#and then this girl let me hit her nic and i once again. died. badly.
cutup4ngels · 1 year
naur my boys homie rolled a little blunt but no one told me it was a spliff until after i hit it and i was dying so fucking badly
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noticulous · 8 years
Bucky Barnes Series -Your attraction to the brooding Winter Soldier is instant, but when you overhear him talking badly about your appearance those feelings of desire quickly turn to hate.
Part Two
Part Three
Part 1
The hall was large and full of bustling bodies going about their business, the formalities of greetings and pleasantries not helping to ease the slightly terse atmosphere.
You’d been personally invited to the loosely titled “get together” by Nic Fury, a move that hinted towards a promotion, but you wouldn’t let your mind linger on that thought. Your heels clacked as you walked, an echo of the countless other heels as you made your way towards your friend, and colleague Natasha.
She kissed your cheek in greeting, a hand finding your upper arm as she eyed you up. “So I see you went with the silk number.” She hummed, titling her chin. You winked at her flirtatiousness and nodded. “Just for you, Nat.” She smirked at this and you both laughed, falling into your old pattern and criticising the trivialities of events such as these. She found great pleasure though in the prospect of your promotion and you couldn’t help but narrow your eyes slightly at the devious expression that took over her face once you’d mentioned it.
“What is it?” You probed, gnawing on your bottom lip. Natasha had a bad habit of meddling, especially in matters that didn’t concern her.
“Nothing.” She cooed, taking your hand and leading you through the crowd. “Now let’s go introduce you to some people.” With an uneasy temperament you acquiesced and allowed her to tug you through the sea of people all clad in their expensive clothes, and over to a group of rowdy men and women that all cheered when they saw Nat’s oncoming curvaceous figure.
“This is Y/N.” Nat introduced you, after greeting the group herself. You smiled widely at the small gathering and earned a chorus of hello’s and hi there’s as you stood there, albeit rather awkwardly. Making your way through the people who turned out to be Nat’s teammates, she introduced to you each one in turn. Stark, who you knew from previous SHIELD missions anyway, was as flirtatious and sarcastic as ever, rivalled only by the silver haired Pietro who was joined at the hip with his kind-faced twin sister. You felt a connection between the two of you and when she asked for your contact number you could sense the oncoming growth of a blossoming friendship.
“Y/N this is-”
“Well hello there.” Nat was interrupted by a dark skinned, grinning man who introduced himself as “Sam. Sam Wilson.” But you were allowed to call him Falcon. The waft of alcohol that hit your face as he spoke made you cringe but you laughed at his attempts to flirt, introducing yourself and playing along until Nat grew tired and pushed him away.
“This is Steve.” Nat declared, as if you wouldn’t know Captain America when you saw him. You’d been in Russia for the last three years, not Mars. Smiling politely, you reached out your hand for him to shake and told him your name.
The sandy haired man raised his brows as he smiled. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” You blushed at this and Nat chuckled, you laughed along and found his tainted cheeks and scrunched up face adorable.
“That was awful wasn’t it?” He cringed outwardly, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned away. “Don’t blame you for trying!” Nat called at his retreating figure.
You were smiling widely now, the group had been extremely kind and welcoming towards you, perhaps Nat had told them about your last mission. Regardless, you enjoyed their friendliness- and the flirting wasn’t bad either. With a little sashay in your hips, Nat brought you over to the bar as she chewed on her bottom lip.
“I’m just going to go find someone, I’ll be right back.” She told you, her hand cupping your waist and then loosening as she walked off. Allowing your eyes to wander as you waited for the bartender to notice you, you couldn’t help but be drawn once more to the bulking figure of Mr Steve Rogers. His attempts at flirting weren’t lost on you and you blushed again at the memory of his flustered complexion. “Uh, Jack and Coke please.” You ordered quickly, the bartenders impatient brow prompting a speedy payment.
Sipping on your not-so-fancy drink and sitting on a bar stool, you found your eyes lingering on his figure once more. He was talking to someone and the muscles in his shoulders contracted beneath the blazer he wore as he laughed, it was as he stepped to the side you saw who it was he was talking to.
And boy did you stare. His eyes caught you off guard for a moment and you looked away, stealing glances at him that felt all too perverse. How could eyes be so blue? Hair look so soft? He was beautiful and the attraction you felt towards him was instantaneous, and he hadn’t even noticed you. You groaned inwardly, throwing back the last of your drink for confidence as you hopped off the stool.
With a confidence supplied by the alcohol now being pumped through your bloodstream, you sauntered past Steve, making sure to be in his view as you provided him with a view to be remembered. The feeling of more than one set of eyes on you proclaimed a job well done and you retired in the girls bathroom to compose yourself. Annoyingly, all the stalls in the ladies room were occupied and you were on the verge of peeing yourself, so after a few stolen glances and cautional yelps you barged into the boys toilets and locked yourself in a cubicle, almost sighing out loud as you relieved yourself.
The sound of feet entering the bathroom made you jump and you quickly hoisted your dress and feet up so you wouldn’t be caught trespassing.
“She looks amazing tonight.” One voice groaned, earning a few chuckles in assent.
“And her friend too.. oh my god did you see that ass? I almost died, I actually almost died.” A round of laughter filled the toilet as the banter between the men continued.
“I swear,” the same deep voice continued. “All of Nat’s friends are hot. It’s like a requirement of hers.”
“That must be why you two aren’t friends.” One guy retorted, a thumping sound suggesting a blow to the back had been delivered.
“She’s not that hot.” A new voice said, earning a few laughs. “No I’m serious, she’s passable but she’s not anything special. Nat’s friend, I mean.”
“Oh and you’re something special are you, Buck?” A familiar voice teased, with an edge of annoyance to it.
“Special enough to make her want me.” The same voice replied. The sound of zippers being pulled up was followed by the gushing of taps that could barely mask the sound of your blood boiling. There was no possible way he wasn’t talking about you.
“Two bucks says I can get her to go home with me tonight.”
“Buck that’s not funny, she’s a nice girl I think you’ve had a few too many tonight. Do you want me to call you a cab?”
“Yeah man that’s cold.”
The voices all blurred into one as you blinked back angry tears. What a pig. You didn’t know who this man was and you weren’t going to risk peeking through the stall and making a sound, so you stayed put even long after the gaggle of men had left and allowed yourself time to regain your composure.
“I won’t let this ruin my night.” You whispered, massaging your temple as you urged the caving sensation in your chest to leave you. “I deserve a good night.” You reminded yourself, straightening up, reapplying and correcting your makeup and dress as you slipped out, the mask of confidence back on. But you were determined to find that man, and you were going to destroy him.
“There you are!” Natasha called after three minutes of meandering, she had two drinks in her hands, passing one to you. It smelled fruity and her smile was even sweeter. After a moment you realised there was a man with her, the blue-eyed man from before. You bit the inside of your cheek and held back a blush, keeping your eyes low and your face blank.
“Y/N, this is Bucky.” She drawled out, “The guy I was looking for. I feel like you two will get along great you have a lot in common I think you’ll find.” But you weren’t listening to watch she was saying, oh no. All you could see was red. Because this was “Buck.” The misogynistic piece of crap that called you “passable”, that rated your worth at two dollars- and there he was- stood there smiling at you sleazily. Your jaw clenched in anger and you breathed in heavily through your nose to calm yourself.
“I’ll just leave you two to it.” Nat smirked. Good idea, you mentally assented. The less witnesses, the better.
Part Two
Part Three
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