#and ultimately the one who decides to pull the plug on him because he's comatose and his heart is just too damaged
couronnez · 2 years
//@udovaintomyheart Thanks AGAIN <3
Now I want to write Medical Drama featuring Vasily. Anyone up for roleplaying that? I promise I WILL write a canon and modern fic about it, too!
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thewajjfjower · 5 years
Assisted suicide
November 10, 2019  
Euthanasia is the act of terminating the life of a terminally-ill patient. Patients usually undergoing euthanasia are at the endgame of their disease. There is no other option but death. Euthanasia has several forms; active and passive.
Active euthanasia involves the direct and deliberate induction of death to a patient. Active euthanasia involves active involvement usually in the form of a drug that induces death. Passive euthanasia, from the name itself, is the act of allowing death to occur naturally to a patient. Passive euthanasia is usually done by withdrawing treatment, such as pulling the plug on the life-sustaining machine of lost cause comatose patients or withholding treatment, such as not carrying out surgery that can prolong life for a short amount of time.
Of the forms of euthanasia, if I were to choose which one would be more ethically sound, I would pick active euthanasia and here is why.
It is more economic. 
Consider a terminally ill cancer patient who has exhausted almost every financial source they have to prolong that patient’s life but despite all the efforts cancer triumphs. Assuming the patient is not the only valued family member of the family it would better to allocate the remaining funds for the future generation of the family. It would be better investing the remaining eggs in a defined tray rather than in a broken basket with no guarantee of being fixed.
It recognizes patient autonomy.
Administering assisted suicide or active euthanasia is a rigorous process that recognizes the patients as the highest authority. In certain countries such as the United States, Laws require that a physician diagnose a terminally ill patient as having a life expectancy of six months or less and a second doctor then must concur with the diagnosis. Patients must request the lethal prescription twice verbally and once in written form with a waiting period of at least two weeks between the first and last requests. Lastly, the doctor who writes the prescription must believe the patient is mentally competent to make the decision. The law also requires that patients be able to take the pills on their own. The safeguards that exist in the laws of states that legalized physician-assisted suicide protect patients’ rights and maintain justice. Not allowing a patient to decide when his life should end is, in fact, denying him his freedom.
It is the last act of mercy you can give to a patient.
From Greek etymology of the word, from eu ‘well’ + thanatos ‘death’, well death or good death. I think that is the ultimate goal of euthanasia – to end whatever remaining suffering is left and allow the patient to carry on the other side in a somewhat pain-free manner. Euthanasia is morally acceptable because it decreases the
misery of everyone involved: the patient, the caretakers, and the family and friends of the patient. Living itself, in my opinion, is just tolerated suffering, at least in the last remaining moment of the patient he felt nothing, no more pain. Prolonging a life certainly filled with suffering is crueler compared to dyeing feeling nothing.
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