#and the weird territorial vibesss
in-a-mountain-pool · 5 months
It's quite amusing that having an opinion on a very valid topic is so controversial. Literally, I never said 'don't write this kink.' I just don't think it's for me, and find it super intriguing that it's such a popular trope, and I'm not the only person with this viewpoint.
Y'all are so quick to say 'let people write what they like!!!' and then, rather hypocritically, get on people's tits for saying they dislike something, and writing their own opinion. Like with any writing, and especially kink, I just think there's a certain way of writing it, and if you're not careful you can perpetuate harmful mindsets which lack consent and respect between sexual partners, which is a huge part of this dynamic. And unfortunately, a lot of bimbofication stories here just come off as abusive, and not at all liberating to the character. And what's worse, it's portrayed in a way to make the man seem desirable, and that the woman is 'too stupid' to see she's being used. Which isn't kink imho?
I know it's fiction, and exploring characters is fun!!! but folks have gone off for similar things in fics (like the portrayal of safe sex for example), and not gone under fire. So why is this the proverbial straw that broke the camels back? 🤔
Question the media we read and write guys! It's normal and healthy!!! Bimbofication is super interesting!!! in the media rn, especially after the recent release of Barbie etc. Sorry if I caused any offence, but it's literally just me thinking about a trope, and everyone should be allowed to voice their opinions 🤷
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