#and u guys r like UMMM but you consume food?
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
its just weird bc with energy usage or whatever, we recognise that telling someone to turn the lights off and not overfill the kettle is a distraction from the unfettered consumption of big industry etc, but when it comes to food suddenly you people are like no no it’s the consumption of tofu that is the real issue here!! I’m so sick and tired of this debate because whether or not you eat meat, as leftists and as people with any care for the environment, we should be united in recognising the harms of industrial animal agriculture.  and at a certain point the choices of foods to get mad at in particular start to just come off like an appropriate outlet for your discomfort over someone else eating differently to you. why is it always soy and quinoa and never corn and wheat?? at a certain point you have to acknowledge that all of us consume plant products, and vegans/vegetarians are a very small proportion of that. plant agriculture is perhaps as ethically and environmentally fraught as animal agriculture, but that means we should desire to improve both, rather than NEITHER
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good-morning-warren · 7 years
Tagged by @squarelyblue
This is the alphabet tag game!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs just help yourselves guys :p though i do want to see: @maegalkarven @theclockworkowl @majorasnightmare @absolutecutie @dantemoore0 @vaporsloth (I’d tag the discord ppl but you all already got tagged so xD)
Anyone else following me, feel free to answer as well, I would love to hear about you!! 
(also if ur uncomfy answering any of these questions, or all of them, feel free to not answer :D)
a - age: 21
b - birthplace: oklahoma city, oklahoma. But I promise I don’t have the accent xD I actually grew up mostly in maryland and northern virginia :)
c - current time: 9:49PM
d - drink you had last: Organic Whole Milk (my mom thinks it has like some special properties or something lmao)
e - easiest person to talk to: Haha, it’s hard to answer this one, my close friends and my girlfriend are all very easy to talk to (I love you guysss)
f - favorite song: Ummm it changes a lot? Recently I’ve really been into Guillotine by Jon Bellion, and some AnimeVibe stuff (yes I am a huge silly nerd)
g - grossest memory: So like I used to live in the country and we had like 4-5 rabbits and I thought they were the most adorable cutest pets ever. I cleaned their cages and fed them and everything. One day we have stew with ~mysterious~ meat in it. I ate my poor bunnies D: they weren’t pets my aunt had been raising them as food! I still feel horrible ;w;
h - horror yes or no: YES, yes. I love horror movies/games/books/stories everything. Funnily enough I am TERRIFIED of the dark and I scare easily lol (probably because I watch too much horror stuff oops)
i - in love? YES 1000% @maegalkarven <-- my love, my moon, my universe <3 *smooches*
j - jealous of people? Only because I am inadequate, I will strive to be a less petty/jealous person haha...
k - killed someone? NO D:
l - love at first sight or should i walk past again? I believe that you have to be friends with someone for a while and have a lot in common and get to know each other and understand what you’re getting into BEFORE you fall in love. Even if you feel REALLY in love you should think about it first, a lot of people can get hurt from misunderstandings and there’s nothing worse than dating a cute someone that you can never talk to about anything.
m - middle name: Nichelle (my mom thought it would be ~unique~ to change the M in Michelle to an N >.>)
n - number of siblings: One younger sister that I live with, two younger sisters that I don’t and haven’t seen in years, and a cousin who is basically another little sister and I live with her and her parents.
o - one wish: teleportation? So many places, and people, I wish I could poof over to.
p - person i called last: my friend @theclockworkowl
q - question you’re always asked:  But she’s your mom right? How could you not talk to her at all in 4 years? (answer is: she’s my biological mother, the woman I live with right now and has raised me for years is my Mom)
r - reason to smile: @maegalkarven @theclockworkowl @majorasnightmare @vaporsloth @absolutecutie @dantemoore0 (not to mention my all consuming and unholy love of otome games, anime, manga, drama, books, and all other forms of entertainment xD)
s - song you last sang: "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas (ahh...passionate, sad, and wholly off key singing in my car alone is the best lmao)
t - time you woke up: uhh like 9am?
u - underwear color: Pink & white
v - vacation: can I choose the afterlife I mean, finland?
w - worst habit: Eating habits *sigh*
x - xrays: Uhh on my teeth liiike 4 years ago?
y - your favorite food: pudding...I love pudding.......I....want pudding :(
z - zodiac sign: pisces BD go fishes amiright lmao
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