#and they said yes do what is best for your process <3333 thank you sm
mag200 · 2 months
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finals week(s)
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johobi · 6 years
Let me preface this by saying I'm team JK all the way! Let me tell you why my dear JoJo (can I call you JoJo?). I don't blame Tae for having sex with OC. It was a heat of the moment thing. Def not a good decision in the long run bc it really just IS a heat of the moment thing. She was hurt and feeling nostalgic so she went back to the one thing back then that made her feel better. She clearly needed more time to process everything that happened and you said it yourself, JK is still 1/? -SK
You can ofc call me Jojo (just don’t add Siwa pls my hairline isn’t that pressed)!!!! It was definitely a heat of the moment thing, but the question is, was it a heat of the moment thing that allowed emotions to surface that needed voicing?! Would it have happened any other way? If it ends up playing out that it was, indeed, right for both of them, then it was worth it. If it wasn’t what they needed… maybe it could still be good? Maybe those feelings needed airing anyway? Or perhaps it will all be one, big catastrophe?!
((more under read more))
in her head space. Her feelings for him haven’t left she’s just pushing them aside so she can be comforted by Tae. So that explains why them fucking wasn’t a good choice for them but what redeems JK? Nothing. BUT. He so earnestly wants to fix things and is so dead set on hearing him out that it’s hard to not want to. What he did was bad real bad but he genuinely seems like he wants to fix it and even from an objective standpoint it’s best to here all sides of the story. I’m not saying 2/? -SK
I’m actually really glad that most of you guys want to hear Kook out. It would be hard to pull off the rest of the story if it were a case of you being like ‘whatever his reason, I don’t care. I don’t want to hear it’. That kind of potential reaction to the fic was nervewracking. If your readership reacts waaay differently to how you’re expecting, how the hell do you salvage a fic that late in the game?! wljwalkj Well, I guess you finish it regardless, and hope people just find some merit in the journey somewhere. I’m going off on a tangent, but, yes, there’s something in the way that Jungkook pursues her relentlessly and with sincerity that wants you want to hear him out. And we will!! Next chapter. :)
him hiding his engagement was ok but if OC does talk to him maybe she could get some closure. She seems like an insecure person by nature and immediately blamed herself (only a little) for JK’s actions so she really should talk to him. Also! I refuse to believe JK is a bad person! He’s helped her so much with her depression and general sadness and if he was able to sway OC once from Tae, he can do it again. Plus another anon made a good point in the fact that JK is her future and Tae is -3/? SK
Definitely, definitely, she needs to talk to him if for nothing other than to realise that it wasn’t her fault. Still, the notion of being cheated on will likely always sow a seed of inferiority. Even if his reasons are pure, will her trust in him recover? It’s taken her so long to open up to him.
her past. Tae may be her past home but JK is her present. Even when smth happens in your present home you don’t go back to your past. Even if it’s vacant. Bc the life around that home has changed and moved on and the only reason you’d come back is to reminisce. But there’s no reminiscing when nothings the same. You’d just make yourself sad wishing things were how they once were. So, the only thing you can do is hope that you can have a better and brighter future. Even if it’s bleak rn. 4/? -SK
I’d actually argue that Tae is her past and present, and Jungkook is also her present. Tae very much exists in the present for her, though perhaps not as idealised. They both have the potential to be her future. It’s just a matter of whether Y/N and Tae’s relationship can bloom into something new, because it can’t survive in the mold of their past relationship. Their platonic connection has been snapped now. 
But it is a huge point that Y/N is very reliant on escaping to the past when troubled, and not engaging with her present (and especially her future). I think she wanted to bring the comfort that Tae provided back then, into the present, and in a more intense form. At first, without knowing his feelings, she just wants to ‘forget’, and therefore seeks to at least have the comfort of his body. When he reciprocates, tho, it totally catches her off-guard and she’s able to find comfort for her heart as well. omg i’m rambling and this probably doesn’t make sense. I wish I could be more succinct about this haha!
But yeah, home, past, childhood - these are all things of comfort and safety (for her, at least). Whether it’s unhelpfully circular/stagnating, we’ll just have to see.
Ahh sorry to get faux deep on you! But anyways TEAM JK ALL THE WAY. Also I don’t why I find the idea of Jimin sitting alone and bored in Tae’s apartment so funny. Realy excited to see THAT interaction. Also excited to see JK reacting to the hickeys and the JK and Tae confrontation. I love torturing myself RIP. ALSO ALSO that last line GOT ME. I don’t undertand how you can set up an entire 18k chp. to put so much emotion and narrative behind ONE LINE. WOw you’re such a great writer. Ily💜 5/5 -SK
Not at all hun!!! I loved reading your thoughts on it all :D! AND YES JIMIN SITTING ALONE IN TAE’S FLAT IS A HILARIOUS IMAGE. They’re gonna trundle in all lovebitten and tousled and he’d just gonna be watching shitty daytime TV (sober) like, ‘..tf you been?? ARE THOSE HICKE–’ you get the idea haha. 
Thank you so much love, for your lovely asks and your unfaltering support/encouragement!!! I appreciate you sm!!!
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