#and i felt no remorse
daydadahlias · 1 year
i always think it's crazy how, as a child, i was definitely on track to becoming a serial killer but then one day i just decided not to be
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a2zillustration · 9 months
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I'm a little worried we're not going to get bingo by the time we save Faerun fam
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skywalkr-nberrie · 2 months
Suggesting that Anakin’s love for Padmé was “conditional” doesn’t fit right when you know he continues to love her just as intensely and feel extreme guilt and remorse over what HE did to her for the entirety of his life.
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c6jpg · 3 months
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Hunters fight not for fame, but to aid the people whenever they are summoned.
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betryl · 8 months
Honestly Henry did commit horrible and inexcusable and unforgivable acts but it doesn't mean that every single thing he ever did for the entire book had to be out of ill intent.
He didn't save Richard during Winter to get him to trust him, he saved him because Richard was his friend he found freezing to death in an attic. He wasn't manipulating Camilla, he loved her and was trying to protect her and prevent her abusive brother from hurting her any more. He killed himself for a lot of different reasons but one of them was that it really was the only remaining way he could find to get everyone out of trouble and make things somewhat right again.
He surely was detached, and while he generally didn't feel as strongly as other people and even suppressed his own emotions to try and always be as rational as possible, it's not like he was completely incapable of feeling anything at all. In his own aloof way, he did care for them. I think that it's really the fact that despite everything there was some good in all of them that makes them so compelling, Henry included.
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stygianoaths · 2 years
There are times where I wonder if Luke asked Dionysus to cure his mother, you know, what with Dionysus being the god of madness.
I like to believe that Luke had offered to steal the best bottle of wine there is to be stolen in the world, a solemn promise from the son of Hermes.
"No one would know," he whispered earnestly.
Not even the gods.
And maybe Dionysus had laughed at the idea, no matter how intriguing it was, because of course a demigod of mere fifteen would be so bold yet naive to strike deals with gods so much bigger than he. He shut the child down on the spot. He wouldn't fall for such nonsense.
"And risk my father's wrath? You mock me," he drawled. He had made it a point to omit the fact he was not going to tamper with his uncle's curse either. It was off-limits after all, just like that troublesome nymph. He flicked the dirt from his nails, ignoring the way Luke shook on the spot.
"Well? If that's all you better get going, Lucius," he had said.
And Luke's wrath bubbled over in return.
"What good are you gods for, if you won't help us? You're so useless," he scoffed.
Dionysus's eyes lit up in purple at the jab and he got up from his chair. The ground shook as vines broke through the earth. Something felt off yet familiar with the way Luke did not cower at the display of power. Tch, heroes and their bravado.
"We gods do not owe you mortals anything."
"Yes, you do?" Luke retorted with incredulity, dragging a chair to the side as he inched on Dionysus, uncaring of the purple flames that had begun to circle them, the vines that were dangerously close to tugging him by the ankle.
"You owe your entire existence to humanity! We wrote your stories and remembered you! We fought your battles and we died for you!"
"And?" Dionysus laughed, though there was no humor behind it, "I don't care. You can come up with a thousand sob stories, Luis, and I still won't care. I've seen it all and it's all the same. You demigods are nothing but mayflies, destined to die early since the day you were born."
That seemed to silence the boy.
"Of course, I'll make sure to tell all of that to Castor and Pollux. I'll tell them Pops doesn't give a damn if they die now or later, because apparently it doesn't matter anyways. Tell them how he knew what demigod life would be like for them and still went ahead and brought them into this world anyways."
Or not.
"Take their names out of your mouth, boy," Dionysus warned, vines seizing at Luke's wrists and knees.
"Or what? You're gonna drive me insane just like Mom?"
Dionysus wanted to tell him that he was pretty much halfway there, with the way Luke wore that look of hysteria that bordered on madness. It was so faint yet tangible all the same. Dionysus wanted to push the kid to the limit, see him snap.
"Oh, but that would be too easy!" he sneers, "no, I was thinking more of that little sister of yours you so adore, Annie Bell, her name was? Yes, yes I think madness would look absolutely delicious on a daughter of Athena."
There was absolutely nothing to back up that threat, but it seemed to hit the mark.
Luke had crumpled completely, like something hit him hard in the stomach. Dionysus's lips twitched up in victory. If the boy wanted to play dirty and mention family, then it was only fair he would too.
"Fuck you," Luke whispered, tears cornering in his eyes.
Before the god could act on his threat, however, the sound of trotting hooves nearing towards the Big House made their way through the windows.
Dionysus sighed, raising a hand to release the vines' hold on Luke. He did not want to listen to Chiron's lecture on how threatening the lives of demigods isn't "Camp Director" like.
Luke, on the other hand, slammed the door behind him, scaring off the harpies perched on the roof of the Big House. Dionysus had half a mind to choke the kid with grapevines for the act of insolence.
Chiron came through that same door, placing a hand on the side of it while he looked backwards.
"With that anger, he will get himself killed too early," he murmured with concern. Dionysus snorted, letting the vines return to the soil, the flames around him dying down.
"They all do."
Oh, how he would eat those words, watching Castor's shroud burn.
He was too young. Too young.
A nagging voice reminds him that so was Luke. So was Thalia. So was Annabeth. So was Percy. So was Nico. So was nearly everyone that huddled around the pyres, holding each other and sobbing. Gods, they were crying. War was never kind.
Even that daughter of Ares, who would rather be caught dead than vulnerable, let slip a few tears, and her hissed out "are you happy now?" as she shoved herself past the god of wine will haunt him for millenias to come.
If only he had tried to save May Castellan, given her back to Hermes the way he was supposed to, maybe his son would be standing here with him and watching the pyres light up the night.
Instead, all he could do was listen to Pollux's hysterical screams while Hermes pulls Castor up by the hand, taking the newly deceased to a place where Dionysus can no longer follow.
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lucreziagiovane · 1 year
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The Borgia brothers + staring at each other "You loved him once. You must love him again."
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magistius · 2 months
they did nothing wrong [said with understanding that they are a nuianced character but that theyre villainized to hell and back and you stand in support]
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possessable · 8 days
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There was a little debate going on in the Reddit about whether who qualified more for the descriptor "Just Straight Up Evil"--Jiequan or Eigong, and one person made the argument that Eigong was more befitting of that title because she had no sad backstory reasoning for doing what she did and also was "completely sane" the entire time and i mean. i mean like. I Think Saying She Was Completely Sane The Entire Time Is A Bit Of A Stretch,
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 21 days
Wesker is Chris' albatross. Not just in the 'you are my one and only/will wait for you/we will always meet again' kind of sense but also in the punishment sense.
In reference to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner where the sailor who shoots (and kills) the albatross is forced to wear it around his neck as punishment, it ties to Chris feeling remorse/guilt for killing Wesker in RE6 and has to carry the burden around him like a noose around his neck = the dead albatross around the sailor's neck.
Conincidently Chris has a sailor outfit, their last fight was on an island in the ocean, and Wesker was last seen in said ocean swimming towards the horizon after Chris.
Like a pair of albatrosses, they meet every few months or years, they're apart for a long time and reunite (in their case to to fight rather than the alternative), Wesker is on a ship (out at sea) for a while, they mourn the loss of their mates which could be Chris in RE6 and after, he's waiting for Wesker to come back.
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
If we’re really gonna get into any hypotheticals of what Shen Jiu’s response would have been to Yue Qingyuan admitting why he didn’t rescue the former, then let’s not forget that the only scenario in which Shen Jiu can see himself forgiving Yue Qingyuan’s “failure” is if Yue Qingyuan dies in the attempt. This is, of course, referring to the whole Bingge ambush thing, but this also refers to how before Shen Jiu reunited with first disciple Yue Qingyuan, he was comforting himself with the thought that the reason Yue Qingyuan never returned was because he had died. She Jiu was literally imagining holding a little funeral for him, because in his mind, Yue Qingyuan is useless without him. The fact that Yue Qingyuan not only survived on his own but ended up living the dream that Shen Jiu wanted (again, in his mind since we know that yqy was not living “the dream”)? That was what had Shen Jiu pissed.
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sweetvillainjude · 7 months
‼️The Cruel Prince spoilers‼️
I’m not the only one who never forgave Taryn for what she did to Jude right? Like with Valerian and Locke, yeah I despised them, but it’s not like I truly expected them to be better. But taryn was jude’s family. Her twin. And it makes it worse that Jude was always so savagely loyal to Taryn when Taryn wouldn’t do the same for her. Like Jude straight up shoved Cardan into a tree without thinking because he made her sister cry. Whereas Taryn not only didn’t help Jude, was the reason she was suffering and sincerely didn’t see how she was being awful??? I was honestly hoping when they duelled that Jude would rightfully beat the shit out of taryn because of all the ways she’d let Jude down. It still makes me mad to think about. Jude just deserved better. Ugh.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
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^^ screenshot. blends in on mobile/dark mode ^^
that wasn't why she was mad though, well it was and wasn't. it wasn't that she had sex necessarily, but more the weight and nuance of it all, of Rhaenyra being the princess, who Alicent had been trying her best to serve the best interest of and protect in terms of betrothals and Viserys, having sex in a very public place. she was clearly upset and holding back tears when she confronts Rhaenyra that first time, but she isn't especially angry. she's angry when Rhaenyra lied to her face on her dead mother's name, going so far as to act upset and offended Alicent could ever insinuate anything about her, played the victim, had sex with two separate people in one night and said she was still a maiden (from Alicent's perspective she couldn't have known Rhaenyra only tried to have sex with Daemon and was unsuccessful, she could only believe that she had sex with both Daemon and Criston), and then used her power to have her father (the only person Alicent had) banished from kings landing, all the while she had put her ass on the line for her in front of Viserys, who never believed Rhaenyra to begin with. it wasn't simply the fact that Rhaenyra had sex, she's mad because Rhaenyra used her, hurt her, did harm to her name and the work both she and Viserys had put towards giving her a choice no royal girl, especially a princess, could ever imagine, and she spit in their faces.
there's also the fact that Cole admitted IMMEDIATELY what had transpired, asked not for forgiveness but for death, and admitted that it was dubcon. it's a very different situation. she also sympathized with the fact he felt great remorse for both the act of sleeping with the princess but also his breakdown that lead to the murder of Joffery. all we see is her stopping him and then a near decade has passed and they are close friends, we know nothing of how this friendship evolved, when she fully forgave him for his acts, what it took for him to earn her trust and forgiveness.
not saying either of them are saintly and perfectly correct in that situation, but you boil it down to the point that the situation is unrecognizable. you ignored all of the nuance on both sides. Alicent was never mad about the sex, upset yes, mad no, she was mad at how Rhaenyra could hurt her so horribly (amongst many other things. I don't think she, someone who shared her grief with Rhaenyra over their dead mother's, could ever get over how Rhaenyra lied on her name. me personally? I'd be sick to my stomach every time I looked at her for the rest of my days). Cole was coerced into sex, which he was honest and seeked death for repentance, had a breakdown and murdered someone (I won't defend this, you can't, he did murder an innocent person, that is a fact) but felt so guilty he tried to kill himself and seemingly spent the last 10ish years making up for it (where as I can name multiple people Rhaenyra outright in level head and mind maimed/murdered/otherwise allowed or dismissed the deaths/injury of, for her own goals and didn't give a second thought to so.... girly walks atop barely cooled corpse's time and time again).
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I genuinely don’t understand why they did what they did with five this season🙄
You expect me to believe that five, after spending the last three seasons basically trying to save his family and prevent the end of the world, would do anything to hurt his siblings? Like?? It doesn’t make sense and his actions this season just felt so off.
I’ve come to love these characters so much and it’s just disappointing to see how things went about in this season.
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starryluminary · 3 months
“John decided I didn’t have to die over an honest mistake” WHAT.
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ladynicte · 2 years
Just thinking about how heartbroken Reyna must have truly been when Jason came back to Camp Jupiter and barely remembered her.
Because she met Percy, she does know that even when Juno takes your memories away, if you truly truly love and care and need another person you will be able to remember her, even if not entirely perfectly, but the memory will be there with you the whole way. Like the memory of Annabeth was with Percy.
And then Reyna sees Jason arrive with Piper, and it's okay really, it doesn't even hurt that much, she's Praetor, she has got a job to do, she cannot be getting distracted with silly little sentimental things like that.
And, okay, sure, Reyna can say, maybe Jason and her weren't that close in that sense, it's okay, but they were still good friends, co-leaders of a grand city, he still mattered a lot to her.
And same thing right, Percy did remember Nico, not that vividly or anything, but he did immediately know Nico and him knew each other from somewhere before, because The Ambassador was important to him, in a different way but still, important to Percy.
And then, Jason tells her that he didn't remember her at all, no name, no blurry face, no dreams, no voice, no vague sense that he was missing somebody from somewhere.
That he only started sorta remembering her days after he had already finished his quest, for his new patron goddess, and his new friends, at his new camp, in his new life, with his new girlfriend.
But it's fine, really, Reyna is mature, she doesn't let little things bring her down. She's roman, truly roman, daughter of a fully only Roman Goddess. She's Praetor, she's strong, she will welcome these strange Greek people into her city and throw a feast in their honour, she won't even be salty or rude about it. Really, Reyna is fine, it doesn't even hurt.
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