors at 79`s, the bar where you would have evening and night shifts, waiting on tables and just having a good time with your new found friends. But this party? You would be happy to leave and if you could leave after giving some of the politicians there a piece of your mind then all the better!
It began with the senator of Scipio and delegate of the Banking Clan, Rush Clovis, mentioning to another senator he did not see why there should be any consideration for the clones. Their conversation was caught by you as you walked by on your way back to your friend who had invited you in the first place, Padme Amidala, but it was more than enough for you to already hate the man. Unfortunately it was not an uncommon feeling among people with a seat in the senate to think of the clones as nothing more but meat for the grinder. They were created on Kamino to fight in the war effort, and when they died? Well there were more where they came from.
With a slight tremble you move forward, handing out the drink to a friend you found among the guests and had a nice conversation with. In the meantime you knew that several clones were there by special invitation. The senator that was hosting this party wanted to display his power and thought it would be fun to have some of those clones around to have fun with. In this case that fun meant that the guests who wanted to, could either talk to the clones or even dance with them. They were no more than props on display for most of the people there and you hated every second of it. Especially when you realised one of your favorite groups of men were also there. You were about ready to leave the party and grab some sleep when you saw that special group of men, especially one very special, tall, goggled man who had been haunting your daydreams from time to time.
When Tech heard that they were ordered to attend a party he was seriously confused. “They do realise we are considered to be defective clones? Not many senators or other high placed figures would want us around them on purpose.” Rubbing his head he looks at his sargeant and leader, Hunter.
With a deep sigh, Hunter looked at his brother. “Yes Tech, they know. I believe that is exactly why they want us to attend this thing. I suppose there is some ulterior motive to it, but we have to follow this order in any case. So, suit up and be on your best behavior.” The last sentence has the sarge glance at the two most troublesome of his brothers, Wrecker and Crosshair. They were the least likely to really behave, but that was a concern for later.
Tech felt uncomfortable in his black suit, but orders were orders in this case and at least Senator Amidala had been kind enough to start a conversation with him and Echo. Both were surprised at her kindness and how she was genuinely interested in their feelings about the war. Echo had stopped him from rambling about the war too much by pointing out the one person he knew would draw more attention than anyone else in the room.
Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance
I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down
Would you let me lead? You can step on my feet
Give it a try, it'll be alright
For a moment it seemed as if there was only one person in the entire room, and that person was you. Tech looked in the direction Echo pointed at and there you were, walking around greeting and conversing with some of the guests in the room and looking picture perfect while doing so. A string of hair escaped your ponytail and the annoyed glance aimed at one of the senators only made you seem more beautiful. Looking at the senator that seemed to have annoyed you so much, he immediately understood why you seemed ready to hit the man with your fist. Senator Clovis was known to be ruthless when it came to clones and clone rights. When asked, he would always say the exact same thing, “Clones are mere tools in the warmachine. A cog perhaps. They are easily replaced and so, we have no need to mourn the loss of any of them. I see no reason why we would even have to spend any credits on the recovery of the wounded.”
A small grin formed on his lips as he watched you stalk away from the man and move to stand somewhere calm and quiet. Senator Amidala, still in conversation with Echo noticed the slight change in attitude as his eyes followed you around the room. “If you pardon my intrusion, Tech is it?” Her hand taps his arm as she turns to speak to him.
Tech looks at the senator as he answers. “It is indeed, senator. How may I help you?”
Amidala looks at the man currently shifting attention between her and the woman he keeps an eye on as she moves around the room. “I believe you might have to come to her aid soon. The senator currently trying to keep her attention on him is well known for his more….illustrious desires when it comes to women.” The concern in her eyes immediately urges him to spring to action and before she can even finish her full sentence he is off to the rescue.
You know that the man currently speaking to you as if you are just another nobody, who is lucky enough to have been invited to work the celebration taking place is also the same man who not only is a senator, but also well known for demanding personal time with all female personnel and even demanded coruscant guards to remove some women he has used when they became too much of a bother to him afterwards. This time he seems to have set his eyes on you and you are just not having it. “Senator, I must return to my friend now. I apologize for cutting this wonderful conversation short, but if I do not at least spend some time with Senator Amidala this evening, I would be a poor and ungrateful friend.” Though you smile it is obvious even to the senator you only mean the polite refusal to continue the conversation, as much as you refused to dance with him.
“I know you're nothing important in the senate, just a person that Amidala befriended from the lower regions of this planet. You will dance with me, because any offer such as this from the likes of me is an honor and then we will continue our conversation in private.” Just when he reaches for your hand to drag you back, your hand is taken by another man.
As fast as he managed to take your hand before the senator, Tech took the drink from your hand and gave it to another waiter nearby. His arm is already snaked around your waist as he turns you around and walks you to the middle of the room. “I believe you agreed to give me the first dance once you finished your round in the room Y/N. I noticed you were on your way back , so I suggest we make the best of it.
Surprise and gratitude quickly appear and leave your eyes as you smile at the man guiding you away. “Thank you Tech. I almost lost track of time.” The blush on your cheeks as you feel him turn you around to face him brightens when you take him in once more. He looks absolutely dashing in his black suit and light blue dress shirt.
The room's hush hush and now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right
The orchestra plays a slow song as Tech gently moves the two of you around the room. Despite his tall figure and the appearance of a soldier most times, he is absolutely graceful as he leads you in your dance. His hand, warm on the small of your back presses you closer to him while he softly squeezes the hand he holds. Leaning in closer to you his lips almost brush your ears as he whispers. “It seems you needed a rescue. Though from the look you gave that senator, it is highly probable I actually rescued him.” His low chuckle sends a shiver down your spine as he straightens out and swirls you around. “I shall thank Senator Amidala for warning me in time.”
Amidala, your friend. A senator who usually makes her way through all the layers of society and who does her best to help all people. She even spoke to you about clone rights and how to see to it that they would be treated more decently, after she found out that you were one of the people who were strong advocates for clone rights. Soon after that, the two of you struck up a friendship based on mutual respect. She invited you to this evening because of your shared passion for the rights of clones and your contact with many of these men. She felt it might make them feel at ease, seeing a friendly face in the crowd.
Grinning you look up into the brown, bespectacled eyes of your hero of the evening. “I will thank her for sending me a hero.”
The music stops and you are ready to step away from Tech so that he can walk back to his brothers. Tech however is not moving an inch and he is not letting go of your hand. Pulling you back in at the same moment another song is started, Tech gently guides you in another dance.
“You know, people will stare at us. They might even start to talk about us.” A gentle blush on your cheeks, you whisper to him.
'Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight's shining
It's all about us
It's oh, oh, all
About uh, uh, us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling you never felt dry
It's oh, oh, all about us
Tech has always been kind to you from the moment you met. His brothers, all with their own sense of humor and fun way of flirting quickly became good friends of yours. Tech as well, though you also developed a crush on him rather fast. His fast knowledge of pretty much everything and witty remarks only served to make you fall harder for the man. And now here you were in his arms, dancing to beautiful music, still a little insecure on whether or not you should let him know how you feel.
Without paying any attention to the room, Tech moves the two of you a bit more to the edges of the room. No longer swirling around with all the other couples on the floor, the two of you softly sway on the sidelines. Still in a warm embrace of his arm around you and his hand softly holding yours, he looks down at you and smiles. “People always find reasons to talk about others. It is in their nature to try and find common ground so as to divert attention from themselves at such events.”
You sigh softly and move the hand that was resting on his shoulder all this time to his face. Carefully brushing his cheek. “You could just tell me to let them watch you know?”
A chuckle escapes him as he leans in to you and his lips brush yours. “It's all about us anyway.
When he moves back, he pulls you in closer against him, your head against his chest, his arms around you as you keep swaying to the music. Nobody else in the room exists at that moment, but the two of you.
“All about us.” you whisper, a promise for the rest of the evening and all the days still to come.
@loth-wolffe @catbustours @reluctant-mandalore @nahoney22 @hellothere-generalangsty @allamarisss
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padme-amitabha · 4 years
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who likes prequel Padmé more than Clone wars Padmé! Clone wars Anakin gets a lot of criticism (that is deserved), but everyone ignores Padme's terrible characterization. Like, where’d all her warmth go? Why in the world would she ignore her husband's feeling about Clovis a SECOND TIME, when the first time she did she got poisoned, and this time her handmaiden died? Why is she so quick to fight? Why so dismissive of Jar Jar? Who the heck is this person?
Exactly. It’s so sad TCW Padme is treated as the definitive Padme. To put it simply, TCW and canon Padme is condescending, a hypocrite and she’s all about her work. Not saying Padme wasn’t dedicated to her work in the movies but she specifically got into politics to help people. From ROTS novelization, you can see her emotions cloud her judgment multiple times. TCW Padme is the type to divorce Anakin and she would never put up with him. She was also giving mixed signals to Clovis which really annoyed me. I can’t imagine this Padme rushing to Mustafar to change Anakin’s mind. She really isn’t the same person and yet most of the fandom treats her as the better version. 
Padme in the movies was very much like Anakin - part of the reason why she fell for Anakin was because she felt trapped by duty just as much as Anakin. Changing her reckless and romantic side is taking away a fundamental part of her character. 
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wingletblackbird · 7 years
When did Padme Come to Coruscant? Why Does it Matter?
The only thing we know, in canon, is what Padme tells us, and that is limited to two throwaway lines. The first is that she hasn’t “worked for over a year” against the Military Creation Act not to be there “when its fate is decided.” The second is that, after her second term as Queen, she was asked to become a Senator and that she “couldn’t refuse.” In that case, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Padme had just been elected in Phantom Menace and she served two terms as Queen. Find out how long those terms were, and we’ll have an estimate, right?
Well, according to Legends, the length of the terms was four years each. (How…unimaginative, but never mind. That belongs to another post.) What is not elaborated on is if that is Nabooan years or standard years. If it is Nabooan years than that would be 312 times 8 which equals 2,496 days. Divide that by 368, to get a standard year, and you have 6.8 years..so basically 7. Now if those are standard years already, that’s 8 years. Either way, it fits the “worked for over a year quote.” By the time Attack of the Clones comes around, she’s been on Coruscant for two to three standard years.
If this is true, however, she has been on the same planet as Anakin for the better part of three years. Moreover, he would certainly have been aware of it. There’s no way that Padme, the former Queen Amidala, whose last arrival in Coruscant 7-8 years previous had caused such an upheaval, was not talked about or splashed all over the HoloNet. Even if it wasn’t though, Anakin had frequent meetings with Palpatine and I would have been shocked if Palpatine hadn’t mentioned it in a sly manner. The point is, one way or another, Anakin knew for 2-3 years, that Padme was on Coruscant and very close by. However, if Attack of the Clones were true…he never dropped by to see her. Ever. Why?
This makes no sense to me. I suppose Anakin could have had a deployment that lasted a couple of years…maybe. If that were true though, then Mace Windu wouldn’t be saying that “they’ve just got back from a border dispute on Ansion.” That’s an everyday sort of mission. They’re clearly stationed on Coruscant. Of course, Padme has been gone for a couple of months to confer with her constituents over the vote, but that wouldn’t have been more than a month or two. Did they just miss each other? No, that just doesn’t sit right, Anakin might have been kept away for a year or so from Coruscant after Padme arrived, but he was stationed on Coruscant and living there for at least a year before AotC. A deployment wouldn’t last more than two years, at the very most, and Padme has been on Coruscant for three. (Since it makes no sense that the terms would be in standard years rather than Nabooan ones, so 10-7=3.) They must have had a few months that over-lapped at the very, very least. Yet Anakin says. “I haven’t seen her in ten years, Master.”
I struggle to believe that. Therefore, here is my headcanon.
Anakin hears about Padme’s arrival on Coruscant and is overwhelmed by the thought of it. She’s been faraway for so long, and now she seems so close, even if she’s still so out of reach. What should he do? Does she remember him? How should he approach her? He decides to settle on the simple and goes to visit Palpatine. While he’s there, he drops Padme’s name into the conversation, and, not for the first time, Palpatine picks up on this and comments on how very busy the new Senator is, but it just so happens that he’s meeting her in two days to welcome her. He just can’t wait to meet his old prodigy and queen. He waxes poetic for awhile and Anakin takes it all in. On Palpatine’s end, it’s bait to get Anakin frustrated at the Jedi Order and with the Jedi Code because of his desire for Padme. For Anakin , of course, this is his big chance. He’s eighteen/nineteen now, a grown man, she can’t tell him he’s too young. He’s young, but he’s legal.
Anakin goes to visit Palpatine shortly before Padme’s scheduled appointment. He plans it so that he can walk out and show her how cool he is, look at him all friendly with the chancellor, and “Oh! Hey, Padme, what a coincidence! Fancy seeing you here! How are you doing?” The “we haven’t seen each other in so long” meeting happens like in AotC, and, before she dashes away to her meeting, he wrangles an invitation from her to “drop by sometime and catch up.”
This leads to a few month long, intense, best-friendship which is terminated by Padme, because the chemistry between them became impossible to ignore. Anakin tells her they have four choices ahead of them. 1. He leaves the Order for her. 2. He doesn’t leave the Order and they keep it a secret. 3. They stay friends. 4. They never see each other again. Padme chooses option four. Anakin is devastated but abides by her wishes. She does not tell him that she only chose that option because she cannot see how they could ever be “just friends.”
So, a year passes, and Anakin is heart-broken, but trying to get on with it, and Padme is throwing herself into her work more than ever much to her family and friends’ dismay. She has next to no social life because she’s just. not. interested. It seems terribly wrong somehow to even entertain the thought of being with anyone other than Anakin. If he must sacrifice for the Republic, than so must she. She’d tried with Rush Clovis, mostly to appease her friends and relations, but truth is, he just wasn’t Anakin. Then, the assassination attempt happens, and Palpatine thinks this is a great chance to twist the knife in Anakin’s heart so he devises a means of placing them together. Of course, Skywalker should be assigned to protect you!
This is another reason why Padme protests. Surely, if they’ve just gotten back from Ansion, they need their rest. She’s honestly not sure she can take seeing Anakin again. This is also why Anakin’s so nervous in the elevator. He hasn’t seen her in a year and he has no idea how this will end after the way they parted. It wasn’t his idea to be assigned to her, although he can’t quite bring himself to be upset by it, but what if she blames him? Palpatine is his friend after all. What if she thinks he orchestrated it?
Then, you get the standard Attack of the Clones story with the added background to the relationship and extra drama/tension. You also get a wedding that makes more sense because Padme and Anakin have known each other for longer than three days, thank you, and Padme just couldn’t watch him walk away twice, especially to war.
The End.
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calyssmarviss · 7 years
Calyss Watches the Clone Wars -29
Hello, fancy meeting you here *wiggle eyebrows* .
So anyway, tonight I’m watching 02x04 - Senate Spy (32CO) and this title let me think that there is good stuff ahead.
"The Jedi council suspects that Senator Rush Clovis is secretly taking part in a separatist conspiracy."
Rush Clovis? Isn't he Padmé's ex or something?
"But to find out what the Senator from Scipio is up to, the council will need a spy of its own. Meanwhile, Jedi Anakin Skywalker has been away from Coruscant on a lengthy tour of duty leading the clone army."
Intro Dude knows waaay to much:
"Now Anakin returns for a long-awaited reunion with his wife, Padmé Amidala."
Hey wait!
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See those subtitles? Well they’re probably the best translation possible for that sentence. But the meaning isn’t exactly the same. At least I don’t think so. If I only had the subtitles and had to guess what was the original version I would say "A faithful heart should never be doubted.” When I read "true heart", do you know what I think about? I think about a hero. "Only the true of heart can do this". I think of a personality as a whole. But this translation and the 40 seconds that follow and that maybe wrong memory I have of having read on Wookipedia that Clovis and Padmé used to date (or something) make me think that Anakin will suspect Padmé is cheating on him and she's gonna be like "dude I've got the truest heart in the Galaxy how dare you doubt me?!"
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Okay he actually said “I brought dinner” but  we can see Padmé’s ribcage so whatever they plan to eat, girl probably needs pizza more than anything else.
Anakin: "I had to hitch a ride on a cargo freighter." Padmé: "What happened to your military transport?" Anakin: "It blew up."
Has anyone ever counted how many of the ships Anakin was in (or about to go in) did blow up? Should I start counting? I think I’m gonna do that and come back later to the episodes I’ve already seen.
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Ow they’re cute.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan:
Plot twist: 
Obi-Wan will suspect Anakin is cheating on him and he's gonna be like "dude I've got the truest heart in the Galaxy how dare you doubt me?!"
Lmao Anakin saying to Padmé that duty comes first. Wasn’t he the one to tell her “screw duty let’s marry”?
Windu: "We chose Senator Amidala because she and Clovis entered the Senate in the same year. They served on the same committees. They were good friends." Anakin: "I didn't know that." Obi-Wan:
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Yoda: "Personal matters for the Senator, these are. Know them, why would you?"
Anakin is so bad at the whole secrete relationship thing, no wonder even Intro Dude knows about it.
She’s still pissed he had to go to the Council after ignoring them for super long??? You gotta chill girl you are in a secrete relationship with the Chosen One you are at war and dude’s got responsibilities god dammit.
I’m... Confused. By this conversation:
Padmé: I don't want to spy on a colleague and an old friend. Anakin: "Old friend". How well do you know Clovis? Padmé: Why does that matter? That was before we were together. Anakin: I am just trying to get a sense of who this guy is. I'll need to brief whoever does end up spying on him. Padmé: I thought you were here to talk me into becoming an agent for the Jedi. Anakin: That is not a job for you. I don't agree with the council on this. If Clovis is involved in a separatist conspiracy the last place you should be is anywhere near him. Padmé: Clovis is conspiring with the Separatists? Yoda didn't tell me that. I can't believe Clovis would do that. This is terrible.I never expected that from him. Someone has to find out the truth. Anakin: Someone does. Just not you. Padmé: Why not me? Anakin: Because it's going to be dangerous. Whoever takes this mission will be putting their life at risk. Padmé: I've been in many tough situations before. It never seemed to bother you. I never stopped you from facing danger. You're constantly getting shot at. Anakin: I've been trained for that. It's very different from spying on a traitor. Padmé: You mean I can't handle the mission. Anakin: I mean I'm not gonna let you do it. Padmé: You're not going to let me? It's not your decision to make. It's mine. Anakin: Lucky for us, you've already decided to refuse. Padmé: Actually, I just changed my mind. You've convinced me that it's vital to learn what Clovis is doing. I accept the mission to spy on him. Anakin: Even though I'm telling you not to? Padmé: Don't take it personally, Anakin. Duty comes first, especially in wartime.
I thought at first he was trying to get her to agree but he really doesn’t seem happy about it by the end? I mean he’s just antagonizing her by saying she can’t handle it and telling her what to (not) do. And maybe he’s jealous and worried but he also knows her? He knows she probably is really the best suited  for the job and she dislike being ordered around. So really it would have made sense if it was to convince her to accept but then he does this face:
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And it seems that he’s really in an assholish jealous controlling mood? (aka RotS!Anakin) Because if he had had what he wanted (even if that means his wife is gonna be in prolonged contact with that dude) he would have just rolled his eyes at her using his words about him and would have gone his merry way like, “mission accomplish, see you when you're in a better mood”.
Moving on.
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I know the Masters on the Councils have their designated chair but that is a bit ridiculous.
So he is her ex!
This is kinda funny to watch when you have shipper goggles on because Obi-Wan's like "Good. The closer you can get to him, the better," (Actually, not "like". Those are his exact words.) and I automatically translate it to: “Good. Go back to your ex.”
Plot twist:
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R2-D2 will suspect C3-PO is cheating on him (with this droid in pink) and he's gonna be like "dude I've got the truest heart in the Galaxy how dare you doubt me?!"
Padmé: "It's been good to see you again, Clovis. I didn't realize how lonely I was until tonight."
And I know, I know, she has to get close to him but goddamm did she ever heard about subtlety? Do I have to once again breach the barriers of reality to go teach the art of keeping men at arms length to Padmé Amidala? (I’m not particularly proud of it but it’s something I did a few time because... I’m not a good person? I suppose? And, really, it’s not that complicated?) If she doesn’t want him to make a move on her too soon she’s got to make him doubt. If he’s too sure of himself and does make a move she’s gonna have to reject him (because she won’t really cheat on Anakin, even for the mission). And if she rejects him, this is over.
After all this was a terrible idea. She’s gonna fuck up, because her only experiences are with that guy and Anakin and we all know how it went down with Anakin.
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Also how many time has passed since the beginning of the episode? She’s still wearing the same clothes. I thought she had unlimited wardrobe or something?
Clovis: “Now let me take you back to your room so you can get dressed for dinner.”
See? Even him think you should change.
But she could have chosen something a bit more credible than that gravity defying dress:
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Sceds above, his password is “Padmé”. Creep alert on!
Why is C3-PO so self centered?
So actually she didn’t really fucked up because she passed out before she could but one minute more and she would either had made out with him or hit him.
And apparently Anakin “never” doubted her but the fact that she thought he would tells a lot about their relationship.
 Wow I thought it would be politics and spy stuff but it was actually just about Anakin and Padmé and the question of trust in a couple. What a fucking misleading title.
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meta-shadowsong · 5 years
mousedetective asked: Star Wars for the fandom thing?
As a note before I get started–I was technically in this fandom (to the point of writing fic for it even) when the prequel trilogy was in the process of coming out and I was in middle/early high school, then fell out of the fandom for reasons I only vaguely recall, and got drawn back in by TFA. So some of my answers will reflect that earlier period, and some of them will be just focused on since coming back since I don’t remember all the thoughts/feelings I had way back when.
the first character i ever fell in love with: …probably Padme? I legit do not remember, even for the more recent time around, but that sounds right for the first one.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Qui-Gon. He tends to come across as a self-righteous jerk to me a lot of the time. There’s been a couple pieces (mostly fanworks, mostly where he’s supporting cast) where that’s softened, but generally I’m not a fan.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Shmi/Qui-Gon. See above. I definitely remember shipping them in my first fandom experience, but now I feel that she deserves better.
my ultimate favorite character™: …frick, I can’t choose, there are too many. Like, even if I limit myself to one time period/series, it’s hard. I mean, most of the PT/TCW primary characters are up there and I straight-up can’t choose, but special mentions would probably go to the Trio and Ahsoka and Ventress and Bail. For Rebels, Sabine and Hera and Kallus, OT era probably Leia and Lando, ST Leia again and Rose and the Trio…if we’re including Legends I have to throw in Pellaeon and Mara Jade and Darth Zannah and… ….uh. Yeah. You see my problem here.
prettiest character: Another hard one. Um. Padme, probably, for the ladies. For the gentlemen, Anakin or Poe.
my most hated character: Again, I’m not sure? I mean I’ll probably go with Qui-Gon by default since, again, not a fan, but even then, I’m not sure ‘hated’ is the right word? Probably ‘least liked’ would be better, tbh. Wait, I just remembered Rush Clovis. Dude makes my skin crawl.
my OTP: Anidala, ObiAniDala, or Kalluzeb. …yay, a question I can actually answer in a reasonable number of words! lol.
my NOTP: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan. Didn’t even have to think for that one. I mean, there are other pairings that I dislike nearly as much but that’s the kneejerk hard-no for me.
favorite episode: …lord. Uh. Again, we probably have to break it down by era and again I’d probably have multiples for most of these, especially since a lot of the time my favorite/what I’d seek out to watch depends on my mood, y’know? But…I will just limit it to Rebels because that is what I’ve watched most recently and what has the clearest answer because Zero Hour.
saddest death: This is also kind of a hard one, but honestly the three that jump to mind most are either of Ahsoka’s (even though they were both temporary, they still get to me and the second one is why I didn’t start watching Rebels until this past year because I knew I’d need a watching buddy to get through it and the person I was watching with we were still finishing up TCW) and Obi-Wan’s fake death in the Rako Hardeen arc. …yep, those beat out all the permadeaths. Not sure what that says about me…
favorite season: Broadening this to ‘era’ and saying PT/TCW era.
least favorite season: Again broadening to ‘era’ and going to say ST. BUT let me be clear, my feelings on the subject are along the lines of “here are three adorable playful puppies but you only have the resources to take two home and take care of them properly and the third will also go to a happy loving home where they will be played with and adored as they deserve.”
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Honestly, I don’t know? The nice thing about a fandom the size of Star Wars is that it’s actually pretty easy to curate my experience, so I’m less aware of who Everyone Loves/Everyone Hates. But I’ll probably list Qui-Gon, even though, as above, ‘most dislike’ would be a better term than ‘hate.’ Because I know that he has a lot of fans.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Anakin or Kallus. Yay, another short answer!
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Hm. Finn or Rose probably. Oh, or Bail. …look, most of my faves, I wouldn’t really call cinnamon rolls. Even Padme, who comes fairly close, because, uh, anyone who says “meet me at the docks at midnight and bring a gun” is probably not a cinnamon roll. (I would probably assign her the “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you” line of that meme. …granted I have zero clue how I would fill in the rest and she would also have stiff competition there but still.)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: ….I don’t know that I have one? Not in this fandom, anyway. Outside of certain AUs. Like, even what I would call my most crackship rarepair that doesn’t involve an OC, while probably super destructive, (definitely externally and possibly internally) wouldn’t fall under this particular description. (It’s Bo-Katan/Ventress, if you’re curious.)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Most canon endgame pairings except Anidala and Kalluzeb, tbh (….for varying definitions of ‘cute’). Pretty much anyone you could possibly pair with Obi-Wan (except, again, Qui-Gon or ObiAniDala, for complete opposite reasons). Most Ahsoka pairings (except Anisoka which while not as strong as Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan is still a pretty hard no for me). Various combinations of the ST Trio and Rose. Leia/Amilyn and Han/Lando as backstory/non-endgame pairings.
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shadowsong26x · 6 years
Star Wars for the fandom thing?
As a note before I get started–I was technically in this fandom (to the point of writing fic for it even) when the prequel trilogy was in the process of coming out and I was in middle/early high school, then fell out of the fandom for reasons I only vaguely recall, and got drawn back in by TFA. So some of my answers will reflect that earlier period, and some of them will be just focused on since coming back since I don’t remember all the thoughts/feelings I had way back when.
the first character i ever fell in love with:…probably Padme? I legit do not remember, even for the more recent time around, but that sounds right for the first one.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:Qui-Gon. He tends to come across as a self-righteous jerk to me a lot of the time. There’s been a couple pieces (mostly fanworks, mostly where he’s supporting cast) where that’s softened, but generally I’m not a fan.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:Shmi/Qui-Gon. See above. I definitely remember shipping them in my first fandom experience, but now I feel that she deserves better.
my ultimate favorite character™:…frick, I can’t choose, there are too many. Like, even if I limit myself to one time period/series, it’s hard. I mean, most of the PT/TCW primary characters are up there and I straight-up can’t choose, but special mentions would probably go to the Trio and Ahsoka and Ventress and Bail. For Rebels, Sabine and Hera and Kallus, OT era probably Leia and Lando, ST Leia again and Rose and the Trio…if we’re including Legends I have to throw in Pellaeon and Mara Jade and Darth Zannah and…….uh. Yeah. You see my problem here.
prettiest character:Another hard one. Um. Padme, probably, for the ladies. For the gentlemen, Anakin or Poe.
my most hated character:Again, I’m not sure? I mean I’ll probably go with Qui-Gon by default since, again, not a fan, but even then, I’m not sure ‘hated’ is the right word? Probably ‘least liked’ would be better, tbh. Wait, I just remembered Rush Clovis. Dude makes my skin crawl.
my OTP:Anidala, ObiAniDala, or Kalluzeb. …yay, a question I can actually answer in a reasonable number of words! lol.
my NOTP:Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan. Didn’t even have to think for that one. I mean, there are other pairings that I dislike nearly as much but that’s the kneejerk hard-no for me.
favorite episode:…lord. Uh. Again, we probably have to break it down by era and again I’d probably have multiples for most of these, especially since a lot of the time my favorite/what I’d seek out to watch depends on my mood, y’know? But…I will just limit it to Rebels because that is what I’ve watched most recently and what has the clearest answer because Zero Hour.
saddest death:This is also kind of a hard one, but honestly the three that jump to mind most are either of Ahsoka’s (even though they were both temporary, they still get to me and the second one is why I didn’t start watching Rebels until this past year because I knew I’d need a watching buddy to get through it and the person I was watching with we were still finishing up TCW) and Obi-Wan’s fake death in the Rako Hardeen arc. …yep, those beat out all the permadeaths. Not sure what that says about me…
favorite season:Broadening this to ‘era’ and saying PT/TCW era.
least favorite season:Again broadening to ‘era’ and going to say ST. BUT let me be clear, my feelings on the subject are along the lines of “here are three adorable playful puppies but you only have the resources to take two home and take care of them properly and the third will also go to a happy loving home where they will be played with and adored as they deserve.”
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:Honestly, I don’t know? The nice thing about a fandom the size of Star Wars is that it’s actually pretty easy to curate my experience, so I’m less aware of who Everyone Loves/Everyone Hates. But I’ll probably list Qui-Gon, even though, as above, ‘most dislike’ would be a better term than ‘hate.’ Because I know that he has a lot of fans.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:Anakin or Kallus. Yay, another short answer!
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:Hm. Finn or Rose probably. Oh, or Bail. …look, most of my faves, I wouldn’t really call cinnamon rolls. Even Padme, who comes fairly close, because, uh, anyone who says “meet me at the docks at midnight and bring a gun” is probably not a cinnamon roll. (I would probably assign her the “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you” line of that meme. …granted I have zero clue how I would fill in the rest and she would also have stiff competition there but still.)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:….I don’t know that I have one? Not in this fandom, anyway. Outside of certain AUs. Like, even what I would call my most crackship rarepair that doesn’t involve an OC, while probably super destructive, (definitely externally and possibly internally) wouldn’t fall under this particular description. (It’s Bo-Katan/Ventress, if you’re curious.)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:Most canon endgame pairings except Anidala and Kalluzeb, tbh (….for varying definitions of ‘cute’). Pretty much anyone you could possibly pair with Obi-Wan (except, again, Qui-Gon or ObiAniDala, for complete opposite reasons). Most Ahsoka pairings (except Anisoka which while not as strong as Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan is still a pretty hard no for me). Various combinations of the ST Trio and Rose. Leia/Amilyn and Han/Lando as backstory/non-endgame pairings.
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