#and then i might post later generations and maybe even the mcdonalds toys and stuff like that? im not sure
furb-of-the-day · 9 months
Do you think you’ll run out of furbies to post?
maybe some day, but with all the generations and spinoffs and stuff it probably wont be for a really long time x3, though im not really sure what i would do once i ran out? maybe i would stop posting or just post them all again... i guess ill figure it out if i get there lol
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tatooedlaura-blog · 6 years
All she wanted was a damn cheeseburger.
Healthy food had been abandoned for the mouthwatering greasy goodness of cow on bun with bacon and cheese, lettuce and tomato, pickles and more pickles … it would have been sinful had she been paying any kind of attention but instead, she hovered over the body, semi-messy stitches in the Y-incision betraying her thoughts, needle half through skin as she swallowed hard and hoped she hadn’t drooled on Mr. Edmund Rossiter.
She was fucked up and she knew it … wasn’t afraid to admit it … wouldn’t tell anyone but Mulder about it … needed to find a blasted burger right Goddamned now …
Tuesday. Well, she was pretty sure it was Tuesday, maybe Wednesday but who honestly knew what the hell damned day it was at this point but she remembered a McDonald’s wrapper and Mulder saying something about extra mayo … ketchup?
Fuck, she needed a cheeseburger.
Turning around, she nearly cried when she saw the tech there, sheepishly holding another folder, another gurney in the hall behind him, a sad little offered granola bar or possibly a Snickers in his other hand.
She might have to kill him and cook him over the Bunsen burner.
It had been a crappy Mounds bar but she accepted it without growling at the shrinking lab minion, knowing he hadn’t killed these people and messenger status made him safe both inside the lab and outside in the real world.
A world where they ate cheeseburgers.
Glory came to her in the form of a pink Post-it stating that when she was done, she should come to the bar across the street, Harley’s? Marley’s? … she needed to have a word with him about hurried penmanship at some point in the future but right now … bar.
A bar would have food?
It damn well better.
She smelled the place before she crossed the street.
Heaven with a side of fries.
A car nearly took her out because she crossed the street without looking but after a quick middle finger and a shrug, she made it through the door.
She’d feel bad about the hand gesture later.
Because she’d spotted him.
A half-empty beer glass in front of him along with what might be cheesesticks with a generous side of marinara and Ranch. She’d propose with a future, 20 minutes from now onion ring if he offered to share his wares.
Without pretense of a ‘hello’, she sat, he signaled the waitress and told her flat out, “you look like you need at least three beers and a fucking cheeseburger.”
Tears nearly nearly nearly filled her eyes when he shoved the deep-fried appetizer towards her. Taking one, “they’re cold.”
“You sew too slow and do you really care?”
Inhaling two more, she finally sloughed off her coat, stuffing it in the corner of the booth, “at the moment, I’d eat the pee mints by the bathroom.”
His eyebrows raised, “really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that hard up.”
Dropping back against the booth, she wiggled, “I am also nearly ready to take off this bra and these stupid shoes.”
Eyebrows back up for an encore, but speech impaired by the suddenly appearing waitress, “finally ready to order?”
Mulder shook his head so minutely only Scully would ever notice and withdrawing the claws because of irritatingly rude woman with messy ponytail, she rattled off her order, Mulder seeing her swallow as she finished saying ‘extra pickles’.
Once ponytail disappeared carrying both their precious food orders and liquor requests, “you should, maybe, finish the cheesesticks before you kill somebody.”
She ate.
The food quieted her irritation with the world, allowing her to finally notice his tight jaw muscles, three beers not having done much to quell his anger at the case they’d had thrown at them, one they had no business working in the first place.
She really didn’t want to rehash the details of anything either of them had done that day, instead slipping her shoes off and propping her feet up on the bench across from her, one foot curving around each of his thighs in a friendly type gesture of ‘if we stay in this booth, the world can’t get us’.
They sat comfortably silent with each other while a new waitress cleared their table, replenished for the fourth or fifth time at this point, their drinks, Mulder going between staring into amber liquid and staring at her, finger ringing the rim of the glass until they left alone again.
She couldn’t make out what he was thinking and swiping a line of condensation from her own mug, she took a shot in the dark, “I’m thinking we probably shouldn’t be driving at this point.”
Flat delivery of one who wanted more but was over the age of 25, “probably not.”
Wiggling her toes against him, “I saw a pool table back there and a dart board. I can stuff myself back in my shoes and we can go see what kind of damage we can do?”
“Are you some kind of pool shark or dart savant who’s going to chew me up and spit me out, make me feel belittled and cranky?”
She went with a middle of the road answer as she moved to find her shoes, “possibly.”
He didn’t smile but at least she saw some tension leave his forehead, “can’t say you didn’t warn me.”
So …
Scully had absolutely no idea how to throw a dart … like … at all. Nearly poked a larger gentleman in the eye when one throw went wild while another lodged itself, swear to God, in the ceiling, “how the hell did you do that?”
“Apparently my sharpshooter skills are limited to the SigSauer kind.”
This comment elicited approving looks from several around them, both men and women, and while Scully went to collect her wayward darts, one of the men sidled up to Mulder, nodding in Scully’s direction, “she yours?”
Now, normally, he would correct such a wild accusation but instead, he gave the man a lopsided lip curl and an adorable head tilt/shoulder half-shrug that she would never witness, answering with ‘sort of’ and heading towards his partner, taking the outheld darts from her as if they were weapons of the deadly variety, “why don’t we put these away and go get one last beer before we head back?”
“I was just getting warmed up.”
“Uh-huh. Sure you were.” Taking her by the elbow a little tighter than normal, warm palm on rounded point, “my treat.”
“Then, Mr. Mulder, I will take two.”
The hotel was luckily only three blocks over and one down with a pleasantly friendly walk in between, Scully toying with Mulder’s fingers every few steps, Mulder walking close enough to give her easy access, “well, we drank but I still remember we have to work in the morning.”
“Apparently, we did it wrong.”
“That’s what we get for sticking to the clear beer. Two Guinness would have had me forgetting your name along with a whole lot of other things.”
He nearly turned her around to go get a few glasses of the magic stuff but he declined, feet only missing one step before falling back into pattern, “can I tell you something?”
“Of course.” Her fingers found his, squeezing thumb for a precious moment before going back to search, find, drop, repeat, “you should know that by now.”
He began his own finger finding, pretending badly that he was just brushing against her with uncommon frequency, “so one of the guys back there, after the Sig comment, asked if you were mine.”
This shifted into highly interesting very quickly, “and?”
Giving her a smile, he found her fingers solidly this time, “come one, we’ve got a few more blocks.”
“No you don’t.” Pulling him sideways, she stepped up on the low cement wall bordering the sidewalk, balancing precariously above some scrawny half-dead bushes, a little higher than eye level, “what did you tell him?”
She got to see a version of his lopsided lip curl, head tilting, adorable half shoulder shrug, “I may have said ‘sort of’.”
Not answering, she simply studied the man in front of her, tilting her own head and looking even more adorable then she smiled, lip closed and reaching for his shoulders, turned him around, proceeding to climb up his back, arms wrapped around neck, thighs hugging sides, “take me home, Mulder.”
He did but before he’d gone a block, he looked back at her, lips brushing cheek, “how come you didn’t hit me for my answer?”
Smiling again, “’cause I sort of agree.”
Hands under her ass holding her up, he dwelled for a moment, “you’re sort of mine?”
“Only if you’re sort of mine back. It’s only fair.”
Another half a block, “next time, I think we should order the Guinness and try our best to do that forgetting thing.”
Because she could, she pressed a kiss to the side of his neck, “next time.”
“I’ll even buy you another cheeseburger.”
Fifteen steps, “Mulder?”
“I’m hungry.”
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Inside New Zealand’s unregulated sperm donor industry
Why are New Zealand females avoiding fertility centers and looking for sperm donors online? And why are Kiwi males contributing to complete strangers they fulfill on Facebook groups? Amy Nelmes Bissett uncovers a world of hope and risk, in this function initially published on RNZ.T he two-bedroom
flat in South Auckland's East Tamaki might equal a day care centre: there's box-upon-box of brightly coloured toys and books, a Jolly Jumper and a bouncer total with a clip-on activity table emblazoned with cartoon animals. 6-month-old Emerson is more interested in his mum Melissa Maynard, 33. He views her closely as she describes all the kid's stuff:"That's the happiness of being the last in your friendship group to have a baby-- you get all the great cast-offs."Just in 2015, Maynard, who operates in finance at Auckland Museum,
doubted she 'd have children. She faced a predicament: at 32 years old, she could settle for Mr Not-So-Right in order to have a child or proceed with accepting that it might simply never occur. Then she came across what appeared to be a neat option to a difficult problem-- pregnancy via donor sperm. Or more accurately, a Do It Yourself sperm donor baby, developed at home with sperm found with a few clicks on the internet."I put a post up on one of the ladies's group Facebook pages, saying how I felt that being a mum might not be in my future and somebody reached out to me and stated there's other alternatives out there. She was pregnant by a private donor. I thought of it and it felt like the ideal thing to do. I 'd always been a do-it-myself type of girl. Very independent. And I've always felt perfectly pleased by myself."Fertility clinics say about a years ago it was straight couples fighting with fertility concerns and same-sex
couples who used donor sperm to have children. However by 2014 ladies going it alone accounted for more than half of the 300 children born in New Zealand with the assistance of donor sperm accessed through fertility centers. It's this, in part, that has led to among New Zealand's biggest sperm lacks since sperm banks were established in the nation in the 1970s: there's currently an 18-month to two-year wait.But some single New Zealand females aren't going to wait. They've found that while clinics are performing at practically dry, there's small pockets of the web awash with prepared swimmers. There are Facebook groups, specialised websites and online forums occupied by New Zealand males ready to create the next generation of"turkey baster children", as Maynard puts it, and who more than happy to do so without any financial reward.International website coparents.com has actually 100,000 registered members, and this is where Melissa found her self-styled Samaritan-- a married 37-year-old professional who decided to end up being a donor after a couple of
of his female friends had fertility concerns. There's also the NZ Sperm Donors forum, with 492 members, and Facebook groups such as Sperm Contribution NZ and Egg and Sperm Donors NZ, which has actually been bring in 10 new members a week since the start of the year.Their growing appeal is most likely partly down to the expense of trying to conceive with the aid of a fertility clinic. It was certainly an aspect for Maynard."If the only alternative was to go through a fertility clinic, then economically I wouldn't have had the ability to do it."However she did do it. "Turning up at his house that very first time, it was so uncomfortable. It's hardly a fun method to create a child."Still, within 2 menstrual cycles she was pregnant. Andrew Murray, medical director at Fertility Associates, states the biggest risk in the "shoot first and believe later on" private donor world is future incest. Image: RNZ/ Rebekah
Parsons-King The 'turkey baster approach 'is old, easy and as most likely to lead to pregnancy as sex. Despite the name, women no longer utilize turkey basters however needle-free syringes that can be bought over the counter. The syringe is filled with sperm and released close to the cervix.Some sperm donors check out a lady's house, taking a time-out in the restroom and returning with a little medication jar. Others ask to be checked out at house or at a hotel. Maynard says, some donations are made in more public environments."
You hear stories about individuals satisfying at McDonalds to hand over their contribution."But this burgeoning approach of baby-making features threats."There's a lot of men who do not desire to do it artificially, "states Maynard." I had a few of those contact me, informing me it will work better. However the women in these groups look out for each other. We understand the warnings."Still, personal security problems aside, the uncontrolled donor market leaves ladies, children and donors open up to a quagmire of problems that range from medical to legal and ethical.Since August 2005, the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004 has dictated that all sperm donors need to be identifiable. Specialists worry that children who do not understand the identity or background of their birth parents can fight with feeling incomplete. In the uncontrolled world of online sperm donors, there's no one
ensuring the law is followed. With no governing body or database recording donors matched with ladies online, there is no way of understanding how lots of children are even developed this method. And what takes place if a mom chooses to seek financial backing from a donor she satisfied online? Or if a donor decides he wishes to be an essential part of a child's life?Medical Director of Fertility Associates, Wellington, Andrew Murray, states these are all huge dangers in the"shoot first and believe later on "private donor world. But, he says, the most distressing concern is the increased risk of"consanguinity"-- o in easy terms, incest. "When a center is doing the sperm contributions, we restrict the amount of children from a single donor,"he says.
"A single donor can contribute to approximately five various families and we limit the number of children to 12 in overall. And this is to minimize the little possibility that half-siblings might unwittingly match up in later life. If you have actually been developed through a center, we typically motivate that it's an open disclosure situation."Murray understands the cost of discovering a donor through a fertility center is a concern. Fertility Associates charges $300 for an initial assessment, then a donor's testing costs$ 1500. Simple synthetic insemination is $1500 per cycle, or a more specialised fertility method, maybe with IVF or fertility drugs, can cost approximately $40,000 a cycle.But, he says, the cost gets rid of the risks. All contributed sperm is checked for hereditary and medical issues and quarantined for 3 months before it is tested once again for the similarity STIs, infections such as AIDS and liver disease, and life-long issues, consisting of cystic fibrosis."You don't understand the medical history if you're going through Facebook. You're depending on those donors being in advance with you about what they pick to tell you.
"Murray states that centers likewise use counselling to all parties which donors are lawfully required to be contactable by the child when they turn 18.C hristchurch pre-school instructor Clare Fahey runs Facebook group Sperm Contribution NZ and says the possibility of never ever having your own kid surpasses the dangers of discovering your own donor. Ladies in the group work hard to combat the many threats, she says.Fahey, 37, is greatly pregnant with twins developed with the help of a donor she discovered
online. She says she's yet to satisfy a female who didn't prepare a contract to be signed by her donor. She states females also ask their donors to take STI tests and medicals.
"I started the group as I'm single and chose that I wasn't going to wait any longer to fulfill the ideal man," Fahey states." I wished to discover a donor for myself, which I did. Now it's about helping others out there to discover donors. Every week, the members are growing and that actually reveals that more and more single women are taking a look at this as an alternative."Online groups are making their method into the real life too, with coffee groups now fulfilling in cities throughout New Zealand. Females can support each other, share stories of their journey, and bring their infants-- developed with donor sperm-- to have fun with one another.But where are the guys in all this? What triggers New Zealand blokes to shun clinics in favour of turning over sperm to strangers they satisfy on Facebook?"The clinics, they just don't streamline the process,"private donor Seth Wayne states. "The donor has a life too. If I go through a center, I have to do an assessment and treatment and it takes six months to help one individual. It's excessive."Wayne, 28, who lives in Melbourne, put a shout-out on the Facebook group Eggs and Sperm Donors N Zealand in July, informing the 350 members that he would be taking a trip around the South Island on holiday in September and wanted to assist anyone along the method. He
ended up contributing to 2 ladies-- turning over a small tub of semen to each-- throughout his road journey. It's the 2nd time Wayne, who has a masters in accounting, has donated-- he likewise provided his sperm while going to Auckland at the beginning of the year.His drive? His sibling has fertility issues."I pitied my sister so I believed,'Why not try and assist somebody?'I check out an article about being a sperm donor and did some research and here I am, a donor. "I have actually donated to numerous females however only one confirmed pregnancy, however three have actually vanished so there could be more. And that does disturb me. I think it is very important to keep in contact." "Tony Tauranga"claims he's New Zealand's most significant donor however does not wish to be determined by his real name. The 42-year-old is a divorced daddy to 2 adult children and says he's fathered 20-plus children throughout New Zealand. He informs a similar story to Wayne." About half are actually great and treat me as part of the family and
tell the kids who I am. We have an annual coffee and just seeing the happiness from my actions is really gratifying. The other half are the bad side and generally have got what they want and want nothing to do with me."The concerns-- for donors, moms and kids-- are bound to continue and even grow. Do It Yourself donor infants are a growing phenomenon and their conception is impossible to regulate. But as Dr Andrew Murray mentions, we most likely shouldn't even be attempting to."We do not control couples when they pick to make love and I expect what individuals do in the privacy of their own house is their own company. It's about being informed about what the risks are and truly, keeping in mind that the most important individual in all of this is the child."Originally released by RNZ. The Publication is The Spinoff's well-known, totally free day-to-day curated absorb of all the most crucial stories from around New Zealand delivered straight to your inbox each morning.
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