#and wanting to preserve the peace & prosperity she sacrificed her claim to viserys for
austencollins · 2 years
Slowly but surely finishing House of the Dragon, and I finally got to the last scene in the penultimate episode where Rhaenys busts loose and wrecks a ton of people in the Dragonpit (I was spoiled for it), and it’s like... yep, I knew I wasn’t going to agree with the scornful takes re Rhaenys killing a bunch of innocent people during her escape from King’s Landing when I kept seeing people derisively describe this as a girlboss moment.
actually i wish the show had leaned into that more tbh; some people could really use the reminder that it’s not just the noblemen inflicting patriarchy on all of westeros. & also that being discriminated against can make people go a little bit psycho.
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