#and this one really cute shirt with be gay do crime that i didn't get because it wasn't my size
rivermyx · 1 year
yall there was so much internet celeb merch at the thrift store it was literally crazy because it was almost all people who got cancelled for racism
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lutawolf · 2 years
Big Dragon Episode 3 Review and Commentary
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Don't go looking for episodes 1 and 2 review because there isn't one. I watched them but I'm late to the party. So, I'm starting here.
The song "I work out" just came to my head while we watch the swim model play with his hair. OMG the secondhand embarrassment is gonna kill me. Okay, I really can't with this dumbass hiding behind a chair. Sweet baby jezebel. Okay but we have the bag with the phone. Of course, it's password protected you dip shit. Just stomp that thing or take out sims card. There, wait. Running it under water? I just. 🤦‍♀️
What, now ya gonna steal. What the fuck are you doing. These dumbasses better start to have growth. Oh, you are taking the undie. That's actually pretty funny. Iffffff you hadn't got caught. At this point I think you should be writing a book on how to be a dumb ass villain. I think you need to just give up the life of crime. Sub baby is so subby. Look at him just standing there. Like he puts up no fight when being searched.
Oh, now we push. You are feeling all kinds of tough, dumbass. You never thought he would back that shit up. Oh damn, he said sorry. These two shitheads are made for each other realy. This is what nonconsenting looks like. When Yai drugged Mangkorn and now this shit that Mangkorn is pulling. We don't know if Yai is consenting because he wants to or because he is afraid of the videos being leaked.
Now here is the thing, this is art. None of us are saying this is okay. We know that these two ass hats are problematic. When you say that marginalized media can't be problematic art, then you are participating in the oppression. Forcing queer media to not be problematic art is saying, we don't have the right to occupy the same space as straight/white media.
Back to the show. This is what a forced D/s element looks like. Mangkorn got a roleplay kink, mkay. Oph, straight to the punishment. No talking until told to. For sure forced consent. More commands. And if we didn't know for sure, we now know he sucked it before. He's got a gage reflux.
Okay, so he was teasing him. Then he tells him to wait and Yai does. So subby. These rich bitches probably own walking shorts. Lawd. Okay so, we at a park, at night. This is how horror movies start. Douche canoe, he might have teased you, but you drugged him. You guys are almost even. Friendship. He wants friendship until the internship is over. The nagging back and forth. He doesn't know how to make friends, that doesn't ring true.
Now we are starting to see them. The real them. Getting a little cuteness. Aww, he got him a shirt... I think that is a shirt. Looks more like a sweater vest. Still, it's the thought that counts. Buddy boy he has seen it all already. Hahaha.. Wait, should I be concerned that dipshit and I think alike. Oh it is a shirt! Is that a tiger necklace? Aww, he brought him to his favorite spot.
Look at that slight smile on Yai's face when Mankorn brings up being friends again. Caught you staring moment. Cute. Ohhhh, he is serving him food. Interesting. He tells Yai to try it and Yai immediately does. Ohh, the gay couple is sooo cute. Okay, my opinion of you is going up Yai. Oh, we are bringing up the law and gay marriage topic. I like it.
Look at him breaking out the "food taste better shared." Okay this is cute. Back and forth about the food. Your ass still hurts? Wth. That's a power dick there. Oh, we are giving the, I wanna kiss you look. Saved by the tummy rumble. Oh, are you about to serve him again? Even with it being an inconvience due to the rain. Interesting. Look at that smile. Oh you finally gonna let people know you alive.
Looke at him checking on him. Then offering to walk him to his room. Ohhhh yeah, someone is coming in Dom. Aww, look at him apologizing for the phone and telling him he will buy another. I'm starting to like these two.
Yes, Yes, they are still problematic characters, fully aware but problematic characters are fun in fiction. Real life? No way. Who would be okay with any of the bl fictional characters? I mean really, Sean and Black have anger management problems. SCOY is about a stalker and stalky who fall in love. As much as I love Pai, in real life we'd beg Sky to call the cops. Let's not even talk about the Kinnporsche couples. Are we not allowed to live vicariously through art anymore?
Yai is being super cute. I'm liking it. I'm seeing a redemption arc here. Oh, look Mankorn being. Home dude is hooked. You like that old fashioned, shut up. Oh yeah, he's caught feelings. A Dominatrix! Mad respect but those wrist cuffs. Those boots though! I want! She is spitting the good advice too. She's a soft Dom for a Dominatrix. Oh, look she did a check in to make sure that their break apart won't spiral him.
What are these two cornballs doing. These fucking coconuts. I ain't afraid of no ghosts. The coconuts are though. Did he call by phone. Damn it's bad with the coconut can get a jab in. Aww, they have a couple's phone! Subby sub is grumpy now. Oh No! Couple's cases! They are rocking that RM and Jin colors. Look at you, dumbass. You hung up on your boyfriend's call.
So that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed. 💜💜💜 This review is dedicated to @victooooorious, @bengiyo, and @pharawee
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
hmmm where did i leave off....
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To celebrate the Madarame Job, the team comes together for hot pot. It's a nice sequence! It's cute! Ann and Yusuke continue to be my favorites. Everyone bonds over their sad backstories and Reverie re-explains how he wound up with an assault charge.
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Morgana is briefly sad that he doesn't have any memories to bond with the team about. Yusuke is as comforting as I would expect him to be. He has such a dry sense of humor, it reminds me of Akihiko when he starts to open up and has these really straight-faced little jokes.
my pout can be seen from fucking space
He does leaves Sayuri in the cafe, which actually made me emotional for a moment.
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I don't know shit about Akechi but he sasses Makoto, so I'm a fan.
Also, Makoto, idk gurl maybe people get on your case because you fucking suck? It ain't that deep.
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Two: I'm about to vault over this table and throw hands with Makoto. This might be a new landspeed record for a character getting so fucking deeply on my shitlist, this might actually rival Ryoji The Insta-Creep Whomst I Hated in P3P, I despise this girl.
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Makoto blackmails the team into going after her target, a mafia group that is going after students.
(I wonder if they are yakuza in the original JPN? I feel like "mafia" sounds extremely weird here. If for some reason you don't wanna call 'em yakuza, even "organized crime" sounds less weird, but what do I know.)
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This game is really trying to pitch me on Makoto being in a tough position, but I am a complete no sell on this. I think because I flat out do not buy the idea that she didn't know about Kamoshida when multiple students were going around the school with visible injuries and everyone was talking about Shiho and Ann. Like, if Makoto swore she didn't know, she's either a liar or she's so fucking oblivious to suffering around her, she shouldn't be in a position of authority over anyone and doesn't have a leg to stand on against the Thieves.
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Glad the game lets me convey my contempt to her, tbh.
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Oh then right after, she digs up Reverie's phone number to call him to thank him.
Makoto, you are a full-ass stalker and we are not friends. You lying to Sojiro to get Reverie's personal cell number to call him is like the cherry on top of your stalker sundae.
Also, through this entire sequence I have squinting at her shirt collar to figure out what that is. It's a B and a J, for Boaz and Jachin, the pillars at the entrance of the Temple of Solomon and framing the High Priestess as she sits sentinel before the veil BLAH BLAH she's the fucking Priestess. In what universe. Whatever.
The only good Priestess I have seen in Persona thus far is Fuuka. As discussed previously, Yosuke was P4's real Priestess.
If she's not the Priestess and her collar stands for, like.... Japanese Baseball, I will uninstall this game.
Anyway, I started Temperance.
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Mostly because I wanna know what the fuck is going on here and is it deeper than some asshats at Atlus going "what if we combined our Maid Kink with our Hot For Teacher Kink!!!!!"
Also oh my god when the fuckign framing device thing kicked in and Sae was like "YOU MUST HAVE HAD HELP AT SCHOOL" i about fucking died.
The framing device of this game unfortunately takes Sae, who had a great introduction, and makes her seem like an idiot.
........ GOD could you IMAGINE if this game had The Fox?
SAE: "It seems like you were seen at the shrine on a regular basis. You MUST HAVE HAD CURRIED THE FAVOR OF THE GODS. Who helped you????"
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LOOK AT HER FUCKING FACE I'M CRYING. I almost flung my Odin away in terror. PUT THAT AWAY!
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Do you... want me to play along? How much is this a chosen job and how much is necessity?
I hate to be That Guy but if this.... is actually a line of work Kawakami enjoys, that would be very Temperance of her. Taking subconscious desire and want, and connecting it to material needs like money. Temperance would be the card of "getting paid for what you enjoy doing," honestly?
But who even fucking KNOWS. In P3P I literally Noped out of the Temperance SLink and in P4G I never got to rank 3. I figure I owe Atlus to follow ONE of the routes so why not the one that raises the most alarm bells! For fun!
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Meanwhile, Mishima continues to be a crisis case waiting to pop off and I just wanna scream.
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And then. Oh. He's in Kichijoji? AKA my favorite location? HM.
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Am I being fucking punked? Or doxxed? What is happening here?
I mean... again, the Jake English vibes are bananas through the fucking roof, but he's also a master of billiards and a (so far subtle) flash bastard about it?
This is not helped by the fact that if I were to assign, uh, a Certain Character I Wrote In A Story a major Arcana, Justice would be one of the best options for him.
Anyway uh. Okay. I'm paying attention now.
Even if he is still Beige as all hell.
Last note for this post, I finally kicked off Yusuke's link and
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damn Sae you fucking got me, we were having Yusuke make counterfeit copies of high-value TCG cards and sold them on the black market to fund our work, YOU FUCKIN CAUGHT ME
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I don't even know how to deal with Yusuke being the fucking Emperor. What the fuck is his domain? The art world at large? How the fuck does he exert power over that? Also, like, if that were his domain, that's more a Hierophant thing than an Emperor thing--
MY POINT IS, I DON'T THINK IN THESE THREE GAMES YET I HAVE BEEN SO BAFFLED BY AN ARCANA CHOICE. I can see Magician, Hermit, Priestess, Strength, even the Hanged Man if you wanna be Spicy. Ooh, or the Star, he'd be a GREAT Star.
The fuckign EMPEROR?
Is the game gonna pull another rabbit out of its hat and convince me "oh yeah he the emperor" like it did with Kanji? STAY TUNED, TRUE BELIEVERS but the odds are not in their favor. oh my god, Yusuke as the Emperor, I'm fucking flabbergasted. What the hell.
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mejomonster · 1 year
I have branched off from Yakuza games and am now playing Judgement
1 this game is so fucking pretty
2 Ryu ga gotoku games are like. 1/3 fun weird do what you want slice of life 1/3 serious deadly angst crime drama 1/3 cutscenesssss (the movies so many movies and I'm used to kingdom hearts level cutscenes but damn rgg games feel like I'm Playing a yakuza TV show sometimes for both good and bad)
3 Yagami wears skinny jeans I'm calling him a millennial (although he may be Gen x and older than me? Depends how much younger he is than kiryu I guess o3o) I just think it's funny I'm playing this adult private detective in a white undershirt a leather jacket and skinny jeans he just looks like me in college lmao. U roll up to the yakuza family who paid ur lawyer degree and can commit crimes while ur fucking Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright who accidentally got a real serial killer acquitted and u look like a bisexual college disaster. Congrats. Ur really rocking A Specific Vibe my dude. Nothing like Kiryus "I'm wearing my 80s suit forever or else a Hawaiian flower shirt" vibe but definitely A Distinct one. It makes Yagami feel way more modern but like... My age group modern rather than the gen z modern kid who probably just turned 18 when this came out
4 Yagami. I'm a gay shdjfj I'm sorry death note did this to me. It's beyond hilarious to me he's got a same last name as Light Yagami thank FUCK this Yagami is an ex lawyer and now private eye. If he'd have been yet another cop I would've well. Dreaded his potential as anything but evil frankly. Even Date, Kiryus bro, quit the force to be a journalist (at least for a while).
5 finally a return to form in the sense there's MULTIPLE CUTE MEN ON SCREEN. Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2 all basically gave u hot leads and hot bad guys. Basically if a fucker was hot and not ur best friend then he was gonna be the main villain. Then I played Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon and for the most part very few hotties (saeko, tianyou, the guy with white hair, and maybe ichiban if you happen to like that kinda guy but if u didn't think kiryu was eyecandy then ichiban isnt really either). I'm glad there's now like at least 1 cutie on screen again at all times. Cause I can be shallow sometimes. Djdjf also the pick for Yagamis coworker ex yakuza guy is like nishiki eye candy compared to the kiryu/ichiban variety (which I love with my whole heart but it's not oogle type). His coworker is like akiyama or Tachibana or majima design wise. It's <3 and with a flowery kiryu type shirt but long sleeved and silky
6 I am still reeling that ur basically playing Phoenix Wright if he fucked up and saved a serial killer. But still impressive u know, to win as a defense attorney in Japan with that 99.9 conviction rate (also kudos to the game saying it immediately). I wonder if Yagami has his own Edgeworth? (God but not shinitani his sempai nooo not him he's introduced to early! Tho... u could argue he's his lawyer rival kinda).
7 playing all evening I still haven't found any side missions? I hope this game still has side stories??
8 I actually love the detective portions which I imagine annoyed some people but I love being a little fucking detective figuring stuff out it's why I love Devil Summoner Raidou game and mystery shows and novels and its just fun to me puts a little spice on a murder mystery story shdhd in yakuza games kiryu just hears a bitch dies, now I get to go figure out if the fucker actually killed someone. It's fun to be in like a random outsiders shoes while functionally the same opening to Yakuza 0 happens where kiryu doesn't kill a guy but is suspected. Except instead of playing the suspect, u play the outsider trying to figure out who's actually dropping ppl dead in kamurocho. It's a nice fresh perspective shift on a pretty common plot occurrence in the yakuza games.
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probablyaseamonster · 5 months
Secret Life hot take kinda?
I really didn't like the merch. Felt cheap as hell. Also, I felt like there were so many ways it could've been more creative, you know?
I was hesitant to put this out there because 1) it's a complete asshole move to say "your thing sucks, here's some of MY ideas" and 2) I heard that Grian tries really hard to come up with new ideas for each season's theme ON HIS OWN and he doesn't want to be inspired or influenced by any suggestions he recieves.
But well. I have decided to share my ideas anyway, because i want to. Hope you guys like them?
- Pizza on everything. I want him on tee-shirts, phone cases, keychains, stickers - he's one of the most iconic pets in the Life Series and he deserves his own merch! Also it'd be fun to draw actual pizza next to him if whatever way
Similarly: edgy red wolf-moon shirt with the line "til death do us part" with the letters L and Y drawn over the first word in a different font so it looks like Scott handwrote on top of a line from a book
Graphic design of Scarlet Pearl looking scary, either with the moon behind her or the moon-shaped scythes the fandom likes to draw her with poised and ready, and the line "something wicked this way comes" in distinct typography
Dogwarts banner as a poster. This one would be really simple I think and it's subtle enough to have people outside the fandom not even be able to GUESS what it's a reference to
Similarly, the Cherry Blossom shield pattern as a banner. I know they weren't as interesting as Dogwarts but they're like one of the only alliances who had something akin to a flag and their colours were aesthetic anyway, similar reason as Dogwarts
Fake band poster of Gem and the Scotts
Beanie designed to look like a mound of dirt, representing the Mounders
Cute design of an upside down house with the words "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN" underneath. To anyone not in the fandom it reads as one of those "don't ask me blank" shirts
Cute design of an angry yorkshire terrier with a bone in its mouth with the words "the hound of hell" underneath in bloody gorey print to contrast
Stickers that come in quartets for BEST and TIES - bonus points if the B is green, the E is white-blue, the S is red, the T is orange, and the I is yellow, bonus BONUS points if the B has a mossy pattern, E has a snowflake pattern, T has a flame pattern, S has a halo, and I has demon horns
Cute ghast with puppy-dog eyes saying "We can still be friends!" Again, has a different vibe without context but isn't totally incomprehensible
Cute cartoon clock-people standing tough with the phrase "don't mess with the family" underneath in some font that makes you think of mafias or crime lords
Bread wearing sunglasses - "Bad Boys love bread, Bad Boys get bread"
Shirt with canary wings on the back
Cactus circle - "what happens in the cactus circle stays in the cactus circle" THIS one is incomprehensible to non-fans
Turtleneck with a bleeding pattern on the neck (meant to invoke images of beheading), very edgy but also works for a variety of situations
Pufferfish and poppies together somehow
Simplified flower valley with the words "hobbits invented gay people". Might get sued by whoever has the rights to Lord of the Rings.
Red shirt with snowflake pattern - "Red winter is coming!" Also might get sued by someone
Chonky Jellie with the phrase "frick you, my soulmate is my cat"
Okay! That's 20 of them! I actually have a lot more ideas but I'm stopping here because I have no clue if anyone's actually gonna read down this far! I hope you guys like these ideas (I say to my like 10 mutuals, love you guys)!
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vinnival · 3 years
ghhgh can i get a madcom matchup please? the brainrot is REAL. I'm a trans guy, he/him, 5'5, pale bc who sees sunlight anymore, on the chubbier side, with blonde (light brown?) hair and freckles! I'm charismatic, a jokester, and my heart is bigger than my brain. I'm the friend who wants to go on adventures and do crimes, and i'll cover any booboos with cartoon banaids bc hell yeah. i love to play video games and love to cook too! I'm a crybaby and have a hard time shutting up abt things i love
omg op come here so I can hug u... CARTOON BANDAIDS. YOU ARE SO CUTE!?!?!?!?!? also I felt that madcom brainrot shit way too hard. Enjoy :]!!!
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Definitely met him at an some type of con
Wow they still have those in NEVADA???
He recognized a reference on your shirt and wanted to talk to you smack then and there
Boom bam pow best friends instantly
You two fit like two peas in a pod, constantly bouncing off of each other in improv situations
You fail to notice how he constantly peeks at you and your face, he likes your freckles a lot :]
You invite him to your house because it was late at night, but he offered to take you back to his place instead /nsx
You agreed because Of Course
He tells you about cool technology facts during the walk home :) he even felt comfortable enough to hold your hand awww
Unfortunately the sweet moments didn't last too long because this is Nevada, obviously
Some punks decided to blast down the street BLASTING music
They seemed rowdy and janky, and generally disrespectful
Some of them noticed you two walking along and the car began to slow down near you two
"You guys better not be doing any gay shit!" One of them shouted
Others were being rude and shouting very offensive things
Deimos glared DAGGERS at them
Meanwhile without a second thought you stole Deimos' secret gun from his bag and whipped around, firing a warning shot straight past one of the guys' head
You batted your eyelashes at their shock
"You guys gonna keep being homophobic? Cause I can keep shooting, and this time it'll aim straight at every one of you guys' heads!"
The driver made a quick u-turn and ZOOMED
You muttered something along the lines like "yeah thats right run away like cowards"
You gave Deimos back his gun and he was OOOOOHH
He freaked out, saying stuff like "I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE GOOD AT HANDLING GUNS???"
"Deimos this is Nevada what do you expect"
He now thinks you're cute AND cool as fuck
Obviously he begged for you to play some first person shooters after he introduced you to everyone else
He loved it no regerts
God you two really do just swing well together
You cooked breakfast for everyone the next morning, and Deimos automatically rose out of the bed from that good ass SMELL
Don't tell any of the other guys but he liked your cooking the best
He got too eager and burned his hand on the food lol
You smiled devilishly
"My time has come"
You whipped out a cartoon bandaid out of nowhere and placed it gently on Deimos' burn, even kissing it a little 😳
"How do you keep DUMBFOUNDING ME"
Later that day he just straight up. Asked you to date him. Out of the blue
"Hey lol wanna date"
"Holy shit," you had to do a double take to process that
Hell yeah fuck shit up and shoot people
-yours and deimos' motto
Deimos is so fun to write he's just a very chaotic good gen z themed man,, hope you liked it OP!! Thank you for requesting :3
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