#and then wen ning just sweeps the rug from under him and reveals that NOPE
pollyperks · 5 years
I saw an ask abt LWJ helping WWX developing MXY's baby golden core, which is canon since MXTX confirmed that, and I'd like to believe that in time WWX would fully develop it and become close to achieving immortality. He's WWX after all, I have no doubt in his skills. But then I see the potential for more shuangjie angst because of one detail: last time I recalled, WN last gave Suibian to JC when he chewed him out in a way, but JC gave back only Chenqing to WWX. (1/)
So once WWX formed his core, he would need his sword back. But he doesn’t go to Lotus Pier since what did JC tell him last time? “Don’t let me see you in Lotus Pier again.” And “Get out of my sect!” Their talk in the Guanyin Temple doesn’t change the fact that WWX took those words to heart and thought when he passed out, “Let’s leave. And never come back.” So someone else goes in his stead. Not sure on who it should be, but let’s say in one scenario it’s LWJ who comes to ask for the sword. (2/)
It’s a Fact that LWJ does not like JC, but he’s completely tactful and neutral when he stops by the gates of Lotus Pier and asks JC for the sword. But JC surprises himself when he feels (and possibly shows) that he’s very reluctant to give up Suibian. He dances around the issue by asking questions. I can’t imagine what kind of questions, but I wouldn’t put it past him to take a few more stabs because of some residual spite/jealousy for LWJ. (3/)
Still, LWJ stays calm and asks for the sword again, pointing out, “Do you have any use for the sword?” or something. JC knows that no, he doesn’t, and slowly realizes that he still hasn’t completely moved on if he’s still reluctant to let go of anything of WWX, and with Chenqing gone Suibian is the only thing he has left. But then he remembers that WWX chose to live his new life free from the shackles of his past, tattered life in Lotus Pier. (4/)
He also remembers that he never tells WWX the truth about his capture to let him have his freedom. If he denies WWX Suibian, then it’s just going to be like the past all over again. He realizes part of him is still holding on to the past and to their old promises. He then hears WWX telling him before that they need to let go of the past because it’s been eating at them for too long. They have different lives now, don’t they? (5/)This causes JC to give the sword. LWJ says no more and leaves, and JC reflects again: he doesn’t lose Lotus Pier a second time. He still has Jin Ling. But he knows that even as he moves on, there will be something inside him that remains incomplete. He still has mixed feelings about it all. But there’s still nothing to say.
what did i do to you to make you hurt me like this?
at the end of the day, the twin heroes of yunmeng will be a distant dream. at least jc can remember yanli through jin ling, but in the end, he has nothing left of his brother at all, except that golden core that is just a constant reminder of his own failure. 
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