#and then i realized that i felt more strongly and longingly towards that character than i did myself. cried about it for weeks b4 i got it
transgaysex · 2 years
love looking thru artfight for people to attack. i saw someone begging for gnderbends of their characters and going on abt how much they love those
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yokoboo · 7 years
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I wrote a snippet for these two characters about two weeks ago and eventually sat down to draw this pic
Mood Moosic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2hYn_4yuhc
"You don't strike me as a piano playing type. No wait… pretentious jerkface that looks down on everyone else, of course you play."  Reina rolled her eyes, "We don't have time for this."
 "I wasn't asking to play," Vardengard muttered, his non-existent hand running over the wood, the same strong wistful desire to play pressing on Reina's consciousness like an urgent need.  "Your hands are too small and there'd be no muscle memory- it would be a disaster."
 "You might not be asking, but you're wanting so loud it's annoying."  Reina looked down at the postal package in her hands.  Her hands were cut, bruised, and burned.  The joints ached and there was a weariness in them that spread to the rest of her body.  She was tired, so very tired and the stress of an unwanted spirit cohabitating her body made her feel beyond her ability to cope.  If she stopped to think about it she’d dissolve into tears, so she refused to think about it.  But as she watched him longingly gaze at the ivory keys, she felt his desire to escape the reality of their situation, the need to do something that had nothing to do with survival. It was intoxicating.  "Go ahead and get it over with," she heard herself say and gripped the package tighter.
 "I thought you said we didn't have time," he quipped, still stalking around the piano.  Reina watched his face and felt a small sigh escape as she realized he was too focused to notice her.  "Besides, I told you, your hands-"
 "-are better than nothing.  C'mon, I'm offering to let you actually use my body for something you obviously feel strongly about."  Reina put the package down on the bench and sat down, glaring at him.  "I'm not completely without compassion, you know."  Vardengard watched her, ghost fingers drumming on the wood without sound as he made up his mind.
 "Thank you for your…" he paused, huffed, and put a hand to his mouth as he searched for the right word, "hospitality."
 Reina closed her eyes, and like ripping tape off the skin- just as fast and twice as painful- she lurched forward and tumbled onto the floor, her head reeling from the experience.  She groaned and crawled out from under the piano, using it to balance herself as she stood.  On the piano bench sat Vardengard, flexing his fingers and taking a deep breath.  Reina frowned, having expected to see herself.  As she concentrated she became aware of the real body, her body, beneath the projection of Vardengard.
 "You look like you," she said, standing up and shuffling closer to him.  He looked up and into the distance, as if thoughtfully considering her words.
 "I know as much as you about this, but I expect it's because your mind is still working to keep us distinct from each other.  Your body still looks like your body to me."  Vardengard returned his attention to the piano and lightly ran his fingers over the keys before beginning to play a simple melody.
 "Sounds as good as any other theory."  Reina leaned on her elbows, chin cupped in her hand as she listened to him play.  "Wow. You're actually good."  She grinned as he arched an annoyed eyebrow at her.  "Don't you know misery loves company? I was hoping you'd suck."
 He frowned over a faulty note.  "I'm not really attempting anything difficult.  Like I said, your body has no muscle memory to rely on.  If anything were to suck, it'd be your inexperienced small hands."  The corner of his mouth twitched.  "Though, to be fair, you have strong hands.  With enough self-discipline, assuming you have any, you might be able to become a halfway decent pianist."
 "Wow.  What a back-handed compliment."  Reina rolled her eyes.  She stood and started walking behind Vardengard, flicking his ear and causing him to slam his hands down on the keys as he recoiled in pain.
 "The he-!  This is *your* body, not *mine*.  You're only causing injury to yourself!"  He glared fiercely at her as she put on her most unrepentant scowl.
 "Worth it," she all but spat at him.  " 'sides, it's probably a good idea for you to understand what it feels like for me when you do stupid things like seize control of my arm, or behave like you still have a body and trying to touch me like that will actually do something."  She sat down on the floor and leaned her back against the piano leg.  "Clock's ticking, are you gonna keep playing or are you done?"
 Vardengard rubbed his ear, still glaring at Reina, but the effect was lost on her turned head and back.  After a few seconds he resumed playing, the notes rough and punched, but as he continued they softened into a sedated and somber melody.
 "Sorry," he murmured, his eyes sneaking looks at the back of her head.  
Reina stewed on the word, glad that at that moment she wasn't inhabiting a body.  Controlling her reaction was made much easier with no throat to catch or break her voice, no tears to give away how much damage he'd actually done.  She carefully schooled her face and turned toward him.
 "You're forgiven.  I wouldn't know, but it's probably hard to be civil when you've grown up around liars and manipulators."  He wasn't looking at her anymore, but she noticed his brow furrow.  "When we get your body back, you owe me a song with your bigger, more practiced, chock full of muscle memory hands- and it better be the best darn thing I've ever heard."
 His gaze slid over to hers.  "If we get my body back, I'm sure I'll owe you a lot more than that." A wry smile slid over his face, but didn't reach his eyes and she knew he felt just as lost and helpless as she did.  Reina chuckled to herself, surprised by how little comfort that gave her.
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