#and they only asked superficial questions to vic. ''do you have boys after you''
hotdyke-hardstyle · 6 months
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ambrossart · 10 months
I have more questions👀
In chapter 10 of it's said that Eddie started liking the reader because she made him feel like it was ok for him to be himself...but why did she fall in love with him? Was it love at first sight after his performance at the talent show or she got interested after the talent show and then she started liking him?
I'm curious because her feelings were already pretty strong before talking to him, since she went out of her comfort zone to get close to him. And they were obvious enough for Jeff to realize that she had a crush on him😂
It also mad me a bit sad to read that everyone knew she had a crush on Eddie but Eddie himself, and everyone knew Eddie had a crush on her except for her..even Gareth (that never knows what was going on) knew.
Paper men:
The same question popped in my head about the reason Evelyn fell for Henry, since he spat on her when they first met I doubt it it was love at first sight (or maybe it was lol). It seems to me that Evelyn has a thing for "unconventional" boys (Vic at first, then Henry and now Patrick), is it because it's in her nature to see the best in people/situations? I've said it before but I'm team Vic 100%.
Actually, I'm team Reggie (not as a potential lover because he's with Christie) I just love how you are portraying him. Will there be some Christie Reggie content in the future?🌝
Thank you for taking time to answer to all this asks❤️
I have more answers! 👀
I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but the reader did develop an instant crush on him during his talent show performance. That night, Eddie got up on stage and was absolutely terrible, but he was so lost in his music that he didn't even care (until he heard someone laughing at him). And I think that left a huge impression on her because that's something she could never do herself. We know the reader struggles with anxiety. She doesn't like public speaking. She doesn't talk a lot during class. She's in theater, but she doesn't perform due to stage fright. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the reader was supposed to perform at that talent show but backed out due to anxiety. So, yeah, seeing Eddie do what she couldn't do was very attractive to her, and I think that's why she was so adamant about him "embracing his weirdness" when they were kids. She wanted better for him.
However, since the reader didn't really know Eddie, I think her initial feelings were pretty superficial. They were strong, yes, but ultimately superficial. She liked his spookiness and his weirdness (not to mention those beautiful brown eyes), but she definitely wasn't in love with him at this point. Those feelings developed gradually over the summer as she got to know the real Eddie. She quickly discovered that he was even better than she imagined he would be. He's funny and charming and very, very kind. He listened to her and encouraged her. He made her feel like her thoughts were interesting and had value. For the first time in a long time, the reader felt heard and seen and supported, something she'd only ever experienced with Chrissy, and that's a very special thing.
I love their relationship so much. 😭
Paper Men
Okay, so I think in a way it was love at first sight... but not necessarily romantic, if that makes sense. You'll see what I mean over the next two chapters.
We know that Evelyn was instantly enchanted by Henry's blue eyes, so she definitely was attracted to him in a very innocent, little girl kind of way. But it's more than that. From the moment she met Henry, Evelyn's always had a very strong desire to take care of him. That's the way Evelyn is. If she sees someone suffering, she instinctively wants to comfort them, and I think Henry is a very special and extreme case due to his family situation.
But it took a long time for their relationship to turn romantic (or perhaps for Evelyn to recognize it as romantic). This is mostly because of Victor. Up until the 8th grade, Victor Criss was the object of her affection. She was obsessed with him, so Henry wouldn't have been on her mind like that. She wouldn't have let him be on her mind like that out of loyalty to Vic. That being said, I do think she and Henry developed a very intimate relationship regardless. It's hard not to when you're dealing with that situation. There are so many emotions involved. Evelyn is seeing Henry at his most vulnerable. He needs her. He truly, desperately needs her, and to be needed like that is a very powerful thing. It can really rip at your heartstrings, especially as a teenage girl.
I mean, come on, a cute boy with pretty blue eyes wants Evelyn to take care of him?
Okay 😳
Say no more, right? 😂
Honestly, I think it was inevitable that their relationship would turn romantic, just because of how emotionally charged it already was. Then you add puberty to the mix and... yeah, shit's gonna get messy real quick.
Finally, regarding Reggie and Christie, you will absolutely see more of them. They're actually going to be in Ch. 32 together, so you'll get a little glimpse of their relationship. It's really sweet, a welcome contrast to all these problematic relationships.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
A push to the right direction // Victoria De Angelis
words // 1241
warnings // maybe a little cursing, was meant to be a little angsty but I don't think i succeeded in that
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. again, for the millionth time, don't forget that sundays will be for "sleepovers" from now on, so I can have a bit of a break and still give you guys something so yay. also this originally was supposed to be out yesterday but toothace and all I could barely function at all sooooo yeah. I hope you enjoy the little beach vibes and locked in car scenrio 😂
request // yes, it was through messages by @tabi-toast so i'm putting it here
"I’d like to request some friends to lovers with Vic where the boys notice that they like each other and try to push them towards each other? Maybe some angst but mostly lots of fluff hehehe"
summary // Victoria and reader have been friends for a while, both harboring unspoken feelings. While the two are oblivious beyond their minds the boys of the band have figured out all the glances and sublte touches the two share. Well, all they need is a little push to see the truth.
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It was simply agonizing. The way the two looked at each other lovingly, staring with adoration every time they were sure they would not get caught, the way they spoke of each other, constantly using the fondest of words… They were both suffering from the unspoken feelings, the constant emotion of (non existent, really) rejection making the bad days harder and the good days bad, taking away from the most important moments they shared. The friends they shared were surely close to taking off, not wanting to see the constant pinning and insecurities that come with it.
The pair tended to be so oblivious to the obvious. Writing off indications of romantic feelings as plain signs of the comfort they had with each other. The hugs, the cuddles, the hair petting, all the pet names, the spontaneous 1 am singing competitions in the car while driving to find some food. They wrote it off as plain and simple platonic affection.
But, after, as the times passed by and the two would not seem to understand the feelings they shared, they would each go to a different member, complaining and even crying about the lack of reciprocation.
“How can you know that, Y/N? You haven’t even told her!”
“Well, I know her! She doesn’t want me Thomas!”
A similar scenarios would apply to Victoria sharing her feelings. They were both so blinded by fear of losing each other that they were blind to the truth. But everyone with eyes was not. Everyone, even people that had never met them before, could see that they were dying to be together, sometimes even assuming that they are… But that only ever resulted in awkward denying and later crying over the non existent rejection.
Currently they were laying on a towel at the beach, cuddled up together while relaxing with the last sun rays of the day and the soft sound of waves. The entire group had decided that a beach day was long overdue, the pool just simply not satisfactory enough. It was not the same to be by the sea, with the waves and the beautiful view, and being by a pool with the superficial lights and all (not that they could really complain).
“So, you mean to tell me that it actually happened?!” Yelled Y/N, laughing at yet another story Victoria shared with them.
“It did! I swear!” Victoria laughed back, caressing Y/N’s back softly as they both laughed.
“Well you need to take me with you next time you visit that place again. Who knows? Maybe another incident like that will happen.”
“I surely will,” she said, leaving a soft kiss on their heads.
“Are you feeling tired, amore?”
“Maybe a little… I had a long day…”
“You can take a nap on me if you need to. I’ll wake you up before Thomas and Damiano go to get us food.”
“I suppose I could,” they responded and settled in for a small nap.
The rest of Måneskin simply stared at the pair while discussing how exactly they were not one. It seemed so obvious to them how they had strong feelings, undeniable ones at that, and they could not stand and watch. Something had to happen.
So they came up with a devious plan. It would piss off Victoria a bit but it would bring the results they needed. Damiano walked to the car they came in, thanking technology with all of his might, in his head, remembering how his car has child-proofing mechanisms at the doors so they can only open from the outside. Thus the plan was in action.
After coming back he simply settled down, going back to doing his own thing - whatever he was doing before and waiting until it was time to move forward with it.
“Agh, I’m starving! When are you guys going for the food?”
“Me too.” Thomas stated before settling back in his chair for a moment.
“Hey, Vic!” He almost yelled, the woman flinching and checking to see if he woke Y/N up.
“What is it Thomas?” her voice was sharp, body quickly moving to walk up to him, making sure to not disturb her crushe’s nap.
“Can you and Y/N go for the food? Honestly I am bored, Damiano said he’s not coming and Ethan is too preoccupied right now.” He pouted and everything, giving the older girl the softest look he could possibly manage, while pointing at Ethan having a phone call.
“Couldn’t you have thought of that before? Seriously, Thomas, right now? They are sleeping.”
“Oh, come on Vic, please! I’ll owe you!”
“Agh, agh, fine, let me wake them,” she paused,”you’re lucky I’m hungry or I would let all of you starve,” she mumbled, annoyed by the boys’ laziness, before going over to the sleeping figure on the towel.
“Hey, amore… come on, sweets, wake up. Hey. Hey,” she repeated softly, a sweet smile on her face as their eyes opened slowly.
“Vic? Oh, are the guys going for the food?”
“Not quite. The guys are being annoying and refuse to go. So, if you want to eat we have to go.”
“Oh, alright then. Give me a moment to wake up,” they said and Victoria smoothed down their sea-salt stained t-shirt.
“Ethan, where are the keys?”
“On the engine, cucciola.”
“Ok, grazie.”
With that the two clueless friends sat in the car, Victoria realizing the keys were missing a little too late.
“Agh, cazzo, Ethan! They are not her- The door isn’t opening. Why is the door not opening?”
“Mine isn’t either.”
“Ethan!” Her voice could be heard crystal clear, even with the windows separating her from the outside.
“What is it, Victoria?” He asked, a smug smile on his face as he stood outside the car window.
“What did you do?”
“Well,” spoke Damiano, “you two clueless, little shits have gotten annoying. So if you are not going to do it, we will.” He stated and Victoria’s eyes almost went out of her head, catching onto what her friend was saying.
“Y/N, Victoria has feelings for you. Victoria, Y/N has feelings for you. Now talk!”
If only glare’s could kill, Ethan would be having a very painful death as Vic kept mumbling how she’ll kill him. Y/N, on the other hand, simply stared at Victoria in adoration.
“Do you have feelings for me?”
“Look Y/N, I-”
“Answer my question Victoria! Do you have feelings for me?”
“Yes,” she replied, looking down as if she was ashamed.
“That’s not how I wanted you to find out. I wasn’t really planning on telling you cause I know that Ethan is lying but-”
“Victoria! Take a breath between sentences! What are you talking about? Ethan is not lying, you know?”
“I know, Y/N, you don’t have to sugarco- Wait, what?”
“He isn’t lying, Victoria. I really like you.” “You do?”
“Mhm, I do. Now, will you give me a kiss or are you waiting for Ethan to smash our heads together,” they joked, easing up the tension Victoria was feeling and pushing their lips to hers.
It was not anything special, just a simple, soft, kiss. What made it special was that it was to each other. They shared a kiss together, not someone else, not a stranger, not someone they had no feelings for, but someone they were yearning for, for a very long time now.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever@tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina
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say-no-to-this-rp · 4 years
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Sunday, 23rd of July, 2023 - Late afternoon Shell Cottage in Tinworth, Cornwall, UK Snip. Sunlight streams through the window to light up a blurry photo of two blonde girls lounging on the deck of what seems to be a boat. It lies at the top of a stack of photos. Shell Cottage is quiet, all but for the quiet ticking of the grandfather clock and the distant crashing of waves. 
Snip. Once again, scissor blades slice through the quiet, sliding through pretty paper into a flower silhouette. “C’est problématique.”  Hushed muttering in a mixture of French and English can be heard from the kitchen table. Dominique, setting down the scissors and then rummaging through the stack of photos was visibly irritated.“I need to find more photos of the three of us.” A frustrated sigh escaped her lips but was left unnoticed. If Dom couldn’t find more photos of all three of them, the scrapbook would simply be a visual humble brag of Dom and Teddy’s stupid shenanigans. “So much for a wedding present for the both of them.”  “Mooorning.” Came a drawl from the counter. Louis eyed her in amusement empty mug in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, his back against their marbled counter. “Gone insane, have we Dominique? Talking to yourself like a raving lunatic?” “ Shut your mouth, you brat, or I’ll tell Maman and Papa that you’re smoking inside the cottage.” Dom snapped back, only superficially irritated. She was used to her little brother and his big mouth. He was charming and snarky with people outside the family, enough to have his own little gaggle of girls and boys in his year that latched onto every word of his. But to Dominique, he was always (and really, only because he acts like it) her obnoxious and bratty little brother. Said brat had likely just woken up. He was every bit of a night owl, up and about doing who knows what until the sun would rise and the nearby roosters would screech. 
At a leisurely pace, Louis filled his empty mug with cold coffee leftover from the morning pot that Fleur had left on. Idly made his way to the kitchen table. While running a casual hand through his platinum blonde hair that was now spiking up in all direction, Louis dropped himself into the chair opposite Dom. Without asking, he tugged the book to his side of the table and busied himself with the pages before Dominique could stop him, cigarette in his mouth.
There was nothing to hide about the scrapbook.The whole family excluding Victoire knew that Dominique had been working on this DIY project for the past month as a wedding present. The blonde wouldn’t consider herself as somebody who was easily flustered. Nevertheless, she was overcome with the desire to snatch the scrapbook back from Louis, as if this little book held something very private and intimate. For Teddy’s eyes only, as the realization finally dawned on her. Somewhere deep inside her, she knew that the hardest part of making the scrapbook had been including Victoire into the narrative of images. The ideal scrapbook vision that Dominique had in her head did not include her older sister in it. 
“Is this really a gift for Ted and Vic? Because if so,” Louis settled on a page with Dom and Teddy sitting at a restaurant, the cringiest, cheesiest cowboy hat on the latter’s head, and a birthday brownie with a sparkler in front of the two. Louis slid it back over with raised eyebrows. “I regret to tell you that you’re doing a shoddy job of it.” “No one asked you.” Dom pointed out.  “Really? Because your face screwed up like this,” Louis wrinkled his face in an obvious attempt to mock her, “Made me think you were begging for my advice.” “Feel free to piss off now.” Dominique raised her brows in warning, having switched to heated french now. “Don’t make me do something about that big head of yours, Louis Antoine Weasley. Also -- stop getting ash on my scrapbook.”
With a nonchalant shrug, Louis smirked, now holding the cig loosely between his index and middle finger, and replying in perfect Parisian french back. “If you ask me, maybe try a different present for our happy couple, Dominique.”
Dominique hated that Louis might be right, not that she’d ever admit it. She’d rather hang off a hippogriff butt naked and fly around the front yard of the Burrow than admit to his face that Louis was right. Okay, maybe not the Burrow. She didn’t quite want to face Grandma’s wrath. Hogwarts might work. Regardless, something inside her demanded that she finish the scrapbook. Perhaps she could just give this to Teddy as a birthday present or whatnot. It was clear that she had made the scrapbook with all intentions for Teddy, no matter how much she denied it to herself. As for a wedding present though, Dominique was now fresh out of ideas. 
She looked down at the photo of her and Teddy. All she saw was their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders with their wicked grins. Little did she know, these wicked grins were both taunting her and telling her something that she didn’t quite understand yet of what was to come. 
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Friday, 18th of July, 2023  
Lysander Scamander thought that when Dominique Weasley, Lucy Weasley, and himself were talking about having the best summer ever, he thought that meant being interns at the Quibbler. Now, in theory, an internship with all three of them sounded like a bloody brilliant idea. In reality, it meant that the three Hogwarts students were spending their summer doing the most tedious, menial jobs that could be found at the magazine. This was even despite Lysander being all but the heir of the whole damn company. And this was why the trio found themselves copy editing late into the night, two days away from their next release and not a single other soul in the office. 
Crossing one final word, Dominique leapt up after throwing down her quill in satisfaction. "I am officially the winner. Bow before me peasants. I am done and shall be leaving now. Please enjoy watching my back as I sashay out the office." 
“I always do.” Lys piped up, sliding his office chair over to peer intently at Dominique’s stack of work, a bright blue quill tucked behind his ear. “It’s a great view.”
Dominique couldn’t help but snort at her best friend.“Sure you do, Lys. Then make sure to look real close then Lys. You don’t want to miss the show.” 
Lucy, her other best friend in the entire world, groaned, "You've got to be kidding me. There's no way you're done that fast." The red-head looked up from her work to blow her hair out of her face and to promptly send a suspicious glare her cousin’s way.
“Ahh. But tis the truth, my dear Lucky.” The blonde was practically dancing as she packed her purse up. Blowing a kiss, her farewell was met with a scowl from Lucky and an easy smile from Lys. “Try not to kill each other while I’m gone.” She called back. 
Dom jumped the stairs two at a time, and burst out of the building. Having just worked more than a twelve hour work day, she was ecstatic to taste freedom. In her excitement, she almost missed the figure who was casually leaned against the side of the building. “Fancy meeting you here.” With a start, Dom caught sight of Teddy. If she were to guess, probably waiting for her outside considering he immediately tossed the cigarette from his fingers as soon as he saw her. She approached him as he ground it under her shoe. 
Taking in the number of cigarette butts on the floor, she wondered just how many cigarettes he had burned through while waiting for her.
Questioning look now. "Please tell me you haven't been waiting here for hours. I'm a big girl. I can walk home." “Not multiple hours, but more than an hour,” Teddy said cheerfully, not an ounce of annoyance in his voice, as if waiting an hour was nothing. 
Even as they spoke, the two were already walking, falling into step with each other at a leisurely pace. Now that she was in fresh summer night, she was in no rush to get home. Especially with the heat chilled from the crisp night air, Dominique was more than happy to lengthen their walk. She occupied herself with explaining to Teddy about the “joy” of copy editing a weird article on a magical healing theory from pygmy puff piss (and truthfully, teddy should really recognize what an honour and gem that he was getting such a cool sneak preview of the Quibbler’s next edition). 
When the two reach a forked road where they should turn right, the two wordlessly merely glanced at each other before shrugging and turning left instead. As they passed a park, Dom pointed at it with her thumb excitedly, already walking backwards towards it. Smirking, Teddy couldn’t help but follow along, “Yeah, alright, why not?”. 
With a squeal of delight, Dom jumped onto the swing set. Soon enough, the two had killed more than half an hour. That was simply how they always were. Chatting was as easy as breathing for the two, conversation never dulling. Both of them had settled on adjacent swings, and Dominique laughed mid-conversation as she begun to swing higher, just like she used to as a kid. Beginning to pump her legs with more strength, she met Teddy’s eyes in a daring challenge. Teddy, with a matching devilish look on his face, was already kicking his long legs in response. “Oh, yeah?” Their hoots of laughter filled the small playground. Bracing himself, Teddy jumped off the swing into the sand. 
The blonde similarly threw herself off the swing, landing just inches farther. Throwing her arms up like a gymnast executing a perfect landing, she twirled around gracefully, her face triumphant. "You're buying grub now, ye loser." Teddy is practically bowled over in laughter at this point. “How is that even possible, I have longer legs!” But he’s grinning and clearly not opposed to paying. The part-veela was doing everything but preening herself in light of her victory. "I'm nimble and athletic." Wickedly, she paused, as her grin got bigger. "Or maybe you're just getting old. Losing your touch." Dropping that truth bomb, she began to walk away quickly as if she was jokingly fleeing the scene.  Soon enough,Teddy had caught up to her, his long legs finally serving their purpose. “Old? I’m only eight years older than you!” He mock-scolded, jogging to her side, “If I’m old, you’re at least middle-aged.” Dominique couldn’t keep in her laugh as Teddy morphed his face to show an obscene amount of wrinkles, giving her the perfect elderly glare. He looked exactly like Grandmaman Delacour when one of them had done something terrible. Their laughter melded together as Teddy simply couldn’t hold back his own laughter nor his glare any longer. 
Dominique shook her head as they began to walk in some aimless direction, "I'm middle aged?” She countered. “You're the one getting married. You'll blink and there will be little Teddys and Vics. Blimey, I feel for the world already." The blonde scrunched her face at even the thought of another Victoire or another Teddy. The world was not ready.     
Teddy seemed to laugh heartily at the thought. “I do too. I was a menace, I can only imagine what my kids will be like,” He said, while shaking his head, “I don’t even want to think about it” Squinting his eyes thoughtfully up at the sky as if Teddy could magically read the time from its shade, he casually looked over his shoulder at the girl. “Shall we head back?” 
Dominique followed his gaze to the dark sky lit up by the streetlights, and relished how happy she felt. It was mundane moments like these that reminded her just how much she treasured Teddy as one of her best friends. It made his marriage to Victoire just the teensiest of bitter-sweet. Since the day she could remember, Dominique had accepted that she would be second to Victoire in Teddy’s life. No matter how close Teddy and her were, if Vic and Dom fell into the sea and only one could be saved, Dom knew in her heart who Teddy had to save. But it was nice that in moments by themselves, she could have her best friend to herself. It was just Dominique Weasley and Teddy Lupin. Them against the world. 
But of course, soon enough Victoire and Teddy will be til death do they part, and officially, everyone will be second to Victoire in every which way.
But until then, Dominique could be just a bit more greedy concerning her best friend. She merely fluttered her lashes in response to Teddy’s question. “Could we stop for shawarma? I’m ravenous.” 
Her big sister could wait for her fiance just a little longer.
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Monday, 7th of August, 2023 - Late Afternoon Brew Crew Coffee Bar in Mayfair, London, UK 
“No, it’s fine, don’t bother her if she’s in a meeting. If she asks later, tell her I said I’d figure it out,” Teddy was saying, “Hey, and thanks for letting me know.”
Dominique quietly sipped her vanilla latte, noting that Teddy was growing more and more dejected as the conversation continued with Vic’s assistant. I’m not surprised that she is standing us up. It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. The Potter-Weasley cousins often teased Dominique when she was late (it really wasn’t her fault that make-up and the perfect wardrobe choices takes time and effort), and that they tended to plan their days around Dominique’s schedule. As much as Dom admitted sometimes it was a bit of a “Dominique’s World”, she didn’t think she could even hold a candle to when Vic wanted things her way. Dom couldn’t help but make exasperated faces at various points during the phone call, knowing that her face revealed just how umimpressed she was with Victoire. By the time that Teddy gets off the phone, Dom had finished off her latte and she set down the cup with a sigh. "I see the Queen is unable to bless us with her presence today. So are we going to figure out the cake today without Vic?" 
“If we don’t, the Queen will have our heads,” Teddy teased. At his words, Dominique tried not to make another face on impulse. It was never fair how Vic prioritized her work over their wedding. That Dominique probably knew more about the details of Vic and Teddy’s wedding than the actual bride was almost pathetic. Although trying to shake it off, Teddy was clearly still bothered by Victoire’s last minute decision to stand up her own wedding cake appointment. That was always what Teddy did when Vic prioritized everything else over Teddy. He was just determined to make the best of it. “Should we just... pick one without her?” He frowned. “Vic probably cares more about how it looks than how it tastes, anyway.” 
Dominique was more than frustrated at her sister, and at the unfairness of the situation. But it was no good if she lashed out now. In fact, Teddy was more than aware of how mad Dom felt sometimes on behalf of him at how Vic treated him. Sisters or not, Dom refused to condone her sister’s behaviour. But it’s not your place, really. She told herself. Instead, she did her best to give Teddy an easy smile. Bloody hell Vic. She’d be the cheery one here for Teddy. At least there would be one Delacour-Weasley sister here who actually cared enough. If Vic wouldn’t be excited about this wedding cake tasting, then Dom would be. "Well we have an appointment with the bakery to taste them, right? What did that queen say, Marie Antoinette was it? What did she say? Let's eat cake?" She stood up to pull Teddy to his feet. "So let's eat cake, Teddy! And if you find a cake that you can't say no to, then just pick it. Vic won't eat more than her pinky finger, anyway." 
As if her smile and enthusiasm was contagious, Dominique saw the tension leave Teddy’s shoulder, visibly watching him return to normal if only to smirk back. “Alright, lets eat cake,” he agreed. Looking down at his watch, he noted that. “We should probably run, though, before they eat all that cake themselves.“ 
The two made their way from Brew Crew to the small gourmet bakery, Kowalski Charmed, a small artisan bakery where they liked to take a very personal approach to their wedding cakes. Managing to book a tasting appointment would take forever to book. Because of that, perhaps it was better that they were still going ahead with the cake tasting. As they entered the little white building, the bells chimed above them and Dominique was immediately smothered in an overwhelming cloud of vanilla, sugar, and chocolate. The interior was colourful and pink, with displays of fresh baked goods and pictures of bright cakes lining the walls. 
The baker, a woman with long luscious brunette hair, greeted them with a smile clearly expecting them. With her American accent, she chirped, "Good afternoon, are you the happy couple here for the wedding cake taste-testing?" Hearing that, Dominique hesitated, unsure of how to introduce herself. Sorry, actually no. I’m the bride’s sister. Yes, I know it’s weird that she’s not interested in her own wedding cake, but c’est la vie, right?  She gave a quick glance at Teddy, but decided that it’d probably be best to get it over with. As she opened her mouth to correct the lady, beside her, Teddy spoke up. 
“Yeah, that’s us,” He was flashing his usual winning smile to the baker, subtly winking at Dom as she practically hit him in the face with her hair at how fast she had whipped her head back to look at him. “I hope we’re not too late?” He continued. “Bit of a mix up with the time, it was my mistake.” Oh, she knew exactly what was happening now. She had seen Teddy’s mischievous shit-eating grin more times than she could count to know it was game time.
Dom smiled politely without skipping a beat as soon as Teddy answered the baker. The only way anyone would have caught that she was startled by his answer was the slightest clenching of her jaw, and a barely noticeable tightness to her smile. Succeeding at not immediately rolling her eyes back so hard that she knocked herself out at the sight of Teddy's stupid grin, she immediately attached herself to Teddy's arm. "That's me. The fiancee." She said brightly. As soon as the baker turned her back momentarily to check which samples that they had ordered, she widened her eyes at Teddy and mouthed very obviously, "What are you doing?" .
Teddy made sure that the baker was far enough away from them not to overhear, and then whispered back, ”What makes you think I know? Play along.”  Dominique stifled a laugh, turning the sound into a slight clearing of her throat. That was right about the epitome of a Teddy answer. Many of their shenanigans really came about because neither of them ever knew what they were doing. They simply did it. Teddy was now giving her another look though. It was amazing how if you spent more than a decade with someone, you started to know exactly what their varying expressions were. This one was what Dom liked to call his “safety word” face. It was his reminder that no matter what mischief they were up to, he always wanted Dom to know that if she got uncomfortable, she could back out. Of course, in the same decade of recognizing this look, Dom had never taken him up on the offer. And she wasn’t about to start now. 
The baker returned, still oblivious to the ruse that she was unbeknownst to her had taken part in. They were led to one of the tables by the front window of the store, as she began to outline to them the process. They had requested for a full frosted cake (”Of course, the more sugary the better. I don’t need to watch my weight at all.” Dom said to the baker, entirely straight-faced.), as well as ten possible samples to choose from. 
As if a switch had flipped, Dominique was now the ever-doting, and perhaps too clingy fiancee. Her hand had moved down from his arm to his hands, intertwining their fingers. She pulled him to the table that had been set up for them, and in a sickeningly sweet voice, declared, "This way, you delicious piece of kidney pie." 
She took delight in how Teddy’s eyes went wide. Obviously surprised, he was about to burst into laughter until he managed to de-escalate it into a respectable chuckle. “Anything you say, Snuggie Woogems.” 
Dominique tried not to retch at the ridiculous pet name. It had sent a ridiculous shiver up her spine at how gross they were being, but she just couldn’t stop, especially now that his intention was loud and clear:Two can play at this game. As they sat, Teddy sat down on the same side as her and made a point of scooting his chair a little closer to hers, so he could casually drape his arm over the back of her chair.
Well-played, sir. Dominique wondered what she could do next. This was all to get back at Teddy. He had been the one who wanted to play, so they were going to have fun. The baker introducing their first cake, chocolate cappuccino torte, solved Dom’s dilemma over what her next steps would be. Dom dug her fork into the beautiful cupcake, making sure to cut an unnecessarily large chunk. Bringing the monster of a bite close to Teddy's mouth, she exhibited her voice like she was speaking in a bad Shakespearean play, "Say ahhhhhhhh, my little stud monkey." Was she using the most cringe-worthy pet names that she had ever heard? Absolutely. 
Teddy eyed the piece warily, looking as if he wanted to make a comment before he thought better of it. Dominique could almost taste it now. The delicious sweetness of victory. Shaking his head ever so slightly, he leaned in and wrapped his hand over hers on the fork. Surprised, Dominique tried not to move her hand at all. If they were soon-to-be-married, she wasn’t going to be uncomfortable with her ‘fiance’ grabbing her hand. It wasn’t even like they had never held hands. Neither of them would blink twice at it. It was the way Teddy had leaned in and bit into the cake, in a manner that one might even describe as seductively. Well, as seductively as he could with a bite of cake the size of a small fist. But Teddy somehow made it sensual. Dominique felt the strangest sensation.Teddy can make anything look sensual if he wanted to. He’s that handsome. She admitted to herself. Lucky Vic. Finally, he leaned back, removing his hand from hers and while laughing and chewing, he joked, “Maybe a smaller piece next time, Sweet Pea?” 
Eyes bright and clearly amused by Dom’s antics, they suddenly rolled down to take a closer look at the cake. “Shit, this is actually really good, you have to try this.” 
His comment broke the girl’s daze. Remembering their real task before them, Dom tried a small bite of the cupcake with her fork. The creamy goodness dragged a hum of delight from her lips. "Delicieux. Oh, this mousse is out of this world." The blonde then nudged Teddy with her elbow, "I'm not surprised. You're a sucker for anything that has caffeine in it." 
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