#and this was everyones squeaky-sponsored horror halloween special
ladysqueakinpip · 7 months
Medieval torture methods, you say?
there are some really bizarre ones (under a read more for obvious uh. you know. graphic descriptions/imagery/blood/torture etc. this is truly not for the faint of heart)
i just found this youtube vid where some guy walks though basically the entire medieval torture museum in chicago. again. warning for graphic content as if the thumbnail image isn't clear enough on that.
all sorts of devices and machines in this video. i like that this museum shows the rat basket torture method (timestamp 15:50). it's something i saw in another youtube vid a long time ago and had never heard of before, and i found it particularly disturbing, but i havent seen another mention of it since (until now).
the blood eagle and the brazen bull are two other methods i find SUPER scary. none of the videos i glanced through today doubted the legitimacy of the brazen bull, but ive seen other sources that say it is only a legend and there's no historical record of it ever actually being built.
on a side note one of my fun/disturbing torture facts gives more background on the bible! ive actually had to explain this to my dad and multiple other people.
In esther 5:14, haman builds a pole 75ft tall to impale mordecai (in other translations ive seen 75ft gallows but we will focus on the pole this time around). a lot of people ask: isn't that height excessive?
it is! that's the point. impalement poles were conical in shape. the tip came to a sharp point, and the base was however large it needed to be to accommodate the height of the pole and the slope of the point. when a person was thrown onto it, they usually didn't die immediately. it was a slow, painful death. part of the pain was from gravity pulling the body further down on the pole. the further down your body was pulled, the more excruciating the death was, since the pole became thicker and tore you open more and more.
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