#and then draysters all over place
cassioppenny · 9 months
bw3 gym leader wish list because im normal
cheren - normal
roxie - poison
burgh - bug
clian (replacing elesa) - grass
lacey (replacing clay) - fairy
skyla - flying
drayton (replacing drayden) - dragon
idk fucking archie something just do not bring back marlon
elite four
elesa - electric
hugh - fire
uuuh i guess caitlin and marshal can stay shrug
and then the champion is rosa/nate :3
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bb-drayster · 3 months
why are you still in kitakami
oh yeah. never told y’all. la provalone had me go over there for some extra training stuff. but now that all that stuff’s over with the drayster wants to see what this place has to offer, y’know?
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Drayton: *Crosses his arms* What happened?
Dynasty: *Hugs her Injured Swablu* Some trainers made me fight them....I-I'm sorry, I lost the battle!
Drayton: Bullying?
Dynasty: *Nods*
Drayton: *Frowns then turns and walks away* Wait here, I'll be back
Dynasty: Okay...
Dynasty: *Gently pets Swablu*
Lacey: There you go, she's all cute again!
Dynasty: *Nods and returns Swablu to her pokeball* Thanks...
Lacey: Anytime!
???: Hey, hey, hey! Come on, hold still!
Drayton: *Walks over, an Axew wriggling around in his arms*
Lacey: Drayton?!
Drayton: Oh, hey Lacey...
Dynasty: *Stares at the Axew curiously*
Drayton: Here you go *Plops the Axew into her lap*
Dynasty: Huh?
Lacey: Drayton, you could be a bit more concerned for your sister! She's being bullied!
Drayton: Huh? I know, why do you think I gave her this Axew my grandpa gave me...
Drayton: *Turns to Dynasty* This Axew is just like you, Dyna, he's reckless and a bit stubborn but is actually very shy and quite sweet...
Dynasty: *Perks up* Hm?
Drayton: *Leans close, placing a hand on her head* The thing most similar between you two is that neither of you change for other people, Axew doesn't want to evolve, and you never change your personality for others
Drayton: You two are made for each other, so get stronger together without changing for anyone...and Dynasty, don't forget...you are my little sister
Drayton: The next time someone bullies you and forces you into a battle, give it your all in that fight, then come get me so I can teach them a lesson
Lacey: O-Oh wow....
Drayton: What? Can't I be a big brother?
Dynasty: *Hugs Drayton* Thanks Big Brother...
Drayton: *Pats her back* Yep, no problem, now show me where those guys are so I can teach them a lesson
Dynasty: N-No! I wanna beat them on my own! So, I'm gonna go train with Axew!
Drayton: *Smiles* Alright! Then go run off and train, because you're what?
Dynasty: *Beams* The Draysters Little Sister!!!
Drayton: That's right! Get going, Little Deerling!
Dynasty: *Nods, holding Axew in her arms and runs off* Yes!
Drayton: *Laughs, smiling* Have fun too!!
Lacey: *Looks at him* You can be a good big brother
Drayton: That hurts...seriously...
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protokirby · 3 months
I had a dream play out like a fanfiction again how fun!! :D
Anyhoo. Contrary to what I said yesterday about how rare it is to see Drayton unless I go to him, he went on an adventure with me in this dream.
It was me and Drayton, hanging out with some random background character the dream made up. This rando was kinda cool though. They had a car they would experiment on and by that I mean this rando added a feature to their car that would let them drive over water by having the car create an ice bridge as it was going. Like the frost walker enchantment in minecraft but with a whole dang car.
Anyway, the rando found it to work and invited me and Drayton to go across the ocean with them. So we got into the car with the suspiciously intelligent background character who was apparently known for making bad decisions too.
Dunno if I said before, but in dreams, I'm cowardly and a wimp. (Unless one of the imaginary friends is in danger then it seems to flip a switch and I become the nightmare for whatever put my imaginary friends in danger) I was nervous as flip going across the ocean in a magic ice car. I did not trust it. Drayton was having a good time though. That was pretty comforting in the dream.
So we went over a few islands. Crazy science background character was whoo-ing and hollering like how some country folk can be when they're excited. Never liked when people do that irl because of whatever the flip my autism does to my sense of hearing so it just made me more uncomfortable with the situation. Drayton got wind of it. Could have been from me covering my ears or I could have been making a face without realizing it or both, but he told the driver to shut up. Driver dude just gave a thumbs up and we kept going over the ocean in silence.
Until the ice bridge stuff began to stop working and driver dude had to pull over on the next closest island. It was a small-ish island next to a kind of big island with a giant city on it that was kind of like how Ultra Megalopolis looks but more. Jungle-like and the buildings were shaped different. Science dude told me and Drayton we could go explore this place while they worked on their car. Some of the locals, who were also brilliant minds, were super interested in what the guy did to their car and called it an astounding scientific accomplishment or whatever that would be useful for all society if it could be perfected. To that, I agree. I think it would be cool irl.
Me and Drayton went to the main island to explore some of the city. Drayton climbed up to the top of a tall tower by a ladder and starts video chatting with Drayden for who even knows why. Drayden says, "Where are you? That place looks like something out of a dream." (bruh XD) Drayton begins to say something but intentionally falls off the edge in a way that looks like an accident.
I spontaneously grow psychic powers and catch him as per my overprotective reflexes in dreams. I kind of lose my temper at him. It doesn't look like I lost my temper because of how whimsical I am but I did indeed lose my temper for a couple seconds in the dream. I said "Drayster my friend! Bestie! You know you can trust me to do that but please don't trust me to do that. What if I wasn't watching? The dragon would have been dra-GONE."
Main reason I lost my temper in the dream over that is because Hop would always behave that way, trusting me like that and making mischief knowing I'd bail him out. But one day I just never saw Hop or Leon in my dreams again no matter what I'd do. No clue what happened or if those two imaginary friends are dead or somethin or if Leon just got too worried that Hop would test my over protectiveness at the wrong time or what. Either way I don't want to risk losing another imaginary friend.
It's certainly funny until it's not. I want to stop that behavior in its tracks because a little chuckle in the now-time just ain't worth the possibility of losing a friend or more in the later-times.
Drayton was climbing back up the ladder to get his phone and he was preparing a huge grin on his face to reveal himself to Drayden with, but when he got up there, looks like his gramps already ended the call. No reaction for the Drayster. How sad. Anyway, he climbs back down.
There was some guy announcing the opening of a new water park. It didn't have anything to do with what would happen for the rest of the dream. It was just in the background and- honestly made everything feel more real. As if it's actually another universe where these folks are all just casually going about their lives. What even are my dreams anyway? Do any of yall dream like this? I want to know.
I don't remember some of the stuff that happened in between, but we found the entrance to a nature trail. Most of the critters around were african animals - plus a few australian animals, specifically emus and sugar gliders. There were also a few fantasy-floating-glowing creatures and also geese. Wonderfully bizarre this place is. It got even crazier soon.
Somewhere during the nature walk, me and Drayton found a cave and of course we went into the cave. Between the level of stupidity I have when I'm not actively in need of protecting my imaginary friends and--- whatever goofy carelessness Drayton has going on, nothing was stopping us from going into what was probably a dangerous place.
In the cave was the most nonsensical and amazing place I have ever seen. Even more so than the place I saw in the dream with the bird king.
When I say this place was beautiful, I'm using the actual definition of beautiful. I'm aware that I sometimes use the word beautiful to describe something amazingly funny, but not this time.
This cave was so cool- I can't even describe it properly. Heck, I don't think I could even draw it and like- drawing insane nonsense fantasy backgrounds is a thing I enjoy doing and am really good at. I don't think I could give this place justice no matter the way I try to describe it.
There was really neat natural bridges, some place that was a volcano and a glacier at the same time, things were floating, there were waist-deep ponds of golden oil we had to walk through. That description sucks. I just cannot describe it any better. But it was so awesome???
I hated being there in the dream cuz I was as cowardly as usual and also fearing for Drayton's life but the cave was not actually dangerous like my anxiety was making it out to be.
I woke up before the adventure concluded. In hindsight, I want to go back and explore the place more. Perhaps with Drayton again and maybe Crispin and Ryuki could tag along too next time. That would be fun
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bb-drayster · 5 months
the drayster’s bag of chips is stuck in the vending machine. how does he react.
[the drayster punches the glass and steals all the chips. all of them. how did he fit all of them in his pockets? dunno. also he’s bleeding all over the place but like who cares]
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