#and then whoopsies it's been like 20 years this joke relationship turned out much more serious than I meant it to- scam likely awayyyyy
justablah56 · 6 months
Who do you think asked who out, Jodie or Scam Likely?
oooh hmm ..... I think it would be funny if it was Jodie .... like . ok . scam starts flirting with Jodie bcs haha wouldn't that be funny and Jodie fully takes it seriously and is like oh ..... 😳 and asks him out and scam is like ohohoho this is gonna be *hilarious*
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Non-Controversial Loki Headcanons for These Trying Times
1.) Loki has had dozens of Midgard-based aliases over the years, for no other reason than the fact that he was bored and it was funny. DB Cooper was one of them. Hank Williams was another. He may or may not have even pretended to be a vampire at some point.
2.) Loki can definitely sing. Not just in a funny ironic way, but like.. he actually enjoys singing. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise considering he’s such a fine arts nerd, but yeah. He plays the guitar too. Surprisingly folksy.
3.) Loki’s rooms in Asgard literally look like a witch’s lair. I mean straight up spooky. All dark earth tones, spellbooks strewn everywhere, runes drawn on the walls to keep certain big brothers from messing with things they have no business messing with, vials of poisonous stuff sitting on every available surface, shelves full of strange little trinkets and talismans, a dramatic ass medieval-looking bed, a whole ass cauldron… and then in the corner on a stand there’s his Hank Williams Guitar aasdfghhjkl-
4.) When people call Loki a witch, they’re not joking. He’s. Like. An actual stereotypical, like.. witch. He doesn’t just do finger wavy magic- he mixes potions, he does rune work, he recites spells, he has a cauldron.
5.) He also used to dress super witchy. Used to. Past tense. I’m talking black nail polish, lots of necklaces, rings, eyes makeup (ok maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but Loki in eyeliner would be pretty hot, right?), clothes that were like.. 15% scarier yet more fashionable than the ones he wears in canon. The only reason he toned it down was because someone whose opinion he cared about (it was Thor) made a joking comment about his appearance looking “wicked” or “evil” and it made him feel self conscious, so he changed how he dressed. :(
6.) He was rocking the whole short hair look years before Thor in Ragnarok. In fact, by pre-canon Loki’s standards, his hair in Thor 1 was even a bit too long. He did this because a.) he hates how his natural curls soften him and will do anything to get rid of them and b.) in Asgard short hair wasn’t really worn by noblemen because it symbolised servitude, so this was Loki’s subtle way of being defiant and deviating from the norm.
7.) As Frigga said in Endgame, Loki is very good at sneaking. Even when he’s not trying to. There have been many-an-accident in the Palace of Asgard because he unintentionally almost gave Thor a heart attack.
8.) Loki and Thor weren’t always at each other’s throats. They actually got along pretty well up until Odin started planning for the coronation. Loki was still jealous of the way Thor was treated compared to the way he was treated, but he knew that wasn’t Thor’s fault- not really. And Thor was still arrogant and entitled, but that was mostly directed at other people and not his own family, so while Loki knew about Thor’s character flaws, it didn’t really effect him personally. When the planning started, though, Thor gradually became even more superior and insufferable than normal, and Loki became even more bitter and unsettled, and their relationship just kind of went downhill from there.
9.) Loki absolutely joined the Mile High Club with that flight attendant from the first episode of the show. Her name was Florence and she was adorable, Loki thought so too.
10.) Loki’s the only person on Asgard who can beat Volstagg at an eating competition. He has a giant’s metabolism, after all. And, contrary to his elegant and refined tastes in most other areas, he’s actually a straight-up carnivore. I mean he eats other foods too, obviously, but meats are by far his favourites. Boar, fish, poultry, steak. Just meats. He doesn’t know it, but this is because frost giants are mostly carnivorous.
11.) His relationship with the Warriors 4 was always split down the middle. He and Sif always hated each other. Hogun never trusted him and Loki never had any interest in spending time with Hogun. Fandral and Volstagg, on the other hand, were always much nicer and Loki always sort of considered them his friends as well as Thor’s. This is why they were more reluctant to believe that he’d let the frost giants in in Thor 1.
12.) I refuse to believe Loki doesn’t have at least one tattoo somewhere. Probably more. Probably of a snake. The only parts of his body we didn’t see naked in Episode 1 were his thighs, lower back, knee area, pelvic region, and the back of his neck. So it’s gotta be in one of those places. (Might I suggest: snake thigh tattoo, tiny nape tat, goth tramp stamp lol, rune tat behind his ear, Norse mythos leg tat, badass above-dick tattoo).
13.) Loki’s prickly and insecure and has layers like an onion, but once you get to the point of actually being friends with him, he’s a total sweetheart. I mean a literal smol dork. A bit hyperactive and excitable, but still very very soft. It’s because he’s had so few actual friends in his life.
14.) Sometimes Loki only goes a few days before his gender changes, sometimes he stays one gender for years at a time. And he tends to shapeshift his body to match. That being said, one of his biggest pet peeves is how his other-gendered clothes get all dusty and musty when they have to stay in the closet for long stretches of time. So he’s taken to wearing luxurious gowns around the house when he’s in his male form. You know, just to air them out.
15.) Loki hates sleeping with people. Sex is fine, but he’s just so solitary and paranoid that he’s never been comfortable sleeping in a bed with another person. This may or may not have gotten him in trouble a few times when his partners woke up and found him gone lol.
16.) Laufey is actually incredibly similar to Loki, the way Odin is very similar to Thor. He prefers smaller blades (ice daggers), he’s very analytical and calculating, he’s very calm and non-confrontational even when he’s in a stressful situation, and tbh he seems like a better king than Odin- much like Loki probably would’ve been a better kind than Thor. (Whoopsie this one’s a bit controversial)
17.) Loki adores animals! …But he’s also a bit obsessive about keeping his environment clean. Not organised, per se, just clean. And animals tend to be hairy and slobbery and feathery and slimy and poopy and dirty, so he’s never been able to have a pet. He just takes a lot of nature walks to compensate :)
18.) All jotuns are naturally intersex, including Loki. This is a bit unusual for Asgardians, but because Loki is genderfluid and a natural-born shapeshifter- and has always had a tendency to change his body parts around as his gender changes (male, female, both, neither)- he’s never had a reason to find it very odd. In hindsight, that was one of the many eccentricities that should have made him realise something was a little fishy with his “asgardian” genetics.
19.) The snake + stabbing story from Ragnarok was nowhere near as nefarious as Thor made it seem. What actually happened was: Someone accidentally mixed a real knife in with the blunted practice knives. Thor and Loki didn’t know this, of course, and when they were playing a battle game, Loki ended up with the real knife. When Loki “won” and went to “vanquish his enemy” he ended up actually stabbing Thor for real. They were both hysterical and it took longer to calm Loki down than his brother. It ended up just being a flesh wound, though, so everything turned out fine.
20.) A lot of people think Loki discovered his “secret passageways between worlds” from TDW through some sort of inter-realm questing or magical study or something, but in reality, he discovered them when he was like 16 and desperately trying to find a way to sneak out of Asgard without Heimdall telling his parents.
Tagging @natures-marvel & @little-s-creampuff for expressing interest. Thx for listening to my mad ravings lmao <3
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mountainashfae · 7 years
multiples of three&five for mialee and rowan??? yes this is a lot lmao have an egg in a frying pan 🍳
hahahha yes good time to have fun.
I realized after typing the answers for #3 and #5 that there were.. a LOT more to answer than anticipated.
This is a freaking infodump. I love it.
[ Super detailed questions about your OCs ]
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
You can say Rowan had a good childhood. He got to spend a lot of time with his parents since his dad was a goober who took every opportunity to skip out on his responsibilities to be with his family, and his mother was just always with him (except for when she went back to her home in the forest to make sure everything was okay there. She was much more serious about her responsibilities as a druid). All of Rowan’s favorite memories were with his parents, usually just doing simple things like playing in the garden and literally every time his mom brought home some wild animal from the forest (his favorite was a fox that one time hid in the castle gardens instead of going back to its home). The one true bad memory would be the night when the castle caught fire and his parents died, and literally any others are mild at best in comparison.
The last bit of his childhood that he spent with Altair and Evelynn wasn’t bad per se, but it wasn’t quite as good as the first seven years. Altair was much tougher than Rowan’s dad (especially pushing with the fighting training), and while Evelynn coddled him in comparison to her husband, it just wasn’t the same as his mom, ya know? A lot of the villagers in Pinegrove weren’t as quick to be warm to him since he was a half-elf amongst humans, but he became close friends with two kids his age, Adrian and Shelley. The three of them were partners in crime and would often run off to explore the woods nearby (which was the same one as Rowan’s mom lived).
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Siblings? Oh heck yes let’s never forget the beautiful Aelin Thornbrook, aka Rowan’s complete opposite. As children, Aelin and Rowan were practically joined at the hip. Rowan would hold her hand and lead her around everywhere. There was practically no reason for the two to have separate bedrooms since half the time they would sleep together anyway. The only reason the two weren’t together during That Night was because Aelin was sick and they didn’t want Rowan to get sick as well. I sure wish I could comment on their relationship now that they’re adults, but as far as Rowan is aware, Aelin died in that fire. Whoopsie.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Rowan got a good ol’ Unorthodox Royal Education, so his general subjects in school were much more varied than everyone else’s. There’s no real equivalent to modern education I don’t think, and even with that he never ‘finished’ per se. They gave up trying to school him after he started helping out on the different farms in the village. He loved learning about the history and lore of Riverin, and honestly hated any and all politics-related classes.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
HE!!! LOVES!!! ANIMALS!!!! Rowan for Druid 2k17
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Rowan likes children, yeah, but he’s absolutely terrified of the idea of him having to take care of one. He has no plans of becoming a parent and the only way he would become one is by some crazy magical BS. He’d probably make a pretty uncle though. A really protective and doting one.
12. What is their favourite food?
Peach ice cream, hands down. Boiled peanuts is a close second. ;3
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Rowan is absolutely baller at cooking, especially baking. It’s his favorite thing to do, especially when he’s doin it for others. So far, everyone has liked his cooking. Can’t wait for him to bake something again, which will likely be soon since we’re approaching midsummer in Dunks.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Rowan isn’t a huge reader, but if he were to read for fun, he’d prefer realistic fiction. When it comes to music, he’s a fan of calmer music. Punk? Rock? Metal? Pop? Not his thing really. If he were to play video games, he’d love chill games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
He’s definitely a fan of music, though he can’t play it to save his life. If a song he likes comes on or if he gets one stuck in his head, he’ll start humming along, maybe dance a little bit if he’s alone.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
This is probably one of the most patient men you’ll meet. No, he doesn’t take much BS (such as Lesdyn’s teasing and shenanigans), but it takes a lot to truly set him off and make him angry. The few times that he has lost his temper, someone has gotten punched.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Rowan prefers a soft bed when he can get one, but sleeping on harder surfaces isn’t too much of a problem for him. And what the heck is a healthy sleep pattern? This man has that recurring nightmare every night. The only difference is whether or not he wakes up screaming.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
I don’t know what you’d call what he finds funny, since he’ll have a laugh at plenty of different things, but he definitely has a sense of humor. No patience for offensive jokes of any kind though. He’ll crack jokes from time to time, but he’s not a super humorous guy. Quite a few of the ones he’ll pull are kinda him trying to make a joke about himself (usually at him messing something up), and he’ll laugh at those jokes but they don’t quite go over as well with others.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
As someone who doesn’t really get sad from much themself, I can’t really say what makes Rowan sad, other than fairly obvious things. He’s not one to cry out in the open; he’d much rather just get some space, cry himself out alone, and then re-join the group.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Me, a person who never works out at all: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You had to force Rowan to work out when he was younger, but with time he realized he needed to keep himself strong as both a Fighter and as someone who works on a farm. A lot of his exercise has been farmwork and training, though he has to rely on other exercises now that he’s away from home.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Definitely boxers on this man.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
He likes to say his guilty pleasure is taking walks in the woods, but I doubt that really counts. I don’t think he has anything that counts as a “guilty pleasure.”
This here is a simple man (who often forgets he’s a prince) who just likes to bake, spend time with animals, and make sure his friends don’t die from doing something stupid.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Being a Fighter: No
Farming: Moderate success
Baking: Hail yeah
Singing: Probably ;3c
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
In this not-quite-modern society of Dunksworld, Rowan has written many a letter and will continue to write them. He’s discovered Scype though, so that could easily be a thing he turns to in the future (with the help of Nazh of course).
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
This man??? Stay awake and alert??? Fat chance with his sleeping issues.
He’s not a fan of coffee, and prefers naturally sweet foods over super sugary ones.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Goals: Figure out how the hailstones to do the thing in Riverin and become king (not that he really wants to), Become A Druid, get Nazha to the Altar of Mhenine in one piece.
What would he sacrifice anything for?? Nazha of course.
Secret Ambition: Date That Reverend. You know the one.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Well I know Nazha sees him as a brother, the rest of the party probably sees him as an anxious goof who loves animals, hopefully they’ve all had the thought of “this man is supposed to be a prince??”
He really doesn’t see himself as that much, just a guy who has no idea where he belongs in terms of race and society, who has anxiety issues and sucks at his job as a Fighter, and also he personally has the thought of “oh wait that’s right I’m a prince” every now and then.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organize the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Rowan?? Go to a social event on his own??? lmao yeah right. If he goes to a party, he’s getting dragged there by Nazha or Lesdyn and will be completely awkward and lowkey uncomfortable the whole time.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Not counting his clothing/weapons/armor, he would pack his cooking supplies, probably some sort of first aid, ingredient for cooking, his signet ring (which he wears around his neck anyway), and his tank of pet mice. You can fight him he’s bringing the mice everywhere.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Mialee has absolutely nothing to complain about in their childhood, given they were a mule. I still need to figure out how reason for a fancy hob such as their father being down south and having a child with a trailer trash elf. Mia’s mom was a cool divination wizard/astrologist though, so I shouldn’t dunk on her too hard. Young Mialee was much too rambunctious for an elf thanks to their hob heritage, but they didn’t mature quite as quickly as a hob. I’d like to say they reached maturity/adulthood by about age 60-70. That’s a good halfway mark between the two races. Mialee was always curious, particularly about different kinds of magic and other similar topics (Languages such as Hob? Not so much). Their favorite school of magic was illusion, since it fell right in line with their prankster antics. They loved to read books about magic, but didn’t exactly have the makings of a wizard. Their favorite memories with their parents aren’t actually of them playing some sort of prank, but rather when one (or both) of their parents would sit and read a book (or five) with them. Almost hard to believe this stinker was a bookworm, until you remember that they’re always on the move and don’t really have the money for books as much anymore. One bad memory that they really prefer to not think about is the death of their father, which they weren’t physically present for. They were about 30 or so at the time (still very young for an elf and fairly young with their maturation), and it hadn’t been explained very well to them that hobs don’t live nearly as long as elves do. They came home one day to learn that their father had passed away, from a cause along the lines of old age. It was probably around this time frame that they became much harder for their elf mother and the other elves to keep track of them, since their hob parent wasn’t around anymore.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Mia has no siblings by birth, partially because they were such a handful on their own that their mother didn’t know if they could handle a second child until Mia was older. They like to say they have plenty of adoptive siblings though, namely a bunch of the kids that they met living on the streets during their century-long escapade across the coast. Weird to think about the fact that some of them have probably reached the end of their natural life. Mia’d be that older sibling who would be super protective and would dote on the adopted sibling, and those kids are usually where most of Mia’s money would go. The fun exception to this adoptive sibling deal is good ol’ Kivas “Catnip” Lazhreen, who adopted them as a sibling first and is actually (unbeknownst to the two of them) cousins. You’re the DM Theo, I’d love to see how you play out just how close of cousins they are. These two could realistically be first cousins.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Everything Mialee knows, they either learned from their parents, books, or out on the road. They only retained info they thought interesting or useful, and kinda forgot everything else (see: Hob language). They really do love learning but only care about learning stuff that interests them. The best example of this is anything related to magic.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Mia is a big fan of birds, given that 3 canon illusions have been various birds. (Concept to remember later: african gray parrot illusion) They don’t show nearly as much of an interest in other animals, but that doesn’t mean they don’t like them or get along with them.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Mialee is to children as Rowan is to animals. They absolutely love children and would do anything for one. They wouldn’t mind having a child of their own, but they’re constantly on the move and keeping up an act/disguise is such a big part of their life that they don’t know if they can really take care of one properly. They’re the best big sibling/cousin/nib you could ask for though, taking kids out for shenanigans and entertaining them with their illusions.
12. What is their favourite food?
They’re a fan of anything with honey in it. Honeycombs are a great example.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Mia is not an expert in the kitchen, but they can cook kinda well. More often than not they’ll cast Prestidigitation to fix the flavor/temperature of the food. They’re on the road too much to learn proper cooking.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Does mythology count? Because they love mythology. Also any nonfiction text on magic. Anything on magic and you have their attention. They love upbeat music, any kind that you can dance to.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Mia has probably found a way to sneak into a musical performance using their illusions, so write that down. They love music, though they don’t have much experience making music outside from their illusions. Which kinda counts. They ain’t much of  singer but if the right song comes on, they’ll definitely start dancing to it. The only reason they wouldn’t is because they’re in disguise and can’t break character.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Now this is a fiery little hobbo! They can deal with BS but once you hit that certain point, be prepared for holy fury from their divine-gifted magic. Or at least passive aggressive antics. Make them mad and they will wreak havoc upon you.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Step 1: Wait until everyone in the room is asleep, Step 2: remove tail from hiding, Step 3: Sleep, Step 4: wake up before everyone else to hide tail.
They love a luxurious soft mattress when able, which isn’t too often. They don’t usually snore unless they’re sleeping really hard.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Here’s an elf with a sense of humor! Their particular favorite type of humor includes trickery, pranks, and teasing; all of which is usually coming from them. Those are all things they do 24/7.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
“Life’s too short to be sad just move on and do what ya want you ain’t gonna live forever.” - Probably Mialee
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
The closest thing to exercise this kid’s gonna do is running from somebody who caught them in a lie.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
They like support and comfort in their undergarments, but yes those same undergarments are frilly. They probably purloined them from some rich person.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Spending any sort of large amount of money on something for themself is definitely a guilty pleasure.
An unguilty one? Conning the heck outta some fool
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Mialee is good at lying, deception, disguises, illusions, and generally making up nicknames. Hobbies more or less include reading when possible and putting on a show with said illusions. They aren’t much of a singer, can’t really seem to hit the notes like they want.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Mia? Keep in touch? With anyone? Hah!
They’d probably prefer messaging though.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Might be an elf thing or just habit, but they don’t need much sleep to be alert and function. They do love a good cup of coffee or sugary food when given the opportunity though.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
They don’t really got any goals in mind other than live life, don’t get caught, and cause shenanigans. That’s legit it. Just Carpe Diem and find whoever the hailstone is the hob in the locketwatch portrait.
They’d definitely sacrifice anything for a kid, and Kit too whether they really know it or not.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Well they’d hope that others see them as whatever front they are putting on. Whatever facade that isn’t their real self, with the exception of Kit of course. Kit is the one lucky SoB who gets all the inside info on Mia’s life even though he still doesn’t know a thing about their past. Mialee likes themself as an elf, but not so much as a hob. They’re completely content with the person that they are, so long as they aren’t defined by their parents. They’re actually kinda full of themself when it comes to just them and their magic skills.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organize the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Mialee is the person to crash a party they weren’t invited to, but you don’t realize they crashed it until halfway through because they used a disguise to get in. They’re in it for the shenanigans and chaos. And also for the music and food and occasionally the booze.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
They’re not one to pack much, honestly. As long as they have their disguise stuff, their staff, and a way to earn money, they’re good. Without a way to earn money though, they’d pack some food in that bag too.
Gosh that took like, 3 hours.
I’m never gonna be free of the egg-in-frying-pan emoji, am I?
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