#and then possibly non stimulants if that doesnt help either. its not the end of the road yet ive just been dramatic abt it..
toastsnaffler · 8 months
#dr has given me a choice whether to try a different long acting (elvanse) or a short acting 2-3x daily (unspecified) instead of concerta#i dont knooow. long acting is more convenient for me bc i work long days and dont rly wanna have to take meds in w me#plus my lunch break has to be flexible so itd be hard to be consistent abt taking a 2nd short acting dose in the day..#but also long acting is more likely to mess w my sleep like concerta did innit.#well i dunno. ik ppl have different responses to each so we'll see. itd probably be good to at least have tried both#ill make a decision and let her know tomorrow im too tired and irritable to write any more emails today#sorry for going on abt this stuff so much typing just helps me think#also i think part of the reason i had such a bad time on concerta is probably bc when the acid reflux got rough i took rennie to deal w it#but antacids actually interact w stimulants lmao i did not know that and it wasnt in the info i was given. well.#would be nice if it DIDNT give me acid reflux and nausea in the first place tho... and i dont think i can tolerate either of those-#without my best friend rennie anyway so i guess it just wasnt to be#im leaning towards elvanse first i can always try short acting if it doesnt help i guess#and then possibly non stimulants if that doesnt help either. its not the end of the road yet ive just been dramatic abt it..#sighs loud enough to blow down a little pigs house. okay im gonna chill in bed and sleep early tonight i procrastinated sleeping too-#much yesterday and thats probably why ive been so irritable today yeurgh. love u guys byebye#.diaries
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injectables24 · 5 years
Buy original Alpha Pharma Alphabolin
Alphabolin is Alpha Pharma Methenolone Enanthate
Alphabolin is indicated for treatment of aplastic anaemia which are or may be responsive to anabolic androgens, cachexia and replacement therapy for males with androgenic deficiencies.
This product (Methenolone Enanthate) is sold under different names:
Primobolan Enanthate
Primobolan is one of those anabolic steroids which has a cult following not unlike the old original version of Masteron. Actually, as you can easily see from its anabolic:androgenic ratio below in the profile, its a pretty weak steroid but actually stronger(!) than Masteron in both regards. I dont know anyone who has run both compounds at the same dose. We are probably justified in speculating that youd probably get similar results from either of them, when you consider the fact that you are getting quite a bit less actual drug and more ester when you choose injectable Primobolan (which has the very long Enanthate ester attached to it) over Masteron (which has the very short propionate ester attached to it). In truth, I think part of the reason many Primobolan users have been disappointed is that they failed to use enough of it, for long enough. From its chemical structure and anabolic:androgenic rating, we can assume it is at least as effective as Masteron, on an equal Mg for mg basis. However, due to its ester (in the injectable version), it needs to be run for at least 12 weeks to see the full benefits from it. When you consider a measly dose of 400mgs of this stuff for 12 weeks will probably cost you around $500.
Its easy to see why many people have tried to use less…and have been disappointed with their results. On the other hand, many competitive bodybuilders consider Primobolan indespensible to their pre-contest drud routine, and wouldnt consider dieting without it. Anyway…I think the comparison to Masteron (another great precontest drug) is the best one we can make, with reference to expected gains and results.
Alphabolin 10ml 100mg/ml  Effects
Lets flesh out some of the various general effects of Primobolan, before we get into the differences between the oral and injectable versions… One study performed on sheep involved administering 100mgs of Methenolone, and electronically stimulating their lats (electronic stimulation was used because they kept falling off the chin-up bars). Anyway, when compared with the lat muscles of sheep who didnt receive Methenolone, the receiving group gained significantly more muscle mass as well as strength (1)(2). Its also has a relatively high affinity for binding to the AR, actually binding better than testosterone (3). This ability to strongly bind to the AR may be why Primobolan is such a good “fat burner.” Strong AR binding has been positively correlated with lypolysis (fat-burning) (8).
In addition, as this steroid can actually aid in reducing breast tumors, no ancillary products need be considered for use with Primobolan, and in fact, it may actually be a useful ancillary agent in its own right, similar to Masteron. Also, just like Masteron, Primobolan has no propensity to aromatize (convert to estrogen). Since it doesnt aromatize, alot of the side effects commonly associated with estrogen will not be of concern. This means water retention, acne, and gyno will be non-existent more or less. this lack of water retention combined with the slow and steady gains provided by Primo may help to explain why it has earned a reputation for creating quality muscle gains. This also helps to explain why it is so expensive. Although estrogenic sides are not a concern, hair loss still, remains a very real concern with Primobolan, as with many DHT-Derived steroids. Many primobolan fans always include Finasteride and Ketoconazole (shampoo) in cycles containing Primobolan.
Although nobody would ever suggest to use Primobolan as a bulking agent, its been studied as an agent to halt wasting and possibly reverse many of the adverse effects of anemia. It is a shocking failure in both areas, according to some of the case studies Ive read, (5)(6) and this should come to no surprise to anyone. Anadrol reigns supreme in this area, and nobody in the athletic community would ever compare those two drugs. However, Michael Mooney and many other respected doctors who work with AIDS patients have found sufficient evidence to claim that Primobolan is an immune enhancer and as such is very useful for AIDS patients (not that the FDA cares…Primobolan is still not approved for sale in the United States). AIDS patients arent really in need of Bulking Drugs, so an immune enhancer like Primo which will add small, quality gains in muscle is perfect for them. And since we arent even going to vaguely consider the use of Primobolan as a bulking agent, clearly this leaves us with considering it primarily for use in gaining and maintaining lean tissue. Its a great choice for this purpose, and many competitors have used it very successfully to retain muscle while on a calorie reduced diet. The reason Primo is so useful for this purpose is that one of its primary functions is to help your body retain nitrogen (7) at a greatly enhanced rate. The greater your nitrogen retention is, the more muscle you will build. In the case of using primo as a pre-contest drug, this nitrogen retention will help you retain muscle and ensure that your dieting preferentially favors fat loss over muscle loss.
Primobolan is a very unique steroid, as it is one of the few that comes in both an oral as well as an injectable version. I suppose Winstrol does also, but Primobolan actually has a different ester on the oral (acetate ) and injectable (Enanthate) versions. The oral version is one of the more interesting oral compounds Ive looked into. For starters, its one of the few compounds available to athletes and bodybuilders which is both oral as well as non-17-alpha-alkylation. This alteration is (as Im sure you remember from other stuff Ive written) what generally makes oral steroids survive their first pass through your liver, but also makes them Hepatoxic (Liver toxic). Well… oral Primo doesnt have this feature, so it is very mild on your liver (actually it basically isnt liver toxic at all), but also is largely destroyed by it, since 17 beta estrification and 1 alkylation is the method used to make this stuff orally available. Youll need to take a lot of this stuff for it to be effective… 100mgs/day of the oral version is a safe estimate for reasonable gains& for women, you could get away with less; perhaps 25mgs/day. Even though the acetate ester has a 2-3 day active life, your liver will do some damage to oral primo, so every day dosing will still be necessary.
Side effects:
Primobolan is widely held in high regard as one of the few anabolic steroids that is considered very ‘mild’ in the sense that it presents absolutely zero risk of any Estrogenic side effects at any dose as well as its very weak androgenic strength rating, which allows it to exhibit far less severity in terms of the potential of androgenic side effects than most other anabolic steroids. This is the reason as to why Primobolan is often pitted against and compared to its close brother, Anavar. Both are anabolic steroids that have been utilized medically in the treatment of women and children with very little risk of ill effects and both are considered very ‘mild’ in regards to potential side effects. This is, however, where the similarities between the two end, as Primobolan is an anabolic steroid that possesses not only a weak affinity for various side effects, but also a weak anabolic strength when compared to the majority of other anabolic steroids in existence (and in comparison to Anavar).
Estrogenic Side Effects
Primobolan is a DHT-derivative anabolic steroid, which means it does not exhibit any interaction with the aromatase enzyme at any dose, and therefore Primobolan side effects are completely void of any Estrogenic side effects. Estrogen-related side effects such as water retention, rising blood pressure (as a result of water retention) and gynecomastia are nonexistent from Primobolan alone.
Androgenic Side Effects
Although Primobolan possesses a very low androgenic strength rating in comparison to Testosterone, Primobolan might still exhibit androgenic side effects especially in individuals with a greater sensitivity to this category of Primobolan side effects. All anabolic steroids exhibit androgenic effects to varying degrees, and some less than others. Primobolan is one such anabolic steroid in which it tends to exhibit far less androgenic activity than other anabolic steroids, but the risk of androgenic side effects presenting themselves should never be completely ignored with Primobolan. Androgenic side effects include the following: increased sebum secretion (oily skin), increased bouts of acne (linked to increased sebum secretion), bodily and facial hair growth, and the increased risk of triggering Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) in individuals that possess the genetic trait required for the condition to manifest itself. Primobolan side effects in the realm of androgenic side effects also include virilization effects in female users. Virilization effects in females can include the development of male secondary sex characteristics (deepening of the voice, growth of body and facial hair), clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities. Primobolan in particular should not aggravate these conditions if female doses are kept sensible and cycle lengths are kept short and moderate. One particular advantage to Primobolan (and all DHT-derivatives in particular) is the fact that Primobolan does not interact with the 5-Alpha Reductase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of Testosterone to the much more androgenic Dihydrotestosterone), and so therefore there is no risk involved in Primobolan converting into any stronger androgens from such a process. It can be safe to assume then that the androgenic strength associated with Primobolan should remain constant and consistent throughout use.
HPTA and Endogenous Testosterone Production Side Effects
When utilized at doses necessary for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement, all anabolic steroids will cause either suppression or total shut down of the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis) and endogenous natural Testosterone production through the negative feedback loop. Primobolan side effects are no exception to this rule for all anabolic steroids. Primobolan in particular is always commonly touted as being an anabolic steroid that is ‘mild’ in its Testosterone suppression side effects. This is quite obviously a very false rumor that must be cleared up, as clinical data has demonstrated. Primobolan, when administered in medically prescribed doses (approximately 20 – 25mg per day) has shown to cause very minor suppression of the HPTA. However, this is not the case when bodybuilding doses and doses necessary for physique and performance enhancement are brought into consideration. For example, one study administered 30 – 45mg per day of oral Primobolan to test subjects in which over half of these subjects exhibited a 15 – 65% suppression of endogenous Testosterone production. The dose administered to these subjects is a dose that is actually considered still fairly low (30 – 45mg per day) for performance and physique enhancing purposes. Considering that bodybuilding and performance enhancing doses for Primobolan typically start in the 100mg range, Primobolan very well does exhibit some strong suppression of endogenous Testosterone production. Although the level of suppression resultant from Primobolan is lower than most anabolic steroids, it still presents itself as quite a suppressive compound, and many individuals must be aware of this.
It is very important that following any cycle, each individual engages in a proper and well-structured and planned Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) program, which includes the use of Testosterone-stimulating compounds (such as Nolvadex and/or HCG) for a 4-6 week period immediately after the end of any cycle in order to ensure full restoration of the body’s endogenous production of Testosterone and related hormones. Without a proper PCT program, the user risks damaging and/or shutting down their HPTA for the duration of life, at which point medical intervention will be necessary.
Hepatotoxic Side Effects
Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) as well as oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) are both void of the typical C17-alpha alkylation common in nearly all oral anabolic steroids, and therefore Primobolan presents no measurable hepatotoxic effects on the body. Oral Primobolan has failed to demonstrate any changes in liver enzyme values that would be cause for concern. Primobolan in particular does possess in its own right a resistance to hepatic metabolism and breakdown, and only one incidence of a death resultant of hepatotoxicity and liver failure from oral Primobolan has been recorded in one male elderly individual who was prescribed the compound for the purpose of treating anemia[4]. Therefore, higher doses of oral Primobolan can indeed be utilized but it must be noted that oral Primobolan does still possess a measure of resistance to metabolism and breakdown in the liver, and therefore the risk of hepatotoxicity from Primobolan must not be completely ignored, especially as doses of the oral format are increased to higher and higher amounts.
The injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) is void of any liver toxicity issues, as its route of administration bypasses the first pass through the liver.
Cardiovascular Side Effects
Primobolan side effects include that of cardiovascular strain and negative cholesterol changes, which is a side effect shared among all anabolic steroids. This involves the reduction of HDL (the good cholesterol) and increases of LDL (the bad cholesterol). The result of such changes is an increased risk of arteriosclerosis, and the degree to which these changes occur for the worse are usually dose-dependent (with higher doses increasing the negative changes and the risks). Other factors that affect these negative cholesterol changes are: duration of use, and route of administration. In terms of the route of administration, oral anabolic steroids are known as being the worst for their negative impacts on cholesterol in comparison to injectable anabolic steroids. This is where oral anabolic steroids hold a negative reputation for exhibiting a far worse negative impact on cholesterol in comparison to injectable anabolic steroids. This is due to the fact that the liver is essentially the body’s cholesterol processing and production center, and increased hepatotoxicity as a result of oral anabolic steroid use is associated with negative cholesterol changes.
Proper attention to a clean diet and the inclusion of various healthy cholesterol promoting foods (such as omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils (at least 2 – 4 grams per day) is essential while on a cycle of anabolic steroids.
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