#and then there's an obligatory 2 paragraphs describing just how deep their connection is and how much she loves his personality
eff-plays · 25 days
I love how so much Astarion fic is like "She loved him not because he was beautiful ... She loved him for him. For his ... um. Sense of humor. And his. Skills. And how he um. Picks a lock. And uuuuuh. Shoots a bow. And also his um. Uuuuh. For just being him, you know. For how very him he is. He's just so very Astarion haha. Definitely not becuse he's hot though. He's more than that. He's. Um. funny. In a gallows humor way. Haha. Yes she loves his dark humor. They had sooo much in common. Anyway haha here's more smut describing his body in perfect detail btw."
Girl ya whole ass is out!!!
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zarinaa113 · 5 years
HTTYD 3/Forbidden Friendship Vent (Non-spoiler)
 I know that this post is basically useless. I will the see the film in 24 hours, you've already seen it, there's nothing I can do to change what I have a problem with and there never was. But, I need to get this off my chest. Even if I'm just screaming into the void and it echos not. *Deep breath* The Forbidden Friendship scene in How To Train Your Dragon gives me The Holy Feeling. I haven't talked about this in full yet, but I'll ‘sum’ it up here. Hold on, I'm about to get religious here. (And this is vague enough to be applied to all religions)  God is in everything. He is in everything equally. Sometimes our souls, since they come from God and are extensions of him, can sense his presence more profoundly in one thing then it dose in many others. We automatically feel his presence, a Holy Feeling if you will, in certain things. I have no words to describe the feeling other then bliss. It's much more emotional then it is physical, but it's powerful enough that your body feels it too. The vast majority of us will feel this at some point while praying. God knows how to get our souls feeling him so he engineered our religions to generate this feeling in us. Sometimes in a time of need we reach out to God in any way we can. We feel his presence then and it helps us get through it. But sometimes we are just living our lives, driving your car say, when a song from your new rock playlist turns on, it's not a gospel or Christian rock or something of the sort, it could just be a Beetles rock song, and you feel what you only felt that one time you were praying on an important day in your life. You don't get it. This is secular, pop culture, not God related. This is cheapening your prayers. Why am I feeling this? This is your soul seeing something that to your individual soul, has the thumbprint of God on it. And your soul is ecstatic! Your soul loves God and has to squint to see Him in the world in which he's hidden himself. God wants us to work at seeing him, if he was obviously there our faith would be obligatory and he wants us to want to want him. But every once in a while, he gives us a push so it's easier to see him. That's what the Holy Feeling is. It's our souls seeing God more truly then they have in so long that they are filled with awe, admiration and love. It can happen with anything, anywhere at any time. And it is glorious. Don't shun it, embrace it. It can literally be from anything. A lot of people feel it when they see a beautiful view of nature, or a soothing musical number or a moving paragraph of poetry. Those are the most common, but it can come from anything. Best cake you ever had? Best hug? Doing a certain dance move? When your kid says that one thing in that way? It can be anything because God is in everything. Don't let the mundanity of the thing snuff our your feeling. End rant. I get this feeling from The Forbidden Friendship scene in How To Train Your Dragon.  The music, the pacing, the editing, the lighting, the textures, the cinematography the effects, the blocking, the symbolism, the timing, the body language, the sound effects, the expressions, the choir, the animation, the lack of dialogue, the wonder, the emotion, the imagery, everything about it is to me, perfection on another level. I thank God for it every day.  And I'm mostly certain that in How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Toothless will do the Forbidden Friendship scene again. But this time with the Light Fury. And my gut reaction is deeply negative to this.  From a narrative perspective I get it. I know they need to establish that the Fury's have a connection beyond...uhh...desire? And taking things from the past is the best way to show that. There isn't anything else. I've given it plenty of thought.  I have a lot of faith in Dean and his team. They haven't failed me yet, but I'm still scared. And upset. This is going to change what I see as perfection no matter what. It may make it better, HTTYD 2 did that with the things it referenced, it may make it worse, I doubt it. Either way it will change The Forbidden Friendship Scene. And I'm not ready for that. I don't even know if I'm okay with that. And I'm not okay with not being okay with that. It's not my choice. Not my film. Not my characters. Not my scene. That's hard for me to admit, even though I know it's true. I can't do anything about it. It's unthinkable to say 'I'm not okay with what you did in your movie with your characters that I haven't even seen! Change it now!". Yet the immature part of me feels that way. And I'm wrestling with it.  I need to release my concerns here. I'm just free flowing, but it's just Hiccup and Toothless's thing! It's what brought them together! Nubless can't have that! Why dose she deserve it!? The cool part of the Scribble Lines is that it was how Hiccup and Toothless found common ground. The one thing that they could both do that made them different. If Nubless can do it too it takes away from the magic! And what if she automatically knows not to step on the lines, it’s like saying she knew better then Hiccup did and is thereby better for Toothy! What if they both walk through the lines and meet in the middle? That also makes it seem like Hiccup didn't know how to do it or that Toothy was letting him get away with it. WILL THEY DO THE NOSE BOOP?!?! Is it going to suddenly get sexual? As sexual as a PG film can be, that literally RUINS Forbidden Friendship Scene! What if it's this whole complicated dance only dragons get, again taking away the spontaneity and originality of The Forbidden Friendship Scene! And is Hiccup going to stand ideally by, just watching it? Letting this happen?! Will he encourage Toothy to do it?! What if he doesn't and Toothy goes ahead?! WHAT WILL HICCUP'S REACTION BE?!?!? Is Astrid or someone else going to be there? They better not, this is private. What will be the same, what will be different? And what parts will those be? And what if the music is the same?!? It’ll be hard to associate it with just Forbidden Friendship scene now, which brings with it all the emotions of the third film. But if it’s totally different music, like a Nubless and Toothless theme, I’ll associate that with Forbidden Friendship scene! What if the editing is the same?! And blocking and pacing and some of the shots?! What if I am right? With some of these I've gotta be. And I don't want to be right. I’m just scared for the whole thing. (Some of that rant was copied from my post about almost the same thing. Here's the source) I don't know how to wrap this up. I'm scared, but I'll deal with it as it comes. Let my emotions flow free and leave symbolism and parallels for another viewing. I will give a reblog to this with my thoughts on the scene once I've seen it and then some since it'll take some time for me to figure out how to honestly say how the scene made me feel. Anyho, rant complete, thanks for sticking with me! See ya in the Hidden World!
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