#and this is only like 1/4 of the minghao and junhui photos i have on my walls lolol
moonsjun-archive · 5 years
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A QUICK GUIDE TO CHEN BOKAI: pledis china’s idol producer 2 trainee
ip2 starts jan. 18th and pledis china (aka xcss) is sending chen bokai !! i posted a video of him and a few carats reblogged it but i realized most ppl have no idea who he is. there isn’t a lot of info abt him yet but here’s a (very) quick guide of everything i know!
some background:
bokai’s label is listed as “xcss entertainment” bc that’s pledis china’s official name
xcss manages all chinese activities
artists listed on xcss’s weibo (@/星灿盛世) are junhui, minghao, jieqiong, and bokai
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bokai’s the first and only xcss trainee that we know of!
before he was confirmed as a trainee he was seen w junhui at the mall (when junhui was in beijing for yo! bang) which is when ppl started to be like oh? a pledis trainee??
tbh it was easy to guess he’d be on ip2 bc of the timing
(some carats even theorize xcss used junhui to stage this just for hype bc it happened right before bokai was announced as an ip2 trainee……. i’ll let u decide)
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anyway! the quick facts:
his name is chen bokai (陈柏凯)
nickname is kaikai :(
from taiwan
a libra! bday is october 18, 2000
the best smile and the CUTEST dimples !!!!
like,, being adorable is basically his brand
he’s 178cm (about 5′10″)
loves basketball and spicy/salty food
yet another pledis weeb (likes one piece)
if u wanna follow him his weibo is @/青春有你-陈柏凯
videos (all rly short):
1. his idol producer self-introduction video (eng subs)
2. self-intro w/o subs but w jieqiong and junhui’s promo vids at the end !!
3. personal sidelights (a photoshoot behind the scenes)
4. trainee profile (click here for the trainee profiles compilation on youtube if iQiyi isn’t working for u. bokai’s is 0:20-0:30)
5. the cute vid i posted but better quality on xcss’s weibo (will melt ur heart)
6. preview of his audition where he gives a rose to vocal mentor li ronghao hfsflsjfds
photo evidence of how cute he is:
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that’s all i’ve got! IDOL PRODUCER 2 AIRS JANUARY 18TH !! ik a lot of carats will be watching for minghao but keep an eye out for pledis china line’s new baby chen bokai while ur at it!
if u have any questions (abt bokai, xcss, idol producer, rly anything) my asks and dms are always open. also if u have anything to add to this post just lmk!
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writers-leir · 7 years
the long-awaited (???) college junhui has arrived!!!
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majors in dance
minors in acting
it was a complete mess when he was trying to decide which one to major in and which one to minor in
but he doesn’t regret his decision AT ALL
as much as he loves acting,,,,,,,,,dancing has more of a special spot inside his heart
since he was such a good student a lot of his friends expected him to go into like more,,,,,,,,science or math-y stuff,,,,,
but he was like nah i like dancing and acting
he met fellow dance major soonyoung in one of his classes and they were pretty much top 2 for the year
eventually, him, soonyoung, minghao, and chan formed a little group where they enter in lowkey dance competitions or just go dancing on the streets (minghao was pretty excited about that)
and it’s cute because they have a fanbase already (basically the entire population of the school)
and it’s even CUTER because they even have a name for the fanbase and they’re just a group of cuties who can dance really well honestly
they even have a website now and it’s approved by the school and i’m not saying he did but soonyoung totally designed the entire website by himself because he got so excited (and then he got yelled at by chan and minghao the next day because they were like!!!!!!!we wanted to help too!!! while junhui was just like lol,,,,,,,,,)
you happen to be the official photographer for the team
you don’t even know how it happened like they were accepting emails from people with photos that they took to see who they’d hire
and your friend apparently thought you were an amazing photographer (which you politely disagreed a few times but gave up eventually)
basically, your friend sent an email with your information + some photos that you took and they were like!!! ok yes we want this person
and you got a text message during your 20-minute lunch break saying that the little group of four dancers wanted to meet you regarding photographs and stuff
and you were like uhM???????i didn’t apply though and your friend was like DO IT
you ended up arranging a meeting with them in a small cafe
and of course they were like bring your camera!!! and you were just like ok,,,,,,,,,,,,
and tBH you feel as if they could literally pick anyone else like,,,,you’ve seen people in the film department with like thousand dollar cameras and those super fancy tripods + like three different lenses and you’re like are you sURE you want me because i have this one hand me down from my mom for my fifteenth birthday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
they ask you to take some trial pictures and videos because they want to be sure that the photographer they hire is 100% good
and you’re SHAKING like i did NOT siGN up for this
but you do it anyways and they!!! really like what you took and they’re just like we’ll pay you for every photo/video if you don’t mind
and you’re just like uhm ok,,,,,,,,,i’ll do it
and YEAH that’s how you meet junhui sure but like you mostly keep in contact with soonyoung who’s like the team “leader” so he’s the one who messages you when they have another event and the address
and when you’re sending in the photos and videos through email you’re also emailing soonyoung so your interactions with junhui, minghao and chan are suuuuper limited
other than pulling them aside before they go on stage to take a photo of their outfit (individually and as a group) you don’t really talk
you’d like to get to know them better though because it’s kind of,,,awkward not knowing the people you work for? like even if it’s not a “professional” job you should probably know more than just their names,,,,right?
you start getting closer with soonyoung first because he starts messaging you more occasionally just to chit chat about your day
and the rest of the team are like ????????? when you meet them one day and you’re like hitting it off with soonyoung talking about something that he mentioned last night at 1am
junhui’s lowkey like why,,,,,,,,,soonyoung why not me,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;
and OF COURSE minghao notices because junhui was muttering under his breath in chinese and minghao really wants to laugh because LOL what do you mean soonyoung’s stealing the love of your life
soonyoung eventually notices how junhui’s always like,,,,,,,,sending him death stares whenever he’s talking to you
and of courSE you don’t notice but soonyoung’s always like why,,,,,,,is junhui glaring at me asdjfgaklsdf what did i do this time
junhui made minghao pINKY PROMISE to not tell anyone but like,,,,,,,is minghao really gonna keep that promise??? nah
he snitched on junhui to chan who was like :OOOOO who then went to soonyoung who was like !!!!!!! now i gotta set them up
when junhui came to practice one day and saw you sitting there with your camera in the empty room (because soonyoung totally didn’t tell you that he was setting you up with junhui,,,,,,,,,,,,who does that right??????) he was like sajdkglhSDGKAJLSDHFLAS
you were suuuuuper confused because like,,,,,,soonyoung message you about wanting to film a behind the scenes @ the practice room but literally,,,,,,,,,only junhui showed up so like what is this
you and junhui greet each other respectfully before going back into silence,,,,,and you’re both on your phones
you messaging soonyoung like ?????i thought there was a filming today where are you minghao and chan???
and junhui’s messaging the group chat like I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING COME TO PRACTICE N OW please i might die
soonyoung replies to junhui like they’re meSSAGING ME RIGHT NOW YOU’RE BORING THEM
junhui’s just like UHM???????
he looks up and sees you’re still sitting on the ground messaging someone and he’s like,,,,,,,uh-hum,,,,,,clears throat,,,,,,,dasidjgaksd excuse me???????
you look up like yes? and he’s like klSHAGLKJSDF THEY’RE SO CUTE WAIT
internally you’re also like ajsdkghaksjdf because did i mention that junhui’s wearing a sleeveless shirt and just,,,,,,,armsarmsarmsarmsarms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,arms????????????
he looks really awkward and you’re just like,,,,,,is something the matter??
he’s literally DYINg inside because,,,,,,,,,,frickin’ soonyoung just HAD to do this didn’t he,,,,,,,,,,
“soonyoung actually,,,,,,,might have given you the wrong date he meant next thursday,,,i’m really sorry;;;;;;;;;;;;”
of course you’re kind of annoyed because,,,,,you just sat in the practice room for an hour and your phone is barely at 20%
you shrug it off though like okay i’ll just go grab a late lunch and go back to my dorm
but then junhui’s like oh!!!!do you want to,,,,,,,go get lunch together??
and you’re like aksdhgjjkladsfwHAT
but of course you gotta say yes because this is wen junhui aka the guy you’ve had your eyes on since like,,,,,,,when you first started this job
he takes you to one of those street food truck places
and you’re like ??????there’s so many options what do i get
but then he winks and he’s like i know a guy here don’t worry his food is probably the best
he knocks on one of the windows with a VERY CLEARLY LABELLED “closed” sign on it and you’re like aksdhgklasdf jun i think this one’s closed
but then the door window opens and a slightly annoyed looking mingyu pops his head out to tell off the “damn person who can’t read a fucking sign”
he sees jun and he’s like oh,,,,,,,,okay i can let this slide
and then he sees you and he’s like OH WHO’S THIS CUTIE BESIDE YOU
junhui just like,,,,,,,stares mingyu down like I DARE YOU TO TRY AND STEAL THEM
mingyu while sweating nervously: here’s your noodles,,,,,,,would you like a drink to go too????
junhui literally BOLTS OUT OF THERE with you because he swears that if you stayed near mingyu any longer you would either 1: get sneezed on or 2: get stolen from him and that was n o t about to happen today nope
when you take a bite of the noodles though you’re like ??????this is really good???? and junhui’s like i kNOW right ((((((((((((: mingyu’s a really good chef
and without knowing he starts to promote mingyu as a great person and you’re like,,,,,,,,are you,,,,,,,in love with him??
and junhui’s like nO what no i’m not in love with mingyu i’m in love with you
he starts rambling like I MEANT i’m in love with how dedicated you are to this work y’know like it’s not even a professional job it’s not like it’s going on your resume or anything but you’re still putting your all into this
you’re still like asdkghasdklf DAJKHSDKLGASDF because??????????what????? are you saying that the person you like likes you back!??!!?????????????
he eventually shuts up and you’re just like,,,,,,can i be 100% honest with you???
and junhui’s like ASKJDGHAKSJLDF they’re gonna reject me i feel it
but no!!!!!!!you don’t because let’s be honest you kinda love him too,,,,,,,,have you seen him he’s a giant puppy
after like 10 more minutes of you two just kinda,,,,,,talking he decides to walk you back to your dorm
when soonyoung asks how your little “date” went junhui just smiles that really wide and adorable smile
and the rest of the team’s like !!!!!!!!!!!!our plan worked!!!!!!!!
when you go to film their ACTUAL behind the scenes @ dance practice video junhui literally is hugging you every single second that he’s on break
soonyoung’s like awe,,,,cuties
but dino and minghao are like ????????we have a competition in 4 days jun!!!!!!!!!we need practice akdjshgaksd stop ENCOURAGING THEM
you guys are a cute couple though
you frequently go back to mingyu’s food truck even when the closed sign is up and mingyu’s just like WHY do i even bother hanging up the sign when you guys are going to come anyway?
sometimes junhui has to miss practices because he has work to do for his minor too but you always get something from mingyu and bring it to him
and he gets sooooo pouty when he sees you messaging/emailing soonyoung or taking photos of the other guys and you’re just like junhui!!!!!!this is my job i am literally getting paid to take photos of you guys even when you have hundreds of fans also taking photos and videos
junhui as a boyfriend is,,,,,,,so soft i’m crying ;~;
you’ve all seen his lives right??? adorable
he got a minor role for a movie and he got so excited he almost broke down your door and your roommate was like SHGAKLSDF we’re gonna get in so much trouble go oPEN the door alREady
wouldn’t stop smiling that night because aksdjhgalksd he!!!!!!!!!got a role!!!!!!!!!!!!wooOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
please hype him up every single second of every day he deserves it seriously
of course you’re his date at the premiere of the movie ((((((((:
OKAY SO while mingyu’s food truck is your go-to food source
junhui also really loves cooking for you
remember on 13 castaway boys when he made the 饼 (the chinese bread)????
he makes that for you too hehehe
and a lot of other chinese dishes (he always double checks with his mom to make sure he’s not going to make a mistake and accidentally poison you or something)
it always tastes amazing
he also teaches you some of the dishes and you’re just like wait hold up that’s a lot of garlic
he’s a super sweet boyfriend aksdhgaksdf i want a junhui ;~;
he’s also so frickin’ supportive of you it’s adorable
like no matter what your major is (even if you’re undecided) he’ll support you no matter what
failed a test? no problem junhui’s hyping you up and helping you prepare for the next one
stayed up all night to finish an essay? that’s okay because junhui’s on his way to your dorm with coffee and a snack from the nearby cafe
he’s always ready to hype you up no matter what because!!!!!!!!he’s so in love with you he’d be ready to do anything
soonyoung once teased him about how it’s thanks to him that you and junhui are together and junhui literally did a 90° bow to thank him
minghao soonyoung and chan were like LKHFAJSKGHASF WHAT
they barely managed to stop him from getting on his knees
but he can’t help it he’s honestly so thankful to those three for giving him a chance with you
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swyllh · 7 years
[junshua] your text here iii
title: your text here
premise: jun is an editor at pledis daily. he’s busy wooing his neighbour, joshua hong. no narratives, text-only.
genre: humour
pairing: junshua
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 (soon)
boo seungkwan’s relationship advice column: boy next door or friendly neighbore?
hello lovely readers!
thank you for submitting all of your queries, albeit under several variations of the same name. this week’s column will be themed after wooing your neighbour, and/or trying to catch his attention.
from wejuhu: what do you do if your neighbour has the best singing voice and he sings every morning and you end up being late to work because you’re listening to him singing?
boo: ooh! it’s terrible to mix your personal and professional life together. if listening to him singing is compromising your professional work ethic, consider setting alarms on your phone so you’ll get out of the house on time.
from junhwen: is it rude to leave flowers for your neighbour in his mailbox?
boo: ah, flowers! they’re the most neutrally-accepted gesture of romancing. i wouldn’t consider it rude, just a little odd. might be best to give them personally! no orange lilies this time ;)
from huijuwen: how do you talk to your neighbour?
boo: oh boy, that really depends. most people use their mouths.
from huiwenjun: if my neighbour, hypothetically, really likes a certain artist, is it weird for me to get him an album from that artist?
boo: there are generally four main components of the economy – consumption, investment, government expenditure, and net exports. when there is an increase in consumption, aggregate demand increases, leading to a multiplier effect where the initial increase of demand and resultant production leads to an increase in income, thus spurring on consecutive rounds of demand and production. national income will increase until the initial increase in expenditure is matched by the increase in withdrawals. go ahead and get him that album, ‘huiwenjun’.
vernon @hansolo
#nowplaying idfc by blackbear
huiwenjun @divaboo
@hansolo @whyjunhui blackbear alert!
wen junhui @whyjunhui
@divaboo @hansolo ive said it before – it’s //not me
huiwenjun @divaboo
@whyjunhui @hansolo right,,,,, those asks were not sent in from the email address wenjunhui.pledisnews.co
vernon @hansolo
@divaboo @whyjunhui is this about joshua?
wen junhui @whyjunhui
@hansolo @divaboo why does everyone know
vernon @hansolo
@whyjunhui @divaboo we’re listening to the album you bought him
vernon @hansolo
@whyjunhui @divaboo *the album he found in his mailbox
from: do not answer!!!!!
look, i’m calling for an intervention
from: do not answer!!!!!
you can’t just leave gifts in joshua’s mailbox
from: do not answer!!!!!
hansol says he’s mildly creeped out already!!!
from: do not answer!!!!!
ok tbh joshua just thinks he’s gotten a misdelivery
from: do not answer!!!!!
even though it had his name on it
from: do not answer!!!!!
jun i know you’re reading this
from: do not answer!!!!!
wen jun hui!
huiwenjun @divaboo
@whyjunhui you can’t run from me forever!!!
to: me
from: booseungkwan.pledisdaily
subject: dude stop ignoring me
how are you such a hermit crab and a mirror-loving ass at the same time??
boo seungkwan has posted on your wall: wen junhui if you do not reply me by 1200 est i will personally take a knife to your flat and carve…
boo seungkwan has liked a post from your timeline!
boo seungkwan has liked a post from your timeline!
boo seungkwan has liked a photo from your timeline!
boo seungkwan has liked a photo from your timeline!
block user?
yes | cancel
starship entertainment @starship.ent
[regional] pigeon carriers in my what? it’s more likely than you think! witnesses reportedly saw 12 pigeons flying from @pledisdaily headquarters since morning. more at noon.
starship entertainment @starship.ent
[regional] concerned members of the public have been filing police reports against the disturbances caused by @pledisdaily’s pigeon carriers.
starship entertainment @starship.ent
[regional] power outrage at @pledisdaily headquarters suspected to be due to damaged wiring. the culprit? pigeons.
plebis – 7 now online
chan has joined the chat.
chan: wow ive never seen scoups so angry
dk: ?? whats up
chan: lecture
hosh: sum1s ben rearign carier pgieons
jeonghan: someone’s been training street pigeons to deliver letters
dk: :O wow!!!!!11!
jihoon: what
minghao: it’s jun
dk: can we get a pigeon
jihoon: no
jeonghan: jun??
chan: is he always this… uh
hosh: dadddy?
jeonghan: longwinded?
chan: close
chan: yes jeonghan
dk: whats happening sound s exciting!
hosh: i almot red sexciting
dk: *sounds sorry!!!
minghao: don’t be sorry
seungkwan has joined the chat.
jun has left the chat.
seungkwan: oh my god
hosh: ikr hes planing 2 increas overtime?????????
seungkwan: that
seungkwan: bitch
dk: :O
minghao: same
seungkwan: i mean jun
minghao: oh
dk: :OOOO
chan: oh no rip jun
minghao: rip jun
jeonghan: rip jun
hosh: rip jun
dk: rip jun
dk: wait whats goign on
seungkwan: ^
seungkwan: im covering up all reflective surfaces, at toilet 3 now
chan: scoups figured out it was jun
chan: all the bird shit on his desk
seungkwan: …
seungkwan: rip jun
from: do not answer!!!!!
carrier pigeons really
to: do not answer!!!!!
you were flooding out my phone???
from: do not answer!!!!!
if you talked to me i wouldn’t have to flood your phone
to: do not answer!!!!!
stop trying to smoke me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to: do not answer!!!!!
im 3hrs behind my regular scheduled selfies and vanity!!!!!!!!!!!
from: do not answer!!!!!
i n t e r v e n t i o n
joshua hong has sent you a friend request!
accept | decline
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indiegem · 7 years
whether you are a new or old carat, i welcome you to this post! it’s essentially every fandom inside joke/meme that i could think of and boy are there A LOT. For every joke there is an explanation and then some links(: I know this is not all of them, so please reblog with the ones i’m forgetting and let me know if any of the links do no work. I hope you have a fun time reading through this and as always, please love and support our boys!! ^.^
slip into the diamond life 
A phrase used to indicate joining the fandom.  seventeen released a song before they debuted called “shining diamond” in which “slip into the diamond life” is a recurring lyric. The fandom name is carats. Therefore, becoming a carat means slipping into the diamond life.
This birthed a spur of many many “slip into the diamond life” related memes.
hoshi’s many nicknames
(his real name is kwon soonyoung btw)
1.) “naega hosh”:  Alright i’m p sure this one started way back when he was a trainee but it’s been his sort of “catch phrase” if you will.  it means “i am hosh(i)” and you can watch a 10 minute compilation of him saying it (here).  he has a hand motion to go with it and legit even put it in a song (jam jam) because he’s extra. 2.) “10:10″:  soonyoung has branded himself 10:10 because the ends of his eyes are slanted upwards. If his face is a clock and the ends of his eyes are the hands, it looks like they are pointing to the time 10:10. (he even has a cute lil hand motion).  he often shouts “what time is it now” at an audience and is a salty lil bitch when no one answers 10:10 or “ten hour ten minute” (watch here and here). also, here is soonyoung doing both the naega hosh and 10:10 hand motions.  3.) “kwon fire”: during seventeen’s reality show on one fine day (the first time), soonyoung came across his undiscovered talent for starting/keeping up fires. (watch here). he and the boys referred to him as kwon fire.  4.) “kwon spoiler”: excited lil bb sometimes has trouble keeping his mouth shut, that’s really all there is to this one.  5.) “kwon hamster/hamster hosh”:  he looks like a hamster okay, even seventeen acknowledge this. look at his lil squishy cheeks omg i love him. 6.) BONUS: “my name is soonyoung, call me soon”.  yes, these words came from his own lips in this 130709 broadcast 
are you kimbap kidding ??
soonyoung and seungkwan  used to have a broadcast show called “andromeda”. one time, junhui and joshua were guests in a game and competition to make kimbap, and apparently joshua done hecKED UP. (watch here).
seventeen’s “friend” john
this comes from an andromeda episode where seungkwan accidentally swore (the word sounds similar to “john”), and they all tried to play it off smoothly like the idiots they are. (watch here). 
When seventeen were in hong kong for mama, they got really hyped about eating egg tarts and mentioned it a few hundred times on their broadcast XD (watch here) 
jihoon’s guitar rage
so one time when the boys were trainees, jihoon (woozi) chased mingyu with a guitar as a weapon. It became a thing. (see here and here) 
yes of the yes
i really don’t know. it just became a thing. (watch here). seungkwan, dokyeom, and hoshi are known as the sunshine line, the gag trio, the mood makers, whatever you want to call it. they have branded themselves “booseoksoon”, a term derived from their real names; boo seungkwan, lee seokmin, and kwon soonyoung. 
jun vs. logo
basically, whatever logo is overlayed on the video is always covering jun’s face and he k n o w s. (see here, here, and here). 
on an episode of 17tv (when they were trainees), seungkwan tried to wake jihoon (woozi) up by playing the song “queen” by son dam bi (watch here). since then, they have reenacted it LOL (watch here). 
mal (horse) dance
in korean, mal (말) means horse. dokyeom started a campaign where seventeen does a horse pose whenever “mal” is in lyrics. (watch here and here). 
vernon bubble
vernon impersonating a bubble. it’s cute cause he gets shy shy shy about it. (see here and here). 
michael chanson
dino’s real name is chan, and he worships michael jackson (examples here). since chan is a dancer, this is mainly regards to dancing and performing. there’s so many videos of him dancing michael jackson style, and one of his hobbies is dancing specifically girl group dances michael jackson style haha!
pin dropping joshua
basically, he pin drops all the time and seventeen are 100000% hype for it. (see here and here). fun fact: one time jeonghan tried it and failed. 
jeonghan’s list of claims
just see here, here. here, and here. 
pretty u first win
several members cried when seventeen got their first win, and understandably so. the feeling of your hard work being acknowledged in such a way is incredible, but i can only imagine how it must feel given that seventeen are so self producing. anyways, the members who cried the most are woozi (bb who wrote/composed the song), hoshi (bb who choreographed the performance), and seungkwan (bb who is soft okay). (watch here). now the reason why this is so great: every year, seventeen reenact the crying and it’s hilarious. (example here). fun fact: someone once gave hoshi a crying hoshi doll (x). 
clumsy mingyu
he might be a tall mess, but at least he’s a cute tall mess.
*drops things, bumps into things, forgets luggage passcode, sets off trap in boom boom video (is that a coincidence i think not)*
theres honestly so many instances where this poor baby is clumsy, here are some examples: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
boo seungkwan’s many nicknames
1.) “best quality boo”: just watch this video and know that seungkwan is the best quality.  2.) “boonon”: whenever seventeen does part switches, seungkwan and vernon always switch parts. the thing is, seungkwan is actually pretty good at rapping so now we are just waiting for boonon to make his debut. (watch a compilation here).  3.) “diva boo/booyonce”: he’s a sassy savage lil drama queen but in the best way okay hear me out. also one time he uttered the words “beyonce sunbaenim”. there’s way too many examples of diva boo, but see examples here and here.  4.) “boo from jeju”: seungkwan is from jeju-do island and mentions it whenever the opportunity strikes okay the hometown pride is REAL. (see examples here and here and there are so many more). one time he brought tangerines to give to fans and it was so cute, he became sad when he ran out. ALSO seventeen had a mini reality show type thing in jeju where seungkwan was their guide. (watch that here).  5.) “mc boo”: he’s just a variety king and great mc. that’s all there is to this one.
drink water not alcohol / you need jisoos
i’m not 100% sure this is the actual origin of the meme, but one time during trainee period some of the members were doing a vocal practice for pitbull’s “give me everything tonight”. samuel (a previous member) sung the line “i might drink a lil more than i should tonight” and at the time he was like 10 years old or something, so joshua awkwardly but cutely just went “drink water!....not alcohol!...” (watch here). conveniently, joshua’s korean name is jisoo, so “jisoos” (as in Jesus) became a thing. the meme only got better when joshua literally dressed up as a pastor one halloween (see here). 
vernon’s korean name is hansol, and his entire existence is a meme. it started off with his *embarrassing* videos from when he was a child and there are many. the most famous reference is probably “kidney function is not a right, it’s a privilege” (see here). other than that, he just has priceless reactions to everything and basically all of his english lyrics in his raps have been made into memes. 
the8′s real name is minghao and judging by his voice, face, and mannerisms you might think he is a cute lil button however you are w r o n g. there is a side to him we refer to as “thughao” because he can be savage AF (watch some compilations here and here). there was one particular famous instance (watch here) that even made a meme appearance at ISAC (see here) honestly i’m still laughing i love him so much.  you may think this is just a reference to all the ways in which minghao has displayed savageness, but no, he was an actual child thug (see photos here). he was the leader of a swag bboy group (see his skillz here and in many current videos) also he is great at martial arts (watch this). 
mingyu has a sneezing problem. and a germ problem. just look at examples here, here, and here. 
and there you have it! i hope everyone reading this has a smile right now because of seventeen! if you are new to the fandom, i hope you feel more at home and love the boys even more. 
like i said, i know there’s things i’m forgetting so please reblog this with any other fandom jokes/memes you can think of! 
thank youu!!!!! 
-mickie ^.^
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