#and they were friends for a few years until Doppio ended up being told to 'help' in one of heaven's libraries
rabbithub · 5 months
You know the line, 'to be loved is to be changed'? I think that would work for Fallen Angel!AU.
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Dawn of the Final Day || Kaden and Alcher
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @chasseurdeloup and @zahneundklauen SUMMARY: Hunter and wolf find each other on the last day of the moon. Surely fate has brought them together. CONTENT: Blood, Gore mention, death mention, bad coffee
Everything had seemed to change recently. Too much. But one thing stayed the same, Kaden’s morning ritual of stopping by Coffee Plus to grab a good espresso. Alright, good might be pushing it, it wasn’t amazing or anything but it was better than he could manage with any small machine at home. So he would take what he could get. As early as he rose in the morning, he was still groggy and grumpy in the mornings. Grumpier than usual, that was. Queuing was truly the worst part and it was only ever compounded by people who didn’t know what they wanted even though they’d stood there and waited forever and a day and had more than enough time to figure shit out before the moment they stepped to the counter. It didn’t help that in this town he was constantly surrounded by shifters and the dull tingle down his spine never quit in the morning. He didn’t have it in him to give a shit long enough to pay attention to where it was coming from or even properly ignore it. He sighed. It was the same every day. Small comfort, there. The lady in front was taking so long, he started to doze off where was standing. So much so that he tripped a bit and caught himself as he ran into the person behind him a little. “Putain, sorry,” he tried to offer her. Somehow they still hadn’t moved. Shit, he gripped his side a moment, stinging a little from the pain from the other night. “You have to wonder what people do this whole time in line,” he grumbled, mostly to himself, partially to the person he’d just run into. He hated small talk but he sort of felt obligated. 
 Human rituals were still wholly strange to Alcher, but lately she’d been finding herself more and more fascinated with them. Her newest endeavor was the ritual of coffee in the morning, despite the ache in her bones. She’d need something to help get her through this last moon. Though Alcher vastly preferred tea, she figured she ought to try coffee. Everyone seemed to swear by it, after all. And so, she found herself in line at Coffee Plus, the other coffee shop Regan had told her about when they’d talked last. It couldn’t be too bad, right? She’d waited for a while outside before heading in, letting the queue to the counter fill up before heading in behind a rather grumpy looking man. She was examining the menu board-- with very little success; it was so far away and her eyes were failing her in two ways-- when the man in front of her stumbled back into her. She put her hands out quickly to right him, feeling the pain throb again from when her arm had been torn to shreds, letting him fix himself. She gave a pleasant smile, despite the automatic action of wiping her hands as if she’d touched dirt on her shirt. There’d last been blood there, after all. “No problem,” she said, tilting her head, “happens to us all.” She raised a brow. “I’m not sure,” she answered, “I’m still just trying to decide what to order. What’s your favorite? I haven’t quite got the hang of American style coffee. Have you?”
 “You mean you don’t already know?” Kaden sighed. She did have a good point though about American coffee. It was… what it was. “I had a feeling you weren’t from around here by the accent but that all but confirms it,” he said with a small laugh. “I suppose you caught me, too,” he said, realizing she’d put the pieces together a bit sooner than he had. It was early. “Where are you from? And how many people ask if you’re from Germany?” he said. Admittedly, he couldn’t quite place her accent, either. It was nearly German, but he knew damn well it wasn’t after growing up around Oscar and living in the country a few years. “Anyway, it’s nothing like home, that’s for sure. Or really most of Europe if you ask me. This is the best place I’ve found in town, though.” He gave a small shrug. “It’s passable and it’s good enough. Beggars, choosers, what not.” He wasn’t entirely sure what to suggest to her but his favorite, that much he could manage. “Most days I just get an espresso or a doppio but occasionally I get a, uh, well it’s not a café crème really, but I can pretend.” He didn’t expect any coffee shop in a small town in Maine to compare to a Parisian cafe, not really, but it was hard not to think about them on occasion, miss home a little bit. Even if he wasn’t always sure how much of home France really was more and more. “I take it you’re not part of the usual crowd, then.” 
 “No, I don’t usually drink coffee, actually,” Alcher admitted, watching him closely for a moment. He looked quite tired, but she supposed that was rude to point out. Perhaps that was why he was in line for coffee. It was the drink with the most caffeine in it, aside from those nasty energy drinks. “I suppose I did. French is a very easy accent to place,” she agreed. “It’s Polish,” she said smoothly, not even flinching as he mentioned Germany and how she didn’t sound quite German. It stung on the inside, but decades worth of pretending and hiding had taught her how to keep it there. “I’m originally from Poland, though I haven’t been back in quite some time.” She nodded, as if she understood why he thought this coffee was worse than any other coffee. “I understand that.” She looked back at the menu, as if to examine the board once more, despite still not being able to see it well enough. For a moment, she remembered the sting of saltwater in her wounds. “I think the doppio sounds like a good choice,” she decided, finally, “thanks for the suggestions.” This place certainly was strange, and the people, stranger. This man, though grumpy and tired, didn’t seem so strange. He also didn’t smell strange, rather like coconut and peppermint shampoo, and dogs. If it weren’t for the overwhelming smell of bitter coffee, she was sure she could pick out something else, but it was proving a little too difficult. “No, I’m not. I’d heard this place had good coffee from a friend, and thought I might try it out. Are you, then?”
 “Strangely enough, that’s the second time I’ve heard that in this shop recently.” Kaden almost hated how easily the small talk came to him just then. He chalked it up to the fact he was speaking with another expat. There was always some strange tenus solidarity there. “Polish, of course. I hear it now. My uncle’s German so I figured it wasn’t, you know, uh…” So much for being decent at small talk. “It’s been a few years since I’ve been across the Atlantic.” Kaden wasn’t certain the next time he’d be back. Even though, strangely enough, he was finally in a spot where he might be able to afford the plane ticket without scrimping and saving. He wasn’t even sure it was duty anymore that was keeping him stateside. For as many time as he thought about going home, leaving this cursed town, he almost found himself thinking of White Crest as home. What a fucking awful thought that was. “Sorry what was that?” He almost missed what she said. It felt like he had cotton in his ears a moment. And everything seemed a little duller. Maybe he really was just that exhausted. But it almost seemed like something else. Putain, it better not be something magical. He didn’t want to deal with magic just let. Not until after 10AM, please. Still, it was easy enough to piece together what she said as he focused a little harder. “Right, yeah I’m here almost every morning. I should give up the habit but…” He gave a shrug. “It’s better than my habit for smoking I suppose.”
 “Easy mistake,” Alcher said despite the sour taste of the words in her mouth and their untruthfulness, “a few of the people I grew up with were German, so I picked up some of their accent as well, it seems.” Grinned past the taste of copper in her throat. “Is he? What part of Germany is he from?” It’d been a while since she’d met anyone from Germany, she wondered how nice it might be to be able to speak her native tongue to another. “It’s been awhile for me, as well. Nearly a decade, by now,” she said, though she’d lost track of the years a while ago. Time didn’t matter to a wolf in the forest. She opened her mouth to repeat her words, when he gathered them up himself and spoke again. Interesting. Humans were so fascinating sometimes. She wished she could place what that other smell was, that sort of metallic-y earthen scent. Perhaps it was another person’s perfume or shampoo. But her senses had been messed up since that fae child had torn into her, had ripped bits of her flesh, left her half dead and nearly drowned. She glanced around momentarily, before looking back to the man. “Well, as far as bad habits go, I doubt coffee is the worst one you could have,” she answered, knowing all the other vile habits humans developed for themselves. Pitiful creatures, that was for sure. “Like that one. Then again, smoking seems to be a big thing in France. From the time I remember when I was there, it seemed as if almost everyone I met smoked.”
 “Not too far from Stuttgart. Bad Wimpfen to be specific.” Kaden had so many mixed feelings about the country given his circumstances. He shouldn’t blame the place for it, the fact that it was where his whole life had ended in a way and began differently. Still, there were so many unpleasant memories some of those places stirred up for him to ever be excited to visit. Other than to see Oscar. “A decade, huh? Long time to be away from home. Guess that definition changes a bit, though, depending.” He wasn’t sure if that was introspective or stupid. Possibly both. “My wallet tends to disagree when it’s practically every morning. Oh well. What’s life if you can’t enjoy it a little?” Couldn’t take it with you and he was sure he wasn’t likely to have to worry about saving up for retirement or shit like that. He would be lucky to make it another decade. “Yeah, my parents would on occasion, even though they tried to hide it. I don’t know, picked it up as a teen, never stopped. Hasn’t slowed me down much. But I have cut back considerably.” They inched forward in line. “I guess she finally read the whole menu after all.” 
 “Stuttgart, ah,” Alcher said, forgetting for a moment that she could not give her true birthplace away, “I lived North of-- well,” paused, “--northwest of Czaplenik, erm...near the border. Stuttgart is far from that, though I have been through there once.” To track down her family’s killers. They ended up being in a different part, but they’d gone through the city, for what reason, Alcher did not know. She straightened herself out and smiled. “I suppose it does. What is that cheesy American saying? Heart is the home? Or...something.” The line inched forward and the person at the counter now, was having a hard time deciding between a Cafe Late and a Cafe Mocha. The wearied barista just sighed. The man behind her, dressed in a suit, tapped his foot anxiously. “Seems so, but now we’ve another stall.” The smell of chocolate filled her nose as someone behind the counter warmed up some cocoa. “The small things really do make life worth it, though. From what I’ve experienced, at least.”
 “Ah, yeah, other side of the country more or less. Makes sense. I’ve been out towards Berlin and traveled a bit through Poland but mostly kept towards Munic, Frankfurt, Cologne, all that.” Kaden had mostly lived in the South Western parts of Germany when he was there. The only times he’d seen the rest and any of Poland was on hunting trips. Not that he was about to advertise that. “Something like that, yeah,” he said with a half smile. “Home is where the heart is. Very cheesy but I suppose they have a point.” Though it did make him wonder if that meant that White Crest was currently his home. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that thought. He shook his head a bit to himself and inhaled a deep breath, pain shooting through his side as he did. Weird. It was almost like the coffee was less pungent today, the scents duller. What was going on? He pinched the bridge of his nose, tried to help open up the airflow or something. Didn’t really help much, though. “Yeah you need something to keep you going and all. Sometimes it’s coffee I guess. C'est la vie.” The line eventually moved again and he found himself up at the front. Kaden placed his order and turned back to the woman behind him. “Order what you want, I’ve got it,” he told her. “Least I can do for subjecting you to small talk after running into you.” 
 “Ah,” was all Alcher said to that. She shuffled up in line with him and gave another glance at the menu. It was finally coming into view, and she squinted to see the price by the drink she planned to order. But then the man offered to buy it for her, and she was genuinely surprised. Humans weren’t usually so generous. Rarely, in fact. Perhaps he wasn’t altogether human, then. If only she could get his scent, but the musk of smoke and coffee beans and chocolate clouded her nose. That, and she hadn’t fully healed from her moon yet, despite Zinnia’s help. A smile came to her face at the thought. “C’est la vie,” she said, then winced, “sorry, I probably butchered French for you. It’s a much softer language than I’m used to.” She gave the woman her order once they shuffled up in line. “Thank you, this is very kind of you. At least give me your name so I can repay you sometime soon? I’m Ada,” she smiled, and held out her hand, “It was real nice to meet you, small talk and all.”
 “Ada?” he said, giving her hand a shake. “Kaden. Maybe I’ll see you again. Enjoy the coffee.”
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Feed your nasty feral seagull friend, you said no limit and I’m going to make you regret that. DIAVOLO EYE FUCKING!! You stumble upon diavolo in some way and see him, and as punishment he takes away your sight! Eye Fucking.
No! No! *Rolls up newspaper* bad seagull! Bad seagull! Take your sick fetishes out of here!
To be unseen once more
(Yandere Diavolo X Female Reader)
A/n: major warning for this chapter! If you do not like erogoru (Erotic Gore) the please leave now! This chapter depicted use of the eyesockets that shouldn't be used as well as necrophilia.
The following is rated N for NASTY!
"Is the room secure?" You asked Sorbet as he finished preparing the last few locks.
"Should be" he replied before he walked down and sat on the opposite side that Gelato was on.
"I don't think anyone will be looking for us anyway, there's to many people for the guards to keep track of downstairs" Gelato sighed as the looked at the three computer screens Infront of you with a camera in hand.
"So how long is Virtual Insanity gonna take to load?" he asked.
"It's just about-" you were about to say before the computer screen flickered on and displayed  the view of every electronic in the building, if the boss was here you'd see him.
"And now we wait... Surely the boss would be lurking somewhere here, no don would not attend an event like this" Sorbet said as he slumped down further into the sofa.
"I've Have a feeling Doppio might be boss but we can't just throw  around out prediction now or else the boss will know what we're up to" you said as grabbed out a cigarette before holding the packet out to them, Sorbet took one but Gelato refused. You then grabbed out your lighter and lit his up and then yours before breathing in a lung full of the toxic fumes and blowing it out, you knew you were ruining your body but being a Mafioso meant that your life was already on the line.
"Hey, there he is" Gelato said as he pointed to Doppio on the third monitor, trying his hardest to keep his excitement contained.
The three of you watched the screen eagerly. like children watching a movie you sat, not taking your eyes off of the screen. You watched him walk into a room then lock the door before watching him take of his sweater. You all looked in shock as the male drastically changed. His hair grew long and body became more masculine. It's like his genetics had completely changed.
"Gelato, you recording this?" you asked.
"Yeah..." he said with a big grin on his face.
"Don't be get so excited by him" Sorbet hissed as he rolled his eyes.
"This is great, but who is this 'new' person?" You asked.
"I think we may just have to investigate a little further" Gelato said.
You sat down in your apartment, with nothing of any significance to do when your home phone rang. You picked it up to hear Sorbet on the other end.
"(Y/N)! You need to leave now!" His voice full of panic, which was very unlike him.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"The... The boss found out what we were up to..." He spoke through hitched breaths.
"They took Gelato..." He explained, the sadness in his voice becoming evident. You gasped in shock before hearing the bang of a door.
"You need to leave before they come after you!" He yelled before another voice became prominent. One that was revolting and rat like. Ciocolata, the one man that everyone was afraid of, even the boss was so scared of him that he has him and his human pet locked up whenever he was not of use. The phone the hung up an you stood in shock.
'I should have never gotten involved with them' you thought before you heard a knock on the door.
You quickly ran to the tv and used Virtual Insanity to quicky monitor the home, you saw a young black haired female at the front of your door, Sheila E as well as a red haired male in a blue one piece and outside the apartment, near the power box sat his tanned partner.
"(Y/n) we know your in there" she said before the power cut out and your stand returned you.
"Fuck he cut the power.. " you hissed under your breath realising that they had beat you to your own escape.
"You can surrender yourself now or you can make this difficult and  try to run, but if you do we have permission from the boss to kill you on the spot" she continued.
You scrambled around you house  and found you rechargeable alarm clock before quickly using your stand tho hide you in it and waited in hopes they'd believe you had already made an escape.
The door busted open and you prayed that your plan would work.
'I should of never have in all of this... I hope to god they don't find me' you thought to yourself, if you could see right now your eyes would be glued to the door.
"Well I don't see her around, I highly doubt that she's still here" Squalo said.
"But I heard from Ciocolata that she was talking with Sorbet only a minute ago" she explained.
"Well electricity moves quicky, it's not hard to believe that she may have escaped straight after the call" he retorted. God you hoped she'd listen to him.
Then you heard a cluster of unknown voices suddenly speak in a chaotic chant, however through the chaos you could pick out your own.
"I can't believe I killed him"
"Why do I even bother doing such a thing"
These had all been thoughts you had a few years ago when you had started off in Passioné as a mere low life, back before you had gone up the ranks, back before you had became the less emotional form of yourself. You continued to hear many more of your previous thoughts until the most recent to cease them all.
"I should of never have in all of this... I hope to god they don't find me"
You wanted to scream as you heard it.
"Well I suppose your right Squalo, tell Tiziano to get the power on and we'll take our search elsewhere" she said as you could here their footsteps fading until the door shut and a minute after the power turned back on and you got out of the clock. You needed to leave now, if you could take the current anywhere you'd be fine.
Ambitious it may be but you might even be able to leave the country in a few days, you could live in France with a whole new identity should you maybe dye your hair? Wear contacts? Get a little plastic surgery? You shock your head at your thoughts, you we thinking to far ahead. The best possible escape route would be along a train line.
You didn't bother packing as you wouldn't be able to take it with you, you just had had you bank card and a few notes, you'd just buy things as you needed them. You quickly ran to the nearest free power point before traveling through it, the surge wasn't as strong as it usually was but then again it had only just come back on. It seemed like only a minute before  you had reached the end of the line, had it actually gone quicker then you thought but the you realised why it really was once you got out.
You stood face to face with your three pursuers and looked down to see the power generator that was attached to the power box.
Squalo quickly splashed a bottle of water on you before using his stand to clamp onto your shoulder. You let out a scream as you felt it's razor sharp teeth puncture your skin.
"Persistent woman, you just don't know when to give up" Tiziano said in a regal manner. If it weren't for the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous you would punch the platinum blonde in the face.
"(Y/n) what you've done is unforgettable, and your treason will not go unpunished" she told you before something slammed into to the back of your head. You felt the world go in slow motion as you fell, your eyes shutting just as you hit the ground.
You let out a groggy groan as you woke up, you head throbbing and the world around you was spinning. You tried to move you hands but you couldn't due to the the bindings that restrained you to a chair.
Once your vision finally cleared you looked at the small Tv In front of you that was playing static, it was covered in see-through plastic, obviously there to stop you from using your stand. Actually every power source was covered and counseled. You looked down at your self to see you were only in your bra and underwear but you weren't surprised by this, you would have been searched for weapons and any contact devices.
It seemed like hours that you were trapped in there. The static of the Tv at this point was the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, it was a method of torture that you knew well. To slowly wear down the victim's patience and mental strength until they broke. You eyes almost rolled into the back of your head as you felt that you were going to reach your limit until it stopped and something began to play.
Sorbet was laid down on a board with several containers while Gelato sat in the corner with a look of horror on his face.
"No! No!" You screamed while trashing against your restraints, you knew exactly what was going to happen and that thought was only further enforced when you saw Ciocolata walk into the room along with his pet cantering behind him.
"Hello Gentlemen... And lady" he said in a jolly voice complemented with his Cheshire cat like grin as he looked to them before pointing to the camera and looking straight at it.
"I heard from a little birdie that you all betrayed Passioné..." He slyly spoke which made a shiver go down your spine. Sorbet tried to get up but much like you and Gelato he was restrained.
"So the boss gave us orders to... how do I say this... Turn you two into 'dead' serious examples of what happens to traitors" he chuckled before grabbing out a chainsaw.
"O god no! Please!" You screamed as he started it up, even if it was impossible to hear you through the Tv.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you heard Sorbet scream and Gelato's muffled cries but they were quicky forced open once more by a strong pair of arms.
"Your punishment is to watch" the unfamiliar voice of a male said in a stern tone.
Your eyes darted from side to side trying to avoid the screen but you just couldn't and your eyelids twitched as they attempted to shut. You breathing was shallow and gasps commonly escape your throat as you were forced to watch that mad doctor methodically cut up the black haired male but you vision quickly darted to the side to see Gelato manage to pull the gag into his mouth.
'what is the point of taking of your gag? It won't help' you thought.
You waited for him to spit out the cloth but he swollowed it instead, that when you realised what he was doing. He was taking his own life... He couldn't stand the pain of having to watch his lover being torn up.
"Please... I've seen enough... Please turn it off" You only just managed to speak.
"Only because you said please" The male behind you complied and removed a hand from your face to grab the tv remote, which had also been covered in plastic and pressed the power button.
"Do you know why your here?" He asked before he came into your view. You saw his long pink hair with strands of green and his glossy emerald eyes. His mulberry lips pursed into a displeased pout.
"I expect an answer!" He yelled
"Y... Yes"
"Tell me why..." He hissed.
"I tried to reveal your identity..." You muttered.
"Exactly" he hissed as he pulled on your hair causing you to scream.
He sighed as he let go of your hair before grabbing a chair from behind you and pulling Infront of you and sitting down.
"It's such a shame... I had so much trust for you, I promoted you so many times... I was about to open myself up to you and have you beside me as my closest ally but then you had pull something like this" he sighed with venom dripping off of every word he said.
"I think I now have a better role for you to fill now" he said as a twisted smirk formed and his almost lifeless eyes gleamed in an eerie manner.
"You'll be my personal slut, it seems only right for a woman that pried too deep into my life" he nearly cackled as he unbound your arms.
Your face contoured into fear and disgust as you heard his proposal. You weren't going to let him objectify you as some sex toy.
"Go fuck yourself! I'm not letting you get between my legs!" You yelled before spitting in his face. His expression instantly darkened as the blob of your saliva trailed down his face before he wiped it of.
With a split second he had his thumb under your eyeball. You scream in shock and began to plea for him to stop but he ignored it all before popping it out and letting it hang down you face from the optic nerve.
"I'm giving you a second chance (Y/N)" he hissed as he slid his thumb under your other eyelid.
"No I'll never give you the satisfaction, I'd rather die!" You screamed with the hope he'd just end your miserable life already.
And with that he popped out the other and held it gently and gave it a soft kiss.
"Fine if you choose to die then be mine then I'll gladly do so if that means that nobody else will have you" he said as you heard him unbuckle his belt before unzipping his pants.
He then positioned his length Infront of your left eye socket, the feeling of it pushing against your eyelid sent you into panic and you pushed his hips back.
"No!" You screamed.
"(Y/N) you just don't understand the urges you plant in my mind, I've wanted you for so long, I could have given you more then you ever dreamt of, but you're so  insistant on death" he said as King Crimson forced you hands by your side as he held your head  in his hands to stop you thrashing around.
"So I'll give you such sweet release..." He lulled as he slowly pushed himself in. He sighed while your screamed echoed through the locked room.
He stopped when he felt your body twitch slightly and heard your screams temporarily stop, he could feel his tip graze against the soft, moist tissue that was your brain. You felt like everything in your body beginning to shut down.
He softly thrusted into your eyesockets a few more times with the same results before thrusting harder and deeper which delt the final blow. Your body went limp and the screams completely ceased. He knew that you were now dead but it didn't discouraged him from continuing, if anything it encouraged him to go further. He   groaned as pulled your head against him with each trust of his hips, the sensation of one of your vital organs molding around his cock was just euphoric to him. He let out a low growl as he felt himself reaching his climaxes but one he came he didn't stop. He wasn't done yet. All the thoughts of sex he had locked in the deepest part of his brain had finally come out, and he wasn't doing to spare a moment in making up for all that.
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