#and tsuna is like a pet project: how far can he push?
What If...?
Enrico never died. Timoteo managed to keep one son alive. And though his favored one is gone, at least Enrico remains. As such, Enrico becomes Vongola 10th and the Ninth finds bliss in retirement.
For the first couple of days, at least. Within the month, he was bored. the Ninth hadn't expected this. In hindsight it made sense, but, for once: Timoteo. Was. Bored. When he wasn't spending every waking moment thinking about one thing or the other, he had nothing else to do.
Of course, he went back to the Iron Fort. Just to see how his boy was holding out (he didn't have to, no, but he needed to.) Enrico did not appreciate the gesture. Ninth had spent the last years agnozing over who would properly lead the family and now, he's butting in where he shouldn't be.
Timoteo thinks Enrico is doing a terrible job. But Enrico won't listen. For a while, he briefly considers helping Xanxus, regardless of adoption, have the position. But Xanxus is too strong, too hardy. Too much like Enrico.
What Timoteo needs is someone... nicer, naiver, more innocent. Iemitsu had a son like that right?
Wouldn't that be fun?
[Plain text: "What If...?" in large red text. /End PT]
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