#and then there’s Dipal who guessed correctly first try
amimuu · 2 months
Hey leader. What is your name, if you still remember it that is. I have never actually heard anyone refer to you as anything other than leader or lamb.
[IM NOT SURE IF TO ANSWER IN CHARACTER CUZ THE INBOX FOR LAMBY IS CLOSED BUT—OH yknow what it’s my blog I can do whatever I want]
“My name? Of course I remember. I hear it every day. In the morning, in the night, and sometimes during my crusades too.
It’s all over the Cult grounds, and maybe even stretches beyond; Like bells. Yes, just like the sounds of bells
It’s out there for everyone to hear, to know. But it doesn’t stay in their heads, it seems. A lot of people still think my name is ‘Jingle’, after all. It is not
Hopefully this is enough of an answer to you, dear follower. See, I’ve come to think this way of introducing myself is very entertaining.”
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