#and then inmediately after that i'll die
dontvap0rdawave · 2 months
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College has taken 90 years of my life-
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
So can I ask about demon male reader die in the upper-moon arm like the reader saying how much they love them and a lot of things that he want to say and they actually cry or something like that I just you know feel kind of I don't know I just well yeah that's all I need to go to sleep now I should
Sorry it took me this long, you order angst, we have angst!
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Male Demon Reader Dying in Uppermoon's arms.
Warnings: Angst, Reader's death, mentioned PTSD, Implied possible suicide, Gyokko and Douma are their own warnings.
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You can still feel your body, but all of your attention is in your head, or mostly, in the arms that hold it against the thin body. Also in your ears, since you have never heard Gyutaro scream like that. It's so loud, so painful, so miserable, the agony.... the grief, you can only hear it "I WILL KILL EVERYONE! GIVE HIM BACK! GIVE HIM BACK RIGHT NOW!!" You try to catch his attention, it seems you can talk even without vocal cords and lungs, but there is no time to find some logic behind it. "Gyutaro...."
What are you even supposed to say? Comfort him? How? You are dying. Things won't be ok. You try to change the topic, for him to not cry his lungs out, or at least not having to face that during your last seconds. "Where is Daki?" Daki, the light of his life, his little sister, he seems to cry even harder after that, embracing what is left about you. "She was burned... THEY BURNED HER UP ALIVE!" Burn, but this slayer didn't do flame breathing, you would have felt it, but even more concerning, is that you don't understand why some fire would be so bad. "Gyutaro, she's ok. She can heal."
He breathes, blinks a bit as he keeps hugging your head, or what it's left from it. You are basically just a face right now. But you can feel the rest of your body, also becoming... nothing. It's scary, you will be gone. But you want to leave Gyutaro... in a better state than this. "But you won't... ne... you won't heal from this..." You already knew that, but him saying it outloud makes you start crying. "I love you... I'll miss you Gyutaro."
Your ears ar already gone after that, there is so much more you would like to say, but there is no time. But you can read his lips, he has said those words several times. There is no misunderstanding. "I love you Y/N." And the last thing you feel are his hands and tears on your face, you really wish you could have done more.
Gyukko just watches you desintegrate in his hands, he is in his final form, and you are dying. Even now, they are not exactly comforting, as he seems fixated with the fact that you are dying. To be honest, you never expected anything else, he loves pain and death, those are part of his art. And you have always supported his art, so you don't cry and show no fear, since you are not a piece of art of his. You are supposed to be his equal, even now.
"Oi, Gyokko...." he looks at you, making eye contact, if he knows you are upset he hasn't shown signs of it. He hasn't even shown signs of being upset. You hold your breath, then inhale deeply to calm your nerves... how are you even breathing? You have no lungs, your respiratory system has been literally cut in two. It's so confusing, everything is so confusing, and that is scary. "Will you miss me?" You ask, controlling your voice. It doesn't break, it doesn't show anything but the same interest Gyokko is showing.
He doesn't answer inmediately, that does upsets you as you fear he might not answer. That would be worse than saying "no", and time is running out. Bet he does answer after thinking about it. "I will miss you a lot, you dumb bastard. Why did you have to die so easily?" He complains, and you just have to laugh, eyes watering. Typical Gyokko. "I love you, Gyokko. Never change."
You smile as he goes silent again, thinking, as his eyes nover stop concentrating in you. "I love you too. You were great, and I will always remember you." That is all you can ask for, you think as you spend you last moments looking at each other.
Hantegu crushes you head against his stomach and legs as he cries, hiding and curled up on the floor. He doesn't even know from what, the slayers are already dead. "It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" He babbles, whining and crying, in his eternal PTSD, and to be honest this is not how you want to go. Him denying accusations nobody is making, it's both sad and annoying, but you're not in the situation to comfort him.
How can you calm him down when you are just as scared as he is for the first time? You have always been the brave one between the two but... you're dying. You're dying and you don't know what will happen once you are dead. "Hantengu... please. I know it wasn't you. You are innocent." Innocent from what? You have to admit you are pissed you will never find out, but Hantengu seems to collect himself after that.
"I will miss you. I will miss you a lot. Why do you have to die? Why do I have to be miserable and watch you die?" You chuckle as he pities himself, instead of piying you. But again, Hantengu has never once felt pity for you, you always liked that. Likes to be the strong one even if he was Uppermoon 4. "The world is a cruel place, maybe it's better for me that I'm leaving it!" You manage to joke about him, making him cry. But now you feel good enough to smile."Don't worry Hantengu, I'm sure you'll be fine. You still have the clones, don't you? The can take the role of the protector men I have been taking."
You laugh a bit. "I love you." He says before going silent, that surprises you. He isn't even crying, just trying to smile like you. You only have your face left right now, so if you got something to say... "I love you too." Say it.
Sekido is still killing the slayer that decapitated you... or well, he would be if you could kill someone that is already deader than a 100 year old corpse. Still, he is angry and taking his anger ojt in someone that deserves it instead of the rest of the clones or you. You are angry as well, you are going to die and there is nothing anybody can do about it. No matter how much Sekido stabs the dead body with his staff, you won't stop dying.
"Sekido..." You don't know if it's safe to call his attention upon you right now, but... you don't want to go with your face only feeling the cold and dirty ground. Thankfully, he seems to calm down when he sees you. Or at least he isn't raging anymore... he actually looks worried and scared. He runs to where you are and hugs you head tight against his chest, breathing unsteady as your face is pressed against his kimono. "I HATE YOU! Y/N, YOU BASTARD, I HATE YOU! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, WEAKLING, PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A DEMON!"
You are not surprised, but you can't help but to roll your eyes, annoyed. Your last second will really be you hearing your partner cursing you for being killed? Well, at least his chest is more comfortable than the ground, even if the way he has you prevents you from speaking. Maybe it's better this way, it won't become an argument. By the time you realize, the screming turned into crying, you can feel the tears falling on top of you. "I love you... don't leave."
He always had a hard time saying it, so to hear it now... it's nice. You try to wiggle against his grip and you say several times, hoping that even with his clothes muffling you, he can hear you."SEKIDO, I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU TOO, SEKIDO! I LOV-" Your mouth is gone, hopefully, the way he holds you tighter means he heard you. Now... it's over.
Karaku is just sitting with your head in his lap, holding you with his hands. He is youching your face, petting your head and carresing your cheeks with his thumbs. He is giving you a brave smile as his eyes are watering and holding a lot of warmth. "I love you a lot, you know? Like... really love you, not like the others I have loved...." he speaks softly to you as he keeps comforting you.
"Kara-" he interrupts you putting one finger over your lips, shaking his head and laughing softly. "Don't speak... just... let us have this last seconds together. This will be the last time I see you... I want to cherish you one last time." He says it, and you let it be. You honestly don't know what else to do, and the idea of being able to ignore the pain, ignore the fear, ignore the sorrow, ignore the rage for tha sake of having pleasure, even if it will be for the last time... sounds nice.
"You are very strong, you know. You did everything you could and I'm so proud to call you mine, handsome. You also have always treated me so well and I'm so fucking grateful... damn, I just love you so much." He sniffles as his voice breaks, wanting to talk. Wanting to make this about you since there will be no more a "you" later, and that hurts him. "I love you so much, you are everything I want, sweet boy." Tears start to fall of his eyes and his lips trembles, but he is still smilig towards you.
"I love you too, Karaku." It feels a bit pathetic that you can only come up with that after everything he said, but from the look in his face, it makes his smile easier as he rubs the tears off his face. "I know." Is the last thing you hear.
Urogi is flying with your head in his arms, you feel the cold air, but you are mostly shielded by his body as he presses you in his chest. You don't even know where you are going and you are sure Urogi also doesn't know. He probably just panicked and grabbed you and is searching a way to save you, when... there is none. You don't want to be the one to say it outloud, but... "Urogi.... UROGI. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!"
You have to scream since the preasure of the air muffles all the sounds except the wings and the heartbeat of the clone, but that second could be only because you are pressed against his chest. "SHUT UP! YOU CAN'T DIE! YOU HEAR ME? YOU CAN'T DIE! I WON'T LET YOU!" You can hear his voice break, he is definetely crying from the nasal way it sounds. What to do now? You don't want to be the one to break it up to him but you also want to be able to say goodbye without Urogi being in denial.
You were beheaded by a slayer, there is no winning in this one, and it breaks Urogi. You actually feel guilty for dying, and so many other feelings. You don't want to die, you were killed, and you don't want to fight Urogi into facing the facts. Not when you only have some seconds left. "I LOVE YOU, UROGI! MY PREACIOUS BIRD, YOU ARE THE MOST LOVABLE DEMON THERE IS!" You scream again, and Urogi presses you face agains his chest even harder.
"I LOVE YOU TOO! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE DON'T DIE! DON'T!" As you really can't comfort him right now, you only cry with him in this last seconds.
Aizetsu doesn't cry, he barely does more than show a sorrowful face, no matter how sad he is or how much he pities everything around him. Right now he pities you, but he also pities himself, that he has to watch the one he loves die. He holds your head in his hands, sitting with his gaze lost in the forest as he foces you to watch the same way he is. It's a beautiful night, there is a river in front of you that sounds so peacful, the moon is bright, the aire is fresh and it's just a bit chilly (nothing for a demon).
"The moon is beautiful tonight, don't you think?" He moves your head slightly so you can see the moon and the stars surrou ding it better, it's hard to say if he is just ignoring the issue of if he is confessing his love one last time. "I like to be able to experience times like this with you. Everything is nicer when you are around, even the others..." his voice doesn't even crack more than it usually does. But again, he is sorrow, if anyone knows how to handle said feeling, it should be him.
Still, you feel the drops, his tears, shed on the top of your head. He doesn't make any sound as he cries, just letting them out. "I'm really going to miss you a lot. It will be sadder to not have you around... thank uou for all the time you have given me. It left me content." He keeps monologing, wanting to get everything put or his chest or just wanting to make this the least painful possible for you, it's impossible for you to know. But you don't feel scared or angry...
"I will miss you too. I love you." You feel sad, sad that it's all over. The last thing you feel is that Aizetsu moves you head, pt right now just a face, again to be able to kiss it goodbye, making eye contact with you. His lips move, but you can't hesr him. "I love you more."
Nakime is shocked, she doesn't even know what to do besides having you in her lap, taking the place it's usually for her biwa. Now you are nothing but a head that fell from the sky as she summoned you, you managed to communicate with her after a slayer decapitated you and you are at least glas you will be able to spend this last seconds with her. You were so scared for a secondz that you wouldn't make it, that you would be gone and she wouldn't even know it, that she would wait for you still.
You spend the last moments in quiet, you don't want to force her to speak. You would suggest that she could play for you as you finish to desintegrate, but you are very comfortable in her lap. You don't want to move or to be moved. She isn't even crying, and she is barely touching you, just enough for you to not roll over. That would be uncomfortable.
Many thoughts and feelings run through your head. Where is your body? What is going to happen now? Is Nakime going to miss you? That slayer better die painfully! You really love Nakime. What should you say right now? That sword really hurt! - Everything is so spontaneous. But again, you are dying, you have the priviledge of not being coherent.
"I love you, Nakime." You tell her honestly, those are good last words, right? It's not original, impressive or anything, really. But it's honest, and it feels right to tell her. Nakime doesn't cry, her voice doesn't break. She just answers "I love you too, Y/N." And yoj both spend your lasts moments together in silent.
Akaza is crying a lot, your face has more tears of his than yours, as he holds yuou with his forehead almost meeting his. He screams, sniffles, hiccups, begs, everything. "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY! I COULDN'T PROTECT YOU! I WANTED TO PROTECT YOU! I DIDN'T WANT TO BREAK MY PROMISE! I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! WE WERE MEANT TO HAVE A LIFE TOGETHER!" The misery in his voice makes you want to cry, too. But you also want to comfort Akaza, who seems near having an attack.
"Akaza, my love, my komainu... don't worry. I'm not angry, you did the best you could. It's not your fault." You speak softly, he always loved it when you were soft to him and you hope being gentle can calm him down. "I WILL KILL THOSE SWORDSMEN! I WILL! THEY ARE ALL COWARDS! WEAKLINGS! THEY DESERVE TO DIE!" He isn't listening, he probably can't. He is again rambling about weaklings, you always thought it was strange the way Akaza seemed to remember and not his human life.
You like to think forgetting is some sort of mercy, it makes easier to handle the demon life and diet if you don't have a mamory of anything pevious holding you back, like you feel it does to Akaza somehow. Part of you wishes he could also forget you, it would make it easier for him. "Akaza... listen to me." You try again, and again, and again... time is running out.
He can't hear anything you say, and you only hope he doesn't just follow after you. Not when he has still a lot to do. "I love you so much." You may not knoe about Akaza's past, but you know he will let no sword user live after this.
You are almost praying that Douma doesn't just start playing with your head as if it was a ball. He is holding you with just one hand so you can be in front of his face, crying thick tears through his eyes. You can't even bring hourself to be scared or sad, just annoyed with the fact that even know Douma is not being honest. You are about to die, the least he could do is show you the real Douma for one last time. "It's such a tragic event."
Yeah, very tragic, to cry for. That you already know, Douma would not be crying if he didn't knew normal people cry in situations like this. "Douma, please stop crying. We both know you are having fun with thag and I would appreciate if you stopped acting for some seconds." You tell him honestly. You are usually more aware with his condition and let him express his fake emotions. Right now? What do you have to lose if he doesn't like your attitude? Kill you more? Leace you be? Throw you out? Hurt you? What does it matter now? You want to see Douma, so if you can't you might just not be around his mask.
By your surprise, he actually thinks about it. "You are right, this will be rhe last time we see each other. I might as well just be myself for the sake of how special this moment is. Like a farewell." He says as he droos the fake expressions and looks at you, eyes mostly empry, just showing interest. The rest of the face is blank, relaxed completely, as if it wasn't alive. You feel less alone like that, it gives some dort of relief. "You are so pretty, Douma. And a lot more than just some silver hair, an ear the it's supposed to be for deities and rainbow eyes. A healthy advice? Look for someone that realizes that." You smile at him.
He doesn't asnwer for a while, thinking about it before nodding. None of you wsnt to say anything else, just look at each other. If you tell him you love him he will just say it back, and you don't want that. You love Douma, and you are just happy to be with the real one in your last seconds. "Goodbye Douma." He looks at you with all his attention, face finally moving. "Goodbye Y/N. It was a pleasure to know you."
Kokushibou is just holding you, watching you die. Though, he is probably still procesing it, so you don't know what to say. He has your head in his lap as he is sitting, just watching you with intensity. It's a bit akward. "Kokushibou, can you ple-" he interrupts you. "Don't speak." He tells you coldly, and you can only sigh at that. You are not even surprised.
"You are dying." He continues after a few seconds, and NOOOO, REALLY?! You didn't notice! At all! Like, it's not like you felt a freaking katana pierce throigh your neck and now your body is desintegrating slowly. It's not like you can move your body but you can't feel you back and legs at all, and for fuck's sake, you are dying. After going through all that, you are scared. What now?
You can see Kokushibou thinking, he probably wants to comfort you and doesn't know how, not realizing he caused you distress in the first place. "You will not be bothered by worldly matters. You will be..." and he can't continue, because how can he comfort you when dying? You know Kokushibou is terrified by death, and now he wants to try to convince you that it's "not so bad"? What a joke! But you appreciate the gesture. You know it will be your last time with him and you don't want it to be such a waste with things with comfort or regret.
"I love you, Kokushibou. You are an idiot, but I love you." He frowns when you insult him, but doesn't complain. He evades your eyes for a while before sighing. "I also love you, Y/N. Goodbye." As cold as ever, but what did you expect? "Goodbye..." you spend the rest of uour seconds in silent, not really satisfied but not wanting to ask more from Kokushibou. It's over.
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Have you ever had a dream/nightmare so bad or profound that it genuinely altered your brain chemistry?
Mine was a nightmare when I was about like 12. And for context, at this point I had an O'C whom I was very very attached to called "Mind" who was my own version of an imaginary friend y'know? I knew her, deeply, and cared for her so much
Well in this Nightmare I woke up in the middle of a barren wasteland with only a dull circus tent around me. So I walked in, an old woman greeted me and led me to a barren grey room where I met with a woman who's face I don't recognize anymore
She put like- Snake/Leeches on my back and god did that hurt, like I genuinely felt that pain. And Mind (Who was a wolf btw) came out and attacked her
Mind was stabbed by the lady and my dream ended there.
What boggles my mind is that after that Dream (Inmediately after) I could Never again get a good grip on what her personality was like. I lost all sense of her as a character, she just- Vanished from my imagination and only her name and appearance remained. She died with that dream
It's something my friends and I ocassionally talk about because How. How can a dream be so bad it literally nukes a whole entire central part of my imagination? And Why? I had no problems with Mind in that Era, I was the happiest with her as a character, I felt no need to become more mature (As later on I'd make more imaginary friends, willingly)
To this day I rarely if ever dream about my OC's and they never die in those dreams, and they're fine. So far.
Bruh if something like this happens again I think I'll go mad
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Into the woods: The journal - Part 5
A few hours ago, I have been attacked again, and I'd bet it was the same thing that tried to kill me a week ago. A mysliving is actively trying to hunt me down, and I'm not even sure about the full extent of it's abilities. However, it didn't get away completely unscathed; I managed to wound that lardass for once, and even to get a glipmse of it's looks! But before elaborating on that, I'll better tell how everything happened.
After a day trying to figure out how to use my spear to fish (Years ago I saw a documentary of a tribesman who could catch fish by impaling them with a harpoon), I went back to the cabin to rest. By the way, now it's nearly covered by vegetation, and I'd say it kinda hides it's pressence to some degree! Now, going back to the thing...
After having a frugal dinner (again, roasted bugs, elderberries and some nuts) I was about to write a new entry and then go to sleep, when I heard those familiar steps, still far away from there, but coming closer and closer. There was no doubt about it: I was going to be assaulted again!
It wasn't as late as the last time, but the sun already set hours ago, and I turned off the fire right after cooking my food and entering the cabin with it (I prefer to eat in a safe and enclosed space), so it was imposible to take a good look at it. I tried anyways, looking through one of the holes it's tusks left, to no avail. And then, while I was still trying to discern anything among the shadows, the footsteps stopped.
Almost by instinct, I jumped back to the other side of the room and clutched my spear, as if such a paltry weapon would protect me if that hunk of a beast managed to knock down the door and charged at me. As I feared, almost inmediately it growled. That unnatural, deep and long battle cry, shaking me to the core. And then, the mysliving rammed towards my shelter.
The impact felt far stronger than the last time. Maybe because the structure was already weakened? My worst fear became true, as it managed to finally break through the crack it left the last time, and the tusks (now I could clearly see they were tusks) pierced even deeper than before, leaving a new pair of slighly bigger holes. I was lucky enough since I set the computer on right before hearing the mysliving, and the light allowed me to look at it's face.
Maybe it's my bias talking, but that creature felt like the ugliest, most gross animal I ever had the disgrace to watch. As I guessed, it had an huge and prominent cranium, white colored and with a light gray, leopard like pattern that covered all it's visible skin. It's eyes were light reddish, with a frowned expression, and lacking pupils or iris. Below the cranium it had one large hole, probably a nostril.
The lower half of it's face was the actually abhorrent part to look at. Almost detached from the cranium, a long, flaccid jaw was seemingly hanging, filled with yellow, disfigured teeth seemingly distributed with no order, and a big, fat pink tongue, revolving and moving akin to a massive maggot, smearing all it's surroundings with spittle. And below it's lips, the two sharp tusks were sprouting, far sharper than the pointy branch I used as a spear. Due to it's anatomy and way of attacking, I'll named it's species ''Rammer''.
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It was wiggling and bitting aimlessly, as if trying to catch me. That confirmed the rammer was mostly blind, and only attacked following it's sense of odour, since I was two meters away of it. Also, it did not advance, nor retreat, just kept furiously shaking it's head. Did it get stuck? It didn't matter, it was my chance!
My hands trembling, I raised the spear and aimed to it's open mouth, trying to get it's throat so it would suffocate and die. I wasn't really thinking, just acting by instinct. The adrenaline was fully kicking in, and I felt my heart was going to straight jump out of my chest. And then, I thrusted with full killing intent.
And of course, I failed miserably, since I have no experience wielding that thing. Swinging as a complete amateur, I managed to deeply cut it's tongue, which by the way did not bleed at all. What is was clear it's that I made it feel great paint; it's eyes went wide open, and tried to desperately recoil and break free, all that while groaning out of distress.
It finally managed to free itself and retreat, right before I could attempt to attack for a second time. The steps swiftly backed away, leaving behind the severed piece of the tongue, but still no trace of blood.
Half a minute after the rammer fleed, the distant chant of an owl and ocassional creaking sounds from mice stepping on dried leaves took over. The forest went back to it's discreet routine, as if nothing out of the norm happened mere moments ago.
This night I repeled death, but now I am in a dangerous situation. There is a huge gap in the lower half of the door. I demonstrated that I'm able to defend myself, but if that beast has the mind to strike back, this time the cabin won't withstand the charge, and I'll be finally preyed by it.
For the next few days, I'll have to focus all my time and effords to devise a way of keeping at bay any and all threats that roam this forest. I have some ideas, but right now I feel too confused and anxious to make any use of them. I should sleep, but that hole is still there, as an invitation to any large enough predator to come and get me.
All I can do is to put the spear against the damaged door. This way, if anything tries to enter, it will probably knock it back, and hopefully the noise will awake me. It's incredibly dangerous, and probably will be too late for me by then, but I have no other choice. I have to force myself to sleep; I can't do shit at night with such monsters wandering, all my planification and feeding has to be strictly done under the daylight.
It is easier said than done, but my life really depends of my discipline. This is going to be a long night, no matter I end falling asleep or not.
Take care, city dwellers.
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