#and two because they demand a Very specific style that I don't think I'm ready to even attempt
chiropteracupola · 1 year
Another brand of AU to Ponder in addition to Ladyhawke: Bisclavret aus. good for any wolfish and/or king&lionheart-ish blorbos.
shaking your hand with INTENSE FORCE
(and perhaps relevant to a thing or two I've been working on...)
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yuniemaki · 1 year
7 and 16 for the writer asks!
7. How do you balance the demands of writing with other responsibilities? 
I was literally stumped at this question for hours because honestly? I have no idea.
A few tips, I suppose, on how I weave writing into my day-to-day as an adhd/bpd person:
Only work on 1-2 active WIPs at a time. Drop the rest into a folder or something. Don't open any of the non-active WIPs until you've finished the one you're focusing on.
Keep these WIPs open all the time. Whenever you're frustrated, bored, or just want something else to do - flick to the wip, drop in 1 sentence, or even just re-read the last few lines to keep the wip in your head.
Since my attention span is 0, those "block out two-hour sacred time" tips don't work coz I can't write if I'm not feeling it. But I feel it in drips and drabs throughout the day, which is why I leave the WIPs open exactly where I leave off, so that once I get struck with the fleeting urge I type something in there and wander off again. Over time, those tiny sentences add up, and suddenly the words will flow once you get into the swing of the scene.
Give yourself guilt-free off-days! I have about 3 days a week where I just don't even think about writing. Like those are do not write days, unless I get slapped with the inspiration rod. It helps.
16. What's the worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? Why was this terrible advice?
I DON'T KNOW IF PEOPLE EVER GAVE ME ADVICE TBH... I NEVER ASKED... but ok, this thing about "always get feedback"?
No, don't get feedback from every Tom, Dick and Harry. Definitely do not get feedback from "friends and family". Most certainly do not get feedback on everything you write. Creative workshops are a double-edged sword, so decide carefully.
Choose one or two writer friends that you can trust, and get their thoughts, but that's about it. Be specific about what you want thoughts on: is it the flow? The feeling? The structure? Make sure it's a logical, objective perspective you seek, not some thoughts on your writing style. Style will evolve as you grow, and no one has the right to crush that unique voice of yours.
The thing about feedback is even when you want it, you're never really ready for it. Writing is such a solitary process and is very much a voluntary hardship.
I'm not saying you shouldn't get feedback; just be very particular about who you seek comments from, and about what exactly. My experiences with creative writing workshops haven't been the most pleasant as many junior writers like myself don't really know how to give feedback beyond commenting on style or "evoking emotion", which is so subjective it doesn't even matter. A lot of them put me off writing for years.
Now, I find that it's a lot easier to simply write what I want, experiment with styles, and only seek advice when I feel like something about the pacing or the flow is wrong or off about the piece, and never about the writing style.
When/if you become a published author, that's when you'll have to deal with a huge influx of feedback. It's part of taking things professional. But if writing is your hobby and your safe space, it isn't wrong to curate your space and keep it that way.
Fanfic Q&A - Writer's Edition
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heir-less · 1 year
Sussex squad and Wales stans have extreme views on W&K marriage. On one hand the two hate each other and are barely able to tolerate each other and on the other hand two college sweethearts still in love after close to 20 years together, I don't think any of it true.
First I don't think the two were ever truly in love. I think they loved each other and William saw in Kate a woman who would conform and fit into his idea of a consort and Kate wanted the position. I don't think she was the last one standing or a default choice like some of her critics like to say. In the first few years you can see the complicity, the friendship between them.
At the same time William cold and snappy behavior that we see more of now has always been there but she would roll her eyes at him give him side eyes none of this now.
Something obviously happened I'm not sure it's about a specific affair ( because I don't think he's ever been really faithful to her). They're never been really lovey dovey but there was a warmth between them that's rare to see nowadays. They're more distant and cold and act like co workers.
I feel that both sides look to feel vindicated on the state of William and Kate's marriage. Waleses are constantly looking for PDA and signs of a fourth pregnancy because it would confirm that William and Kate are living a happy family life without the Sussexes, a future King with his adoring future Queen. On the other hand, I feel like people who resonate with the Sussexes really, really want the Waleses to "get theirs". The marriage is in trouble due to cheating or a mutual dislike would vindicate them by proving that Harry and Meghan's main detractors who are often touted as superior are actually misreable together.
I think William and Kate probably did love each other and got along well, but in a way that was savvier than most regular couples, where this is a transaction of status and desires between the two. I don't think William would have strung Kate along for almost a decade if he didn't care about her. People say that William was grooming her to make sure she was "Queen material" but there are hundreds of Sloane Ranger-types from high-born families who would have instantly understood the assignment and conformed, like you say. William probably would have had an easier time with someone born into the same class bracket as him. However, I think William specifically wanted Kate for the role and was willing to draw out the relationship until he felt she was ready. Kate, obviously spent a lot of time conforming to William and making herself presentable.
I'm personally not into body language analysis and I fully admit that my perspective is biased, but in recent years I think William has been really cold and neglectful towards Kate publicly. I'm not sure what has triggered this, if he wasn't faithful or what, but I get frustrated watching them as a couple nowadays because it feels so one-sided to me. Kate is always the one to wait for William, to look at him, to consider his presence, and she's given almost nothing in return. There have been moments where Kate shows attitude or distaste with him, but they seem like rare displays of frustration with William they seem unprovoked and constant. Like you said, there was a warmth and natural compatibility that was present in the earlier years of their marriage. Now, it's just gone.
Also, it's paired with this hint-hint-nudge-nudge style of reporting from the ROTA and other commentators that is very passive-aggressive and snarky about the state of the Wales's marriage. Not to mention, the response from the palace to rumours about marriage breakdowns has been anything but dignified silence, in fact they sort of botched the way these rumours have been handled by threatening legal action and demanding things mentioning Rose get edited/removed. It's this combination of things that raises my suspicions.
I don't really hope to see Wales's marriage fall apart (I don't hope that for anyone, really, it's just sad) because it will literally make things worse for everyone in the royal family, including three young children and even Meghan tangentially because she is blamed for literally everything that goes wrong (remember when Autumn left Peter Phillips and it was dubbed that she was "following Meghan's lead"?). Right now, however, things are just painful and I have no idea how Wales stans (especially the longtime pre-2015 girls) are getting the same satisfaction watching them. When you're not focusing on how stiff and lifeless they are as a couple, you're focusing on them sucking at acknowledging deeper social issues like racism and colonization and poverty. It's just painful.
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