#and then and then and then and then
writing stories in my head
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hitsubasadrabbit · 10 years
judge judy legit sounds like the asian restaurant drive thru lady from 'dude where's my car "And then...And then....And then....And then..."
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andyalcala · 12 years
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And Then and Then and Then and Then and Then (Red), Takashi Murakami (2001) on Flickr.
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What did you think when you started? Then what did you discover? Then what? What did you think then?
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havaaaaa · 12 years
ok so ive been meaning to do this for like 2 weeks. i just want to type up stories from work i swear its probably not worth your time because its a lot
ok so my favorite boss is like a middleaged dad and hes just precious.  his names tom and ok one day he took one of the airplanes from one of the aisles and like shot it at me omg hes so precious.  then this kid bryan cam in from school and he's going to jjc too and he's like "i'll see you around!" then this dad came in and he went to a cosplay thing with his kids for adventuretime and he knew all the characters and he was so happy in his own.   then idk i put something about a chick talking about cuts? idek.  then ok there was this older guy who comes ina lot and he's like "i don't mind waiting! it's not many times being around a pretty young lady."  Then some other guy in and was messing with me and he was saying how it's nice to have people talk to you and he's like "i hope somebody else comes in and makes your day too".  then this kid joe from my school came in with i think his dad and he bought like 10+ candies and in the middle of all of it was condoms, and then he was going to pay but then he realized what he had to pay with wasn't a fucking credit card so i had to go put it all back he was like "oh i dont think i can buy this..."
then this kid jake came in from school and he was like "i didn't know you worked here!" then a cop came in and asked why i was so happy 
ok and then the boss i don't like much told me to do my last training on the computer and it was about sexual harassment and it said it took 25 mins and he comes in 20 minutes into it and admittingly i was probably only halfway, but he didnt know that and he was like "you're being a real slowpoke.. just skim it and guess on the questions"  then this little boy and his mom came in.  his mom was buying pads and the boy was like "what are those?! i see those all around the house!" and the mom was likel "no you don't where do you see them?" then the little boy was like "oh i see them under the sink when i'm looking for toliet paper!" and i was cracking up and he whispers to his mom "see, i can make people laugh!"
then my favy boss tom was doing the "5 mins left" announcement and he had a cough all day and inbetween every sentence on the announcements he coughed for liek 5 seconds idek it was really funny to me.  and then i was checking some guy out and he put 10 bucks down and i knew that and i told him his total and then he said it was on the counter and then he just started cracking up and and everyone was like what the hell is this guy doing and on the way out, my store manager asked how my family was doing iwas like aw 
i also got a call to to congratulate me from another employee for doing my job right! and then a customer got the grape twizzlers and i was saying how i heard theyre good and i was excited to try them.  and then the customer gave me ong i was like no thanks but omg
then this lady came in and said it was a personal issue and she wanted me to recopy something for her. she said she was trying to catch a cheater. omg i guess she thought her husband was cheating omg idek i had to recopy his name and his email and password and the name of his bff as a kid. idk she came in later said it shook him up and she came in again anther day and he was with her and she just like winked omg.  then a lady was like "you're such a nice girl!" and then this kid who works next door jim came in and he had to work the 4th too and and he was like "have fun working the fourth!" then this guy made me follow him around the store and help him find these stockings and he was being so weird and he said i was pretty because i had fat or something and a real pretty face idk he worded it nicer and then tom let me and emily go watch fireworks the last hour because he held down the store, and the guy made me and tom go get his card from his car, and then he asked if me and emily wanted to watch fireworks from his car. creep
 then is kid dan came in and he was like "hi danielle!" then this group of tweeny girls came in and they all went into the pads aisle and like leaned in together to pick them out and then they bought them and they just kept talking about them. they were like "omg they are so expensive! oh my god oh my god hehehehhehe" then this cutie baby kept laughing oh my god he was so friggen cute.  then my boss cyndi was saying to a custimer how she doesn't mind that they had to ring up cigarettes for me because im such a good employee
then the day of warped tour, you can tell everyone who was coming in for wapred by either what they were wearing or buying.  i asked them all who they were going to see and almost everyone said atl omg but this one couple said they went 10 years ago but are going again that year. and then this little boy came in and bought a few things, then the rest of the group he was with came upto the counter and they were all older teens and they asked what he bought because he used like $8 and then he was like "a drink, candy, some bones for sammy" and they were liek "YOU BOUGHT BONES FOR SAMMY?" idk it was so cute and funny iwas liek dying
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