#and they we're co-conspiritors
alistairs · 1 year
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I tolerated Orin, but I liked you.
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angelynmoon · 5 months
"We're not calling Merlin." Arthur said as he stared at the mess of his Castle, "He deserves time away with Lancelot."
"But it's not coming off." Gwaine whined as he scrubbed.
"I know." Arthur said, "But if we call him he'll never let us babysit again."
"What do you think he'll do when he comes back tomorrow and sees the state of the Castle?" Gwaine asked as he threw his rag in the bucket and gestured, "He has been gone a day and look."
Arthur looked and sighed, the twins had seen not having their parents around as permission to use their Magic as they pleased and now every wall in the Castle was painted with a variety of colors and scenes, although, Morgana, Leon, and Elyan had caused a fair bit of the mess.
It hadn't stopped there either, the terrors had gone on a rampage and caused a dough explosion in the kitchens and the laundry was ruined, whites had been washed with a load of red Camelot capes and now all the knights' linens were an uneven pink color.
They had terrorized the chickens and Arthur thought Effie may have even hunted one for their dinner.
And now the group was nowhere to be found, Arthur had every one of his knights looking for them, though he knew Elyan would keep the children safe, the last thing Arthur needed was for them to still be missing when Lancelot and Merlin came back tomorrow.
"I don't know how Merlin keeps the Castle running." Arthur said, "He's been gone a day and everything is broken."
"You should give him a raise." Gwaine said as he looked at the wall they had been scrubbing, "Do you suppose we can just leave it and say we were encouraging the childrens' creativity?"
"Don't you dare." Gwen said as she dropped a clean bucket of water next to them, "You will clean this or paint the wall a solid color."
"Yes, ma'am." Gwaine said as he returned to his task.
"Have they been found?" Arthur asked as he continued as well.
"No, but one of the maids said Elyan stopped in the kitchens for snacks and there's been suspicious noises near the library, Geoffery claims he's heard nothing of the sort, and that he hasn't seen them either." Gwen sighed, "We might have to call Merlin."
"We'll never get to babysit again." Arthur cried.
"I know." Gwen agreed as she sat next to Arthur, "I don't know how Merlin does it."
The three of them looked at each other and grinned, "Magic." They said together.
"What about Magic?" Lancelot asked as he and Merlin entered the courtyard.
"Um..." Arthur stood up, hiding his wet rag behind him, "We can explain."
Merlin raised an eyebrow and looked at the walls, "Hmm, looks like Morgana's Magic came back on it's own."
Merlin waved a hand and the children's mischief washed away in a golden river.
"That's not fair." Gwaine whined, "We've been scrubbing for hours."
Merlin laughed, gave Lancelot a kiss and walked off.
In short order Merlin cleaned up the kitchens, righted the laundry and collected Elyan and the children from a hidden room in the library, scolding Geoffery for harboring the fugutives, all of whom Merlin then confined to their quarters, Elyan included.
"How did you know?" Percival asked at dinner, the mischief makers seated on the floor near their responsible adult, Elyan had been assigned a knight to keep him from trouble and was pouting about it.
"Merlin put up a monitoring ward." Lancelot told him.
"What?!" Arthur yelled.
"You didn't trust us?" Gwen asked quietly.
"It wasn't you I didn't trust." Merlin said, gently and looked at his Dragonlings and their co-conspiritors, "With good reason, apparently. Since this was our first trip away, I guessed that their might be a revolt against whoever was left in charge."
"The day away was nice though." Lancelot said, "Next time we'll get Hunith to come. She raised you after all, she could probably handle it."
Merlin raised an eyebrow at his Mate.
"Are you implying I was worse than two hatchlings, a child Morgana, an impulsive knight and Leon?" Merlin asked.
"No, I'm sure you were worse." Lancelot said and dodged Merlin's swipe, "Merlin, you convinced me to commit identity fraud not even a full day after we met, not to mention every thing else you've done to keep Arthur safe and Camelot standing."
Merlin glared but sighed, "Alright, that's fair."
"Can we go back a moment? You commited identity fraud?" Gwaine asked, voice an octive higher than it usually was.
"I mean, we met in a tavern brawl, Gwaine, I'm not sure what you expected." Merlin pointed out.
"Next thing you know you'll cop to an assassination attempt on the king!" Gwaine cried.
"Well..." Merlin started.
"It wasn't an assassination attempt." Arthur snapped.
"It was just a fight in the lower town, at least their second meeting was." Gwen threw them under the wagon, "Although, Merlin did throw a puch at him during their first meeting."
"He deserved it." Merlin grumbled, "There was no need for him to be throwing knives at a servant."
"He had a shield." Arthur protested.
"Stop digging, Arthur." Gwen patted his hand soothingly.
"I've learned so much." Percival said quietly as Gwaine stared into space in shocked silence while Elyan looked at Merlin with new eyes.
Lancelot, however, looked at Merlin the same as always, besotted and willing to follow him wherever he might lead him.
A/n: so Merlin amd Lancelotxs vacation was cut short because their Chaotic children were left unsupervise, Theron was an angel and tucked away in a baby wrap the whole fic that's why no mention, he slept most of the time so.
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separatist-apologist · 2 months
Something that frustrates me about this fandom is how you’re not allowed to criticize certain things: characters, plots, writing, etc. Do I love the ACOTAR series? Yes, they bring me comfort. But I do have certain criticisms. If I say “people in this fandom are weird about Mor - she didn’t do anything wrong and it’s not her fault that Azriel won’t move on” or “Sarah isn’t the best writer but I still enjoy her books” or anything that critiques something, then people act as if I just committed a crime. I enjoy a lot of books and films, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having an opinion on it that might be a little critical. I feel unsafe when voicing my thoughts sometimes. I strongly agree with your post on Mor. I do think Eris is an interesting character, but what he did to her is not okay. And I have to add: as a queer woman, the way SJM writes about her queer characters feels lackluster.
I do think it can be frustrating to see people's dump all over the thing you really enjoy. Not everything needs critical examination 24/7, and so I can appreciate like...just wanting to enjoy your book without needing to examine all the flaws. I think I more often than not fall into that camp because it's easy to get burned out otherwise.
AND I think there is space to also critique the work- especially when we're not critiquing the people who like it. And I do find a lot of critique treats the characters like they're real people with agency and the people who enjoy those stories as co-conspiritors, if that makes sense? So it's hard to even argue nuance because people come in hot about how if you like so-and-so, you're a bad person deserving of super turbo hell.
I do agree that I also feel unsafe voicing my opinions at times. People can be mean, especially when they feel called out.
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