#and u could travel around to different towns and compare and contrast the performances and in the end just have an ocean-deep respect for
stinkbeck · 2 years
i need to get away from like. all movies lol. i see anything to do with a movie and i get so mad i’m like “wouldn’t it be way more efficient (balanced) and FUN and truly artistically inspiring if you had to go to your local theater and see the people you see around town all the time performing this in a completely different way from all the other towns around you?”
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
The best WiiU games you can buy
The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you'll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase.
The Insider Pick:
The WiiU may not be as big as the Nintendo Switch, but there are still many great games for the console. Our favorites are “Super Mario 3D World,” “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD," “Super Smash Bros.," “Bayonetta 2," and “Pikmin 3."
Nintendo essentially invented the modern gaming console as we know it, so the company needs little introduction. This Japanese developer has earned its rightful place in the hearts and homes of hundreds of millions of people around the world, and Nintendo continues to enjoy massive global success today with its hugely popular 3DS and newly-released Switch systems.
From the original and now legendary Nintendo Entertainment System to the most recent consoles, Nintendo has had hit after hit with only a few stumbles along the way. Nintendo is nothing if not innovative: In 2006, the company shook the console market a second time with the launch of the Wii.
Thirty years after the Nintendo Entertainment System, the Wii once again re-defined what a home gaming platform could be with its unique motion controls. The Wii went on to become Nintendo’s most popular console ever – sales figures that are eclipsed only by the Game Boy and the Nintendo DS.
The Wii was a welcome hit, but Nintendo struggled to re-capture that “lightning in a bottle.” Its successor, the Wii U, had problems from the beginning. Its marketing campaign was nowhere near as good as that for the Wii, leaving people confused as to what exactly the Wii U was (is it an add-on for the Wii or a new console entirely?). The bulky touchscreen controller was also controversial, and the Wii U had much weaker hardware than its competitors, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
These factors, combined with a dearth of third-party titles, prevented the system from achieving the mainstream appeal of the original Wii. Nonetheless, the Wii U is an excellent system with a bunch of great games even if it never enjoyed the massive success of its predecessor, and we’ve narrowed the library down to the five best titles for the system.
Nintendo recently discontinued the Wii U earlier in 2017 in preparation for the launch of the new Switch console, so now is the time to grab some of these games before they go out of stock for good.
Read on in the slides below to learn why “Super Mario 3D World,” “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD," “Super Smash Bros.," “Bayonetta 2," and “Pikmin 3" are our favorite WiiU games.
The best platforming game
Why you'll love it: With “Super Mario 3D World,” Nintendo has proven that it can still innovate and improve on this timeless series while still delivering everything we love about the company’s mustachioed mascot.
It’s only fitting that a buying guide to Nintendo games begins with Mario, and “Super Mario 3D World” is a great one to kick things off. After almost three decades of this portly Italian plumber’s Goomba-stomping, brick-breaking, coin-collecting adventures, it’s hard to believe that the devs could continue to successfully re-invent the wheel with this long-running franchise, but few recent Mario titles – or other platformers, for that matter – are as innovative and fun as “3D World.”
Not all recent installments have been this fresh, however. The “New Super Mario” sub-series, while great in its own right, was rather derivative and didn’t really break new ground. By contrast, “3D World” never ceases to surprise you with its unique, clever, and extremely novel level designs. The game throws something new your way constantly, having you perform certain tasks or clear objectives in creative ways, but these sequences never over-stay their welcome.
Another new and addictive feature in “Super Mario 3D World” is its multiplayer mode that lets up to four people play at once. The character selection system from “Super Mario Bros. 2” returns here, letting participants choose from Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad, complete with their unique characteristics from that game.
You can complete the entire game solo if you wish, but playing with friends adds a whole new layer to the classic Super Mario gameplay, as you’ll be cooperating to clear levels while competing for points at the same time.
Fun new power-ups and abilities are peppered throughout the game as well. The Cat Suit is the clear favorite, letting you climb walls and pounce on enemies, and it’s one that you’ll be rushing to use every time you can.
The soundtrack is also incredible, something that should come as no surprise to Nintendo veterans. The music is a fresh mix of old and new (much like the rest of “3D World”) with familiar Mario melodies harmonizing seamlessly with upbeat jazz tunes that will get stuck in your head.
The Mario series has always set the standard for platforming games, and with “3D World,” it continues to do so. The original “Super Mario Brothers” put the genre (and the NES console itself) on the map, and sequels like “Super Mario 64” and “Super Mario 3D Land” – another one of our all-time favorites – only continued to push the envelope of innovative design.
“Super Mario 3D World” exudes this creative spirit, presenting everything we love about the series with a level of novelty and polish that only Nintendo could pull off.
Pros: Gorgeous and colorful graphics, intuitive platforming gameplay with a surprising amount of depth, innovative level design that keeps changing things up, fun new power-ups (especially the Cat Suit), a catchy soundtrack that will get stuck in your head, and great cooperative multiplayer
Cons: The zoomed-out camera can become a problem in multiplayer mode
Buy Super Mario 3D World on Amazon for $20
The best adventure game
Why you'll love it: “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD” is an immensely satisfying ride through a gorgeous oceanic fantasy world, proving that beautiful art direction, a compelling story, and great gameplay more than make up for the Wii U’s dated hardware.
As great as Super Mario is, there’s something special about The Legend of Zelda that sets it above other Nintendo franchises. The art, the music, the story, and the sheer sense of adventure that these games impart have earned the Zelda series a beloved status among millions of gamers, and with the recent release of the universally acclaimed and award-winning “Breath of the Wild,” that’s showing no signs of abating any time soon.
Zelda has had its ups and downs, but you’d be hard-pressed to find many people who can honestly say outright that any of the core titles are bad. Ever since “Ocarina of Time” brought the franchise into the third dimension on the Nintendo 64, each new game has been quite different than the last, introducing their own unique art styles, quirky characters (although with a few familiar faces popping up regularly), and worlds. Even the timeline gets confusing due to the unique nature of every story, as each one appears at a glance to be completely unrelated to the others.
“The Wind Waker” was particularly novel and even somewhat controversial when it launched on the GameCube. Its cel-shaded graphics and distinctive cartoon-like art style ruffled some feathers, but it proved to be a fantastic effort and has become a favorite among fans. Players were understandably excited to find out that an HD remake of this classic Zelda title was coming to the Wii U, and we’re happy to say that it’s a resounding success which remains one of the best works for the system.
Along with maintaining the unique art direction of the original, “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD” also stands apart with its breathtaking overworld. This consists of a sprawling sea peppered with islands and other aquatic locations where you’ll find towns, dungeons, bosses, and other Zelda staples.
The game was beautiful enough on the GameCube – lowly 480p resolution and all – but it really comes to life on the Wii U. You’ll want to spend just as much time sailing around in your talking boat, watching the sun rise and set on the horizon, hunting for treasure, and fighting pirates as you will clearing the many creatively designed dungeons.
One complaint with the GameCube version was that traveling between islands took awhile. Mercifully, the new Swift Sail greatly reduces your transit time when you’re in a hurry. No other content cut from the original was restored, sadly, so there aren’t many changes aside from the obvious graphical overhaul.
Nonetheless, “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD” is a classic Nintendo treat that is made only sweeter by the Wii U. It’s well worth a visit whether it's you’re first time sailing on the Great Sea or if you’re just ready for a second journey through one of the most stunning installments in the Zelda series.
Pros: A gorgeous art style that looks even better with widescreen HD graphics, an immersive story with an endearing cast of characters, a beautiful aquatic open world that’s a joy to explore, and great gameplay whether you’re fighting or just sailing around
Cons: Cut content from the original game was not restored
Buy The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD on Amazon for $20
The best multiplayer game
Why you'll love it: “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” is an absolute treasure, combining a huge cast of great characters with near-perfect gameplay that easily makes this high-speed multiplayer game the best entry in the series.
If the Wii U library can be narrowed down to a single title that makes the console worth owning, it’s “Super Smash Bros.” Despite being a relatively new Nintendo IP (at least when compared to titans like Mario and The Legend of Zelda), Smash Bros. has rightfully cemented itself as one of the company’s most popular first-party franchises.
Although the console it was developed for has struggled a bit, “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” has not. It quickly became the fastest-selling title for the system and surpassed even the wildly popular “Mario Kart 8.” It’s not hard to see why: Its awkward title notwithstanding, “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” delivers everything gamers love about this series of high-speed fighting games, and it presents it all with absolute perfection.
“Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” doesn’t change up the formula and it doesn’t have to. There are some new additions (namely, new characters and a few fresh game modes), but “Smash Bros.” stands out less because of its novelty and more because of how well it handles the fundamentals of the franchise.
Its HD graphics are gorgeous, the controls are tight and responsive, the combat is easy to learn but belies an impressive amount of technical depth, the stages are a well-designed mix of classic and new, and it’s all tied together with Nintendo’s signature polish for a beautifully refined multiplayer experience.
There are some interesting and welcome newcomers to the character roster, including some you might not expect – Pac-Man, the Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man, and even Cloud from “Final Fantasy VII” fame are now available for you to play around with, among numerous others. There are also a few new fun single-player modes to help you to kill some time. But the one big stand-out addition to “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” is, by far, its insane eight-player mode.
“Smash Bros.” gets chaotic enough with four players, so as you can imagine, eight-player matches can become a bit too hectic (and this is not helped by the Wii U’s online performance, which is spotty at times). Overall, however, it’s an absolute riot, and reminds us of why we love this series so much.
“Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” is a near masterpiece, refining all of the core elements of the franchise and offering endless hours of rage- and laughter-inducing multiplayer chaos.
Pros: Expertly polished Smash Bros. action, the new 8-player mode is a blast, tight and responsive controls, a surprising level of technical depth, it’s suitable for all ages, and a huge roster of playable characters with some welcome newcomers
Cons: Inconsistent online performance, and 8-player games can sometimes get a little too crazy
Buy Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on Amazon for $52
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