#and then they had the fucking gall to ask me if i could stay overtime (I said no)
prorevenge · 5 years
Teacher got students in trouble for the stupidest reasons. Oh the sweet revenge in the end
Os=office staff ,ST=substitute teacher)
I was 16 when this happened. I’ve graduated from high school a few years ago and I had a teacher in my woodshop class who was an awesome person. He got along with everyone. However when this teacher had to be gone for a few weeks due to surgery,we were given a substitute teacher. However none of us loved this teacher. He was a total asshole to anyone who challenged him on things he wanted done his way.
I had to leave class early that day (my school had a special program that let some students in our work skills class leave for a few hours then come back.). So I went to tell the teacher. This is what happened when I told him.
ST: (My Name) ,what is it?
Me: I have to go to work in a few minutes. Can I leave to sign out?
ST: No. stay until class is over.
Me: I have to be on the bus in three minutes. My work will be mad if I’m late. Please I need to go.
ST: I don’t care. Go sit back down now.
So instead of arguing the teacher on it,I just returned to my work when i had to be there. Of course when I showed up in my work skills class and I wasn’t at work,I told the teacher what happened. (I’ll call her k.)
Me: What do I do k? I can’t go to work. ST refused to let me leave and the bus went off without me. My boss at (Fast food place) is going to be pissed.
K: Let me call them and explain what happened. I’ll see if you can go before the end of the day to make up the work you missed. He had no right to do this.
Me:K,Thank you very much. I can’t believe him honestly.
After that incident everything was settled between my teacher K and work,I made up the time I missed. I was even offered overtime. But with how young I was I had to call my parents to get the verbal permission. It was worth it. I made extra money that weekend. The next morning when my class with that teacher came around,he looked at me and was fuming. I didn’t say anything and went on with my work. Then out of nowhere when I went to get my work graded (I made a storage box.) he took no less than 30 seconds to grade it before this happens.
ST: This is poorly made. You need to improve.
Me: I followed my instructions clear as day to make this box perfect. There’s no dried wood glue sticking out,no splintering of wood. Anything.
ST: Well,your remaking it. End of story.
Me: Whatever. Least it’s a long period.
At this point I return to the work as usual,angry this happened. I spent almost the entire class period remaking it. He finally seems satisfied so I left it as is. Fast forward to a week later. The sub is going crazy. I came 5 minutes late to class.
ST: (Name)! Office now. Your late.
Me: I had to talk to my home room teacher for a bit longer. That’s why I was late. (Teacher) usually has us apologize for it and that’s it.
ST: Office. Now.
I didn’t want to argue and set it there. The rest of the day was normal,except back in that class the sub was nit picking everything the students did. I was on my phone during free time and he had the gall to stare at me texting my parents over a family matter. He didn’t like this and took the phone from me. I was mad because I honestly did nothing wrong.
ST: You can get this from the office at the end of the day with a parent.
Me: Really? Your taking my phone away for the DAY when I’m using it and there’s only three min of class left. How come your not going after other students?
ST: Congrats. You’ve got lunch detention.
Me: Ugh. I hope you don’t sub for (Teacher) again. Your terrible.
At this point I was written up for the lunch detention (all cause I challenged him. ) I served the detention and left before he could ‘apologize’. I told the office staff at the end of the day in front of my parents what he did. They did nothing and said that without profit they can’t talk to him about it. Fast forward two days later and I’m in his class. He’s gone over the edge and sent three students out of the room asking if they can get water or go get something from their locker. I had it at this point and started to record what he did. He had no idea of it. In the end when enough students complained to office staff about the sub,they came to talk to him in the middle of the day.
ST : Really ??(name) why did you lie?
Me: I’m not. You sent me and other students to the office for stupid reasons the past several days and got me into trouble for the stupidest things. I have recordings of you yelling at me and the others. I think I’m gonna play it for the lovely office staff here now.
ST: Y-you don’t have to.
Me:but I do.
Os: Play the clip please (Name.)
So I played the few clips I had of the teacher getting angry and yelling at me. The entire time this teacher was staring daggers into my soul. Apparently the police had to get called in because one of my recordings it caught him hitting students. Needless to say he was fired and another,much nicer sub took over the remaining two weeks. That substitute teacher blamed me for getting him fired.
Not my fault you pushed students to the limits by nitpicking every fucking thing. Don’t blame me for something like that.
(source) story by (/u/ShadowGamer2215)
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scrubjayspeaks · 7 years
Oh my god, go fuck yourself with an eNTIRE ANT HILL, boss--
Massive rant to follow, under a cut because I’m sorry but I’m not stopping.
So I got another one of those fun morning texts from boss, on my day off, howling at me and the other two managers that we’re “not doing our jobs” or “taking responsibility” for the shop, because apparently someone, at some point, failed to notify the fucking pope (or just Bigger Boss, whichever comes first) about someone hitting overtime hours.
First of all, when the fuck did these even happen, because I AM, IN FACT, doing my job and checking all these goddamn numbers. (I do this by arriving over an hour early for my shifts, so I have time for all the admin work I have to do but don’t get scheduled for.) Second, am I the only one doing this shit, because I’m only supposed to be checking out the previous shift, not EVERY SHIFT EVER BECAUSE YOUR COWORKERS ARE PROBABLY USELESS ZOMG.
But look, this is especially galling because I spent twelve intermittent hours working yesterday. Intermittent, you say? Yeah, so, I had a super busy shift. Not everything got done. And the evening shift was a person short unexpectedly. So I clocked out then went back to working to finish everything up.
I had to leave eventually, though, because I was a coworker’s ride and they needed to get to an event. I told the evening manager (Nerd Manager, not Sanctimonious Manager) that boss wanted part of the weekly inventory done early by a certain employee who was on that evening. Nerd Manager informs me that probably won’t happen, because they’re going to need this employee doing other things due to the missing person.
I go home and have dinner with my family. As we are watching television, I think, huh, the order has to get done tomorrow morning and we’re short on some of the supplies that need to get counted. Boss is gonna be pissed if those numbers aren’t in by then. Okay, so, I could get up monstrous early tomorrow morning, beat boss to the shop, and count the stuff myself on my day off.
Or I could go back now and at least get to have my day off to myself.
So at quarter to nine, I drove back to work. Nerd Manager is in the back, crying because they hate their job so much. Specifically, they hate wondering if they’re doing anything wrong and doomed to get an angry text in the morning, chewing them out for whatever the hell. (Irony!) So I do my counts while offering a sympathetic ear from up on a ladder.
Then, because I am a) a soft-hearted fool and b) almost laughably bad at looking out for my own interests, I did manager’s paperwork for them. Because I could do it off camera, so no one had to know it was me. (It’s not like I haven’t been variously on camera, but there are some tasks that would, uh, go rather beyond “plausable deniability.”) Just, look, they can’t seem to have a decent shift ever. And I’ve been there. I know those fucking feels. I too dread every work day, dread the ringing phone. So okay, I’ll do a little something, speed the night along, maybe turn it around for them.
I didn’t leave until quarter to eleven. I had started work that morning at 7:30. I was a tired puppy.
Then the morning text. I called boss right back, basically saying, like HELL I haven’t been doing this work, the fuck are you on about? And among other things, they said, oh, well, that was mostly directed at the other two managers.
THEN WHY ARE YOU TEXTING ME AT 8:30, on my day off, to tell me I’m not doing my job or taking enough responsibility for what happens in the store???
And of course, I can’t bring up that I was there so long yesterday. Boss knows damn well that I do a ton of work off the clock, knows I stay until everything is finished no matter how long it takes. But there are...limits. And the minute I start to use all that hard work as a defense, to say, look, how much more can I possibly give, boss fLIPS OUT. As though I’m doing this to be spiteful and difficult, rather than it being a response to the absurd demands placed on me, routinely encouraged and reinforced by boss’s...interesting management tactics.
Everyone, down to the newest hires, knows I work bonkers hours. It is a running not-funny joke. It is a truth universally acknowledged that I run the best shifts, the shifts where the most gets done, because I will. not. quit. working.
But I have to get these fucking texts.
So I wrote a theoretical rage quit letter today. Mostly just to vent. But I’m. I’m really close to actually walking out. Not until the end of a shift, because I’ve been the one left in the lurch, not actually allowed to run a shift but suddenly without a manager, and I’m not going to be That Asshole. But I am just about at the point of saying, hey, have fun finding someone to take over the rest of my scheduled shifts, I’m out of here. This is just. Too much.
Did I tell you--no, I didn’t. Monday. I had called boss on Sunday last to find out if they needed me to do the inventory the next morning. I needed to know how early to arrive. And how early to tell my carpooling coworker to be ready for pickup. They said, oh no, they would take care of it, they would come in early in the morning to finish it.
Monday morning. 4 am. A text. My dog loses her mind, I launch my hideous carcass out of bed to get my phone. Boss. “I counted everything, but I need you to enter it all.” Enter it in the computer. You mean, the part that then involves going back over all your numbers and figuring out where you fucked up and fixing those? Followed by finding all the numbers that just “look bad” and MAKING UP BETTER ONES TO COVER YOUR ASS? Just that bit? That’s all you need me to do?
This fucking disrespectful, you are on call at all times, do my job for me, throw you under the bus whenever convenient, absolute bullshit. I am so very done.
And here’s the kicker (omg, there are too many kickers in this story, stop escalating, god): Yesterday, that super long and awful day? Yeah, that was an extra day. Because Sanctimonious Manager and two other high-level employees had asked for Friday-Sunday off. So without consulting with me, boss scheduled me for an extra day.
So. Four weeks. That was how long my “I might actually be dying, but I can’t get a doctor’s appointment until the 23rd, could we try NOT killing me off in the meantime” request for reduced hours lasted.
Next week? Oh yeah, extra day again. For no readily apparent reasons. Week after that? Already been informed I’ll need to train a new hire, which means working four days in a row.
I can barely walk upright after one shift. After yesterday, two shifts in a row, my hips ache like burning, my back keeps tying up, and my feet feel like I’m walking on spikes.
I’m guessing, based on the current data, that boss will put me back at full-time hours by the end of the month. Because ~*reasons*~. There’s always a reason.
Oh god, I need to just get out. It’s never going to get better. Not when this is what boss is like.
It’s just a job, it’s just a job, you don’t owe them anything, it’s JUST A JOB...
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