#and then her worldbuilding is SO bad and SO flimsy it's sad bcs although the idea is absurd in and of itself it could be so much better
beauzos · 1 year
and see you can tell Sunyi Dean caught how fucked her worldbuilding was re: the incest thing and she was so uncomfortable with leaving it be that she just had to bring it up in the story in order to argue it away by saying they’re not that inbred because of the rotating door of wives girl fuck OFF
so the Six Families are inbred because there’s only these families in the UK and they cannot travel to the rest of Europe due to having 0 documentation that any of them exist. having a daughter is extremely rare and all female book eaters have about 2 kids at max before they become infertile because Reasons, except for sometimes when they have 3. so you’re trying to tell me that all these families wouldn’t be inbred to hell considering they all rarely have fucking female book eaters in the first place? get real
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