#and then she did the exact same joke again with ukyo and tsubasa in ranma (even if tsubasa didn’t end up with ukyo)
xbuster · 1 month
You know, personally, I never liked how Ryuunosuke from Urusei Yatsura’s arc ended, with her in a forced engagement to Nagisa and having not beaten her dad. Granted, she sort of seems to warm up to Nagisa, but it always seemed a bit weird to me that the main Ryuunosuke ship was one forced on her by her dad. It feels like Ryuunosuke’s dad wins in a way if Nagisa and Ryuu get together. Granted, I am a big Ryuunosuke x Benten shipper, so this might just be my bias talking.
There’s a lot that can be said about how much wasted potential there was in Ryu, but teasing us with the idea of her dating multiple women throughout the manga (especially Shinobu, Benten, and Ran) only for the boyish girl to end up with the girlish boy is just so unabashedly Rumic that it’s almost hard for me to be upset with it
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