#and they say Im wrong about elriel? PLEASE GET A GRIP.
merymoonbeam · 8 months
Please make a post about everything you were right about!
hello...of course I can.
so...spoilers for cc3 under read more.
I was right about her heritage. I guessed(basically joked) that she was from aelin's line from tog. It turned out to be true. I have proof but cant share them here but @silverlinedeyes made a post about alluding to it so I HAVE WITNESSES OKAY. they can back me up on this.
2. Gwydion and TT power being void
my alpha and omega post. and in my giant wild hunt post I connected it to void. I literally guessed this right. MY PRIDE AND JOY.
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3. The mist and barren lands being connected to the old fae
again... giant wild hunt post. lm not gonna link it again. it is above.
not straight on point like with tt and gwydion but basically I figured out the mist and land being barren was connected to the "old fae" aka theia and her daughter and in the book their power makes the land barren.
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4. daglan = asteri
this was basically everyones theory but still I was right. I dont care. I will count it as much.
look at my wild hunt post. lol. I talk about asteri and daglan as the same thing so thats my proof.
5. The void with cauldron.
In my mystics and seer post I figured out that cauldron had The Void in it. and turns out it was actually that lol. Asteri planted a trigger point to acotar and it is actually void...a blackhole.
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these are the main point. like there are a lot of little pieces that were a little bit off so Im not adding those. Im keeping this as straight as possible in terms of theories. and my acotar related theories got even more foreshadowings in this book so if you wanna know them they are linked in my masterlist. we will see what happens with them.
there are A LOT of thoughts through my rereads that also came true but I didnt make a post about them. so they are only lefts as...thoughts. so I cant show proof that I was right...but with that TT and Gwydion part. nothing can top that. I GUESSED THAT RIGHT.
see you in the next theories...and more confirmed theories in acotar5. FIONN I WILL GET YOU BACK MY KING. MANIFESTING.
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