#and then the neon lights make it look like the dress isnt shaded but i swear it is :pensive:
greywritesthings · 6 months
Complete contradiction
Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings; none I'm pretty sure
A/N; Longest fic so far, not very long by others standards but its 2 and a small paragraph pages so a lot compared to my normal one page fic. I really really like this one so any reblogs & comments would be especially appreciated on this one! (this also isnt proof read srry) also for additional context reader is also a classified genius and I do plan on making this a series :)
Taglist; @reidstheyfriend
SR Masterlist
read on Ao3 instead!
You peeled off your coat and dropped your bag at the door, not bothering to hang them up for now, solely focused on getting to your sofa so you could sit down. You had just gotten back from two cases in a row, meaning you were bone achingly exhausted. you had a case in Arizona followed by an emergency case involving a child in Texas then back to Virginia where you had given pretty much all the team a curt goodbye, texting Spencer a simple I love you and throwing him a smile before getting in your car. You had been with the BAU for a year now but were still yet to let your guard down around them all. You only trusted Spencer fully given he was your boyfriend and you had known him before coming to the BAU, you met when he was doing his third PHD and you were on your second. 
Spencer had spent a lot of time with you while you did your PHD, you were working on your criminal psychology doctorate after finishing your first one in Philosophy while he did his in chemistry. You bonded well, at first spending time in the library or lab together but soon enough you decided to start working together at your apartment, where Spencer had learnt you were very different at home compared to how you were outside. 
You dressed like a typical academic, dark tones with some purples and greens thrown in, your makeup was light but you often had on dark eyeliner and lipstick, you came off as cold and intimidating to everyone in looks and you weren't very friendly in tone, you just had a soft spot for the boy genius. Many would think your house would be the same, covered in books, dark colours throughout too but it was nearly the opposite. Once you walked through the door there was colour near enough everywhere, not migraine inducing neon but there were shades of light greys purples and greens covering the walls with mandala tapestries and other art pieces joining them. A striped rug with shades of pink, yellow and orange covered the floor of the living room underneath a dark coffee table in between two large patchwork sofas, a pink lamp stood in the corner on top of a small green table . Your kitchen was also brushed with colour, bright blue cabinets with light wooden countertops with a rainbow variety of cutlery, kitchen utensils, bowls and plates, your book cases throughout the apartment had books with custom dust jackets on so they were in theme with the rest of the house, you had picked up making them during highschool out of boredom. Your house was the opposite of you, and also the opposite of Spencer, who preferred the darker themes all around. 
You also had divided your wardrobe up into your working outfits and your not working outfits. Whenever you were going to set foot at work or when you met spencer, university, you wore your darker more academic and professional outfits and once you were home you wore colourful outfits. It helped you to compartmentalise the job so you didn't burn out or stress as much. When you were off work you lived in sweaters, dungarees and dresses in colours and styles that made you happy. When you and Spencer were together off work you looked like the complete contradiction of one another for people who worked so well and were identical in many other ways. 
You picked yourself up from the couch and trudged over to your bedroom to go and change into your choice of clothes for the evening. When you look through your closet you decide on a white turtleneck and pastel pink dungarees, putting on some fuzzy socks and leaving your hair down for now so you can settle in for the night making some new jackets for Spencer's books. His books were beaten up from all the travelling he did with them and they were starting to fall apart, especially the older ones, so you were making them in hopes that it would slow down the damage. 
You were so focused on your project that you didn't hear the door unlocking, you were used to Spencer letting himself in so it didn't put you on alert, not until you heard a voice who definitely wasn't supposed to be at your door, let alone inside your apartment. “Oh my god, are we in the right place?” Penelope squealed from your doorway. “I don’t think we should be here, she's private and this is certainly something she doesn't want us to know.” You hear Rossi suggest. “Guys it'll be fine, what's the worst that could happen?”  Morgan assures, you're now almost certain that at least JJ and Emily are here, possibly Hotch given aside from Spencer he was the only one with a spare key for safety purposes. Spencer wasn't with them you guessed, he was coming home after he finished up some paperwork at the university he had been requested to do last minute on a friday so he was coming over around eight PM. 
“You can come in instead of letting my heating out.” You may not look as intimidating but you can sound as cold as ever given you just had six people show up on your door and let themselves in. They all come in, awkwardly standing in the doorway as Hotch closes the door behind him. “Sorry for barging in y/n, I wanted to stop by and drop off your bag as you had left it behind at the office and Reid was gone and then the others, insisted on following me, I apologise again for the intrusion.” Hotch is nearly as formal with you as he is with strangers, you knew it was because the only things he knew about you were the things he was told by Strauss and your file, maybe also your favourite books if he managed to take a look at your open kindle on your desk sometimes. “Go make yourselves at home, leave two seats free on the sofa, also go snoop if you want, just stay out of the last room on the right, that's my bedroom.” you nod towards Garcia who practically lights up, both at your lighter tone and at the prospect of being let in to your personality. The girls and Morgan all go off to explore your apartment while Rossi and Hotch head over to the couches. 
After a while the others are done exploring your home meaning you were all now sat together, you had passed around some hot chocolates and teas, you didn't drink coffee and over time had transitioned spencer to do the same so he didn't dump half a bag of sugar into his coffee just to make it drinkable for him. You weren't entirely relaxed but you were more so in your own home compared to in the bureau. You explained your way of separating work and home through your different ways of dressing, you also opened up on some of your history with Spencer, not quite yet letting on the fact you were together. You both had places of your own for safety reasons alongside not wanting to make your ever snooping coworkers suspicious. You thought you would be safe in hiding your relationship until you lost track of time and Spencer walked through the door and called to you automatically. “I'm home sweetheart!” pausing when he heard the chatter in the living room die down, when he turned around after hanging his coat and bag up on the hooks he looked nervously at you as you nodded at him, signalling you were okay if he was. With that he visibly relaxed as the screeching began from the girls once again while Hotch and Rossi just smiled at you, Hotch having already knew as you had to declare your relationship when you started at the bureau some years after spencer, opting to do some more teaching work and get your third PHD in linguistics before taking up a role in the BAU with him.
It was several hours later when the team eventually left with you promising you would join them on the next team gathering. You then got to curl up on the sofa in Spencer's arms watching nature documentaries and reading French novels, the way you normally would, with the thought of maybe you could wear something colourful on Monday, maybe a burnt orange to ease into it.
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saturnsickle · 5 years
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🍄 Day 2: Idol: Backstage | Performance | After Party
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. RS really is into modern purity, because in ancient Greek, the corpses of the dead would be wrapped in white and it was more of a mourning color. Brides back then would wear yellow veils.
Orphism also associated Apollo and Aphrodite with white, though usually Aphrodite was accompanied with pearls or diamonds instead of pure white, and even Zeus was considered associated as white poplar was burned in sacrifice to him.
There's also mentions of Leuce, a nymph who Hades fell in love with and who ended up becoming the white poplar. So it would make a lot more sense for Hades to be dressed in white than Persephone. Which once again shows just how little effort Rachel puts into LO.
2. that other ask is right bc the way rachel made sure persephone couldnt even look at another guy or have experience outside of her future husband is so unintentionally reinforcing conservative control over womens' bodies and that they can only have/enjoy sex with their husbands and thats it. I think she was trying to have it that persephone just happened to marry the "perfect" man right away, but it ends up having the opposite effect by making the couple look rather unhealthy.
3. white isnt even a partocularly good color on current persephone's harsh, neon pink shade. the discover/canvas version of her as pastel pink fit much better with the white, IMHO. current neon persephone looked much better in greens, yet for some reason that was used only for a few episodes before going back to white or making her all pink. the alll neon pink especially doesnt look good with the red eyes and all black outfits her "queen" look is supposed to be.
4. maybe it's just me but i feel like part of the reason lo seems lesser than it could be is bc its too grounded in reality. like its just now trying to pull high fantasy with magic fruit or w/e but like olympus and the underworld are businesses, they have cars and cell phones and it all looks like modern NYC, why would they still adhere to mystical stuff like that? if it embraced how weird myth could be from the start that would have helped, but its too late now to be added for it to mesh well TBH
5. i know its beating a dead horse at this point but the height difference isnt really that big of a deal to me?? its combination of it with how young she is and how childish/immature shes drawn and depicted as that it becomes an issue. tbh if she was 400+ year old firecracker with a loud mouth who stood up for herself and was confident w/ adult features i think the small height would actually be beneficial, but bc shes depicted as a child instead it becomes an issue. maybe thats just me though.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
6. In fastpass Hades was kinda mean to hermes and questioned everything he said, even though putting persephone in good light, so he should be happy. He was probably jeolus that he and perephone were good friends spent a lot time together and that he said that he really cares about her. Even after he said that what perephone wanted from him want books but friendship and that they have beautiful friendship, hades interruped him and said that it has nothing to do with case, even though it was context
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themonsteroffice · 8 years
It’d be a while before I can make all the art for the deparmtments so here is a list of them with a brief description of what they look like. Because the reality in the building is so loose the Dreamons often warp their own deparmtments to suit their own taste and needs. The results can be a bit jarring for most as you can pass from a door into a meadow or even enter a graveyard, this place is full of surprises. Its long so this is under the read more:
Green Dept. When you enter the Green Dept. you find yourself in a pleasant but vast garden with a wide assortment of herbs and flowers, some for practical uses and others just add a gentle atmosphere. The soft scent and sunshine create a calming environment that would bring some ease to even the most troubled of minds. Beyond the garden looks to be a small wooden cottage covered in vines and flowers and inside is a cozy setting where the Dreamon, Greegori, is waiting to treat any physical, mental, or emotional wounds. Chartreuse Dept.  The area is dimly lit save for some neon green lighting that drapes just enough light on the setting so folks can see where they are going. There are various tables scattered along the walls leaving plenty of space in the center for a large dance floor. There are various platforms and levels in the place allowing for balcony seating for those who just wanna watch. A large stage takes up the entire back wall though half of it is taken up by wallhigh speakers ready to blast away when the party really starts. You can usually find the head Dreamon, Chartrand on the highest level in his private booth chillin when he isn’t playing the DJ. During business hours its a more quiet lounge-during afterhours its a huge rave.
Yellow Dept. The only deparmtment that actually looks like an office setting. Its filled with the usual cubicles, cabinets, and office supplies and wait  why is there a rhino beast in the middle of the aisle...and was there always a pool here? Geez. The yellow deparmtment is unassuming but you never know whats going to pop up one moment and vanish the next. Worst of all if you try to tell the head Dreamon, Yelloneus, about it he never acknowledges the literal elephant in the room. Yelloneus’ office is in the back behind the maddening labyrinth of cubicles, good luck getting there.
Amberose Dept. Everyone loves to dream of a beach day! Well everyone in the Amber deparmtment works at a beach day every day! Its quite literally a beach. Theres plenty of small shacks and huts to provide shade and quiet places for employees to work but they’re always welcome to take a break and splash around the water if they like! This deparmtment also hosts many visitors for meetings, what better way to deliver customer service and build a good reputation than taking people on a holiday when they were expecting another boring business trip! You can usually find Amberose all over the place makin sure folks are havin fun or playin a few rounds of beach volleyball. Orange Dept. Your tastebuds are going to go off the charts the moment you enter the orange department because the smell along coming from this kitchen is heavenly. This dpearmtment serves as  a restaurant for employees during the day and visitors at night. Get served fresh dishes from the head chef himself, Oranhamme, who is constantly in the kitchen cooking up something new. While he experiments in the back the many other chefs and bakers will be happy to fix you whatever is on the menu that day. On top of it all you have waiters and waitresses on hand to bring the food to you while you relax at the booth for your lunch break. The area is very warm and cozy made mostly of wood and brick, think of a rural setting. Vermillion Dept. When you walk into the Vermillion Dept. you walk into what looks like a full blown movie studio set. There are lights, cameras, and plenty of action as the head D’eye’rector Vermillinder is always shooting some sort of new advertisement or something. There are dressing rooms along the the stage for the actors and actresses to prepare for their next starring role. The set looks a lil like the glam era of hollywood back in the day, Vermillinder never did get over that era. The sets may seem a lil hokey at first but with Vermillinder’s magic it becomes an all encompassing environment that makes you swear you were actually there.
Red Dept.  The boiler room is Red’s domain. A winding hall of steaming pipes and tool closets. The deeper you go the hotter it gets until its almost unbearable. At the end of the road you’ll find the head, Reddington, stoking the Dream Furnace which takes up the entire wall. The heat is ungodly in this area so its best not to go here if you can help it, besides you probably dont wanna disturb the Dreamon’s whose temper is hotter than the flames he fuels.
Magenta Dept. Welcome to the lab, just dont touch anything. A chemistry setting isnt what you’d really expect when you think of a resources department but Magerite likes to take idea of chemistry between people a littler literally. There are all sorts of creations here, love potions, hate potions, platonic potions, to name a select few. While half the deparmtment has beakers and all sorts of mysterious fumes hovering about the rest of it is  more of a consulting area, clean and tidy for when you need to interview or file a complaint...not like anyone ever files complaints here, ever.
Violet Dept. The key to creating a successful business strategy is to have an environment that fosters enlightenment or so Violson thinks. One may not know whether they’re here to talk business or get their palm read. Theres all sorts of crystals and stones about the places and instead of tables and chair theres just a bunch of rugs and cushions. Gotta keep it loose to create the flow of creative energy. You can find Violson near the back behind the drapes usually meditating.
Indigo Dept. Off Limits Blue Dept. Blubert likes crystal clear communication throughout the building and his deparmtment is a good embodiment of that value. The area is clean and simple in its design overall. The walls are all a thick sturdy glass which allow everyone to see everything thats happening here at all times. Its also always a bit chilly in here like the air conditioner never turns off, bring a jacket. Teal Dept. A network of computer screen, holograms, and all sorts of tech. The area is lit mostly from the light of code flashing across said screens and there is always the dull whirring of machines doing heaven knows what. The head of this deparmtment, Tealing is usually zooming from one screen to another, typing away and making small touch-ups to the machines. It may be hard to get her attention as shes always fixing 100 problems at once.
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