#and he ends up at the burned out church Diavolo used to go to and Diavolo happens to be there too
rabbithub · 5 months
You know the line, 'to be loved is to be changed'? I think that would work for Fallen Angel!AU.
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princelylove · 5 months
Hii, Your Highness, i'm really awkward but i really really reallyyyyy want to express my joy for your writting, i swear every word is just chef kiss and i i'm really nervous and writting this kinda fast so i don't get more embarrassed (and because i need to go rn to the hospital) forgive me for my lack of manners and ortography could i pretty please with the cherry ontopask for Diavolo with a darling getting him out of the death loop(? i just love desesperated man hxdbdmch
I love you your highness thanks ad i'msorry for my writting
Hii, sweetheart. Don't fuss. I'll still be here when you're back. Your continued praises can wait until you're fully there, and can focus on the only thing that matters. Me. Get to it once you feel better. ♡
When I went to the hospital a little while ago, I found comfort in the fact that the light in my room was broken. It soothed me. It was the middle of the day (actually, it was barely morning when I first arrived) yet it was hard to see my feet. The only light was from the hall, and the only noises were beeps and other patients complaining. It's nice to be alone, but not.
There's a possibility that 'Giorno' lets Diavolo out of the loops for amusement or because she needs the former don for something Passione related (GER wouldn't allow Giorno to know, but he's weak to "Pretty please?" and "I looove you."). There's also the possibility of a stand that can see into GER's world and can pluck out his victims, but it doesn't really matter how Diavolo gets out, just that he does.
Diavolo is broken after the loops. He's not the same man he was- king of kings, top of the world... it all means nothing. He's just not fully There anymore.
He barely eats, because it's pointless. He doesn't sleep because it's pointless. He doesn't get up and move because it's pointless. He can barely close his jaw or glance at movement in front of him. Giorno finds it amusing to make bugs land on his eyes since he doesn't flinch.
Diavolo thinks it's inevitable- maybe this loop is just longer. Maybe Giovanna is toying with him. He's seen Donatella, Trish, ...poor, sweet Doppio... you. He's been killed by the likeness of everyone he knows, twice. Maybe three times. The little sadist you call the boss is the actual devil, punishing him for what he's done- all of which he did to protect Doppio, and would do again.
To understand Diavolo, you need to understand everything he's been through.
When Diavolo and Doppio were children, the priest they called "Father" would terrorize them. He didn't understand the fact that they were two different people, and would try to exorcise the devil out of sweet, well-behaved Doppio.
Diavolo made sure Doppio wasn't there for it, most of the time. He took on the name 'Diavolo' naturally, as that's the only name he was ever called, even by Doppio- although Doppio was using it in the same way a child would say hello to an animal they didn't know the name of.
Diavolo, naturally, clung to his name and took on the role he needed to. Diavolo hides to keep Doppio safe, Doppio doesn't to keep Diavolo safe.
Giorno Giovanna represents just about everything Diavolo represses. Golden hair, an ethereal power- it's painful. He doesn't want to think about it. He burned that church, that town, that "Father." He thought God was done punishing him for being born, yet here we are, the child of God is punishing him again.
So what if he's sinned. So what if he's 'lesser.' You would do what you needed to do if there was precious life in your hands and it was begging you to protect it from harm.
But Giorno Giovanna knows nothing of precious life. She doesn't know the value, in Diavolo's opinion.
Angels don't know death. Death does not know angels. The devil shouldn't be interacting with this thing. Diavolo can't stand looking at her- ohhh, so pretty, fall into the clasp of saccharine words and promises made from the liquor of lust. What does he care. Choose her. It's just going to end again, again, again, and again.
Diavolo is normally paranoid, but post-death loops, it's much worse. He clings to you, and wants to just keep you in place until it happens. You're a small relief from eternal punishment, when the angel of death is so gracious as to bestow you to him. Just the sight of your face is enough.
When you're here for too long, he slowly checks his and your vitals, and waits for it. If you can pick up or guide his weight, he'll follow you, as long as it's "safe." No hallways, nothing outside. No sharp objects. Nothing outside of his safe room, no bathrooms.... Just right here, or on the floor, or something... just don't stray too far.
He doesn't really talk, but he says what he thinks he needs to. Talking is pointless, his voice is no longer silky and beautiful- now fried and dry, but he does have some things to say.
"I love you, don't move."
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Catholic!MC summoned to the Vatican (II)
Ft: Catholic!MC, Pope Gregory XVII, the Cardinals, the Demons and several side characters
Warning: mention of Catholicism
In the previous episode, after learning that you took part in the exchange program in Devildom, which the Church didn’t approve, the Pope summoned you to the Vatican. Out of obedience, you went to Rome.
PART II (part 1 here)
At the Devildom,
“We must go save MC now, or those geezers would burn them at stake.” Mammon shouted
“Yeah, just like in the anime ‘I was reincarnated as a progressive doctor, the Church condemned me as a heretic, and they tried to burn me at stake, still trying btw. But I escaped and I will bring Enlightenment to this backward world. And I will avenge millions killed by the Church.’ If we don’t do something, MC will join those millions of people.”
“Calm down! The Catholic Church hasn’t executed anyone for a very long time already, and they aren’t likely to do it again due to today’s standards. And where do you get the ‘millions executed by the Church’? You know it’s not true, right. It was our tactic to exaggerate the execution and smear their good name.” Satan was the one who calmed his brothers down
“*sigh* What did Barbatos say, Diavolo?”
“Don’t worry, Lucifer, not only they won’t harm MC, but Barbatos also saw a positive possibility.”
“Do we have permission to go see MC?”
“Yes, but you have to be careful. Vatican is where demons are weakest in Human Realm.”
“Alright, understood.”
Rome - Fiumicino International Airport (or Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport)
Your plane landed at the airport precisely at noon. While you were turning around because you didn’t know what to do next, a priest came to meet you.
“Child, you must be MC?”
“Yes, Father. You are…?”
“Call me Padre Domenico, that’s Father Dominic in English, if you find that easier to pronoun.”
“Nice to meet you, Padre.” you shook hand with the priest
“Nice to meet you too, child. Follow me.” he smiled at you.
Padre Domenico led you to a black car, which took you to the Vatican City.
“Buona sera, Padre!”
“Buona sera.” Padre Domenico greeted two officials passing by
“Here. This will be your room. Wait for the Holy Father’s summon. It would be tomorrow afternoon at latest. If you don’t know Italian well, don’t be troubled, most people here know English or French.” the priest left you alone to settle in
“Ah, I forgot, the meals are served in the cafeteria.” Padre Domenico startled you before leaving for good.
After a few hours, it was clear that the meeting would be the next day, so you just ate dinner and went to bed.
You felt something…many things snuggling into you.
“Grr…those geezers…the bed is too small. Can’t they buy a bigger one?”
“Get out, Mammon. I should be the one snuggle next to MC.”
“No, it should be me.”
“Oi oi, you guys are too noisy, MC will wake up.”
You opened your eyes and saw the Brothers, who fighting for the two positions next to you in bed, even though the bed was only for one person.
“MC, sorry for waking you up.”
“It’s alright, Beel.” you rubbed your eye ”Is it ok for you to be here. After all, this is the Vatican, the Holy See.”
“Of couse, it’s alright. After all, THE Great Mammon is here to protect you from those old geezers.”
“I…I…I’m here for you too, MC.”
“Don’t forget us.”
“*sigh*… alright, but please use transformation magic to turn into small objects or animal. I can’t sleep like this, the bed’s too small for all of us.”
In the end, all six of them agreed with your solution. Mammon transformed into a golden ring which you put on your ring finger. Levi turned into a small snake and then coiled around at your feet. Satan turned into a cat and laid by your side. Asmo turned into a smal rabbit and slept beside your pillow. Beel turned into a stuffed bear and slept beside your pillow, but on the other side. Belphie transformed into a cow pillow and you embraced it to sleep.
Unknown to you all, Padre Domenico was outside your room eavesdropping.
“Eavesdropping is a bad thing, is it not?”
Padre turned around and saw the mighty Avatar of Pride in demon form.
“Padre Domenico Ricci, the Pope’s Secretary and Vatican’s former Chief Exorcist.”
“My mission is to examine MC’s character and report to the Holy Father, who needs the information to prepare for the meeting tomorrow.” Padre Domenico gave an explanation to his action.
“I warn you, if you’re trying to harm MC…”
“And I can assure you we don’t intend to harm a child of the Church.” Padre made a sign of the Cross, which forced Lucifer to back away. Padre calmly walked away.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Bleeding Knees
Warnings: Religion (Christianity)
Word Count: 2.3K
Fandom: Obey Me
It's a restless night where no matter what you do, you can't sleep. You toss and turn and try to shut your eyes for the tiniest bit of sleep but it leads you nowhere, just limbs lost in blankets and a mind that wanders and lingers too much on unpleasant thoughts.
With a huff, you throw the blankets off, and slip into your slippers, the floor is steady underneath and doesn't alert your sleeping roommates. The door opens without a squeak and clicks softly when you close it. You walk around aimlessly, your fingertips tracing along the walls, your ears falling flat as you ignore  the whisperings of paintings.
You lose yourself within this palace, the walls blend in together, paintings full of color and life make you hesitant to to watch and admire, knowing that they would scrutinize you and huff and puff.
The closer you get to the end of the hallway, the chiller it becomes. There's a gentle breeze that makes you shiver, wrapping your arms around yourself, your hands rubbing down the sides of your arms for comfort and warmth. 
You crane your head over the corner, spotting a balcony door open wide, curtains fluttering and creating ghastly shadows. There's a bubble of anxiety that starts to rise but your body has a mind if it's own, walking towards the open door and stepping onto the balcony. 
You breathe in the fresh air, the cold air nips at your lungs, not ready for the change of temperature. Your brush your fingers against the mental railing, the obsidian railing shines, the intricate details are etched upon the metal. 
The moon shines brilliantly above you. It's full, large carters visible with a light, warm yellow glow. Stars are visible, hidden for moments behind passing clouds, but shining just as bright when you look at them again.
"It's usually a clear night here. Sorry that you stayed up late for nothing," a gentle voice fills in the night chuckles.
You jump and turn your head. "Ah! Lord Diavolo! I-I'm so sorry," you quiet to a voice in a hush, your cheeks burn red. "I didn't mean to be awake at this hour, I just couldn't sleep." You try to keep his gaze but fall at the tip of his nose, clasping your hands behind your back you look at the open door. "I'll just be on my way," you mutter.
"Oh no. Don't go. You're free to look around." He stands next to you, his arms resting at his sides, bright golden eyes watching you. "I just wish you had asked. I wouldn't want you to get lost." He pauses, his lips form a smile and there's a twinkle in his eyes. "Again."
You let out a nervous laugh. "Right." You pause and force your jaw to unclench. "I just- It was late and I didn't want to disturb anyone."
He hums next you and shifts his gaze to the garden. "May I ask you something personal?"
You stare at him, an eyebrow quirked before you return your gaze to the front of you. "Of course."
He's silent for a while that you begin to wonder if he really didn’t have a question and just wanted to make conversation. In the short time that you’ve known him, you wouldn’t put it past him but then his voice fills the night. "Do you ever think about death?" 
Your hands still above the railing. "All the time," you whisper, your fingers scratching the metal railing.
"Would you accept death?" His voice lowers to match yours, his posture straightens and eyes grow heavy.
"With open arms," you answer honestly. Your eyes glance to the side, and meet his for a second. "I feel as if you're threatening me, Lord Diavolo," you say, your tone both teasing tinged by a hint of fear on your words. 
He chuckles. It's a nice sound, deep and rich. "I would never threaten you." 
You nod, the smile that had been beginning to form falls and you're both left staring at the scenery in front of you. Your eyes make out the outline of a hedge, following the gentle curves of the art. 
The silence that fills the air is light. The lanterns outside cast a soft orange glow, flickers of shadows dancing across the both of you, your shadows bleeding out into the night.
"Do you fear death?" You ask, breaking the silence.
There's a twitch of his eyebrows, his expression unreadable before it relaxes, a coy smile plays on his lips. 
"No. I'll live longer than you can ever comprehend." Exhaustion laced his voice and for a second he appears older and much more tired. It’s a sight that makes your stomach churn. "Long lifespans make for great kings." He winks at you, a cheeky grin returning to his face.
"I'm sure you'll make a great king, Lord Diavolo." You stand up straight and let out a breath. The trees rustle in the night, branches looming over head. 
"Why don't you fear death?" His voice cuts through the night, rushed and shaky.
You let out a thoughtful hum. Your posture slinking back down to rest against the railing as you try to find the right words. You open and close your mouth. Tongue clicking against the roof of your mouth and peeking out to wet your lips.
"I suppose," you start out, "humans- some humans have religion to turn to and I suppose that makes it easier to handle death."
"Do you turn to religion in your time of need?"
Your eyes narrow and gaze hardens. "No."
"Why is that?" He pries further, gentle prodding of the sleeping bear.
You stare at the sky, it's endless and vacant, ends at the horizon and full of stars and colors.
"Religion," you pause, the word heavy on our tongue, "is something that you're supposed to dedicate yourself to." Your stomach churns as you speak to the Lord. "You're supposed to bleed for God. To kneel and wail praises to the Lord- to God. You should scream and pray until your throat is hoarse and bleeding." You want to claw your throat. "There is no benevolent God. No God that you can pray to when you're sobbing in the middle of the night and trying to grasp for air. No, that God is hungry- aching to hear your prayers and sins- to whisper them in the night in hope for forgiveness. You're supposed to be willing to die, to rip out your heart, to claw your throat and offer God everything you own." Your throat is burning and it's getting harder to talk. "You have to beg on the floor like a dog, to kneel and give thanks for everything that you own. That that God," you spit out the word, "is holy and above, can do no wrong. That everything you have and are is because of them." You bark out a laughter. It's sharp and humorless. "Don't get me wrong. The minute you're different- the minute that you deviate from who you're supposed to be, that you cast aside God's little vessel, you're thrown away and told that you are nothing more. You're beaten until you're black and blue, until you're crawling and spitting blood, promising to everyone above, that you won't do it again because if you do, your spirit is going to hell. You'll be tortured and murdered above ground before you ever reach hell." Your teeth are bared and you're speaking through clenched teeth. Eyes sting with unshed tears. "You eat his body and drink his blood but that isn't enough to protect you. His body is bread and you have to rip it apart- dig your teeth in and bite. His blood is wine and it's bitter and burns your throat and you have to drink it all as it stains your insides." You look back at the Lord, golden eyes that shine too bright make you look. "We're told that demons are evil. Manipulative. That you'll do your best to whisper lies into us and pervert us." Your jaw clenches and fists tighten. "If we suffer, it's all because our faith wasn't enough." You don't have the courage to look him in the eyes so you stare at his medal, the light catches on it and it glimmers. "We're made to pay the church, we're forced to give money to a place while we're told God did everything for free. That he washed the feet of prostitutes when no one else would but the believers, his followers, will turn their nose up at the thought of getting near someone like that. They'll scowl and spit and yell, insults hurled and whispered all while they go back to church and sing and hold hands and talk about doing good." You take in a deep breath, the tips of your ears burn and your nails dig into your biceps. "We're supposed to suffer for God. To praise and pray and sob and bleed," your voice cracks and a warm brown hand twitches, fingers inching towards you. "We are dogs. Loyal and willing to die. Below our Master. On our knees until we bleed." Your whole body grows heavy, arms dangling over the railing. "We don't get to be who we want to be. We have to hide ourselves and pray for this wickedness to go away." You let out a breath that you hadn't realized that you've been holding in. "That's religion in the human world."
Tears burn in your eyes, a lump in your throat makes it hard to bread and bright red lines paint your arms. You turn around and lean on the railing, arms crossed in front of you as you try to regain your breathing. 
"Not a very good relationship with religion I see." His voice whispers, holding no sarcasm or attempt at a joke- just pure, genuine curiosity.
You chuckle, it isn't totally devoid of humor. "Yeah." You nod your head. "Yeah, I guess you could say it's not a good relationship." 
It's silent for a while after. Gentle breeze makes the hair on your arms stand and you think about asking where the breeze comes from but you hold your tongue.
It's comfortable. Two beings enjoying each other's company while one listens to the other and their relationship to the outside.There is a silent understanding- to no poke or prod. 
Your words hang in the air, heavy yet light. Burning yet cold. You've gotten your grievance out and while in no way you are healed, the wounds open and bleeding, you feel lighter. Your shoulders don't carry a burden, your stomach has lost the everlasting knot, your head feels clear and your heart aches and wants to wail until you can't speak but you feel as if it's easier to beat. 
"Not all religion is like that," you whisper. "In some you aren't condemned to a life of torture." You stand a bit taller and wipe your eyes.
"But you still believe in a God?" He asks, attention fully on you. You nod. "What God do you believe in then?" He turns to face you, a gentle smile and reassuring eyes urge you to explain.
"I believe in one that is just," you answer honestly. "One that doesn’t condemn every one who disobeys to a life of torture, one who loves and welcomes everyone." You look back at Lord Diavolo and grin. "It's silly to a demon, but to a human whose life goes by so quick but lasts so long, it's a nice comfort to have."
"Humans are very strange." He runs a hand through his hair, deshelving it in the process.
"Is that why you want relationships to strengthen between the three Realms?"
He nods. "It would be nice to interact freely." He smiles at you. "Even if not everyone is as passionate as you." He gives you a chuckle.
"Heh. Are you teasing me Lord Diavolo?" 
He waves his hand and shakes his head. "Please, I appreciate the title but you're free to call me Diavolo. You aren't my subject." He grabs your hand gingerly in his. "You are my guest." He bows, lowering his gaze and meets your eyes, staring intently into them. 
You can only hold his gaze for a second before you turn away, thankful that the orange glow casted by the lanterns on the walls will blend in with the pink that has begun to settle on your face. You shuffle and force out a yawn. "I'm pretty tired. I think I'll be heading to bed now." You pull your hand away from his and glass your hands together intertwining them and watching him rise back to full height.
The way his eyebrows quirk makes you sure that he doesn't believe your statement.
"Allow me to walk you back." He offers his hand towards you, his cape draping and falling off his shoulder.
You give him a gentle smile and place your hand in his.
The walk back to your room is silent, steps echoing in the empty corridors, paintings that come to life watch and try to peer out of the frame as you both pass by hand in hand. He squeezes your hand every so slightly, fingers rubbing along your knuckles. You smile softly whenever he does this, feeling a sense of bond grow between you.
You arrive at your room, the door still closed and silent inside. You both stand there, hands still collapsed tightly against one anothers. He clears his throat and you turn to face him. His eyes look deep into yours, full of an emotion that you can't place.
There's a moment that lasts for too long, with breaths being held and your palms starting to get clammy, where you can feel butterflies make a home in your stomach. 
"Good night Diavolo." You smile at him and the name on your tongue makes your heart skip a beat. 
He presses his lips against the crown of your head and bids you good night, his hand slipping out of yours with ease, his fingers dragging and committing the feel of your hand to memory. 
Once he hears the door click behind him, he brings two fingers to his lips delicately and smiles softly.
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deliberatelyvague · 4 years
This Too Shall Pass(obey me)
Prologue (1/?)
Started: April 15, 2020 at 9:47pm
Ended: April 15, 2020 at 10:54pm
Word Count: 2,069
Pairing(s): none yet
Trigger Warning(s): mentions of an eating disorder
Author’s Note: man I didn’t know where I was going with this one, either, but it seems like I’m making a series now. I was pretty much just ranting at the beginning about my life, and decided, yeah, that’s a good place to start, and viola, here we go.
Request/Prompt: nope, just my mind telling me to do it.
You had always been on the heavier side when it came to your weight. Ever since you were in elementary school, you always weighed more than everyone else. It was never a big issue to you until you hit middle school and your doctor started saying something about it.
You knew it was for your better health, so you didn’t try to take it to heart. She laid out a plan and you, along with your family, tried to stick to it.
But the gnawing, guilty feeling in your gut made you want to just stop the diet. It was obviously weighing hazardous on your parents, then being forced to buy ‘healthier’ options which in turn made them more expensive options, and your family was never the most rich, just having enough to live moderately comfortably.
So, the next time you went to the doctor and you had lost around 30 pounds, you were praised. Your doctor was proud of you, your parents were proud of you. And you thought all was fine.
But you gained the weight back. By eighth grade you had gained it back and more, by ninth grade you weighed 20 pounds more than your original weight in sixth grade.
“Are you stress eating?” Your mom asked you. Around this time of your life was stressful, you were being thrust into a new school, a whole new teaching environment, not to mention any clubs you had decided to join. Your depression and anxiety has also ridden you. But you told her you hadn’t, because you really hadn’t been stress eating, you just didn’t think much about what you ate.
The doctor wasn’t as nervous about this weight gain, though, because you had joined a ‘sport’, and you would most likely be losing some of that weight.
But you didn’t lose that weight, you stayed the same. So you made your new year’s tradition to lose weight. You started counting calories, making yourself a minimum of 1,300 and a maximum of 1,500. It worked great! The next time you went to the doctor, which was when you had a sickness and needed to get medicine for it, you had lost 15 pounds, and you were proud of yourself, and your parents and everyone around you were proud.
You didn’t feel like you needed to lose weight. But, the next year rolled around, and you were trying to get closer to your crush. You tried to text them and just talk to them, but they eventually just said
‘I’m just putting this out there, there isn’t anything going on between us and there never will be’
It stung, oh it really stung. You hadn’t even implied anything, and they still told you that. You played it off like you were trying to get anything, but you knew you were lying to yourself.
Then you found out they had a crush on a girl that you were friends with, who was noticeably skinnier than you. You took that to heart. They wanted a skinny girl, not one that was double the size of her.
So, you started counting calories again. But this time, you didn’t set a minimum, you were eating at most 1,300 calories, but some days you were eating less. Nothing below 500, but then you noticed how quickly the weight dropped. So, you cut out breakfast, snacks, and lunch.
Your friends were worried, but your parents didn’t notice. Your mom and dad knew you were counting calories, and they cheered you on, thinking you were eating the proper amount, and you didn’t tell them anything different.
But then, your mom started making little remarks here and there. You didn’t think she meant them to be actually mean or hurtful, but they were like a dagger in your already sore back.
“Yeah, she just measures her food, and half the time she has more on her plate than I do!” You cut your meals in half after that. Her saying that made you feel fat. But she was right, a lot of the time you did have more food on your plate, but not anymore.
Then you hit a wall in your weight loss.
“It’s probably because all you do is lay in bed all day. You need to start exercising.” Again, she was right. You were just laying in bed all day. So, you started going on walks, using an app to help you keep track of how many calories you burned.
Then you realized how easily you can cut down more calories and also burn fat off, so you continued to exercise. The weight started to come off again.
But you were still fat. You were still heavier than most people your age. You hated it.
You had gone on your daily run. You were tired of being trapped inside, so you put on your shorts and a tank top and grabbed your phone, some sunglasses, and your earbuds and went running.
Now here you were, standing in a new environment after being zapped from your world. You wore a black jacket, with an almost turquoise turtleneck underneath, a skirt that hit your mid-thigh, tights, and flats.
Your eyes met with a pair of golden ones, and a man wearing almost the exact same jacket as you but in a crimson color was looking at you. A grin adorned his face, and you couldn’t help but give a small smile back.
“Welcome to the Devildom, [Y/N],” he greeted, his voice coming out younger than you thought it would.
‘Wait, Devildom?’ You thought to yourself. ‘I must have passed out due to low sugar, I knew I should have drank a Gatorade before I went on my run, but-’
“Oh, pardon me, feeling a bit shocked, are we?” His smile was quickly replaced with a frown. You had just met this man and already you felt your heart start to flutter a little bit at his concern. “Well, that’s understandable, you’ve only just arrived, after all.”
‘Calm down, [Y/N], he’s not interested in you.’ You told yourself.
“As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom,” he said, his face going stoic again. You stayed quiet, just choosing to look at him. You sure as hell were not going to feed into this low-sugar induced dream. “I suppose I should start by introducing myself. My name is Diavolo,” he gave a smile again. “I am the ruler of all demons and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom.”
You had a flash to a vision outside, a city outline met your view and a bunch of dark shades of red, blues, and purples flitted across your vision.
“This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo, though we just call it RAD. You’re standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business. I’m the president of said council.” He tells you, looking directly at you after admiring the room.
“Why am I here?” You questioned, your arms crossing over your chest.
“I will explain everything to you,” another male voice sounded next to Diavolo. This man was shorter, leaner, and had a black jacket on like yours. He had black hair and an almost angry look on his face, but he seemed like he was one to have a resting angry face.
“[Y/N], this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride.” Diavolo introduces him, and you shake your head. This isn’t funny anymore, you just wanted to wake up.
You weren’t going to let your subconscious guilt-trip you into believing in that stuff anymore. Your church had cast you out, and you vowed to do the same to them.
“He’s also the Vice President of the student council and my right-hand man, and not just in title, I assure you.” Diavolo explains more, and you looked between the two of them. Were they lovers? You weren’t going to judge them, they would make a cute couple, but that’s one of the worst ways to tell someone that someone else is taken that you think you’ve ever heard. “Beyond that, he is one of my most trusted friends.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo,” Lucifer says with an uninterested look on his face. He turned to you. “Speaking on the behalf of the entire student body and this great and storied school of ours, I offer you a most heart full welcome, [Y/N].” He smiled after you.
You only frowned.
“On behalf of the students?”
“Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationships with both the human world and the Celestial Realm.” No, you refused to believe this is real.
Maybe you had died? You had always been told that you were going to hell, maybe you pushed yourself too hard and you hit your head when you passed out and died. That would make much more sense than this being a dream. It seemed too, lifelike almost.
“As a first step toward this goal, we’ve decided to institute an exchange program. We’ve sent two of our students to the human world and two to the Celestial Realm. And we’re welcoming four students to ours: two form your world and two from the Celestial Realm.”
You purse your lips. Yeah, you had to be dead, there’s no other way to explain this. You guess when you die, you just become an ‘exchange student’ and your place gets taken by another being. Is that some twisted type of reincarnation that your church never taught you about? Your church falsely taught you a lot of things, so that was probably just something they hopped over because it didn’t fit their agenda.
“So, I take it you’ve probably put two and two together at this point, right?” He asks. “You’ve been chosen from among the people of the human world to participate in this program of ours. You are our newest exchange student.”
A feeling settled into your stomach. No, this was real. You weren’t dead, or passed out. This was real.
“Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom.”
You were taken aback. Hold the phone for a moment.
“Write a paper?” You questioned, taking a step back.
“I am not telling you to write a doctoral thesis. You can take it easy,” he tried to semi-comfort, hit also giving you a ‘tough luck’ look. So you gave him one back, and glared at him. “Don’t glare at me like that. It’s not like I will abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon.”
He took a breath, almost as if to collect his thoughts.
“He’s the Avatar of Greed and how should I put it..” he paused again, thinking, with an unamused look on his face. “Oh, well you’ll understand soon enough.”
You opened your mouth to say something, a frown yet again covering your face, but you couldn’t get anything out before a phone-like item was thrust into your grasp. You just now realized that you didn’t have your phone on you.
“Take this device, it’s called a DDD. It’s a lot like the cell phones of your world. This will be yours to use as long as you’re here. Now,” he says gently. “Go ahead and try calling Mammon with it.”
You eye him suspiciously before going and tapping on the icon labeled ‘Mammon’.
This was written by me in no way trying to romanticize mental illnesses. I try to write what I feel would help me in the moment. I completely understand that mental illnesses don’t just ‘disappear’ when you’ve figured out that someone loves you or someone helps you once- that’s why I don’t write what happens after in most cases. If you are struggling, please reach out to anyone you trust, or call a hotline.
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wri0thesley · 5 years
Nat!! Can you tell us how you're planning to spend christmas day with your various s/os?
let me briefly imagine
abbacchio prefers not to get sappy, but he fails every year. he buys expensive wine to have with christmas dinner, but i’m a terrible cook and he’s so busy trying to make sure i don’t make another awful mistake his part of the dinner gets burned. we end up microwaving food instead. we watch a christmas musical and he makes fun of it, and then he falls asleep on the sofa holding me.
diavolo doesn’t like to mark the passage of days too much, but he also cannot bear to not feel like he’s the best at something - and if being the emperor extends to being the emperor of christmas, he’s damn well going to do it. he books us a meal out and a private room that probably costs thousands. all of his gifts to me are incredibly expensive - jewelry and designer clothes and things i mentioned wanting once and he’s remembered. he wears a tacky christmas jumper and a party hat from a cracker, but only because i begged him to. it’s worth making a fool out of himself just once, he thinks, as long as it means He Wins At Christmas Too. 
prosciutto likes a classic christmas. our tree is decorated with all matching, expensive decorations. he’s fully supportive of me wanting to do things like make jams and lip scrubs and candles myself for other people’s presents - he occasionally even helps. he’s surprisingly good at crafts and baking because he has a precise assassin’s mind. he goes to church for midnight mass - the only time of the year he does go to church. i go with him despite me not being christian and him not being particularly religious outside of this tradition - his family did it, and he wants to keep it up. we have matching christmas pyjamas and make each other stockings up. prosciutto’s christmas is like a perfect hallmark movie, and he won’t let me near the kitchen at all. pesci will probably stop over to deliver presents and to be given a little too much wine and drunkenly profess how much he loves us. 
sorbet and gelato are chaotic when it comes to holidays. they try their best with gifts but always miss the mark - then again, gelato thinks a new knife inscribed with his name that he’s just going to get blood all over is a romantic notion. sorbet likes a quiet christmas eve, but it will absolutely be ruined by gelato’s excitable demeanour. we watch shitty christmas movies and make fun of them together - we probably fall asleep at three am, because none of us have any concept of a real sleep schedule. we have to bum christmas dinner from someone else (probably prosciutto or risotto) because gelato was in charge of grocery shopping and probably just bought a shitload of impractical desserts instead of things we need. gelato loves christmas carols and sings loudly and off-key. all day. 
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caffeinatedfantasy · 5 years
The Seal Pt 8: The Labyrinth
{ Chris: [bio] Pt [0.5] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]/ ?? [Set 7-1] [ AO3 Link ] { parts of this might seem rushed. it didn’t want to rewrite what we see in game too much, but there were just sort of... little moments here and there. }
Watching Lucifer be in such a hurry this morning to get everyone out of bed and ready and packed for the retreat was quite a sight. I don't think I'd seen a grown man [demon] act like such a mother hen of six other adults than in that morning. He'd woken me that morning, stern faced and insisting I get ready. He’d already looked annoyed, but seemed relieved to find that Mammon had been in my room and not wandering out... Somewhere.
He'd nearly thrown a fit when I told him I hadn't even packed yet. And that I still needed to shower. ["If you don't get that done right now, I'll come back in here and do it for you." He'd scolded me. Which. Wasn't his best choice of words, as I'd countered with a "I hope you know, the idea of you helping me shower actually discourages me from getting things done quickly." Which he'd scowled at my lazy smirk. But there might have been a hint of a blush on his face at those words and I hadn't tested it, ducking straight to the shower instead.]
He'd been surprised [but pleased] when it hadn't taken me long. Only my outfit for the formal dance had really taken me any time to figure out how to pack because of the delicate fabric. [I didn't have many clothes to pick from, or things I might've brought anyway.] Asmodeus seemed utterly shocked by my one small bag by the time I arrived downstairs.   "You're barely bringing anything!" He sounded almost outraged on my behalf. "What can I say? I'm easy." I paused at my words, watching the smile crawl across his face and knew what he was going to say before the words came out. So I had to continue before he could make the innuendo. "I'm glad you didn't decide to try to stick me with one of your bags in an attempt to bring more." His face fell with that realization that he probably could have. With my one tiny bag, no one would've blinked at me bringing a bag [his] and he could've brought even more to make sure he looked gorgeous! Lucifer didn't let him go pack another bag just so that I could take it with me for him because we were soon on our way. [I'd heard both Satan and Mammon say my name while I'd been drowsily teasing Asmo, and just sent a smile back at them. They were probably talking shit, judging from Mammon's sudden flush, but I didn't mind.] I smiled politely at Diavolo and Barbatos when we arrived, giving a small bow to the demon lord that I hoped came out as polite. But I was too tired. I wondered if I could get some coffee soon? I'd have to ask. Before I could, though, Barbatos announced that the others would be here and I barely paid attention to the exchanges. Up until Luke ran over and hugged me. I had not been expecting it in the slightest and I stood there blinking for a moment before returning the hug with a small laugh. Unlike all the demons, he did so without any shame or hesitation. His straightforwardness was refreshing. Even as he gushed about how glad he was I was alright and apologized once again. [Making me realize I hadn't actually seen him since the incident. Something I felt a little guilty about, if I were being honest, but the demons had monopolized so much of my time.] I gently ruffled his hair as he called me an angel, chuckling. "'Fraid I'd be a rather bad one. I'm a little scared of heights." I teased him. It was... Mostly true. But funny more than anything else. He made a face about that though, probably taking me too seriously. But I wasn't going to correct him. Especially since everyone was already talking and having moved on. [And I wasn't going to get into the real reasons why being called an angel. By an angel. Felt so incredibly... Surreal.] Barbatos was giving a summary of what the weekend was going to be, and this I knew I had to pay some attention to, at least. [I liked Mammon's idea of a pillow fight, giving him a grin when he mentioned it, even if no one else acknowledged the idea.] The scavenger hunt and the formal dance sounded fun. [I didn't let any of them know how excited I was about a formal dance. I'd never been to one. Even in High School. So going to a real one. I was hiding my smile at the idea still.] But I did lean over when the scavenger hunt was mentioned, giving Mammon a wink and whispering to him. "I'm pretty good at those." Though the announcement of me making dinner had me panicking a bit. Because no one had told me about it. [I was not surprised that Mammon had been in charge of telling me.] "Clearly this is the moment all my housewife training was preparing me for." I muttered wryly. Not that I'd finished them. Or that any of them would get the joke. Lucifer was raising an eyebrow at me, but didn't say anything. Mammon did, though. "Your... What?" He was making a face. "Had a bit of a traditional upbringing. Lessons from church included a lot of preparing to be a housewife nonsense." I shrugged. Not something people guessed from looking at me. "Now my lessons about preparing a last minute dinner party for fifteen people because your dumbass husband decided to invite over the Bishop and his family last minute are actually useful. Just replacing dumbass husband with dumbass demon, but still works." "Hu-husband?" He was blushing. It was cute how he was getting flustered by it. [I really needed to tamp that down, didn't I? I was starting to like making him blush for the sake of it way too fucking much.] "I can help, if you need." Solomon volunteered. I smiled at him, nodding a little bit and ignoring how Levi was teasing Mammon about me basically calling him a dumbass. I wasn't sure if I'd need to take him up on that offer. I'd have to figure out something and let Barbatos know. Did demons have allergies to human food? Would I need to worry about that? I was only partially paying attention the room assignments came. I had to stifle a laugh at Lucifer getting assigned to a room with Diavolo [and how excited Diavolo seemed about it, with Lucifer seeming bothered about it. Sometimes he was a little too excited about silly things. It was charming.] And I got assigned with Simeon and Asmodeus. Which was. Jesus. If this was an anime, I'd be guaranteed to have a nosebleed tonight with sharing a room with those two. They're both way too gorgeous. [Mammon's complaints about being in a room with Solomon and Satan had me chuckling, and made it perfect moment for me to break out some of my self-deprecating humour.] "I don't think I'm pretty enough to be sharing a room with those two." The joke was more of an aside to Luke and Beelzebub, the two closest to me. But I quickly realized that they hadn't caught that it was a joke. Because Luke immediately began to protest, complimenting me, and glancing up at Beel for help only meant I was meant with him nodding along to Luke's words. And Beel's firm compliment of that clearly being where I should be if that was the requirement had me flustered. Which. Note to self, do not make self-deprecating jokes in front of them. I had definitely not been fishing for compliments. These two were far too nice. It bothered me a little. I was getting too used to Mammon and Levi’s tendency to play into these jokes and Asmo’s tendency to make it about himself. I waved at both of them, trying to get them to stop. "Sh-shut up. I was joking! Stop... Stop saying that shit." I was glad to hurry after everyone to our rooms. I didn't mind letting the boys choose their beds first. [I was a bit surprised by ending up in the middle, but not surprised by Asmo taking some of my space for his things. I also didn't bother correcting him.] Simeon's comments about Asmo took me by surprise a bit, though. He seemed so polite, but his observation... The shade there had me staring at him. Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised that the angel wasn't as friendly as I'd assumed. 
Angels were rarely nice in the Bible, after all. I hated that I'd been dragged into it, too. And that Asmo hadn't been satisfied with my non-committal "I don't know". I could've made a joke about my glasses being indicators of my bad eyesight. Except him implying I was stupid bothered me. 
"Maybe I'm just a little more particular in the definition of 'love' than you are, Asmo. Being loved and being beautiful are different things." I told him flatly. He was pouting at me, annoyed. I shrugged. He wasn't gonna get more of an explanation than that if he was going to be bratty about it. Luckily Satan saved me from having to as he came to get us. [I took note of Simeon's gently amused look, as well. But didn't comment on it. He was proving to be different than I imagined and I wasn't sure what to make of it.] I did remind Asmo that he was indeed very pretty as we left the room, though. It turned his pouting more playful, at least. Though I came to regretting being nice to him later on. The tour was fine. Until Asmodeus's ex dragged us into a fucking portrait. It was just Solomon and I when I woke up. And I really hoped I hadn't hit my head. I blinked at him as he called my name, not responding for a moment because dear lord he was holding me in his arms and petting my hair out of my face. And I leaned into his hand for a moment before I realized what I was doing [and he chuckled at me, leaning down to say my name again] and that was when I pulled away, cheeks burning. 
And desperately trying to ignore what I had done. Grateful that he was more concerned with our safety than questioning [or even commenting on] my actions. I must have still been blushing by the time he summoned Asmodeus, because as we began to walk, the Avatar of Lust wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Now tell me, what were you two doing before I arrived that left you looking so deliciously ruffled?" "I fell, Asmo. And Solomon woke me up, that's all." I narrowed my eyes at him and saw Solomon glance back at us from the corner of my eye. Unlike another white haired asshole I knew, he didn't get uppity about the demon's closeness. And the demon was giving me such a suggestive look that I only started getting flustered, especially knowing what he had told Solomon. "No, he didn't wake me up with his dick, stop giving me that look!" And he dropped it there, clearly disappointed, letting me slip away to stand on the other side of Solomon, until he started complaining and he went on, trying to make about desire, asking me who I wanted. 
And as he spoke, he backed me against the wall, his fingers running down my arm, his voice husky with... With his own desire, I realized, as he pressed up against me. And he was really asking me who I wanted while he was doing that. Hand latching onto my hip and pressing mine against his and-- "...Hey!" Solomon noticed. And he looked more exasperated than anything else. Asmo looked very annoyed though as he spoke. "Quiet, Solomon. We're having a moment here." His voice was firm. Commanding in a way that sent a shiver through me. "Are you sure now's the time for that?" Solomon asked. But Asmo had noticed my shiver, it seemed, because his gaze had focused on me and his face was closer as he spoke. "Yes, things are just starting to get good..." And I was breathing faster as I realized-- He was going to kiss me. I was intensely aware of every warm inch of his body pressed against mine and his lips. His incredibly soft looking lips, were moving closer and my eyelids started to flutter down on their own. But he didn't kiss me. Solomon had said something else, and it had stopped him.   And then there was screaming. And gods it was my chance to slip out of the demon's grasp as he turned his attention to the source of the noise. Which turned out to be my three demon boys and... A gorgeous giant snake. That wanted to eat us. But still gorgeous. I don't remember who had pulled me along as we ran, twisting and turning through the corridors of the labyrinth. Then having Asmo charm the snake was... Fascinating to watch. It made me really wish I could do magic. And I couldn't help but stare at the large snake as he led us out, reaching out to touch his smooth scales. I barely paid attention to the others. Now that we weren't running from him, I just couldn't get over how beautiful Henry was. But we made it out. And through dinner. And to bed relatively early. Well, Asmo went to bed. [After Mammon busted in and got himself caught.] Simeon sat there on his bed reading, mostly ignoring me as I doodled. I was the last one awake. Because it was another night in yet another unfamiliar bed and that meant I couldn't sleep well. It made me wish that Asmo had traded rooms with Mammon. He was becoming familiar enough I'd have felt comfortable with him around. [I don't know, but I don't think he'd mind if I ended up crawling into his bed to cuddle?] Laying there staring at the ceiling it made me wonder.  Instead he was getting some lecture from Lucifer.
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