#and then Ace finds Sabo sobbing in Marcos arms and hes like you absolute jerk. give him here
xamaxenta · 9 months
Marcosabo thoughts where Marco holds Sabo down with that crazy beast zoan strength and heals the wounds he’s come home with
Sabo hates it, spits that he’s never gonna be able to do his work right if he doesn’t suffer if he doesnt heal naturally, the healing via phoenix proxy method still hurts but it never lasts for long
Marco remains calm, keeps him in a hold Sabo has never to his dismay learnt to break out of and asks him why does he want to hurt? When he can fix it, hasnt he had enough?
Sabo always thinking of others before himself snaps a retort that viciously asks Marco if he will play healer for the entire army and Marco scoffs and presses his fingers into the edge of a laceration just to see him flinch
“I don’t have any personal commitments to them.”
Sabo looks stricken for a moment, hes always so expressive during these healing sessions, twists in Marco’s grip his mouth tilted in a tight unhappy line
“You’re a selfish bastard.” Sabo hisses, his good eye glitters with something more than anger, shining between the strands of sweaty blonde hair sticking to his face.
“So we’ve found out.” Marco agrees and tugs Sabo back, who comes unwillingly, but, with a burn of satisfaction that Marco had to transform his hand into talons just to keep him close.
“I’m going to do the fractured rib now. If you think you’re going to pass out—“ Marco nods at his burning breast, phoenix flames wreathing his clavicles and torso in a soft invitation.
Sabo glowers at him, “Ace hates it when you get like this.”
“I dont really care what Ace likes and doesn’t like me doing to you.” Marco slowly lets go of Sabo to move his hand down to where the bloody bruise mottles across Sabo’s flank and radiates in a throbbing swell to his hip.
“You—“ Sabo almost bites off his own tongue, teeth snapping shut over an agonised groan, blue flame burns against his skin, penetrates deep and invasive and unnatural as he feels his insides, his wounds react to the phoenix.
“Lucky.” Marco murmurs, eyes glowing a faint violet, clearly fixated on Sabo’s trembling whitened lips, “I would’ve healed that too.”
Sabo doesnt doubt that, he’d rather choke on his own blood than allow the phoenix into his mouth.
He refuses to moan in the wash of relief that comes with his fractured ribs being reset, refuses to give Marco that satisfaction.
But he cant stop the tears spilling down his cheeks and loathes that Marco obviously enjoys to see it.
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empresskira · 7 years
i guess a modernish au where ace is haunted by the ghosts of his murdered lovers, marco and sabo? would prefer darker tones, with lots of sad and freaked out ace. v angsty
I will try my absolute best and am listening to creepy music for this I HEAR WHISPERS OMG
I hope I did good! Enjoy~!
They always said he was the lucky one, being out at the time when everything happened. Though, it never quelled Ace as all he could remember was the blood along the walls and floor with slash marks carved in the plaster. They insisted that he move out of the one bedroom place, but he couldn’t afford anything more and grown too attached. The family didn’t agree, hell even Luffy didn’t agree to his decision, but he always said he didn’t want to give up everything there. They began to back off when Rakuyou mentioning of it being his coping and when he was ready they would help him discard anything.
After everything was professionally cleaned up and seeing the crazed man put in prison, Ace settled back into his one bedroom apartment with hands holding a picture frame more often than not. They gave him leave from work to settle back in his own mind, but he wondered what exactly he would do from now on. He was supposed to start seeing a therapist soon about his experience, seeing his two lovers practically shredded to pieces in their bedroom, starting from the living room.
Ace remembered what happened a couple weeks ago as clear as a sunny day with no cloud in sight to block the blue of the sky. He was supposed to run the errand earlier in the day, but completely put it off and regretted doing so. After he bounced out the door with kisses peppering his freckled cheeks, he returned to see droplets of blood along the floor in just one glance from the door. As he entered more without a thought of even closing the door, he had seen a splatter of blood along the sofa and soon quickly moved while hollering for his lovers. Seeing the hall brought the most fear in him, the deep slashes in the plaster and the blood splattered and smeared with hand prints showing as if someone had stumbled and was getting back up.
The bedroom had been the sight he would never live down when he met glossy blue eyes staring back at him. A scream had broken through his throat as he fell to his knees, all functioning shorting out as the dark splatters staining into the carpet was there and his older lover leaned against the other that was facing away on his side. Some neighbors had found him as he went into shock, hardly being able to breath at what had happened.
Thinking of it, he was already letting his feet carry him to the hallway as a way to remind him it was all gone now. It didn’t get rid of his hollowed look upon his freckled face. The emotional stress he was going through was nothing easy as he had been lying to the family about his deprivation of sleep and loss of hunger coming with his overall exhaustion. Stopping at the beginning of the hall, he peered down with a clenching in his heart and closed eyes.
“Welcome home, Acey!” Hearing the echoing of the voice brought a purse to his lips, feeling his throat dry at how much he missed that voice. Missing the feel of hands grazing his cheeks and lips kissing to his forehead as he would look up to green eyes that danced in compassion.
“Sabo…” The whisper was so light, but the feel of the pressure along his cheeks made him tremble. When it first happened, it scared him to no end and think about leaving the place, but he had heard the pleas for him to stay. The voices of his lovers could never let him stray, they always knew how to steer him in the right direction. “Where’s Marco?” Dark eyes showed from behind lids as an apparition with the face of his lover is there with a soft smile.
“In the bedroom, he said we should watch movies there tonight…” A nod left Ace in a festering of emotions, smiling sadly as tears slowly slid down his cheeks. There was a pressure to carefully brush away tears and then it was as a soft brushing was along a hand, tugging him along to go down the hall. Eyes looked along the walls, using his freehand to carefully brush along the places embedded into his head where a weapon was stabbed into. A slight bump of plaster filled them in mostly, along with the slashes he fingered along when they reached the area. The blood staining the walls stayed ever fresh in his mind as he was pulled along to the bedroom, noticing his lover smiling back to him.
Entering the open bedroom, Ace’s body began to quiver of how normal it seemed with his older lover standing by the dresser with a hand over the blue scarf he loved so much on him. As the head turned, blue eyes glimmered with such love that it made him breathlessly laugh with a smile. Ace moved into the darkened room, the street lamp cascading in from the window through the blinds and let him see as he moved closer.
“Welcome home, love.” The tender tone came out as he approached, feeling his heart swell and as he drew closer everything was flickering. Blood along a face, a gash along the jaw line and temple, making him stop in shock. “What’s the matter, yoi? Don’t you love me?” The question had him swallow as he brought hands to his chest, not wanting to see or be ultimately reminded of how everything was in reality.
“I love you both so much…” The whisper left him as he stared to dilated blue eyes, the ones he remembered staring towards him when finding Marco’s body leaning against Sabo’s. “Please tell me… it wasn’t real…” It was a desperate plea as he began to shake again with hands rising to cover over his mouth as he tried not to sob. Ace knew it happened, not wanting to admit to the gruesome scene being of his lovers, the people he had left to go do an errand as he forgot to do it earlier in the day.
“Then why…?” The question brought Ace to glance to the side to see as blood covered over the left side of Sabo’s face, but the eye was wide open. “Why didn’t you do what I asked earlier?”
“I’m s-sorry… I forgot!” 
“We could have stood a chance!” The voice rung in his ears, making him jerk away, only to find himself slipping back onto the ground. Landing harshly had him close eyes before flickering lids open to stare upon the room, drenched in blood as the carpets were back instead of the hardwood. Raspy breaths began to leave him as he couldn’t get the smell out of his head at the high it practically put him through, an irony taste lingering along his tongue as if the blood was in his mouth. “We could have LIVED!” The angry shout shook his body, making him let out a shaky sob of terror as he never had Sabo that angry at him before. The face showing to be narrow with eyes glinting with his glare, teeth gritting while a deep reverberating growl resounded.
“I-I’m sorry. Oh gods, I’m sorry!” The hoarse tone in his voice caused him to slightly cough before his back found the floor from such a harsh pressure.
“I didn’t want to die like that, Ace…” Sabo spoke in a strained tone as dark eyes stared wide to the man above him that was shaking with teary eyes, the blood and wounds still ever present.
“We left you alone…” Hearing Marco had him glance over to see the man still standing with a hand pressing along his chest, over a gash that is deep. “Though, we did not live… we still did not all die together…” It was as a whisper in the air, the pressure lightening as Ace realized the other blond was having realization on what was said.
“We left you alone… The thing you hate most…” Sabo also began to whisper with green eyes glistening down to him, making his chest fester in confusion and fear at what he felt moments ago. “Acey,” the tone turned sweet, making him flicker more at attention on how his lover seemed to be perfect in appearance before the murder. “We can’t have that… It’s easily solvable…”
“What…?” He asked with a breathless voice as he felt calmed at seeing his lover above him smiling with hands giving those feathered touches along his cheeks.
“We need you, yoi…” Marco spoke as he soon leaned over the other in his state of appearance before being attacked as well. It left Ace in a spiraling spell of confusion, but his mind started to think incoherently on what was going on. “There is only one way for us to be together again…”
“You’ll make that happen, right?” The question brought only a fog in his head as he began to mindlessly work for their goal.
After a while, he began to settle on the bed with the blue scarf and top hat, both of his lovers catered to each. The smell on his hands he ignored as he crossed legs onto the bed with fingers caressing the items lovingly with eyes closing, ignoring the brightness now flickering in the room. Heat radiating closer, but all he could feel was the cool touches along his head and arms, ever longing for him as whispers feathered his ears. The touch along his neck where his necklace lies had him think more on how he couldn’t wait to see them again and before he could feel the raging inferno, the air had thickened to make his body fall back to the bed, unconscious to the last moments of his life.
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