#and then there's len. that's the consequences of your actions babe lmaooo (no he still won't learn bold of you to think he would)
tiredassmage · 1 year
tragic greek figures + your ocs
Thank you for reminding me I wanted to do this one, @captainderyn​! Uquiz, my beloved, diagnose my ocs, lmaoooo.
I have... honestly lost track of who has and hasn’t done this, so if you haven’t, I’m tagging you. I’m tagging you, I’m tagging you, I’m taggi-
(Dot, it’d help if you’d link the quiz)
Tyr Deckard - Patroclus
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clever patroclus, beloved patroclus, poor patroclus: you do fall into madness, nor vanity, nor hubris. not, that is, for your own sake. love for that golden-haired man, sorrow for your countrymen; it is for his name that you don his armor, and for the dying greeks that you ride into battle. every piece of you is willingly given away, even if after you are gone there are wicked things done in your name.
Savosta - Icarus
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what is there to be said of icarus? you were warned, yet you persisted, imprudently. but what of your first taste of liberation? the exhilaration that follows the first ray of the sun to touch you as you are, as a free man, makes you drunk on joy. we all know the foolish things that drunken people are capable of. was the fall as thrilling as the flight?
Lensan Ryaldar - Arachne
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adept arachne, the things which you craft are born from years of careful practice, focused effort, and a drop of divine inspiration. your finished product shows the skills which you have honed over your lifetime, so take pride in that, but don’t proclaim yourself a peerless artisan, and, by the gods, show humility when you’ve been beaten.
Rhystyl Delavast - Achilles
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best of the greeks, eager for honor, and quick to rage: you could easily live in content and easy until you're gray-haired, but glory and fame call for you just beyond the horizon. you are not prone to self-reflection and trip into the same pits of wrath at bruised pride over and over. are you truly ready to sacrifice everything so that your name will be immortalized? is your fury what you want to be remembered for?
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