#and using the song as like a pep talk between the two IM EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT OKAY
maddsmallow · 1 year
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Rise again, rise again! Though your heart, it be broken, or life about to end No matter what you've lost, be it a home, a love, a friend Like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again!
(2nd attempt at posting whoops) im crying over hank singing stan roger’s mary ellen carter to connor? the thought of connor and hank working together to pick up their lives and right their wrongs and giving it their all for the sake of trying to be better regardless of if they succeed or gain forgiveness or not got to me. alright.
refs under the cut
consider supporting me on ko fi! /maddsmallow
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! music idol au (karasuno ver.)
at long last here it is!! also most of this is based on my knowledge about kpop groups and the industry (as a kpop fan) but i made a lot of tweaks and i’m basically imagining this in a world where the kpop industry wasn’t so hard on its idols and churning out commodities. but yeah! this is going to be the first part of a series so stay tuned for more! also this is p long because i added hc’s for kiyoko and yachi >~<
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okay so in my head karasuno (or KRSN im sorry im bad at coming up with names) is like one of those really large groups that hav sub-groups kinda like NCT
they're from a fairly small entertainment company called umm KS Entertainment (im sorry im bad at names hnghn pt. 2)
its headed by ukai who's also like a really awesome choreographer and takeda who's like YG if YG had an exact opposite really kind twin who actually values their idols
(sorry im really salty)
takeda is honestly the sweetest, he's responsible for scouting and judging auditions
he'll basically let anyone who appears to put their all in pass the audition
he also likes to take care of all the trainees and make sure ukai hasn't made them dance to death
production crew are: ennoshita, kinoshita, and narita
kinoshita's like responsible for planning the concepts for every comeback
sometimes he thinks of really wild ones and ukai's jus like whoa there lets tone it down a bit
narita tag-teams with kinoshita by being karasuno's amazing stylist
his favorite person to style is suga but dont tell anyone that
and lastly we have ennoshita who singlehandedly produces every track on every album
he's also a really good vocal coach
and he's very tired because he's the producer and he also has to deal with tanaka and noya knocking on his door every five minutes
subgroup (night) KRSN-N
consists of: daichi, suga, asahi, noya, and tanaka
ok so karasuno has basically two main types of concepts: night (which is more like rugged and bad boy) and day (which is more boy-next-door and sweet)
the night subgroup has like a very strong rap line consisting of daichi, noya, and tanaka while for vocals we have suga and asahi
daichi is their leader ofc
he, suga, and asahi were in the same batch of trainees and had to (survive) live with each other for quite a while
his rap skills are really consistent and he has really good flow. also tends to start off their songs
his dancing skills are also impressive and basically just a great all-around guy
he's also really stressed from managing his group members esp because they're all children
asahi is one of their only two vocalists but he also has some good skills with music production and likes to work with ennoshita
he has a really deep but mellow voice
really shy when it comes to being onstage and meeting fans but he has the sweetest smile
tanaka is part of their dance line because boy can he bust out the moves
doesn't mind performing without a shirt. kinoshita has styled with him just wearing a jacket most of the time
his stage presence is just woah
the kind of performer who'd really get up close and personal with cameras and also people's phones
everything about him screams bad boy except for when he's really sweet in fansigns
noya is like their lightning-fast rapper who always comes in during the bridge
takeda heard him rap for barely a minute and quickly signed him in
more often than not enters the stage while piggybacking tanaka or asahi
also an amazing dancer who does all the gravity defying flips and jumps
he was invited more than once to collab with other artists
he and tanaka are trainee buddies and were inseparable ever since they ran into each other naked in the shower room
now for suga
he's like main visuals also main vocals also main dancer
was talented ever since he sprouted from the womb
he actually didn't audition his mom posted a video of him covering 'euphoria' by jungkook which takeda happened to come across
his voice is very high and he often harmonizes with asahi during the chorus
also tends to be really affectionate with daichi onstage and everywhere basically
so many 'daisuga being karasuno's parents for 15 mins' videos
subgroup (day) KRSN - D
okay so these guys have been together since their trainee years and basically had to live in the same room
which was like chaotic because they were always fighting and only yamaguchi knew how to do laundry so everyone was trying to be his friend
until daichi and takeda gave them a little pep talk so they don't hate each other so much now
n e weigh
first up we have yamaguchi who is basically jus very boy-next-door and also the unofficial leader of the group
he has an amazing voice and can hit the highest notes and he has a tendency to wink at the cameras
main vocalist and visuals
his fans love him because he's just so sweet
sometimes daichi comes in to check on how he's doing and treats him to a meal
he likes to check on other members during live shows
looks stunning in white suits also the fans made a petition for him to grow out his hair and now his hair is long
he and tsukishima have both dreamed of becoming idols and auditioned together
tsukishima's the main (only) rapper of the group
my brain: hnGhh rapper tsukki nskdkssm
he had to work on his stage presence but when he finally Got It he is such a master at it
also had to work on his dancing because he looked like a wiggling beanpole at first
most of his lines are actually written by him esp because he didn't want to say anything that felt embarassing for him and ukai was like 'why dont u write ur songs then?' and he's like 'mAYBE I WILL'
hinata's our other main vocalist, also main visuals and main dancer
his voice is p ordinary but whats great about him is that he's able to keep it consistent while busting out the hardest moves
personally learned a lot of his dancing from noya and tanaka
also he's always in the center because he's short and he looks adorable
he can nail the high notes too btw
he's the kind of idol who has the most random and funniest videos on twitter
kageyama's like their genius maknae
he had been training for such a long time and he actually wanted to be booked for another entertainment company but was rejected (hmm i wonder which company this was ??)
but he was a fan after seeing suga practicing when he toured the company and decided to join KRSN
he's in the vocal line as well and also main dancer
his voice is a lot lower so he harmonizes with yamaguchi and hinata
he and hinata were very competitive when it came to dancing during their trainee days
but they balance each other out pretty well and like to choreograph dance breaks together
super shy around fans and fansigns
most of the pics of him have kageyama doing the peace sign because he's awkward af
KRSN as a whole
takeda and ukai really encourage all of them bonding together and taking breaks in between all the stress of practicing and performing
they all live in one big house and its really chaotic
very few people know how to cook and do laundry
also there is an average of 2 accidents per week
but they do get along when it comes to practicing for the next comeback, especially when the subgroups have to collab
ennoshita's studio is a mess of sticky notes and crumpled up paper with probs asahi, daichi, tsukishima, and ennoshita napping on a couch
suga loves being able to train hinata and yamaguchi with vocals and they have a project of covering a new song every week for the fans
tanaka, noya, kageyama and hinata also spend a lot of time in the dance studio
whenever there's a new song they like to come up with movements to add to the choreography
after a really hard day of dancing they end up falling asleep in the studio and waking up to take-out courtesy of takeda
photoshoots and styling sessions take forever since there are so many of them but also its a good time for the members to get some sleep
but kinoshita and narita do not but in the end its all worth it when they see the photos and the reactions from the fans
their music and performances are very varied since they like to show that they're versatile as much as they can
they don't really prioritize being precise and flawless, more on channeling the emotion of their songs and power in their dances
no two performances of the same song are ever the same 
okay so takeda also had this genius idea of bringing out solo acts and after another round of auditions, kiyoko caught his eye
she's a bit older with idol training and recently left the group she was supposed to debut with because the company didn't treat them right
my girl kiyoko knows her rights
she's basically an all-around talent: good at singing, dancing, rapping, and visuals
takeda knew he would be dumb to overlook her and even though they've mostly been producing boy bands, maybe they'll have success with a solo female idol
kiyoko was very clear abt wanting to have more control over how she was going to be presented and also wanted the opportunity to write her own songs
and takeda and ukai were jus like well yeah duh, that's why we scouted you
kiyoko was like an immediate success
her style is def very sassy and sexy, especially with her dancing ability
kind of like Chungha or Hwasa
but her fans also like her more melancholic and deep songs that are accompanied by her piano playing
she's also super confident and loves to use her platform to empower women
sometimes she does get together with the KRSN members
she collabs pretty often with suga esp when it comes to dance covers and performances
the day she asked tanaka and noya to be back-up rappers for one of her songs was the happiest moment of their lives
kiyoko's a fucking queen
because i wrote hc's for kiyoko i have to make one for yachi too
she's quite interesting because yachi joined like one of those idol training shows and kiyoko happened to be a guest judge
watching yachi sing made her sense some sort of potential so kiyoko being the bad ass bitch she is convinced takeda and ukai to work with her
yachi almost died hearing that Queen Kiyoko thought she had potential
her first years training to be an idol were really tough on her, esp since she was aiming to be a solo act
but she spent a lot of time training with the KRSN - D group and they really helped boost her confidence
everyone in KRSN and kiyoko asked their fans on twitter to support her when yachi's first album dropped
yachi's music is super mellow and light and she has a very sweet, high voice
comeback stages and music video shootings are pretty scary for her but she really shines in live, studio sessions
also knows how to play guitar
writes her own songs !!!
during her first fan meeting she prepared a bunch of presents for her fans and was scared that no one would come but a whole bunch of people did and she was so happy she almost cried
haikyuu!! music idol au series: karasuno vers., seijoh and shiratorizawa vers., nekoma and fukurodani vers.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
We know that the lifestream and highwind scene are the most important part of the game for Cloti. Just wanted to ask, what are your expectations? Like, do you think they’re gonna change it or add something new (if you think so, what are those things)? Those parts are highly anticipated, especially the lifestream scene (i think that’s like every fan’s favorite, well except for those antis haha) ☺️
OKAY! This is the type of question I like! Hello there, anon!
Let’s start with the Lifestream
So, this is probably one of the most popular - if not the most popular - scenes in the game. It is the major twist on the main character, and I don’t think anybody thought it was going to be what it ended up being. 
The devs have also said that it is their favorite part of the game. It’s a powerful scene. My favorite part honestly is when the Shinra grunt stabs Sephiroth.. and then Tifa comes to this realization that Cloud WAS there, and he takes his helmet off and the main theme plays. I still get chills after seeing it 50 times, I’m getting chills typing this up - it’s a VERY powerful scene. 
Then we get the next scene where Cloud moves Tifa to safety, Sephiroth comes out all pissy because he got stabbed by a kid, and Cloud gets a little brave (with some encouragement from Zack) and goes after him. He’s stabbed. Through sheer rage and will power, he overtakes Sephiroth and kills him. 
So what do I think they’re gonna do here... This is my headcanon and my opinion. Maybe in 15 years when this finally comes out I’ll come back and check off where I was right and where I was wrong. All in good fun.
Prior to the whole earthquake, I think the part where they find Cloud and Tifa says she’s going to stay with him will be even more emotional. I think they’re going to build on this scene a bit and I think you’re going to see more cuts to what’s happening in Mideel while the rest of your party is out and about collecting Huge Materia (if they do that, but that’s another post). 
I think finding Cloud may be a bit more difficult. 
I kinda hope they keep the really goofy doctor for the humor add - it’ll probably be needed for this scene. He’s like Doc Odine from FF8. Extremely quirky. The nurse will have more moments, I think. She had some good lines in the OG.
Okay, so during the earthquake, I think you’ll see something similar, but they’ll almost make it out. You’re going to think they aren’t going to fall in, but they do anyway. 
I’m not sure if they’ll do a wheelchair this time - he’ll probably be in a bed, making the escape even more stressful since she’ll need to get him moved to a wheelchair or something. 
When they fall in, she’s going to hold on to him for dear life in the physical plane, and you’ll her slowly move on to the mental/spiritual plane. 
You’ll hear whatever she was hearing in OG. Since there’s voice acting now, you’ll probably be able to make out some of the voices. You may hear Jessie and Wedge, Tifa’s father, random people she knows. You’ll hear voices telling her bad things and scaring her.
Then, it’ll stop, and I think she’s going to see/feel/hear Aerith here. They’re building the friendship up. I’m thinking that Aerith’s death is going to impact Tifa much worse than any other character in Remake. So this will be comforting for Tifa to see/feel/hear Aerith. They’ll have a moment. 
Then they’re going to go to Cloud’s subconscious. This will be very Kingdom Heart-esq because Nomura. This is his time to shine. It was very whimsical in OG, imagine how cool it’ll look in Remake.
I think each “area” will be expanded on. You’ll still have the same main point expanded on.
The Promise scene will have more dialogue and clarification. Tifa will still call Cloud cute, you may see where Cloud may haven’t remembered everything exactly. Some folks think this is where the shooting star will be reintroduced.
Tifa’s house: I think they’ll do the most with this. The English version was so badly translated that it made Tifa look like a jerk to some people and they won’t let it go. They’ll make sure it’s clear here that she didn’t bully Cloud. They’ll probably talk about Tifa’s friends a bit more since you’ll see and hear them. You may see some flashbacks of Cloud getting in to fights with the kids, getting in trouble by other village adults, etc.You may see other moments of their childhood peppered in.
I think they will have his mom pop in at some points as flashes. It seems based on a previous post and discussion, Cloud may remember his father, so we may get to see Papa Strife. 
I think you’ll be able to explore Nibelheim during this. It’ll be “dream” Nibelheim, based on Cloud’s subconscious. It’ll change as Cloud regains more of his memories and become more accurate.
I think you’ll have fights during this - some kind of shadows. For all I know, they’ll pull a Legend of Zelda and have you fight “Dark Cloud” at some point before merging. 
The second timeline with Zack surviving the Last Stand will probably impact this. If they don’t merge the timelines at this point, then I think that will have some sort of play in this - either the timelines will need to merge, and Cloud will have to “become one” or the “fix” will be reversed prior to Aerith’s death and the timelines will realign naturally. 
The Nibelheim reactor scene will follow closer to what happened in Crisis Core, but keep the “Mom... Tifa.... my home....” line from OG. I think they may build on this and make it more emotional. 
AFTER Cloud remembers Zack and after he’s “whole” again, Zack will probably pop in too, and so will Aerith. I think if they’re going to change anything and create an “alternate ending” it would be what happened in AC. So, here’s where Zack and Aerith will give him a bit of a pep-talk. 
The reunion with Cloud and Tifa will be more emotional and definitely awkward on Cloud’s end. Anybody who was hanging around at this point will disappear. Most likely you’ll get a hug from Tifa. I’m not sure if she’ll call him a “stupid jerk” since it wouldn’t fit her Remake character very well.
They’ll hold hands going back up. They’ll wash up on shore. Now, here’s where I don’t know what way they’ll go. There was apparently supposed to be a scene where Tifa had to give Cloud CPR (think Junon) because he’s not breathing when they come back up. This would definitely add drama...
I think they’ll wash up and wake up before the rest of the party finds them. Then they’ll have the rest of the party show up. 
The scene where he talks to everybody will be expanded on. I don’t think Tifa is going to say “You sure are messed up Cloud.” I think it’ll be a more caring line to fit better with how they’ve characterized Tifa in the Remake so far.
Overall, I think the party will be more supportive and you’ll have more dialogue here. Shit, you may even get a Barret hug. 
I think Barret will be very flighty like he was in OG, but have more faith in Cloud during the whole thing. 
Cid will still be a dick. 
Time for the Highwind Scene
Well, due to the nature of this scene, I think that’s why it’s so anticipated. However, this is a T rated game... (unfortunately)... so expectations will probably be on FFX Lake Macalania level. This is really going to be dependent on how extreme or not extreme the ratings board in Japan and the US are at the time. I don’t think, unlike in the past, they cut chunks of game out if one doesn’t approve it. They probably consult with the major countries where they expect a large amount of sales. It was easier to change dialogue and character reactions back in the day. Not so much anymore.
So let’s get to it...
Cloud’s speech telling the party they should go tie up any lose ends will be expanded on. I’m going to be honest, I think anytime you solely had Aerith mentioned at this point in the game, you’ll also have Zack mentioned... I think Zack will have a much bigger part in Remake than he did in OG, and Cloud and crew will see him and Aerith as a team at this point. I could be totally off on this, but I would like to see more Zack and show that both Aerith and Zack were important to Cloud in a big way. I say this because she’s mentioned here in an odd way (”To release her memory”, which I believe the Japanese text is different... as always with OG). I do not think this diminishes Aerith’s importance at all. I think it shows that she DOES have support within the Lifestream, and they’re just touching on that.
The crew will file out and say bye. You’ll be left with Cloud and Tifa... I think you’re going to have more while in the Highwind. They’ll build it up and make the tension unbearable between the two. Remember, at this point, Tifa has already found out all that’s in Cloud’s subconscious... so... they’re going to be awkward up to this point anyway... 
Then they’ll go outside. The conversation will have more to it, but will still follow a similar flow. You’ll still have Tifa’s line.
There won’t be a high and low affection scene. You’re going to get one scene here, and it’s whatever the devs feel is the correct scene. My guess is the high affection (like 99% sure here), since it’s the one that’s referenced the most and makes the most sense after The Lifestream. People will also riot if we don’t get “Words aren’t the only way to tell someone how you’re feeling...”
So it’s not gonna fade to black after that. I think part of the goal of Remake is to make things crystal clear with parts of the story that were being heavily argued about... this being one of them.
Cloud is going to bravely approach her - him closing the distance like she did in Part 1. 
You’ll get some cuteness. You’ll get a song. You’ll most likely get a kiss. Then it’s going to pan up, fade to black, and may show quick scenes of the rest of the party seeing their loved ones...
I think they’ll hang out there for a while - seeing the stars and all. 
At this point, Barret, Cid, and Red come back... but Cloud and Tifa don’t know. I think they’ll see the kissing/cuddling action... and then they’re gonna see them head inside....
I’m not sure if they’ll show immediate reactions here - but they have to react at some point, it’s hilarious in the OG, and I think they can make it even more extreme after some of the lines that were used during Wall Market...
So here’s where I’m really unsure of how they’re going to go. I know some folks think they did and some folks think they didn’t. I don’t think it takes away from the scene either way - so this is one of the rare times I’ll say it’s up to player interpretation.. My opinion is... it might be the end of the world, so my guess is, they were gonna find away to get down. 
In the OG, it’s implied that something happened UNDER the Highwind. My favorite video about this is Maximillian Dood talking about getting bruises on the rocks. 
I don’t think they’re going to stay Under the Highwind. I think they’ll go inside. 
So the question is... will there be a Chocobo Stable scene, like what was proposed in the OG? Will there be cabins on the Highwind? I think when we get the Highwind, whether or not it has cabins will be a hint. 
I would find it really funny if they have them go ham in the Chocobo stables. If they do the Chocobo Stables, the Chocobo in the stables will always say “....” when you go in there with Cloud or Tifa.
I’m not sure if they’ll do that or something a bit more... romantic? If they do, you may get a bare shoulders under a sheet scene. THIS IS HEAVILY DEPENDENT on the ratings boards. They were able to do it in Xenogears in 1998, and some of the stuff they approve vs what they get their panties in a bunch over seems to change with the generations. 
Whether or not you see anything, they’re going to confirm it through jokes. Your party IS going to comment. They ARE going to know something happened, and each one will have a hilarious comment. Tifa is going to be really embarrassed... like in OG, but Cloud will actually try to comfort her this time.
Overall, this scene will be much harder to twist if you actually play it and listen to the dialogue... 
So those are my crazy thoughts. Maybe I should write a Fanfiction or two. 
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fiftyshadesgrl · 4 years
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This is part one of a brantley gilbert series im working on. Hope everyone enjoys it.
Is this the wrong thing to do? After everything that went down between me and Brantley, should I really be doing a meet and greet with him? The last time we were in a room together a lot of words were said and our relationship ended. I thought we were going to last forever. We were engaged, I was planning a wedding while Brantley was drinking himself into a early grave. As I pull up to the venue my hands start sweating and I seriously think about backing out, but he has sure come a long way and I just want him to know that I am proud of him.
45 minutes later
Its my turn next in the meet and greet. All of the fans stand behind a curtain until it is our turn. Security motions for me to head out to see Brantley. I take a deep breath and realize its now or never. I walk from around the curtain and Brantleys eyes go wide. "(Y/N), is that you?" I smile and nod, he opens his arms and grabs me. This feels so good, just like it used to. His strong arms is what made me feel safe. I sigh and start to tear up but then I pull away.
He smiles and eyes me up and down. "(Y/N), youre the last person I thought would walk around that curtain."
I place my hand on the side of his face and wish things were different. "I just wanted to come and tell you how proud I am of you."
"Well darlin, you couldve called." He says with a sigh. I cant believe Im standing here in front of him. Those blue eyes just peer into my soul. My heart skips a beat when I hear his songs on the radio. Sometimes I feel like some of them has been written just for me.
Security tells Brantley they need to wrap up the meet and greet. Brantley looks annoyed but he has a show to put on and many fans that he cant let down.
We get our picture taken and then he turns to me. He grabs my hands in his, "do you have a backstage pass?" I shake my head and say, "no just vip."
He called his manager over and whispered something in his ear. His manager produced a backstage pass. Brantley took it from him and handed it to me. "Here darlin, you can watch from backstage and then we can hang out afterwards."
I shook my head, "Brantley I cant accept this. I dont want you doing me favors."
He placed it around my neck. "Then this is a favor for me. Please I really want to talk to you after the show."
How could I say no to him. He really looked sincere and there is some things that I could get off my chest after the show. So I nod and he has the biggest smile on his face. "Thank you (Y/N). It really means alot to me."
"Youre welcome." I go to hug him and he surprises me by kissing me on my forehead. His manager leads me to Brantleys dressing room. "Make yourself at home honey."
"Thank you. Is it alright if I smoke in here?" I ask showing him my pack of cigarettes. He chuckles, "BG is like a chimney. Ash tray is on the table. Drinks and snacks are in the other room if you want anything. If you need anything else just holler."
I nod and light my cigarette as he walks out the door. Its really nice in here. A big leather couch is against one wall right across is a mirror with lights around it. A chair sits in front of it but Brantley doesnt seem the type to need makeup to go on stage. I put my cigarette out in the ash tray and sit back in the couch. It feels like a cloud. I look around trying to find something to occupy me, I flip through my phone. I snap a picture and send it to my best friend with a text saying 'guess i get to go backstage.'
He sends a text back saying 'be careful. Dont let him hurt you again.' I roll my eyes and shut my phone off. I get up and decide to go get something to drink. When I open the door Brantley is on the other side, I think he was giving hisself a pep talk before coming in. He looks worried, "youre not bolting already are you?"
I shake my head. "No, I was going to get something to drink." He sighs like he is glad that I wasnt leaving.
"You mind if I come with you?" He asks shyly.
"Of course not. This is all for you anyways."
We walk down the hall to the room that has the sign catering on the door. He holds the door open for me and as I enter his hand brushes mine. I feel the sparks way down deep and I know he does too.
After we enter the room I grab a water and he gets a plate of food and a tea. The room is quite crowded and noisy. He looks at me and asks, "wanna go back to the dressing room?" I shrug and mouth its up to you. He nods towards the door and I follow him. He pushes the door open and holds it for me.
When we get back to the dressing room he plops down on the couch and puts his feet up on the table. I sit down on the other end of the couch and he looks like he is affended. "What are you doing all the way down there darlin? I aint gonna bite ya."
I smile and scoot closer to him. I take a sip of my water and light another cigarette. I smoke alot when Im stressed or nervous.
"Wheres your food darlin?" He asks looking at my bottle of water.
"Oh, um." I look down at my hands. "Im not hungry."
He shakes his head, "no, I aint having it. Youre gonna eat. Here take my plate Ill go get some more."
Before I could say anything he placed his plate in my lap and was already out the door. I really wasnt hungry. My nerves were getting the best of me and my stomach was in knots.
Brantley came back in a few minutes later with two huge plates of food. I raised my eyebrows at him as he sat down. "You dont expect me to eat that do you Brantley?"
He shook his head, "no one plate for me and the desserts are for both of us."
I picked at my food as we talked about old times and before I knew it they were calling him for the show. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch.
"Come on (Y/N), you can watch from the side."
He opened strong and the crowd went wild. After a few upbeat songs he pulled out his acoustic and sat on a stool center stage.
"Welcome everybody yall are amazing."
The crowd cheered loudly as he took a sip of water. He looked over at me and winked causing a face splitting grin to appear on my face.
"I figured wed slow it down a bit for a while. These next few songs mean alot to me. I wrote them for someone special and maybe just maybe."
He looks over at me again.
"She just might hear them tonight."
He starts playing the best of me and glances at me every now and then. Then he starts you dont know her like I do. Then he finishes with you promised. He gets emotional during that song and he looks directly over to me when he sings the last line.
"No matter what you do, you know Ill always love you.
Hell I have to, cause I promised."
The tears streamed down my face. I knew he meant it and after all these years, deep in my heart. I knew I still l loved him. I never stopped, but thats what scares me. Hes changed yes but how could I forget the past?
He was still looking at me as I turned and walked back to the dressing room. I couldnt let him see me cry, so I sat in the dressing room and cried. I went to light my cigarette but couldnt find my lighter anywhere. Brantleys lighter was gone too.
My eyes went to his duffel bag and thought maybe he might have a spare lighter in there. I unzipped it and tried not to look to much at anything but I felt a lighter and as I pulled it out a paper came flying out too.
"Oh shit, I hope It didnt rip."
I picked it up, a picture fell to the floor. I bent to pick it up and saw it was the last picture me and Brantley had made together. That was the better days before everything went bad. I cant believe he has kept it all this time.
"Yall have been awesome tonight! I love yall see ya again soon."
I heard Brantley closing the show so I shoved the paper and picture back in his bag and zipped it quickly. I grabbed my cigarettes and ran to the exit.
The cool air hit my skin like a gift from heaven. I had to take a breather for a moment cause I didnt know what to say to him. Why has he kept that all this time? Why did it make me smile that he did? Because I love him but I cant tell him. Tonight was just to see him and go home.
I sit with my back against the building and lit my cigarette. I looked down at the lighter in my hand and was surprised to see it was the zippo I got him for his birthday one year. This man, does he keep everything.
The band starts coming out of the doors and start loading the bus with equipment and luggage. A few minutes later Brantley came struting out looking frustrated. He couldnt see me because I was sitting behind the door.
I heard him say to his manager, "why didnt you stop her! I need to go find her."
Before he climbed the steps on the bus I stood up and said "you looking for me?"
I could see the relief wash over him. He ran over to me and grabbed me up in a big hug. "I thought I lost you again baby girl."
I smiled and pulled away from him. "Im right here. I just needed some air." He grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me in for a fierce kiss. It shocked me for a second then I was kissing him back. Our tounges exploring each other mouth. I nipped his lower lip and he growled in response.
I pulled away but he rested his forehead on mine. We were both panting and I managed to find the words. "Brantley, I....I cant do this."
"Come on the bus with me, we can talk cause theres some stuff I need to tell you."
"I dont think thats a good idea Brantley."
He sighs and those blue eyes pierce right into the depths of my soul and break down whatever barriers I had built to keep him out.
"Please, just to talk. I promise."
I nod, "okay, just to talk."
He smiles and grabs my hand. He leads me towards the bus and motions for me to go first. He doesnt speak to anyone but heads straight for his room. He closes the door behind him.
He sits down on the bed and pats the place next to him.
"You can sit baby doll, dont worry I wont do anything."
"I know, I trust you." I sit down next to him but for some reason the words that I have been wanting to say will not come out. Thank god he spoke first.
"Listen (Y/N), I know the last time we saw each other I was a complete mess."
"Complete mess is putting it lightly." I say
He sighs, "ok, I was a complete dick. I know I hurt you and I said things I didnt mean. I swear to you I have changed. I love you (Y/N) I always have, and if you give me a chance." He grabs my hand and I look into his eyes. "I promise you I will make up for everything baby."
I really do believe him but why is it so hard to just give myself to him. "You cheated on me Brantley. You told me you didnt want me anymore. I wanted to marry you and have a family with you. I saw all of that happening but it was all just one big lie."
"Baby look at me." He says as he places his fingers under my chin. My eyes meet his once again. "Im so sorry for everything. After all these years it still eats at me what I done to you. I was fucked up at the time. The booze and pills had me all kinds of fucked up but it didnt mean I didnt want you. I honestly cant tell you why I said that but I can tell you I didnt mean it." I start crying and try to look away but he wouldnt let me.
"You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I was to stupid to realize it. I shouldve treated you better when I had you but for some reason I thought you would always be there. When I sobered up and realized you was really gone I went crazy. I went everywhere and anywhere that I thought you would be. I cried every night and every day I felt like my heart was just gone."
I wiped my eyes and whispered, "Im so sorry Brantley."
"No, no baby, Im the one whos sorry. I dont blame you for leaving me. Hell nobody did. Mama jumped my case everyday for a month about it."
I sniffed, "I found the picture of us in your duffel bag."
"You did?"
I nodded, "I wasnt being nosey I promise. I lost my lighter and couldnt find it or yours so I thought maybe you had a extra one. I didnt look at anything or at the piece of paper the picture fell out of."
He sighed and it looked like he was glad I didnt read it. "I kept that picture because thats all I had of you. Every night before a show looking at it would give me the boost I needed to have a damn good show. When I sleep, I put it under my pillow. I know its stupid but I have to have you with me or I cant survive."
I smile and before I knew it I was kissing him. He kissed me back at first then he gently pushed me away. "Woah baby, you said you only wanted to talk."
I straddled him and pushed his hat from his head. "I know what I said." I kissed his cheeks then his eyes then his lips. "Listen to what my heart is saying now."
His hands were on my sides sliding up and down, his thumbs were under my shirt. He was tracing lazy circles with them. He leaned forward and kisses my collarbone then my neck. "You sure baby." I nodded.
I pulled his shirt up and over his head. He did the same to me. I was wearing a black lace bra, he growled as he kissed the tops of my breast where the lace touched skin.
"God damn baby, I have been missing and wanting this all these years. Im afraid its a dream."
I smiled as I kissed up his neck up to his ear. I whispered "trust me honey, I dont think your dreams can make you feel as good as Im gonna in just a few minutes."
"Holy fuck." He said as he pulled away and took my lips in a searing kiss. He unclasped my bra with one hand. My hand skated down his chest and stomach and came to rest on his belt buckle.
"Make love to me Brantley."
He smiled, "oh baby, with pleasure."
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b-hardys · 5 years
familiarity / roger taylor
✩ __ hasn’t seen roger since she ran out of his flat one sunday morning, but after a gig is just the perfect time, right? wrong. 
a/n this took almost a week to write? hopefully this is okay have a lovely weekend its 1:30am in melbourne and its officially the weekend ok im rambling I love roger and wish I was a singer oops (p.s wish I was dead and deadly doll are actually songs by jesse jo stark so check her out!) 
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With every blink, she swore he had moved to another spot within the crowded and musty pub. The gig had been good, room for improvement, sure - Fletcher had slipped up on a cord on the ground and knocked into Rowan’s drum-kit, throwing off the drumbeat in the midst of “Wish I Was Dead” - but a good gig nonetheless. The ‘afterparty’ or pub crawl, whatever you wanted to call it, was in full swing, the place had to be at full capacity, but people kept filing in. The word throughout the cramped and claustrophobic crowd was that “Queen was here tonight!” and whether or not the foursome had been at the gig or not threw __ into a tailspin.
“You know, you can be upset he’s here.” Rowan’s thick Irish accent never failed to frighten the young woman when it appeared out of nowhere. ‘He’ had to be Roger, __ hadn’t seen him since she stumbled out of his shared flat that Sunday afternoon, too overwhelmed with her own emotions to even grab the coat she’d left on the rack by the door or the pyjamas she had hung up to dry by the radiator. The decision to break up with him had been festering within her head from the moment whatever his fucking ex’s name was came tumbling into __’s life. The constant foreshadowing of Roger being unfaithful or leaving her behind in the dust circulated around and around her mind; one person can only harbour so much paranoia before they crumble.
“I should not be upset, I broke up with him. I can’t go gallivanting around being upset and torn apart, that’s just unfair.” __’s stance on her emotions and her guilt had been implanted within her while she pinballed herself home through the crowded and wet streets of London that fateful afternoon. This decision to bottle everything up inside once she reached the elevator of her building had been eating away at her, no matter what she did or how many pep talks she’d tried to give herself in the mirror - quietly, the walls were thin and Fletcher’s room is beside hers.
The more __ thought about it, the more she drank. Between the drinks being handed to her with the passing comment of “fucking good set tonight!” and those being bought between the trio that was Deadly Doll, __ found herself fucking plastered. Her legs ached from bouncing around with Fletcher and Rowan and their girlfriends and anyone who had bounded into the sunken floor being used for a dancefloor, and her head felt like it wasn’t even attached to her shoulders anymore as if it was floating above her.
Having lost sight of Rowan and Fletcher hours earlier, __ seemed to be floating from social group to social group, and she swore she’d stopped for a moment to compliment Freddie on the coat he was wearing - but with how discombobulated and colluded her mind was at that present time it could have been anyone wearing a garbage bag for all she knew. Her eyes, no matter how hazy her vision, could always pinpoint the blue-eyed bombshell that had invaded her life and personal space for the eight months prior to a fortnight ago. Her eyes could also spot the smaller brunette attached to him, her baby pink blouse effortlessly knotted at her stomach and her jeans hugging in all the right places. Her lingering hand wandering up and down the expanse of Roger’s arm turned __’s night immediately sour. Any thought or feeling of accomplishment or victory they’d been celebrating had completely vanished from view, the only thought or feeling remaining being one of utter, drunken, sadness.
Fletcher knew, more than anyone, how much breaking up with Roger had truly affected __. Her mood at home was almost a half-version of herself. Her time, and thoughts, were commonly associated with music, and music only, as if a moment outside of their blossoming career would just be a haunting reminder of how much she’d let outside sources control and manipulate her happiness. Fletcher also, had his own drunk girlfriend to take care of, as well as himself - they weren’t getting home by sheer intuition, he knew that. So upon finding the young woman he classified as his best friend, not that he would ever admit it out loud, drunkenly sulking and borderline crying in the corner of the dingy and hot pub they’d been bouncing around in for the past couple of hours, he was truly worried.
“__, hey, hey, c’mon you need to calm down.” His hot, clammy hands tried their hardest to soothe the younger woman with her hair askew and the lace trimming of her tank top so uncomfortably itching her skin. “It’s just everything unbottling itself, you're alright.” Her mind had truly snapped, the tether she had been so desperate to maintain had finally worn down and everything was just seeping out of her. By no means was this a private escapade, the two of them drunkenly embracing in the corner while one of them was crying was so easy for everyone to see - the flickering neon light above them was definitely not helping either.
“Hey mate, your girlfriend is looking- oh, Christ.” The sight before Roger was purely heartbreaking. From that Sunday afternoon onwards, __’s pyjamas hadn’t moved from the clotheshorse beside the radiator, and her perfume remained atop his chest of draws, the smell still lingering on her former side of his bed. “What - I mean, what’s going on?” Between __ sitting in Fletcher’s lap, her body slightly shaking and Fletcher’s horrified and concerned expression, Roger was rightfully worried about what the fuck was happening in front of him.
“She just had a lot to drink, and you know her! She’s just bottled everything up - it’s come out.” __ just could not control the absolute gibberish that was piling out of her mouth. The neverending “I’m sorry” and “I want to go home” just accumulating between the three of them in the corner. “I need to go find Clara. Rog, can you just wait with her? I’ll come back when I find Clara!”
Roger truly had not seen __ since she ran out his and Brian’s flat; hours before when she was singing her heart out on stage being the only exception. And now, standing in the corner whole Fletcher was scanning his eyes around searching for his girlfriend (who he was not going to find while sitting there consoling __), Roger knew that he had to step in. “I’ll take __ home. You go find Clara, I’ll get __ to call ya’ in the morning.”
With a nod and some acknowledgement, Fletcher was off squeezing through all of the patrons still loitering around, thankfully too drunk to notice that __ was drunk off of her face and plunging her face into the space between Roger’s neck and shoulder.  
Trying to manoeuvre __ through the lobby towards the elevator had to be one of the hardest struggles Roger had faced within the past couple of months (not including his heart being split straight down the middle, with __ running down the street with her respective half). __ could stand, but hardly, her drowsiness and alcohol intake severely slowing down her inhibitions and co-ordination.
“Rog, I’m so sorry I’m your problem, I’m so sorry.” Sitting on the end of Roger’s bed simply felt so wrong and invasive. Even considering her drunken state, __ could recognise herself all over the small bedroom. Articles of her clothing still lingering in the room, polaroids of the two of them stuck up amongst the posters and mock-up Queen memorabilia. “I’m just, wow, just so sorry.” The tension in the room was ultimately suffocating, and awkward. __ didn't know what to do, didn't know where to put her hands or whether or not she should fumble around and try to take her shoes off.
Roger still looked the same - his hair a mess and his clothes so haphazardly mismatched but like it always did, it worked, everything worked for Roger. He was so gentle, even through the process that was trying to undress __ he was always so, so gentle. Even though __’s arms could hardly hold themselves up and she kept almost crying whenever she remembered that she was in Roger’s room again, with him and that she missed him, so, so much. Managing to manoeuvre __ down into his bed and under the covers had to be a mission, and he knew that the glitter she’d covered her eye-lids in was going to be all over his covers in the morning, but Roger could care less.
“It’s so inappropriate but please just stay with me.” The soft whisper would have been completely drowned out if anyone else had been inside the flat in those early hours of the morning. If Brian was pondering around or fiddling with his guitar, Roger would not have heard __’s plea for him to stay with her.
And yes, it was inappropriate. And yes, Roger should have said no and slept on the couch, or even Brian’s bed that remained unused that night. But, looking down at her lying underneath his covers once again, latching herself onto the pillow that used to be claimed as her own, he became a weaker version of himself. And four o’clock in the morning became the perfect time for Roger to slide in beside __, for __ to snuggle herself up beside the man she missed so much, and for Roger to lay the smallest, chaste kiss atop of __’s temple. They’d deal with whatever their intoxicated minds had decided was normal later in the morning.
I’m feeling like I might write a part two to this but we’ll see if my uni workload agrees with that idea, let me know if you’d like to be tagged!! I really like these characters and story so who knows. x
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sakuurae · 7 years
8 questions tag
tagged by the lovely @jaetennys ^~^ thank you, darling 💖
1) What are your favourite mvs?
Oooo, my favorite music videos. Hmmm... I really like ‘don’t fight’ by ants, ‘사랑해줘요’ by mind u, and ‘take you home’ by baekhyun. Im not really a fan of busy (if that is the right word to use) mvs, ahaha. I like them simple with nice lighting, and telling a short story.
2) do you have like a to-do-list before you die?? (like a bucket list) if so, can you list them down? (im really curious)
Ohhh, yes i do!! Haha, i actually have one written down in one of my notebooks, and its quite long so ill just name a few things. Some things id like to do would be going to tokyo with my friends, go on an endless shopping spree with my friends, have our fashion blog be eminent, and to finish writing an entire novel one day (this would be a dream, ehehe).
A lot of the things in my bucket list include activities my friends, haha, because, for me, the best things in my life are never done alone *~*
3) which one do you prefer; romantic love or platonic love? why?
Hmmm...  honestly, romantic love. In my opinion, of course, its more fun in my opinion and i enjoy the whirlwind of emotions that come from it. From being physically close and cuddling, hand-holding, the narrow focus to them solely in a specific admirable perception—just being intimate and having the deep feeling that is created form romantic love—piques my interest more.
 Though, there isnt anything wrong with platonic love either! I enjoy that as well, but i prefer romantic love.
4) who is the person you look up the most? why?
Prepare for absolute cheese, lmao. I look up to taeyong a lot—no surprise here. But its because of what he went through and how he dealt with it. He went through a lot of fire when he finally debuted, and witnessing the crumble of the pillars that held him up confidently made my heart break. I really admire how he handled the drama. It exhibits a growth he has gone through amid that arduous time period. And, honestly, i related to some fractions of it—of him as a person.
But it is not only that factor alone that makes me look up to him; it is also his drive to become a better dancer, rapper—person. I also enjoy how he takes care of all of his members ;~; he makes it so prominent that he cares for his friends and its very respectful. Hes just always thankful for his members and for everything, its aksdjgfh aghhhh.
What always sticks with me about him is the episode (i dont remember which) in ‘nct life: pep rally’ to which he talks about the controversy that surrounded him. What he says really sparked something in me—dunno, i think im just rambling at this point so ill cut this off here lmaoo.
5) favourite songs of all time?
Aaaah, this really is a difficult one. My favorite songs probably are ‘icarus’ by jj project, ‘what i want to say’ by acourve, ‘i smile’ by day6, and ‘the lovely song when we parted’ by mind u.
I wonder if i make it obvious enough, but i really love listening to k-indie/k-acoustic :) my true list of all-time favorites are on my spotify playlist thats filled with them, ahaha.
6) who is/are your bias? why?
Oh boy... My biases are taeyong and sicheng—as if this information is not written on the walls already, haha.
I literally dedicated a huge passage to a fraction of my love for taeyong earlier, and that heavily contributes to why. But pushing that to the side, i admire him for his talent in dancing, rapping, and everything. He is so resilient and that is a favorable quality in my eyes, aaah. His personality is really laudable as well :)
Sicheng... because he is equally meritorious. He traveled over to korea and had to learn an entirely new language, try his hardest to debut, and so much more. He is doing is best and, just like taeyong, he is putting his best effort out there and is growing :’) i also love how he treats his members too; he is just so lovable to everyone, its almost unbelievable.
7) list of things/people that makes you happy?
- Writing is an obvious answer for me to include, haha. Its a great way to start off my day and a good way to calm myself down from a taxing day. I also enjoy sharing the content i create with others, ahaha;
- Reading is also another element. Every morning i read for a good hour or two before i begin writing. I just sit there with my coffee and leaf through my book. It would be an even more perfect day if the weather is nice and warm;
- Going out with my friends. To be honest, i used to never leave the ensconcement of my bedroom; i would say inside and read, write, or just organize my books and closet. It isnt until around a month and a half ago (i think) where my friends have finally egged me to go out with them (i also believe i posted pictures on this blog of it ahaha) and i enjoyed it wholeheartedly. Now, i go out almost every single day with them, and sometimes on my own. I feel like the complete opposite!!! But it makes me really happy, huhu;
- The friends i made on this website makes me really happy. I mean i dont have much but i appreciate the couple that i do have with my entire heart. Knowing them for a short amount of time is unbelievable because it feels like ive known them for years, and everything has been compacted within the month or two we all started to talk. The closeness is really astonishing, but extremely refreshing! I can go on for a while about how appreciative i am and how happy they make me, especially on days where i feel a little down and talking to them normally uplifts my spirits, but i think this will suffice;
- Coffee. The root of my energy tbh. Keeps me going throughout the day and keeps me on my feet during dance, even though i might be too off-the-walls.
8) what are your fondest memories? (it can be anything! about your pet or your friends etc)
Oh boy, this can go on forever too so ill just write the first one that came to my mind.
It was thanksgiving night with my cousins and we snuck out. Skipping over the minor, stupid particulars, we were being chased by one of the neighbors and we started running away for a good five minutes, which resulted in us becoming lost (because we were at our uncle’s city [and we never visit that town]) at a park.
Afterwards, we sat around on the grass for a long while and started to talk for a long while. It was strange at first since we were never really close to one another, but that night was such a table turner. It was one in the morning and we were all sitting or laying on the grass, talking as we stared at the stars—surprisingly, because i havent seen a clear night sky in the city since i lived over at the country side—and we learned a lot about each other and why we differed, which made us argue a lot. Talking it over for hours, our relationship with each other substantially changed and it was like there was never thick air between us to begin with.
Im not sure if this is adequate enough to be an extremely fond memory; but in my book, it is :D i frequently recall this moment despite it occurring many years ago—because it is that life-changing for me. It sort of made me think that despite the negativity i face with others, the other party always has their own reason to why.
I hope this tag is okay! ^~^ i feel like i revealed a larger fraction of myself than what i usually do, ahahaha //profoundly sweats//.
Im tagging @urbanjohnny @writenct @heartachetosing @hey-uta @thenctcults!  I hope its okay to tag you guys, please dont feel obligated to do this if you feel zero desire to ^~^  
My questions for you:
1. Whats your favorite book, and why?
2. What is a good, life changing moment that always sticks with you?
3. Do you believe in astrology? Why?
4. What’s something you have been forced into (like an activity or class) in the belief you would hate it, but actually love it to this day?
5. Name three things you’re proud of in your life and why :D
6. What is the root of your happiness? How did you discover it?
7. Do you prefer clear, serene starry nights within a forest, or an ocean view during golden hours?
8. What’s one thing that not many people know about you?
Again, you dont have to do this if you have zero desire to!! Ehehe
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