#and we also know that AFO can forcefully activate quirks
airanke · 6 months
Seeing people frustrated and sad and even angry about the recent MHA chapter (regarding Shiggy) makes me SO HAPPY about one of my plot points in STIL, because it directly addresses the thing that people are understandably frustrated about with Shiggy.
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Tenko had an abusive father and craved for being an hero yet he hadn’t manifested a quirk.
Mysteriously he met a man with a suit and a fedora and after an emotional outburst he manifests decay at its peak in the worst way possible and little to no control.
Touya has an abusive father and crave for recognition through training. Now, Endeavor wanted to pass down Flashfire to him. And Shoto himself told us his father has a great control over his quirk. Also, Young Touya was training with mannequins for long yet he never burned the forest, signaling he had a great control on his flames and that’s probably a thing Endeavor tried to pass down as well. However due an emotional outburst , he lets out such a big fire and suddenly a man in suit with a fedora emerges from flames to “save him”.
On the viceversa we saw few episodes of children having their quirk activate for the first time or either who have little experience with their quirks. Young Bakugo created small explosions. Young Kirishima scratches his face by mistake with just an harden hand. Eri is able to control her quirk vs Overhaul, a very dangerous and stressful situation. Children at the license exam had a great control over their quirks.
So in the whole manga we have children manifesting their quirk for the first time but at a minimum level of what they can do vs Tenko who manifested his quirk in a great scale.
And then, We have children who are experienced with their quirk vs Touya who was obsessed by the idea of impress his father and trained to refine his strength and control over his quirk.
Yet quiet conveniently these two boys totally lose their control over their quirks resulting in a disaster for AFO to appear as a saviour.
Not saying their situation weren’t messed up even before, but we all know AFO can forcefully activate other people’s quirk and both Tenko and Touya wanted to stop their quirks yet they weren’t able to.
Either AFO has a radar to find abused and depressed children or (most likely) he has a touch to find kids and make their lives even more miserable and then appearing as a saviour.
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makeste · 5 years
1)Quick query here- Was just thinking about Toga’s new-found quirk powers and I just realised- is it possible for her to copy One For All? I don’t mean just with the base power like with Monoma, but also granting her partial access to some of the stockpiled energy- Toga’s Abilities do seem designed to contrast against and compliment twice’s own ability to copy things, and he can create constructs with access to all the memories and Powers of the originals, so it makes some sense that her own
(okay so I’m just going to copy/paste the rest of the asks and edit them together since that’s easier to read than screenshots. hope that’s all right.)
…power copying might give herself greater access to the abilities of her targets, especially since we see how overpowered Twice’s Quirk can be now he’s not afraid of creating himself again. When she copied Izuku before, she didn’t have the time or the inclination to attempt to use his powers (and wasn’t aware of it as an option to boot) but now she is, it could be a way of getting access to the power that’s the greatest potential threat to the league.
Actually, thinking about It, All 3 of the ‘copy-quirkers’ that we’ve seen have had contrasting abilities that grant different benefits and applications to the same theme of copying powers- not to mention whatever Ujiko’s up to that lets him keep creating nomu’s with powers like the captured league members. Twice’s quirk lets him duplicate objects and people, alongside their powers, but doesn’t directly affect his body, unless he duplicates himself, and then that’s just double twice, no added superpowers or anything, just greater vulnerability to folding like a cheap tower of cards in the rain if someone roughs you up too much. However, since he isn’t producing the powers himself and putting strain on his body by using them, he can theoretically create an army of the same quirks, even getting round the ‘2 only’ rule by making more twices to make more powers with. However, he needs precise data of more than just what the quirk wielder looks like, but also their exact proportions and personalities to effectively produce more of them.
Monoma, in contrast, can copy anybody’s powers with just a touch, even without knowing what the powers are exactly, and can even copy multiple powers at once, but he’s constantly limited by a timer on his borrowed power, can’t duplicate energy based/ accumulated quirk benefits, and can’t ever really train with abilities to master them to the extent of the original wielders, hence he relies on guile and trickery until he can learn enough about the powers to make use of them when it counts. Actually, between both Monoma and One for All, I’m getting a bit of a shared ‘bio-energy’ vibe in relation to their shared ability to replicate the mutations and power sets of others within themselves, using their targets original bodies as a template to transform their own genetics on the fly to utilise the same powers. The difference being that AFO can completely separate, absorb and store the unique energy and powers within himself for later use or distribution as he sees fit- he even seemed to indicate that taking the powers gives him an instinctual understanding of the type and utility of the quirk, albeit not enough to use well without proper training and dedication to fulfilling the requirements of the quirk, whereas Monoma can only ever ‘trace’ a basic version of the power from those he copies from, duplicating a starter version of the same quirk with an expiration date before the inferior version deteriorates too much to be used anymore. Hell, we even saw this copy degradation thing happen before, between Midoria and All Might. Passing on his quirk via his genetic sample resulted in OFA duplicating itself- creating a brand-new amped up version of itself within Izuku that feeds off and empowers his own bio-energy alongside the stored quirks/bio-energy of the previous successors, allowing him to reach heights they never could with all the accumulated powers feeding into each other. Meanwhile, All Might gets left with a weakened copy of his old powers, no longer sustained by the core he allowed to flow into Izuku, and thus, like a battery off the charger, his powers got weaker every time they were used until he’s left with only 1% power before completely losing it altogether. 
With that in mind, Toga’s quirk initially seemed only to allow her to copy the appearance of those who blood she swallowed, but now we know she can also copy the quirks and various powers that come with them, even without knowing much about the target (unlike twice) but not being able to effectively use them without having studied the target’s beforehand (like Monoma). Presumably this is why she didn’t transform into any of the more obviously mutated students, like Tsuyu, or Shoji- in the case of the latter, she would have found him uncute, and wouldn’t have wanted to turn into him, but if she had duplicated Tsuyu’s appearance, including the whole long tongue thing, it would have been more obvious she could copy the physical changes that made some students able to use their powers in the first place, thus her own power copying wouldn’t have been as big a surprise. Since we don’t know the limits of this new ability to absorb both appearance and powers through her own quirk, isn’t it possible that Toga’s ability will allow her to go farther in copying Izuku’s quirk than Monoma’s did? After all, unlike any of the others she needs to directly ingest the genetic material of her target to absorb their essence for her quirk to activate, which, given Midoria technically did the same thing to get OFA from All might, might mean she’s capable of absorbing and replicating more of the power than the other’s get through touch/mental understanding. She’s technically replicating and adapting the bio-energy of her targets to take their appearance and powers, giving her a similar power set to Izuku himself, and just because It’s impossible for Monoma to do it, doesn’t mean that there isn’t a quirk capable of forcefully copying OFA fully charged off Izuku- at least I think this new Power-set gives her a greater chance than most at pulling it off, assuming she can get enough of his blood stockpiled.
first off, I love when people get really in-depth analyzing the series like this. this was fun to read!
regarding Toga being able to copy OFA, it’s an interesting thought, but I have a suspicion that she would more than likely run into the same issue as Monoma if she tried. she copies the DNA of her opponents, including their quirks, and yes, we have seen that OFA is passed down via DNA. but – and this is crucial – we’ve also seen that that’s not the only factor in it being properly passed down. specifically, OFA, as far as we know, can only properly be transferred to someone if the user wills it. that’s the deal. you can steal the bare-bones quirk, but the power accumulated with it only goes if the user gives their say-so.
it’s not very scientific to say the least, but this part of OFA seems to be more of a spiritual thing. there was talk of people’s wills and such. so even if Toga – and Twice for that matter – can copy people’s physical traits and even duplicate their memories, it seems to me like a person’s soul is the key to actually transferring OFA’s whole kit and caboodle.
having said all that, this post helped to make something finally click for me that I’ve been trying to sort out for a while now, so thank you for that! new OFA theory post incoming shortly, lol.
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