#and then told everyone who would listen about how we'd be on the same flight lol
cinematicnomad · 2 years
i’m leaving for india today! my first international trip in...literally almost a decade, and my first international trip for work EVER. my nerves are basically just one giant jumble of Oh Fuck and Oh My God! 
one v good thing: my friends who got married this weekend are going to germany for their honeymoon and while talking about their plans we discovered, through no intentional planning of our own, that we are LITERALLY on the same flight today (bc i’m transiting through germany). which means i’ve got some friends to hang out with at the airport! 
#kat liveblogs her life#kat travels#literally i was talking to the bride last week when we were getting our nails done#and was like 'oh yeah so when are you going on your honeymoon?' bc i know A LOT of people who wait for a better time to travel post-wedding#and she was like 'monday'#which i thought was great! bc i said 'oh! COOL! i'm gonna be at the airport on monday too! maybe we can hang out! what time?'#and then we just kept comparing details being like '....no way. NO WAY.'#but she didn't know the airline so we couldn't be 110% sure!#but then when i arrived at the wedding weekend literally the first person i saw was the groom and he was like#'KATY TOLD ME WE'RE FLYING TOGETHER AND THAT'S AMAZING'#and we both pulled up our tickets to compare and it's TRUE WE ARE#we're like. less than 10 rows apart from each other#katy and jim LOVE telling people about how i've always been there for some of the big MOMENTS in their relationship#(i even got mentioned in the wedding ceremony!! bc during a long drunk wine weekend jim referred to himself as katy's boyfriend)#(which they had Not Yet decided so i called him out like 'WAIT. BOYFRIEND?? 👀👀👀' and that's how they became Official™)#so he kept introducing me to people over the weekend like 'you know that friend i told you about who's always at our big moments? HER!'#and then told everyone who would listen about how we'd be on the same flight lol#i do expect some potential awkward conversation about me hooking up with his brother though 😬
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supraveng · 3 years
Moving On - part 4
Summary: You are moving on from your past and starting a new life with your future as a Winchester
Characters: Reader x Sam Winchester, Dean x Cas, John x Mary, Joy Winchester
Warnings: fluffy Winchesters, swearing
Moving On part 3
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@iamwarrenspeace @mythandmagik    @lieswithoutfairytales   @bbmommy0902  @hailmary-yramliah  @jessyballet @paryl @tcc-gizmachine @vicmc624
The next two weeks in DC were a blur of meetings and packing up the personal belongings you had accumulated over the past 4 years, most belonging to Joy. By the time you were heading to the airport and saying goodbye to your life, you were feeling a bit overwhelmed. It reminded you of your escape from NY but this time with a bit more excitement of the unknown.
Settling in on the plane heading for your new home, you had brought everything you could think of to keep Joy occupied on the 3 hour flight. By the time you touched down and made your way through the airport to baggage claim, your daughter had become a deadweight that you were now carrying along with your other items, you couldn’t imagine never having the support you currently have from Sam.
Then you thought about trying to make this same trek with her if you were further along in your pregnancy and knew you couldn’t do this alone, you consider yourself a strong independent woman, but not nearly strong enough to be a single mother, those women were warriors that you could only aspire to.
Baggage claim was a madhouse and just as you are about to reach out and grab Joy’s car seat, someone moves around you and grabs it right out in front of you. You were too tired for this, and you looked up to yell at the culprit only to see the beautiful hazel eyes of the man you love.
“I thought I told you that you didn’t need to pick us up” you whispered, hoping to not wake your daughter.
He leaned in for a quick kiss, “I know, but I’ve missed my girls, and this way I get an hour just the two of us before getting to my parents house for dinner.”
“Well, I could definitely eat, but I thought you would be in court all day, so I really am surprised to see you” you snuggled into him as best you could before he started to take bags off your shoulders.
“Let me get this stuff, and you hold on to the precious cargo” he smiled down at Joy, rubbing her back and placing a kiss on her forehead before leading you out of the airport.
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By the time all your things were loaded in the car, your daughter was waking up and squealing when she saw Sam. He listened and responded to her the entire way down the highway and only stopped when we reached the Winchester home.
"Babe, I thought we'd be going to your apartment, I could use a shower and nap before dinner with your family" you tell him as you lean over and pull him into a kiss. Whenever you two were apart for any length of time you were always very touchy feely that first day, but even more so when it's been weeks apart.
"Didn't I tell you, I didn't renew my lease, I've been staying here for the time being until we get our own place" he mentions as he exits the car.
"I vaguely remember you mentioned your lease but I thought we had a few more months'' you try your best to smile. You were really hoping for a quiet night in with Sam, but it looks like that's going to be postponed for who knows how long.
Before you even made it to the door, Mary was coming out with a huge smile on her face and pulling you into a hug, “we’ve missed you around here, well I probably missed you the most, there are too many men around here” she whispered before releasing you.
“Nana!” was heard from inside the car as you saw your daughter try to unbuckle and reach her grandmother as soon as possible. You were about to go to her when Mary stepped up, “please let me, I need snuggles with my Joy”.
“By all means, but she slept most of the flight, so she’s going to be full of energy” hoping to warn Mary but by the look on her face, she doesn’t mind at all. The two are running toward the house as you help Sam with your bags from the trunk.
You always loved the Winchester home, large but still inviting, spacious but still cozy, and the fact that every member of the family; immediate and extended; welcomed you with open arms from the beginning was the best feeling.
Growing up in foster care, you never had a home, not for more than a month or two at a time. Then being on your own since you were 15, you never expected to be here now, but it was as if all the years of struggling and trying to find yourself had been worth it to get here.
Becoming a Winchester was something you never knew you always wanted and desperately needed. You can hear Mary and Joy chatting in the kitchen as you make your way upstairs hoping for a bit of relaxation before you become completely exhausted. Sam pulls you into a warm hug before you’re even completely in the room.
Calming any nerves with a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the apartment, I’ve been working so much trying to catch up so that we could have a nice weekend together as a family now that you are officially moved to Kansas that it completely slipped my mind. What can I do to make it up to you?” looking up at him you could see a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“There’s nothing to make up for, but if you were offering a back rub before my nap, I would greatly accept.” as you reach up and kiss me softly before making your way to the bed to remove your shoes.
“Well, if you insist, but I’m almost certain my world famous backrubs is what got you pregnant the first time” he chuckles as turns towards you.
“Good thing we don’t have that to worry about” and you kiss him again. Snuggling as close as you could to Sam, you fell asleep almost instantly, his arms being your safe place, your home.
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Waking up with a chill, you realized you were now alone and the absence of Sam made the room feel like a freezer. Quickly getting up and showered, you made your way downstairs to find your family.
You smiled watching Joy, curled up in Dean’s lap watching Scooby Doo, both laughing at the same spots, those two had such a great bond.
"There she is, how was your nap?" Mary asked as she entered the living room from the kitchen with Sam following behind.
"Wonderful, thank you. I promise to not disappear on you again" you told her as she pulled you into another hug.
"No need to apologize for allowing me more time with my granddaughter" as she moved towards the sofa and handed Joy a drink.
"Dinner will be ready as soon as John gets home, so I didn't think she needed a snack right now"
"thank you, but I was planning on cooking for y'all tonight" you told her as you and Sam joined them, while Joy and Dean shushed us for interrupting their show.
"Don't worry about that sweety, John is picking up dinner on the way here, we're just happy to have you two back in town"
The Winchesters were always so inviting, you had dreamed of a family like this when you were growing up and now you finally had it.
By the time John had come in with dinner, the tv had been turned off and you were helping your daughter clean up as Castiel came in and greeted you both.
"Unca Cas! I sit wit you" Joy squealed as she ran and hugged his legs.
"I've missed you too, and as long as it's ok with your mom" He crouched down to her eye level before she was throwing her arms around his neck.
"Don't you want to sit with your favorite uncle?" Dean asked as he patted the seat beside him. Joy laughed as she climbed into the seat between them "luv yu unca bean" and blew him a kiss.
"So, Y/N, we are so glad you two are back for a visit, how long do we get to keep you this time?" John asked as you all started eating.
"Well, about this visit, its um" looking at Sam for some help as he just shrugged with that cute smirk on his face. "Sorry, I'm not sure how to say this and I didn't really have a plan but, this isn't a visit" you looked around and everyone seemed a little confused. "We have officially become Kansas residents as of today"
"Oh, that's fantastic!" Mary told you as everyone seemed a bit shocked.
"Were you able to transfer to a local office?" John asked.
"No, actually, I resigned but they call it retiring so they have the option to hire you back when they need the help, but I don't think that will be a concern for many years if ever" you state trying to reassure Sam that this is it for you, for your family to be together.
"I'm happy for you, sweetheart, but that seems a bit sudden. Is something going on?" Dean seemed to be concerned by your sudden change.
Finally Sam spoke up, "yes Dean, something is going on" he smiled down at you. "Y/N wants to move the wedding up and become a Winchester as soon as possible."
You smirk at him and look back at the family, they seem happy but a bit confused. "Sam and I have a little surprise" you tell them as he squeezes your hand "we are expecting"
There was a unified gasp from the table before everyone was congratulating you.
Once the celebration was over it was time to put your daughter to bed, but with a house full of her favorite people you figured you wouldn't be able to do it tonight even if you wanted to. While Mary opted for handling bath time, the rest of you settled down on the patio, the men opting for whiskey to end the night while you stuck with a cup of tea.
"Might I suggest the name Dean, if it's a boy?" Dean told you with a smirk on his face.
"Really?" you asked "you don't want to use the name for your own kids?" Dean looked a little shocked but shook his head almost defeated.
"Come on Dean, you and Cas would make amazing parents, you never thought about it?" you questioned.
"We discussed it but I'm not sure kids are a realistic idea with as much as we work and travel all the time" he shrugged looking defeated.
Noticing Dean give Sam a pointed look, you realize you may have overstepped and decided to drop the subject. “Well, as your sister-in-law, I support any decision you make for your family. You need to do what's right for you"
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The morning was a whirlwind of finding what you needed amongst the bags you had packed and boxes you shipped, but ultimately you were able to get yourself and Joy looking presentable for breakfast with the family. By the time you make it downstairs, John is kissing Mary goodbye and heading towards the door. “Papa wait!” Joy runs full speed and hugs John's legs. “Oh sweetie, I’ll be home tomorrow and we can have a whole day together, how does that sound?” he asks as he leans down to give her a goodbye hug. “Yay, I wan pancakes” as she runs to the kitchen to find her Nana.
“You are working on Saturday? That’s awful” you tell him as he pulls you in for a hug also. “Small little hiccup, I’m hoping to make it back tonight but just in case, I will see you all tomorrow” he waves and is out the door. “So mom, do you think you can keep an eye on your granddaughter for a few hours? I have something I want to show Y/N, and maybe grab lunch in town”
Within the hour the two of you are driving through Lawrence and he’s pointing out all his favorite places growing up before he stops in front of a beautiful two story house on the north end of town.
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“So what do you think?” he asks as he opens the car door for you
“It’s beautiful, but what are we doing here?” you ask.
“Well, I was looking around and found this place, and thought we could have the wedding in the backyard” he tells you with a small grin.
“This is perfect, I wanted something small and intimate, but this is just someone’s house. Why would they rent it to us for our wedding?” you question as you walk around the house to the backyard.
“Well, that was the catch, we can’t rent it, so I bought it” he responds with a look between hope and apprehension.
“You bought a house?” you were shocked to say the least. You weren’t sure if you should be upset that he made such a big decision, but Sam was always one to surprise you.
“Yes, for us, technically it’s not ours until we sign the final closing paperwork on Monday but we need a place of our own and what better way to start our family than in our own home” he pulls you into a hug and you can only respond with a huge smile
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