#and trying a new fc for hogwarts!rowan… not that i had one before
unfortunate-arrow · 11 months
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Day 5: Role Swap | HP Pride Extravaganza by @gaygryffindorgal
After Rowan Khanna’s older sister, Jasmine, disappeared while  investigating the mythical Cursed Vaults, Rowan and her twin brother, Ash, are determined to uncover the truth behind their sister’s disappearance. As they prepare for their first year at Hogwarts, Rowan and Ash meet the O’Donnell quadruplets, each one with their own interests and ambitions. While Rowan is sorted into Hufflepuff and becomes close friends with Sara O’Donnell, it’s her relationship with the Slytherin Cara that grabs her attention over the years. For most of their time at Hogwarts, it’s a platonic relationship… but after everything and with the victory of understanding Jasmine’s disappearance, Rowan kissed Cara in that moment of victory.
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