#and then the burnt parts are either obnoxious orange or very mild
moeblob · 10 months
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Right in time for bad weather to roll in!
There's a game on the Vita that I adored because you created both your character and also a second character that followed you around. (in that game, you're a little fella and your secondary is basically your babysitter who can't feel emotions and is programmed to be not be fond of you)
On many consoles, there's another game where you create your character and also create a secondary and it's very much your first in authority. (Arisen and Pawns? Multiple people knew of the game when I posted fanart of my silly duo so.)
However, there's tragically a third game I found in which you also have two characters and the first one is a fella, a hooman... and the second is AI. And absolutely adores you. Buuuut I made my primary a kind of indifferent fella named Adam and then in honors of the first one I mentioned, I named my secondary 'sqlmn' which is basically pronounced 'salmon'. Which is what my angy babysitter was named, Salmon.
Anyway I'm too embarrassed to admit which game I'm playing so have fun guessing!
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