#and there's a perception that the only 'young people' (ie under 45) are military families
grunge-mermaid · 1 year
tangential to previous rant
my parents keep trying to drag me to events with them because I don't go anywhere. there is nowhere for me to go. there is nothing interesting to do. they keep trying to drag me to Retired People Things with other Retired People. like, no, I do not want to go to a farm and listen to depressing mediocre folk music for an entire day.
and when I do decide to go somewhere, it's met with the most fucking patronizing "ohhh goooood" like I am thirty-fucking-four can you at least treat me like an adult
how long will it take for me to get through to them that it's not "I don't want to go anywhere or do things" it's "I want to go do things but there is nothing appealing to do"
I want to make friends and not be a hermit but there are no events where I could meet people roughly my age with things in common. where are the social events for 25-40 year old civilians that aren't Baby & Me groups or Romeo & Juliet dances at the legion? where are the year-round knitting groups that aren't addictions group counselling or MFRC-exclusive?
and it's not even just socializing, there's nowhere to really go at all if you don't have a car. except the hospital. the hospital is within walking distance.
walking *to* the library is doable but the hill is too steep to walk home if you're asthma is as bad and as unmedicated as mine but their book selection is kind of useless & last time I tried to do an interlibrary loan for something worth reading, it took so long I had moved to another province by the time the book came in.
even if the MFRC had civilian-friendly events (they do allow civilian gym memberships so I assume they allow civilians in other contexts idk?), I can't really get there.
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