#and then puen will finally get back somehow and they'll be united
dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Random thoughts on Vice Versa ep 8
I wonder why it's so important for them to have the film made this year... I guess it's because they're scared they will either travel back to their own universe before they get to make it, or that one of them might die...?
I couldn't believe Talay was selling off those clothes so cheap - those amounts are not going to get a film made. He'll need to sell 50-100,000 items to get the kind of money they need. Thank goodness Tun/Puen stopped him...but also, how did Talay not question or realise it was him?!
I loved every appearance of Fuse this ep. As soon as I knew he was going to appear, I squealed to myself "Oh my god what's Fuse's shirt going to say?!" like a fricking child on their birthday.
I laughed out loud at 'Headbook'. I love anytime they do something slightly off kilter in the alternative universe. I was slightly disappointed then that Mek went in for a high five - couldn't they have done something slightly different like with the finger-counting?!
OMG I yelled at the screen when I saw Ae Perth. He's a fantastic actor and I can't wait to see him in his own series again. I also loved the plane-café location. I love the fact that it might have been used in the Y-Destiny eps with the other Perth actor and the actor Talay (and Yoon of course). I wonder if they chose it for that reason...
I don't even know where to start with the cats, the lions behind Mek with those plush red seats, and the Tay Tawan scenes. Madness. but poor kitties. Oh I need to gush about how FANTASTIC it is that kitten in Thai is 'nong meow'...(or something like that)!!!
AND I LOVE THAT MEK MEANS CLOUD! Thai nicknames ftw! Just all this word play is so great, and that it utilises both english and thai languages 👏🏼
Have you noticed that Puen keeps saying Talay's name after he says something to him...almost like an emphasis. I don't notice Talay doing it back so much if at all (he'll say Tun in a sentence or as a 'wtf?!'). So I wonder if, once Talay knows Puen's name, he will do the same pointedly - as a thing, as an acknowledgement that Puen kept doing it and now Talay can do it because he knows Puen's name… Well, I hope so...
Oh my god, they're so cute during the mirroring…I feel like I'm watching Jimmy and Sea sometimes. And someone said it reminded them of Pat and Pran's Oishi tea improvised dance...and yes, yes it does (because everything reminds me of bad buddy).
I can't believe I wrote this note after the mirroring: "I do feel tired at seeing Talay pull away from Puen though. I know there are reasons why but my god a kiss wouldn't hurt would it? Or at least to not pull away as though he's put off by the idea of kissing Puen. smh" and then the show went and GAVE ME THE KISS I SO DEMANDED NEEDED!
Ah, it was a fantastic ep.
(I didn't clock at first that the glitching was deliberate...but maybe that's because I'm so used to bad quality wifi where I'm staying that I thought it was either the streaming...or even on the video itself [sorry, gmmtv but your quality isn't top notch - sound issues, for example]...and I can see now that it's glitching because of the whole 'they've found their portkeys!' or even just 'they've fallen in love!'...but I think they could have done it a bit less subtle so that there wouldn't be so many of us going, "wait, what? that wasn't my shitty computer?!")
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