#and things were cool on the seas but then the puritans won out and things got reaaaaally bad
shapeshyft · 8 months
How old do you think Mystique is?
Honestly, beloved, I think she's like 300+ I know most publications have her 'at, or near 200' to put her in the early parts of her development in the 1800s when she meets The WIFE and decides to make being a wife guy her entire personality.
I like that! I really do, but I think she's a lot older than that. At least a century older, so she could've gone through the stages of discovering her powers, trying to use them for flashy things, inadvertently creating a few local superstitions and myths and stuff.
She needed time to run around being absolutely foolish with her powers, her life and all so that she could build up a callous of 'man, i HATE humans, this sucks. What's even the point of li- Oh.' right on the build up to meeting the WIFE and, again, becoming a wife guy with her whole heart.
With that extra 100 years, as opposed to... i dunno, like a normal little 30+, it would give her higher heights to reach and then make the depths she hit just a bit deeper.
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