#and theyve set up a load of birdfeeders and the birds are going gaga for them theres loads of birds here all the time now
shadeslayer · 10 months
I'm growing the Three Sisters and I feel so unbelievably NDN and connected to my ancestors every time I tend my garden.
WAAA ... i love that so so so much for u anon im so jealous omg... the yard/garden im working on is at my parents place where im staying so i dont get a say in it but my mom is designing it and is purposely making it like, all plants native to the area and we just had the tree cutter guy out to cut down all the invasive and sick trees so we can plant healthy native stuff in its place and it feels so fucking good to be out there in the dirt knowing that this is all good stuff
my dads doing a lot of the work bc im busy having depression in my room KJNDFS but i love helping with it when i can. the soil in illinois as well is so insanely rich it still feels so special when i dig into the dirt at all.. im used to the oklahoma dirt thats just. pathetic. red clay and post-dust bowl plains dirt. but here gets so much rain and has so much life the dirt is so richly black and wet i just want to bury my face in it....
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