#and then in dd.........................sorry i need to stop i'm on the verge of tears <-zoloft withdrawal please be nice to me
dumbasswhatever · 1 year
ok can you imagine though if trucy was put in any serious danger in aa4. like phoenix spends the whole game wearing different flavors of his poker face, ranging from "i don't care about anything" to "i know something you don't know". can you imagine him just completely dropping that mask he's been wearing for seven years even as he tries to remain in control—he didn't get through those years by relying on others, you know—but he's physically incapable of staying calm. this is the man who charged across a flaming bridge fifty feet above a raging river to try to help a girl that he promised he'd never give up on. the man who's there for anyone who has nobody else to turn to. who talked to a girl for only five minutes before she lost everything and immediately promised her that she'd never lose him. he might have matured in some ways over the years but he's still that emotional man who will move heaven and earth for anyone in need of help. the only difference is that now, trucy is his daughter—entirely dependent on him—and his light
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