#and we were supposed to see each other again next sunday😭
ss4nni · 2 years
yey thanks alot rock in the city you gave me the plague...🙂✌🏻
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boltupbitches · 1 year
A little angst wouldn’t hurt right 🥹 I’ve just been in the mood for angst-
So basically, Tee Higgins and his partner have been seeing each other, they don’t have any labels but the two act like they’re in a relationship. When Tee’s partner catches feelings for him, she pushes Tee away because she wasn’t supposed to catch feelings ( since the two had agreed on not labeling themselves and shit. ) They finally sit down or whatever, and they end up dating?? hopefully that’s understandable 😂😭
Exclusive? - Tee Higgins
(angst -> fluff; relationship exclusivity; SFW)
He wasn't sure what was going on. One minute they were cool, spending the day together on his couch and laughing over some reality tv show he flipped the channel to, and the next she was radio silent. 'Am I.. being ghosted?' He thought to himself as he looked at another unread DM he sent her. It joined the five other he sent this week, not even counting the numerous texts he sent.
He was sure things were fine when she left Sunday morning.
All he knew now, as he sat in his car that was parked in her driveway, was that he needed answers. Today.
"Fuck," He muttered, wiping his clammy palms on his pants for a moment before ringing the doorbell. He was staring at his shoes nervously as he waited for her to answer the door.
"Hey," A voice said, startling him.
He looked up at the closed door and then around in confusion before staring back at the door again. It took him a moment to realize there was a Ring doorbell cam staring back at him on the left side of the door.
"Shit, my bad." He sheepishly laughed. "Hey, I was.. I was stopping by to see how you are doing. I hadn't heard from you in a few days." He said nervously.
It was quiet for a moment or two and Tee was beginning to worry that he was just imagining the whole thing. Finally, though, she answered back. "Yeah.. um. I've just been super busy and haven't been on my phone or online much.. Just dealing with some stuff."
He nodded in understanding. "Right, no I get it.. Can I come in to talk with you? It's.. uh. It's a little weird being out here and talking to you in there through the doorbell camera.."
"Sorry! Yeah one second."
It was quiet again before the door opened about 30 seconds later.
There she was. Standing in front of him in just a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun as she waved her hand at him to come in.
"I thought you were just going to leave me out here for a hot second before you opened the door."
"No, I wouldn't do that! Well, if you made me mad I would." She teased him.
They made their way to the kitchen where she offered him a bottle of water.
He took it and thanked her.
She fiddled with the cap for a moment before looking up at him and staring for a moment. "So.. I've been thinking.."
"Does this thinking have to do with radio silence?" He asked quietly.
"... Yeah." She said quietly.
"Ok?" He encouraged her to continue.
"I've been wondering what we are? I know we've agreed to not do labels and keep it casual.. But, Tee.. I don't think I can do casual anymore.." She said solemnly.
He stared back at her in surprise.
"But.. I totally get it if you aren't on the same page. I mean, we did agree to no exclusivity.."
Tee shook his head.. "No, no. I'm just silent because I'm honestly not sure what to say.." He sat his water bottle down on the counter and moved closer to her, causing her to lean back into the counter behind her, watching him. "I've been feeling that way too as of late, but said nothing because I didn't want to upset you in case you didn't feel the same." He admitted.
It was her turn to stare in surprise at him.
He continued. "I didn't want to put too much on you and push you away in case I was reading it all wrong. But I've felt this way for a while now too. Not sure when."
She slowly approached and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her head into his chest.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her closer to him.
"I'm so fucking relieved." She said as she looked up to him.
He smiled down at her and agreed.
They were like that for a few moments before she leaned out of the embrace and chuckled, wiping at some tears that started to pool. "Sorry, I'm just really, really happy right now."
Tee reached up to wipe a stray tear that was running down her cheek. "Well, as long as you're crying happy tears and I'm not causing sad ones, then I guess it's a win for me."
She nudged his shoulder and then grabbed his hand. "Do you want to go watch more shitty reality tv with me? I'll order pizza too."
Tee nodded eagerly. "Hell yeah! Is it going to be the 90 Day Fiance show again?"
"You liked that?"
He shrugged. "I can't lie. I thought it was entertaining."
"Yeah, then I guess we'll watch that."
He grinned at her and said, "Just make sure you order a pizza with pepperoni. No anchovies!"
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