#and there are always kids skating outside the byers' house in cali
mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
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max & rainbows in season 2
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Sad hc but Billy teaching Will about what’s going on with AIDS and giving him a really strict talk about it and being careful/cautious about who he gets involved with
Also, Billy helping Will learn to sort of “hide” his queerness in Indiana to keep him safe
oooooh i like this one
so i’ve seen another story or blurb about this (it was either on here or ao3 but i don’t remember who wrote it) but i really liked it and am making my own twist on it
steve and billy have been dating for a few months, now. the kids haven’t given them more than the wave of a hand at the specifics of their relationship, other than the ‘shovel talk’ the boys gave to billy, and the one max gave to steve
other than will. not in a critical way, no, just pure curiosity and wonderment about how they’ve managed to find one another and remain happy together
it’s not until a few weeks after wills initial wondering that things start to piece together, the stupid names his dad would call him, his dependency on mike, the way he never felt to strongly towards girls
will is gay.
how could he not have realized, all the clues were right there! maybe he was ignoring that part of him from the awful things that have been ingrained into his mind at an early age
but if steve and billy are met with love and kindness from their friends, then will should be too, right?
but with acceptance came one crucial point: telling people. will was not ready for everyone to know
so he went to an expert
steve had been brushing his teeth, getting ready for bed when he heard the doorbell ring. rushing downstairs, toothbrush still in his mouth, he quickly unlocked the door and opened it to reveal... a sweaty will byers
“uhh... kid it’s late and i—“
“i’m gay.” will cut steve off
steve’s jaw dropped and, as a result, his toothbrush went clattering to the ground
“that’s great! i mean, it’s not great— wait it’s good that you are— shit i’m no good at this? i’m sorry. billy is much better at dealing with these kind of situations,”
and steve left will standing in the open doorway as he ran upstairs, after bending down to pick up his toothbrush
will, shocked to his core, just stood, waiting in the open door
but how was he to know that the most surprising thing to happen that night was billy, groggily and probably just asleep, coming down the stairs quietly scolding steve (who was pattering next to him)
billy took one look at will, still bundled in coats standing outside the door, and gave a look to steve
“go make hot chocolate, we’re gonna be here a while,”
steve walked off to the kitchen and billy invited wills in, closing and locking the door and sitting down on the couch with will
“so... you’re gay?”
“uhhh... yeah”
“alright so what’s the story?”
“i’m sorry?”
“what made you realize you were gay, or who?”
will felt the blush creep up his neck and felt like dying in that moment. seeing the boy floundering, billy began speaking,
“when i was in california, there was this boy when i was 13, his name was jackson, and he was one of the coolest people i’d ever known. he skated, much better than max does, and he had this long, black hair and wore these cool, painted jean jackets, even when it was super hot outside
“he had really dark brown eyes and wore this cool, feather earring. he had the prettiest smile and we had been friends for years before that, but one day, we were sitting on the beach, and the sun looked so pretty shining down on his face, and i realized i liked him, a lot,”
will didn’t think that billy realized he was smiling as he reminisced. he doesn’t think billy knows that steve is peaking out of the kitchen listening either
“did you date?” will asked innocently, seeing the way the light in billy’s eyes started to dim at the question
“not, not really. my dad, he wasn’t a fan of our kind, if you know what i mean. we kind-of started dating at 14, snuck around for two years. we would go on dates, but would usually go in a group of friends so it wasn’t too obvious. we would kiss, sometimes, but we never were really ‘together’
“it’s the reason we moved here, ya know?” wills interest was peaked, “my dad caught us kissing and that, of course, wasn’t ok, so he moved us out to the most conservative place he could find, far away from california, and i haven’t talked to jackson since. but i found something better, i was lucky and i—for whatever reason—got steve,”
will figured that steve disappearing back into the kitchen was a result of the tears that were coming out of his eyes.
“so what’s your story, kid?”
“i think, i might like mike. but i didn’t realize i was even... gay until you and steve came out and were happy how you were,”
“ok, so why didn’t you tell your mom, or jon?”
“you guys understand. they would support me so much, but they just wouldn’t get how hard it is to feel, to feel this way! because, i don’t know everyone says we’re going to hell or are awful and i don’t wanna be hated because i like guys!”
wills eyes were all teary after his confession, and billy gave him a comforting side hug (will realized max wasn’t lying when she said that billy gave the best hugs) and steve came out with three hot chocolates
billy was still shushing him in his ear, whispering ‘i get it, i understand, you are still you, doesn’t matter who you like,’ and will swears he has never felt more comforted by anyone other than his mother before
will stopped crying a few minutes after, taking a cup of hot cocoa and sipping on it in peaceful silence
steve was more than half asleep on the opposite end of the couch, but billy was wide awake next to will, despite how tired he was earlier
“how much do you know... about, gay things?” billy cringed at the way he phrased it, but assumed joyce and jon weren’t exactly the best people to explain the situation to will
“what’d you mean?”
“like... aids?” billy set his mug down and leaned foreword, resting his hands on his knees, “you know anything about that?”
“i... have seen some things. not a lot, but i know of it,”
“well, i want you to be safe. this isn’t some thing you should be joking about at school or anything. it’s serious, like really fucking serious. i knew a guy, he owned a diner in cali, and he got it from... a partner... and he died. you understand that this is serious?”
will nodded his head quickly, billy continued
“you don’t sleep with just anyone, ok? you don’t seem like a person who would, but just be careful, always use condoms, always be careful. don’t do drugs, at all, because i’m not dealing with you if you become a heroin addict, ok?”
will nodded, but there was something in billy’s voice that told him that id he did get addicted to heroin, billy would try his hardest to take care of him.
“if you sleep with someone and you just want to be sure, get tested. its better safe than sorry, alright?”
“alright,” will nodded again. “what about you and steve?”
“we both got tested and we aren’t sleeping around with other people, we’ll be fine, kid,”
“ok, good,”
“no need to worry about us, ok?”
“i worry about all of my friends,”
“kid, i really want you to be safe, alright? and you know you shouldn’t really blab about this to the town, me and steve haven’t even told our parents, your little group are the only ones who know,”
“they already call me a f—“
“i don’t give a shit and don’t you dare call yourself that! you’re better than whatever shit they wanna call you. you’ve got a great future and you’re not gonna get it if some hick in this town kills you because you like dick, alright?
“i want you safe, and if anyone gives you trouble or you have questions, you can come to me or steve, any time, any day.”
billy’s eyes were intense and will felt small under them, but also felt safe and loved as an entire person, as who he truly is and who he wants to be.
steve was still snoring lightly at the end of the couch, making billy chuckle a little
“well, if it’s past 10:30, steve’s not gonna be awake, he’s an old man on the inside,”
will laughed at the comment and steve choked on a snore as he woke himself up, wild eyes looking around, catching a bashful will, who was still laughing
“go back to sleep, princess,” billy chuckled and steve nodded, laying his head back on the pillow and closing his eyes
“can i sleep over? my mom thinks i’m at mikes, and probably wouldn’t like me biking this late,”
“course kid, this house has like six extra bedrooms, we’re lucky steve’s all rich ‘n shit,” billy wiggled his eyebrows and led will to a guest bedroom and made sure he was settled in before going to pick up steve and carry him to bed
will figured he’d still have to tell his mom and friends, but he felt safe here with billy and steve, so he guessed things wouldn’t be so bad.
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