#and there was goddam animal hair EVERYWHERE
elprupneerg · 1 year
i need to find the people who "inspected" my new place and said it was in good condition and i need to beat their ass so hard they quit their job and never leave any other tenants with a place as weirdly fucked up as this one ever again
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Oh F-oxes P1
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Media Godless
Character Whitey Winn
Couple Whitey X Reader
Rating Flirty Af
I sat in the office, I was leant back in my chair, as I read my latest Nickel Library comic. While I minded the office as Bill was away doing, well I don't know really whatever it is he's up to. I heard the door open so I glanced up and saw y/n. "Aww Hiya Miss Y/l/n, What a nice surprise," I smiled as I set my comic down and turned to sit a little better on my chair "Hi Mr Winn" She smiled, as she came through wearing her usual black and white vertical striped dress with black frills and lace, her hair braided and pinned up with her bonnet style hat tied under her chin, a little wicker basket in her arms and following along behind her the little grey fox with well fluffed and trimmed fur and little sharp blue eyes. I saw Y/n often as she lived in a little house with a wrap-around porch close to the old mine, She'd been In Labelle as long as I could remember, having moved here to live with her great uncle but he passed away in The Accident.
We certainly enjoyed each other's company being the only two around a similar age and we had been courting for a few months now even if I would have courted and married her years ago if she wasn't so damn stubborn. And Of course, I knew little Fleur. Y/n had gone for a ride out in the woods one afternoon and found a young abandoned Grey Fox cub barely through its blind and deaf stage, she helped it of course and did try many times to find its family but never did and the two were now so bonded Fleur honestly thought of y/n as her mother, followed her everywhere and took great care to protect her. "What brings ya to see me today then? Or am I just lucky?" I asked as I leaned on the desk. "I figured I'd bring my favourite deputy a little treat," She smiled as she pulled back the gingham cloth to reveal a still-steaming one of her apple and peach lattice pies which she pulled out and set on the desk "As you've been working so hard with Bill gone," "Really?!" I asked excitedly, "Of course," She smiled as she handed over a clean fork, "Do ya have a plate?" I asked as I happily took the pie and fork, "Do you need one whitey?" She giggled "Ya know me well darlin'" I smirked as I eagerly had a taste "Ummm Delicious Darlin' thank you very much" "You're welcome" she smiled as Fleur came up and perched on my desk watching me with her strong eyes, "So Whitey I was wondering?" She smiled
Ah, I knew she wanted something.
"What is it?" "I need to pop out of town for a little while," "Oh? Where ya goin'?" "Just on a little trip to visit family, I'll only be gone a month or so," "Okay," "And I was wondering if you'd mind looking after my house while I'm gone," "Ohh course no problem, I'm more than happy to pop in, collect your mail, water your plants and such" I explained, "Thank you," she smiled "And also could you take care of Fleur for me." I met eyes with Fleur and she seemed as unhappy with the concept as I was, "Uhhh? Ya sure about that?" I asked looking at her, "Well, I don't really have much of a choice. I can't take her on the train with me and Everyone else in town is scared of her, Please Whitey." "I'm not sure y/n, I have no experience with animals and I don't really think Fleur likes me very much," I explained as I got up and leaned on my desk, "She likes you, Enough." She said, "Please Whitey, all you'd need to do is feed her once in the morning and once at night, check her water bowl and give her a brush once a week that's all." "I don't know y/n…" "Please Whitey," She pleads stroked her hand across my hair then down my cheek, across my jaw, down my chest rubbed on my chest with both her hands as she moved close to press her body against me.
God damn girl she knows how to manipulate me!
That's the thing when you're courting a girl this smart, she figures out quickly how to manipulate ya! She has been denying me since we started courting, never letting me get any further than just some kisses, so she goddamn knew! all she had to do was hint and snuggle and I'd be putty in her hands. "Alright," "Yay! Thank you whitey!" she smiled as she pulled me into a hug so I quickly hugged her back "On one condition," I warn her, "Ohh?" She asked, "I will look after ya house and Fleur. If when ya get back, you come and stay over at my place a couple nights?" "Just stay over?" "Well See." "We have a deal, Mr Winn," She smiled as she pulled me into an intense kiss, I happily kissed her back stroking her waist through her dress till she pulled back "Come up to the house later and I'll walk you through everything," "Will I get a deposit payment before ya go?" "Well see." She smiled as she tapped my nose "Come On Fleur" She smiled and Fleur happily jumped off the desk fluffing her trail and she followed y/n out of the office.
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howrv · 5 years
Fargo: Chapter Two
He walked from the feed shed and waved us into an area surrounded by corrals and barns. It became obvious we were entering a different century. Nothing resembled today. Everywhere you looked there were articles of days gone by. Stage coaches, wagons, lanterns, hitches, and saddles lined the open sheds. Everything was placed as if art directed by a curator of western antiquities. Not junky, not neat, but just the way it was in any one of hundreds of cowboy movies.
I introduced Fargo to Becky and it was evident his first impression of her was far different than the ones he had of me back at the bar, (the goddammed long hair hippy with short pants.)
We accompanied him to a goat pen where he fed two prized goats with large brass bells around their necks. When Becky asked, he explained the bells were to frighten the wolves and coyotes.
He finished a few chores feeding goats, opening and closing doors in his pigeon roosts, and then offered us coffee. We followed Fargo through the courtyard along with a half dozen or so chickens and guinea hens pecking at the ground and strutting along with us. Fargo made his way past covered wagons and ox carts to a sitting porch tucked in under a three sided structure. Everywhere we looked were artifacts, mementoes and pictures of seemingly every movie star who ever graced the silver screen either standing with Fargo or seated on one of his horses, mules, or carriages. There were hundreds of pictures and hand written notes from movie stars, directors and producers. Even the ceilings were covered with them. The Perc-o-lator pot sat atop an old brown painted Philco refrigerator. He poured us a cup, one for himself and sat in a padded wooden office chair in front of a padlocked door. He offered us a seat on a bench across from him.
It must have been evident to his two ranch hands that it was coffee time because they showed up, poured a cup, and assumed their places leaning against a post or hanging through the open porch window. Introductions were made, Quattro and Barton. Each one in cowboy working attire, boots, jeans, western shirt, kerchief neatly knotted and a felt Stetson, one black one white.
Quattro, (the black hat) had been with Fargo for over 20 years. He lived down "Quattro Lane" in an Airstream with an adjacent metal building on the property. The land had been deeded to him by Fargo for his endentured service. He had a thick black mustache atop a big handsome grin. He walked stiff legged and we later found out he lost his leg and a few fingers in a car accident. Quattro was happy to walk Becky through the sheds and barns explaining which stage coaches were in which movie and what saddles were straddled by whom.
Barton, (the white hat) had also been with Fargo for decades and lived in a travel trailer down "Barton Lane" under similar ranch-hand benefits. He sat with us, rolled his Bugler smokes and bolstered stories when Fargo's memory gave out or when there was a particular "Fargo story" best told by a third party, or whenever Fargo barked, "Barton, tell 'em 'bout the time..."
It was here by the coffee pot the stories began, here and at similar gathering areas in barns, by fire pits, lofts, bars, and sheds and even a church, all scattered around The Museum Ranch. For the next three days we went back in time and relived the life of a runaway kid, bronc rider, cattle driver, convict, blacksmith, soldier, mule trainer, rodeo clown, Texas Ranger, wagon master, Hollywood set dresser, stuntman, Marlboro Man, animal lover, bird fancier, rancher cowboy by the name of Fargo Graham.
The following is an account of what we heard and learned from Fargo and his long time ranch hands Quattro and Barton. None were braggers or gave any signs of exaggerating or embellishing stories. They were just cowboys who seemed happy to reminise and have someone to listen, ask questions and enjoy their stories of their good ole days.
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the-nado-hunter · 8 years
An Open Letter to FUNIMATION
Your fake-steriotypical-borderline-insulting accents work in a show like Hetalia, because it’s a comedy, a sort of... light political cartoon if anything. It’s not meant to be taken seriously, so the horrid accents get a pass, since it is comedy, (Or why checkov’s accent in the original star trek gets a pass because it was a campy 60′s TV show) and you’ve only slipped into straight up offensive a few times. But DON’T HIRE THE SAME GODDAMED VOICE ACTORS TO DO VOICES IN A SERIOUS/ROMANTIC/CUTE ANIME!!! VICTOR SOUNDING LIKE GRU REALLY TAKES YOU OUT OF the AMAZINGNESS THAT IS YUURI ON ICE. Look...I love those voice actors in other things, but your really starting to push them being in EVERYTHING. Give some new voice actors a chance, and maybe take some of your more serious content... more... seriously?
Like I’ll laugh at Gru!Victor all day, but it really does add to why a lot of people hate dubs. You’ve done really fitting ones in past, just think about the character first and don’t just say “OH!~ We have the one guy that is a russian in Hetalia, let’s make him the main white haired russian guy, cause... they’re the same! RIGHT?!?!” No. No they are not.
I love aph Russia, and I love Victor, but... they are not the same. At all.
... also would it have killed you to have a little kid voice the Davie episode in Hetalia for America? Dude-bro man kind of kills the whole “My first best friend died before I even understood the difference between nations and humans was” Love him everywhere else, like #accurate, but seriously? You made me laugh my head of in an episode I was originally tearing up in.
Maybe that’s the problem, they do silly well but can’t seem to do serious.
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