#and the teachers MET with my MOTHER to be like 'jessica is writing terrifying things and has no friends' and my mom said 'And??'
daydadahlias · 1 year
i always think it's crazy how, as a child, i was definitely on track to becoming a serial killer but then one day i just decided not to be
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kristenswig · 5 years
Best Adapted Screenplay 2019
Transit - Christian Petzold, based on the novel of the same name by Anna Seghers
- What draws you to Mexico?  What will you live from? - I’ll try to practice a trade. - What trade would that be? - Radio and TV technician. - You don’t want to write about all this? - No. - But it’s what writers do. - When I was a small boy, I often went on school outings.  Some were great.  But unfortunately the next day our teacher would have us write an essay: “Our School Trip.”  And after the holidays there was always an essay: “What I Did on Holiday.”  Or “The Best Part of the Holidays.”  And even after Christmas, the presents and festivities, there’d always be the essay: “My Christmas.”  At some point it felt like I was experiencing it all just to write a school essay about it.  And for all the writers who were with me in the camps, all the terrifying and horrific events were only materials for their writing.  The camp.  The escape.  Death.  The war.  I won’t be writing any more school essays.
Atlantics - Mati Diop and Olivier Demangel, based on the short film Atlantiques by Mati Diop
- I knew you’d be back.  It could only be you.  I’ll always taste the salt of your body in the sweat of mine. - I saw you in the enormous wave which consumed us.  All I saw was your eyes and your tears.  I felt your weeping dragging me to the shore.  Your eyes never left me.  They were with me, within me.  Pouring their light into the depths.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood - Micah Fitzerman-Blue, Noah Harpster, based on the article “Can You Say ... Hero?” by Tom Junod
- You a vegetarian? - I just can’t imagine eating anything with a mother. - Bill was right.  You love people like me. - What are people like you?  I’ve never met anyone like n my entire life. - Broken people. - I don’t think you are broken.  I know you are a man of conviction, a person who knows what is wrong and what is right...Try to remember that your relationship with your father also helped to shape those parts.  He helped you become who you are  Would you do something with me Lloyd?  A little exercise I like to do sometimes.  We’ll take a minute and think about all the people who...loved us into being. - They will come to you...Just one minute of silence.
An Elephant Sitting Still - Hu Bo, based on his short story of the same name and his novella, Big Crack
- You didn’t have to end up the same way I did. - You don’t get it. - Get what? - They’re afraid of me.  Most people won’t feel this proud throughout their lives. - You made it.  They’re all afraid of you.  You’re a hero.  Go. - You’re all going to hell.
Hustlers - Lorene Scafaria, based on the article “The Hustlers at Scores: The Ex-Strippers Who Stole From (Mostly) Rich Men and Gave to, Well, Themselves” by Jessica Pressler
- So...whose idea was it to start drugging them? - Is that what you’re hung up on? - ...it’s hard not to be. - What’s your name again? -  Elizabeth. - Did you grow up with money, Elizabeth? - We were...comfortable. - Right.  What’d your parents do? - My dad was a journalist.  And my mom’s a psychiatrist. - Where’d you go to school? - Brown.  For undergrad. - What would you do for a thousand dollars?
Share - Pippa Bianco, based on her short film of the same name
- Do you blame me? - Blame you?  Honey I could never blame you. - And Dad? - Not him, either.  You have to remember it’s different for him.  He thinks this is not normal.  I knew things like this happen.  I know things like this happen to someone every minute of every day.  And I know they happen here...but he didn’t know that.  Because he didn’t have to.  So I knew exactly what to do and I knew I could do that for you.  You know and things are different.  You were lucky in all the ways you were unlucky ‘cause there is proof and people could see it.  People are typing it up for you to read.  So I knew exactly what to do.  But...I’m not so sure.  I’m not sure if this is right.  I’m not sure, if what we’re in is...if it’s better at all, I don’t... - It will be. - I hope so.
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